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1、Unit 9Whenwasitinvented?最新新目标九年级英语第六单元课件WhataretheFourGreatInventionsinancientChina?(中国古代四大发明是什么中国古代四大发明是什么)Do you know?最新新目标九年级英语第六单元课件paper-making造纸术造纸术compass指南针指南针printing印刷术印刷术gunpowder火火药药Lets share:最新新目标九年级英语第六单元课件paper makingpaper Cai Lun invented the paper making in 105 .invented the paper

2、making in 105 .Cai Lun The paper makingwasbyinventioninventinventor最新新目标九年级英语第六单元课件 模板printing machine活字Who is he?The printing was invented by _When was the compass was invented? It was first invented in the Warring Period(战国时期) And it was developed in Song Dynasty.最新新目标九年级英语第六单元课件When was the gunpo

3、wder invented?It was invented in the Tang Dynasty.最新新目标九年级英语第六单元课件Lookatthethings.Whenweretheyinvented?Doyouknow?1a最新新目标九年级英语第六单元课件Listenandmatchtheinventionswiththedates.1b_1876_1885_1927_1971_1976daecb最新新目标九年级英语第六单元课件1876188519271976A: When was the car invented? B:It was invented in 1885.Pairwork:

4、 practice the conversations in pairs 最新新目标九年级英语第六单元课件When were they invented?They were invented in .lightbulbslightbulbs1879最新新目标九年级英语第六单元课件Whataretheyusedfor?Theyareusedforgivinglight.lightbulbslightbulbsSeeing in the dark.最新新目标九年级英语第六单元课件Task : Do you know what they are used for?1.talkingwiththepe

5、rsonwhoisntnear2.takingphotos3.cooking4.eatingfoodwith5.keepingawayfromtherain6.wakingusupTheis/areusedforing.最新新目标九年级英语第六单元课件Who invented the car?_ invented the car.Karl Benz Karl BenzThe car_ _ by_. was invented karl benzWho was the car invented by?最新新目标九年级英语第六单元课件 Who was the plane invented by?It

6、 was invented by the Wright brothers.the Wright brothers最新新目标九年级英语第六单元课件BellA: Who was the telephone invented by?B: It was invented by Bell.最新新目标九年级英语第六单元课件Task 3: Lets guess who invented it .A:Whowastheinventedby?B:IthinkitwasinventedbycarcomputertelephonelightbulbSteveEdisonKarlBenzBell最新新目标九年级英语第

7、六单元课件The passive voice.被动语态被动语态被动语态的被动语态的构成构成:be动词动词+ (及物及物动词的动词的) 过去分词过去分词 一般现在时一般现在时一般过去时一般过去时am (is, are) + donewas (were) + done最新新目标九年级英语第六单元课件被动语态专项练习被动语态专项练习 . .据划线部分提问据划线部分提问1.Glasseswereinventedin1450.2.ThebottlemachinewasinventedbyMichaelOwens.3.Dictionariesareusedforlookingupwords.Whenwer

8、eglassesinvented?Whowasthebottlemachineinventedby?Whataredictionariesusedfor?最新新目标九年级英语第六单元课件用用“invented” 或或 “used for”填空填空.1. What are chopsticks _?2. Who was thetelephone _ by?3. When was the car _?4. What are microwave ovens _?5. When were potato chips _?used forinventedused forinventedinvented最新

9、新目标九年级英语第六单元课件体验中考:体验中考: 1.(2008,黄冈,黄冈) was invented by Chinese centuries ago. A. The telephone B. The car C. The clock D. The papermaking2.Safety glasses are used _ protecting your eyes . A.by B. as C. for D. to3.Personal computers _1976.It has changed the world.A.Invent B. invented in C. was inven

10、ted in D. were invented in 4.Kites_ messages in the war in the past. A.are used for send B.were used to sending C.were used send D. were used to sendDCDD最新新目标九年级英语第六单元课件中考真题链接中考真题链接1.IfeelveryhappythatI_tobethehost.Congratulations!(07江西江西)A.chooseB.amchosenC.waschosenD.havenchosen2.TodayChinese_bymo




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