M9 U2I feel happyppt课件

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《M9 U2I feel happyppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《M9 U2I feel happyppt课件(47页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1Sharp eyes火眼金晴sadhappysadangryhungryhappy2Are you feeling _?sadangryhungrybored I feel angry. happy3Are you feeling _?sadangryhungrybored I feel happy. happy4Tip: Pre-reading guess will help us learn more when we read. 阅读前先对内容进行猜测猜测,阅读时会更有针对性。How do they feel?5I feel _. 6I feel _. 7I feel _. 8I fee

2、l _. 910Now I feel _. f ire h t dtired11 I feel I feel tired.12 I feel .I feel tired.13I feel . I feel tired.14Now I feel _ .happy15Now I feel _.sad16Now I feel _.hungry17What did they do?Lets look and check if you predict the content rightly.检验你的预测与内容是否符合。检验你的预测与内容是否符合。 Tip: The pictures can help y

3、ou understand the meaning of the new words and the text. 阅读小贴士:阅读小贴士: 图片能帮助你更好地理解生词与课文。图片能帮助你更好地理解生词与课文。Observe the pictures, predict and discuss the possible content with your deskmate.观察图片,预测课文内容,并与同桌讨论。观察图片,预测课文内容,并与同桌讨论。1819Yesterday I helped my grandpa on the farm all day. Now I feel tired.help

4、edYesterday Ion the farmfarmfarm20farm农场农场There is a dog _.on the farm21There are cows _. on the farm22 There are horses _.on the farm23Yesterday I helped my grandpa on the farm all day. Now I feel tired.24Yesterday I helped my grandpa on the farm all day. 25I won a chess game last week. chess game2

5、6I won a chess game last week. 27 I lost my pen and ruler. Now I feel sad.erlbettru28 I lost my pen and ruler yesterday. 29I can smell some nice noodle soup. Now I feel hungry.30I can smell some nice noodle soup. Now I feel hungry.31I can smell some nice noodle soup. Now I feel hungry.32I can smell

6、some nice noodle soup. Now I feel hungry.33Listen and imitate听录音,模仿跟读。听录音,模仿跟读。34Read after the tape.35wonsmellhelped4 of you in a group. Work together, and use the pictures and the key words in the envelope to tell a story from the book.以4人为1小组,小组合作,用信封里的图与单词讲述一个课文里的故事36 I _. Now I feel _. I can sm

7、ell some hamburgers. Now I feel hungry. 37Watch the pictures and guess: what did they do? How do they feel?看图,并猜测:看图,并猜测: 图中的人物做了什么? 有什么感受?38 I _. Now I feel _. 39 I won a basketball game. Now I feel happy. I _. Now I feel _. 40 I _. Now I feel _. 41 I _. Now I feel _. I lost my apples. Now I feel s

8、ad. I _. Now I feel _. 42Class 1 Grade 5Xiyu 上午上午9:20I won a basketball game yesterday. Now I feel happy.WeChat43Yesterday I _.Now I feel _.Write down your own messages. Some emojis would be nice.写下你的信息,可适当添加写下你的信息,可适当添加 表情符号。表情符号。44HA PP YHelpAcceptPraiseYourself帮助别人帮助别人接受不完美但独特的自己接受不完美但独特的自己赞美他人赞美他人 传递快乐传递快乐 做最好的自己做最好的自己HAPPY45Homework:1.Read the text three times and underline what you dont understand. 课文读三遍,画出你不理解的地方。课文读三遍,画出你不理解的地方。2. Send the message you wrote to the class WeChat group. 46B BY YE E- -B BY YE E! !47



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