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1、 Unit2 English around the worldToday, many people speak English as their first, second, or foreign language. Thats because people from England started moving from the 16th century. English is changing because of the place and the time. When English communicate with one another, all languages change.

2、 From 1765 to 1947, Britain ruled India, so English became the language for government and education. English is also spoken in many other countries in Africa and Asia, such as South Africa, Singapore. English has been used in HK since 1842. Today the number of people learning English in china is in

3、creasing rapidly, and English has become the most widely used language in the world. 1.1.包括包括, , 包含包含2.2.现在的现在的, , 出席的出席的3.3.辨认出辨认出, , 承认承认 4.4.命令命令, , 指令指令5.5.实际上实际上, , 事实上事实上6.6.国际的国际的7.7.请求请求, , 要求要求8.8.标准标准, , 标准的标准的9.9.复述复述, , 重述重述10.10.本国的本国的, , 本地的本地的11.11.统治统治, , 支配支配12. 12. 本身本身, , 身份身份13.

4、13. 使用使用, , 用法用法14. 14. 有礼貌的有礼貌的15. 15. 现代的现代的, , 时髦的时髦的16. 16. 词汇词汇, , 词汇量词汇量17. 17. 文化文化, , 文明文明18. 18. 短语短语19. 19. 方向方向, , 说明书说明书includepresentrecognizecommandactuallyinternationalrequeststandardretellnativeruleidentityusagepolitemodernvocabularyculturephrasedirection(s)在在 .中担任角色中担任角色因为,由于因为,由于现在

5、,目前现在,目前即使即使利用利用也,还也,还推开别人前进推开别人前进例如例如在在 .的末端的末端从从. 搬到搬到playarole(part)inbecauseofatpresentevenifmakeuseofaswellaspushoneswaysuchasattheendofmovefrom.to.代替代替以以 .为基础为基础走近,走近, 上来上来许多许多和和 .沟通沟通携带携带.动身到动身到.玩得开心玩得开心insteadofbebasedoncomeupanumberofcommunicatewithtake.withleaveforhavefunwithincludeThetour

6、includedavisittotheScienceMuseum.Youshouldincludesomeexamplesinyouressay. Yourdutiesincludetypinglettersandansweringtelephone.你的任务是打信件和接电话。你的任务是打信件和接电话。including / includedThebandplayedmanysongs,_someofmyfavourites.Everyonehastogotothedentist,you_.includingincludedinclude/ contain1.Thisbook_tenunits



9、出席的;到场的出席的;到场的be present atb.现在的;如今的现在的;如今的c.礼物礼物d.现在现在e.呈现;赠送呈现;赠送(present sb. with sth. / present sth. to sb.)aat present b decAllthe_raisedtheirhandstomakeKatetheirmonitor.A.presentstudentsB.studentsatpresentC.atpresentstudentsD.studentspresentIf we can overcome our present difficulties, then eve

10、rything should be all right . 有多少人出席了会议?有多少人出席了会议?Howmanypeople_?我们学习过去,体验现在,展望未来的成功我们学习过去,体验现在,展望未来的成功.Welearnfromthepast,_andhopeforsuccessinthefuture.他献给她一束花。他献给她一束花。He_.werepresentatthemeetingexperiencethepresentpresentedherwithabunchofflowersrecognizerecognize as/to be be recognized as / recogn

11、ize sb to be (1) oh , its you , I _ you . A. didnt recognize B. hadnt recognizedC. havent recognized D. dont recognize(2) she _ me at the other end of the telephone line, though we hadnt seen each other for a long timeA. knew B. realized C. saw D. recognized(3)I have _ him for 10 years A. recognized

12、 B. known C. remembered D. met command command sb to do The captain commanded that all the soldiers (should) go to the frontYou must obey the captains command. under ones commandHe has a good command of English.一坚持 insist二命令order, command 三建议 suggest, advise , propose 四要求request ,require ,desire ,de

13、mand request on/by request 应的要求 make a request 请求 in request 受欢迎,急需 request sb to do / that (should )+ do An electrical engineer is _ in this factoryA. by request B. on request C. at request D. in request我请求他早一个小时来I requested that he should come an hour earlier (1)It is requested that the manager _

14、the plan at onceA. working out B. to work out C. work out D. would work out (2)_ be sent to work there ?A. Who do you suggest B. Who you suggest that should C. Do you suggest who should D. Do you suggest whom should direction in direction / in the direction of 朝方向 in all directions under the directi

15、on of sb 在的指导下 under ones direction follow / obey / listen to ones direction这手术在他的指导下进行 The operation was performed under his direction请遵照此药的使用说明服药Follow the directions for the use of medicinerulen. a.规定规定,规则规则b.惯常的做法惯常的做法,习惯习惯Cc.统治统治,管理管理Uv. 统治,管理rule a country as a rule : usuallyAs a rule Im home

16、at six.Theruleisthatsomeonemustbeondutyatalltimes.Itsagainsttheruletopickuptheball.Hemakesitarulenevertoborrowmoney.Myruleistogetupat7everyday.1.Therearemanykindsofpollution,_,noiseisakindofpollution.2.ManyoftheEnglishprogrammesarewellreceived,_FollowMe,FollowMetoScience.3.Somewarm-bloodedanimals,_t

17、hecat,thedogorthewolf,donotneedtohibernate.Manypeoplehere,forexample,John,wouldratherhavecoffee.Englishisspokeninmanycountries,suchasAustralia,Canadaandsoon.such assuch as用来用来“罗列罗列”同类人或物中的几个例子,置于被列举的事物与同类人或物中的几个例子,置于被列举的事物与前面的名词之间前面的名词之间, ,后边不能用逗号。后边不能用逗号。for examplefor example强调强调“举例举例”说明,一般只举同类人或物

18、中的一个说明,一般只举同类人或物中的一个, ,作为作为插入语用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。插入语用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。suchas/forexampleforexamplesuchassuchasThat is / namelyI have three good friends ,such as John ,Jack and Tom I have three good friends , that is , John, Jack and Tom选词填空(1) Some students , _ , John , lives in the neighbour-hood (2)

19、 Only two persons can do the job,_ you and I (3) Many great men _ Lincoln and Edison have risen from povertysuch as such as We believe she would be such an excellent writer as Hanhan.I never heard such stories as he tells He is such a clever boy as everyone likes Opportunities such as free travellin

20、g did not come every dayeven if / even though即使你不喜欢花,这次花展你也不应该错过尽管他很忙,他还是愿意帮我们(1)Even if I _ , Ill try my best to do it A. failed B. fail C. will fail D. fails(2)- English is becoming so important.- its true . Many university classes are taught in English_ the native language is not English A. as if

21、 B. what if C. as long as D. even thoughEven if you are not fond of flowers, you shouldnt miss the flower exhibitionHe likes to help us even though he is very busyBDbecauseof/becauseIwentbacknot_therain,but_Iwastired.thanksto/dueto/owingto/onaccountofbecauseofbecausedueto常做表语,不可放在句首常做表语,不可放在句首thanks

22、to多亏多亏owingto由于由于(1) He was late not only _ his illness but also _ he missed the trainA.because ; for B. because of ; becauseC. for ; because of D. becaue of ; because of (2)._ the new policy , we are having a happy life .A. Thanks to B.Because C. For D. Thank for (3) _ the wise leadership of our Pa

23、rty , we have achieved great accomplishments during the last 20 years A.On account B. Because C. Owing to D.Due to the more the more你卖的票越多,挣的钱就越多The more tickets you sell , the more money you will get .The more vegetables you eat, the better your health will be.As far as we are concerned , education

24、 is about learning and the more you learn, _ .A. the more for life are you equipped for B.the more equipped for life you are C.the more life you are equipped for D.the more life for you are equipped 12.more than Peter is more than my classmate , he is my friend.(not only)She is more than careful in

25、doing things( very)The animal is more like a spear than a snake.He is more coward than cautious.Abraham Lincolns whole school education added up to no more than one yearHe is no smarter than me我们能把礼拜二的会议改在礼拜四吗?我们能把礼拜二的会议改在礼拜四吗? 没有鸡了,所以我们改吃鱼。没有鸡了,所以我们改吃鱼。 instead /instead of3.Shedidntanswerme,_,sheaskedmeanotherquestion.1.Lilyisnthere.AskLucy_.2.WellaskLiMei_Mary.insteadinsteadofinstead4.Heaskedmeanotherquestion_answeringme.CanwechangeourmeetingtoThursdayinsteadofTuesday?Therewasnochickenleft,sowehadfishinstead.insteadof



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