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1、教教 学学 进进 度度 表表周次周次一二三四五六七八九十十一十二起止时间起止时间8.26-8.288.26-8.288.31-9.28.31-9.29.6-9.119.6-9.119.14-9.189.14-9.189.21-9.259.21-9.259.28-9.309.28-9.3010.8-10.1010.8-10.1010.12-10.1610.12-10.1610.19-10.2310.19-10.2310.26-10.3010.26-10.3011.2-11.611.2-11.611.9-11.1311.9-11.13期中复习期中考试预预 定定 进进 度度实实 际际 进进 度度出入

2、原因出入原因十三11.16-11.2011.16-11.20十四11.23-11.2711.23-11.27十五十六11.30-12.411.30-12.412.7-12.1112.7-12.11十七12.14-12.1812.14-12.18十八12.21-12.2512.21-12.25十九二十12.28-1.112.28-1.11.4-1.81.4-1.81教教学学设设想想和和要要求求一、教材分析:本教材难易度合理,过渡平和,主要采用的是全身反应教学法,让学生在不同的学习活动中感知并运用英语,使得学生在做中学,在唱中学,在玩中学。二、教学目标:1. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣2、能听懂、会说

3、 12 组会话,并能进行简单的交流3、能听、说、认读、写 92 个单词并进行简单地运用。4、培养两人对话以及小组对话合作的能力6、能唱 8 首歌曲。7、能听、说、吟唱歌谣8、能了解 6 项简单的中西方文化知识三、教学重难点:1、能按四会、三会的要求掌握所学单词。2、能按四会要求掌握所学句型。3、使用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,发音正确4、在任务型学习的过程中运用相关的语言知识和技能,完成某项任务5、进一步培养良好的书写习惯,能做到书写整洁、规范6、养成良好的听英语、读英语、说英语的习惯四、教学措施:1、根据学生的年龄特征,充分利用直观教具和电教手段,创设良好的语言

4、氛围,调动学生的学习积极性。2、在教学过程中,采用情景教学法,让学生身临其境,积极主动地参与到课堂教学中去,调动学生的非智力因素,提高学生实际运用语言的能力。3、活用教材,根据学生会的实际情况,将每单元各个板块重现组排降低难度。4、设计全面、高效的课后作业,落实巩固知识,并加以运用2第一单元:第一单元: My FamilyMy Family教学内容教学内容教教学学目目标标学习家庭人员的称呼,学习介绍家庭成员知识与技能知识与技能在本单元中,学生应争取掌握(正确说,读,写,使用)下列词汇:Father mother aunt uncle cousin要求学生练习说和写,并能口头应答下列单词和短语:

5、Family father mother aunt uncle cousin:通过游戏,歌曲等多种活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学生的积极性,通过鼓励树立学生学习英语的信心.正确说,读,写,使用)下列词汇:Father mother aunt uncle cousin学习介绍家庭成员12过程与方法过程与方法情感态度与价值观情感态度与价值观教学重点教学重点教学难点教学难点课时安排课时安排课题:课题: Lesson1 Li Ming Lesson1 Li Mings Big Familys Big Family第第 1 1课时课时内容:内容:教学目标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教

6、学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:能听说读写 aunt uncle cousin father mother能把所学单词运用到日常口语交际中,在适当的情境中能够灵活运用.关注学生的喜好、需求,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围。听、说、读、写并能口头运用下列词汇: aunt uncle cousin能模仿课文介绍自己的家庭录音机共案部分Part 1:GreetingPart 2:Warming-up(1)Lets sing:The family in our House(2)播放英语歌曲调动积极性Part 3:Learn the lesson(1)请几位学生上台前来,并且引导学生进行如下

7、对话:教师: (指着学生甲并且对学生乙说) You are his/her(家庭成员).How old areyou?学生乙: I amyears old. (确保这是一个合适的年龄并且鼓励学生去扮演这个 “年龄”的角色。 )教师: (对学生甲)This is your(家庭成员).How old is he/she?学生甲:years old.3二次备案教师: (对着全班同学,指者同学甲)Is he/she old /younger?全班:Yes/No.教师: Right! He/She is old/younger. He/She is old/younger than his /her(

8、家庭成员)(2)出示多媒体课件,帮助学生理解课文,并引导学生跟读。(3)角色表演要求自告奋勇的学生和老师练习对话。将学生按两人一组分开,进行对话练习。(4)教师领读课文,学生指度。(5)让学生自由组合,练习句型。Part3: Homework1、朗读课文。2、利用所学句型介绍家庭成员。板书设计: Lesson 1 Li Mings Big Family father mother aunt uncle cousin课题:课题: Lesson 1 Li Ming Lesson 1 Li Mings Big Familys Big Family第第 2 2 课时课时内容:内容:教学目标知识与技能过

9、程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:能听说读写 aunt uncle cousin father mother能把所学单词运用到日常口语交际中,在适当的情境中能够灵活运用.关注学生的喜好、需求,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围。听、说、读、写并能口头运用下列词汇: aunt uncle cousin能模仿课文介绍自己的家庭录音机共案部分Part 1:GreetingPart 2:Warming-up(1)Lets sing:The family in our House(2)播放英语歌曲调动积极性(3) 指名上台介绍自己的家人,并请一名小翻译进行翻译。教师适时评

10、议。Part 3:1、做游戏“Tic-Toc” 。 (参加“游戏”章节)在学生填写方格之前,他们必须真确地根据教师说出来的家庭成员的相对年龄造句。例如:教师:Grandmother !brother !is older than my brother学生:Grandmother is older than my brother.4二次备案教师:You! Mother!(注意:不要把 you 放在最后,以免学生转换到“自己”时有困难)学生:I am you younger than my brother.2、做 Letters 游戏用以复习家庭成员名称的拼写。Part 4: 做活动手册第 2 题

11、,听力练习。三. Class Closing.板书设计:Lesson1 Li Ming s Big Family father mother aunt uncle cousin课后反思:课题:课题: Lesson 2 What Do They Look Like? Lesson 2 What Do They Look Like?第第 3 3课时课时内容:内容:教学目标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:要求学生掌握下列单词:gray glasses根据真事场景,角色扮演对话。通过游戏,歌曲等多种活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学生的积极性,

12、使学生在不断体验成功的快乐的同时,增强英语学习的信心.掌握下列单词:gray glasses根据真事场景,角色扮演对话。录音机共案部分二次备案step1 歌曲热身: The family in our HouseStep2 复习表示颜色和头发特征的词汇。Step3 复习句型 Im older/younger, taller/shorter than .方法:请两名学生上台,用皮尺彼此量一量身高,引导学生进行如下对话:教师:(对着学生甲)How tall are you?学生甲:meters tall教师:(对着学生乙) How tall are you?学生乙:meters tall教师:(指

13、着学生甲)Is she/he taller/shorter?全班:He/She is taller / shorter.教师:Very good, class!5Step4 学习句型1、让几个高矮不同的学生上台,引导每对学生进行如下对话:教师:(指着学生甲)Is she/he taller/shorter?全班:He/She is taller / shorter.教师:He/She is taller / shorter than him / her .Say it , please, class.全班:He/She is taller / shorter than him / her.St

14、ep5 播放对媒体课件,帮助学生理解课文,教师板书单词:curly straight long short来描述头发的特征。(1)全班读数遍。(2)让学生以小组为单位练习,操练句型, 让英语课堂人人都有机会。(3)每个小组派出一名学生上台介绍头发的特征。(4)指名评议。(5)播放多媒体课件,看卡通片,并跟读课文。翻译课文板书设计:Lesson2: What Do They Look Like?gray glasses课题:课题: Lesson 2 What Do They Look Like? Lesson 2 What Do They Look Like?第第 4 4课时课时内容:内容:教学

15、目标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:要求学生掌握下列单词:gray glasses根据真事场景,角色扮演对话。通过游戏,歌曲等多种活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,为学生营造宽松,民主,和谐的课堂氛围.掌握下列单词:gray glasses根据真事场景,角色扮演对话。录音机共案部分step1 歌曲热身: The family in our HouseStep2 复习表示颜色和头发特征的词汇curly straight long short。Step3 复习句型 Im older/younger, taller/shorter than .方法

16、:请两名学生上台,进行对话练习。Step4 播放多媒体课件,复习课文。Step5:操练:1、把学生分为 3 人一组,学生在小组内轮流向一名同学介绍另一名同学。2、教师出示家庭成员的单词aunt uncle cousin grandfather grandmotherBrother sister father mother son daughter,和句型:This is my(家庭成员)He/She isyear old.I m older/younger than my(家庭成员) He/She6二次备案has(颜色)hair and/but I have(颜色)hair. Does he/

17、she wearglasses? Yes/No.让学生用恰当的句子描述家庭成员。3、评选最佳小组,奖励小画贴。让孩子自己做评委,更公平。4、利用多媒体课件,并让学生观察图片,并跟读几遍。布置作业.利用所学句型介绍家庭成员。课后反思:课题:课题: Lesson 3 What Do They Do? Lesson 3 What Do They Do?第第 5 5课时课时内容:内容:教学目标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:正确听、说、读、写、用cashier clerk waitress teacher能够理解、应答和运用 He/She is a。通

18、过游戏,歌曲等多种活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,为学生营造宽松,民主,和谐的课堂氛围.掌握 He/She is a。能够理解、应答和运用 He/She is a。录音机共案部分一、热身、复习(warm-up /Revision) 1、 教师发口令,学生做动作 Drive a car (cab 、 truck ) ! Ride a bicycle! Takea bus! Walk!2、多媒体课件出示 cashier clerk waitress teacher,让学生试读。然后教读 3、板书单词,指名连线,并及时给予鼓励Cashier shop clerk restaurantWaitre

19、ss school Teacher shop二、学习新课1、出示多媒体课件,帮助学生理解课文,然后板书并反复领读。2、指名读课文,指名翻译。3、指名评议。4、教师领读课文。三、布置作业、适时反馈。画一张家庭中某一成员的画,此人必须是课文中所描述的一种职业,如果没有人从事这种职业,可以假设一个家人,并且介绍给他人。7二次备案板书设计: Lesson3 What Do They Do?cashier clerk waitress teacher课题:课题: Lesson 3 What Do They Do? Lesson 3 What Do They Do?第第 6 6 课时课时内容:内容:教学目

20、标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:正确听、说、读、写、用cashier clerk waitress teacher能够理解、应答和运用 He/She is a。激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,通过小组,同桌合作学习培养学生合作精神.掌握 He/She is a。能够理解、应答和运用 He/She is a。录音机共案部分(一)Class Opening and Review (二)New ConceptsStep 1 : Demonstrate:T:I am a teacher .Iwork in a school .I go to schoo

21、lbybicycle .T :What do theydo ?Howdo theygo to work ?Step 2 Listen and Discuss Picture 1 :Who is this ?What is LiMing s father ? Howdoes he go towork ?T :Do your mother and father work ?What do they do ?Questions :1. Does your mother work ?2.Is she a _ ?3 Does your father work ?4.Is he a _? Step 5.T

22、alk about :T :Do your mother and father work very tired ?Do they work hardly or easily ?How to do with us ?Step 6. Sing a songOh, what do you do ? I am a teacher .(三)Class ClosingHomework :Write down some sentences to introduce your parents .板书设计:Lesson3 What Do They Do?cashier clerk waitress teache

23、r课后反思:8二次备案课题:课题: Lesson 4 What Do They Like to Do? Lesson 4 What Do They Like to Do?第第 7 7 课时课时内容:内容:知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:教学目标在语境中学习 plant flowers, water flowers, cook, go for a walk等动词词组通过 Guessing game 和 chant 进行操练, 能听懂、 会说、 认读 plantflowers,water flowers,cook,go for a walk激发和培

24、养学生学习英语的兴趣,通过小组,同桌合作学习培养学生合作精神.在对话中学习使用 What does heshe like to do? HeShe likes todo sth etc.并能运用此句型进行简单的交流。在 I like to do sth.和 HeShe likes to do sth的对比下,初步理解动词第三人称单数的概念。录音机共案部分二次备案1. Warming-up2. Presentation:T:I have something on this table, you can choose one and say: Ilike to . Who wants to try

25、? (There is a ping-pong paddle,stove ,pan, badminton racket, books, flower pot, and watering poton the table.)S:I like to read.(with some actions)S:I like to cook.T:What does shehe like to do?S:SheHe likes to cook.(Take the pan and stove with some actions)T:Cook ,cook. Can you read these words? Book

26、, look, tookTo use the same way to present plant flowers, water flowers.T:What do I like to do?S:T:I like to go for a walk.T:Lets read like this:Plant flowers, plant flowers , She likes to plant flowers.Water flowers, water flowers, he likes to water flowers.9Go for a walk, go for a walk, she likes

27、to go for a walk.Cook, cook, he likes to cook.3.PracticeText learning:Listen and repeat:4.Consolidation T:Look at Number 2,lets do it. Please write the sentences number3 to Number 6. T:Check the answers. T:Look ! This is my daughter, she is two years old. She hasblackhair. She is a little fat. She l

28、ikes to sing and dance! She is verycute! I love her. Please introduce one of your family members to yourteam. T:Who wants to introduce your family member to all of us?板书设计: Lesson 4 What Do They Like to Do? he What does she like to do? plant flowers.He likes to water flowers.She cook. go for a walk.

29、课后反思:课题:课题: Lesson 5 Having Fun Together! Lesson 5 Having Fun Together!第第 8 8 课时课时内容:内容:教学目知识与技能过程与方法课型:课型:教法教法:听懂、会说、认读、书写以下词汇:family 、 film 、 we,理解运用短语 watch a film。听懂、会说、认读并运用句型: What does your family like to do?10标情感态度与价值观教学重点My family likes toWe like to通过课堂英语学习使学生保持良好的英语学习兴趣。听懂、会说、认读、书写以下词汇: fa

30、mily 、 film 、 we,理解运用短语 watch a film,理解 My family likes to 和 We like to意思相同。 知道 my family教学难点是单数第三人称,like 的后面要加 s。运用 ayaia 的发音规律读出含有这些字母或字母组合的单词。录音机教学准备共案部分二次备案Class Opening and ReviewFree TalkWhat do you like to do? I like toWhat does your mother like to do? My mother likes toWhat does your father

31、like to do? My father likes toKey ConceptsDemonstrateT: (PPT) My mother likes to go for a walk.My father likes to go for a walk.I like to go for a walk, too.So I can say: My family likes to go for a walk together.PracticeWhat does your family like to do?My family likes to T:What does your family lik

32、e to do?S1:My family likes to T:Your family like to .My family likes to go for a walk.We like to watch a film.Write and readWrite “We like to.” on the blackboard.Show the cards:watch a filmGlue them on the blackboard and read.Use the student book and audiotapeT: What does Li Mings family like to do?

33、 Lets listen.11at the cinema1. Listen to the tape.2. Listen again. Ask the students to match the pictures.Class Closing板书设计:Lesson5 Having Fun TogetherWhat does your family like to do?We like towatch the animalsfly kitesplantvegetablesin the parkon the farmat the zoo课题:课题: Lesson 5 Having Fun Togeth

34、er! Lesson 5 Having Fun Together!第第 9 9 课时课时内容:内容:知识与技能课型:课型:教法教法:教学目标听懂、会说、认读、书写以下词汇:family 、 film 、 we,理解运用短语 watch a film。听懂、会说、认读并运用句型: What does your family like to do?My family likes toWe like to通过课堂英语学习使学生保持良好的英语学习兴趣。听懂、会说、认读、书写以下词汇: family 、 film 、 we,理解运用短语 watch a film,理解 My family likes t

35、o 和 We like to意思相同。 知道 my family过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点是单数第三人称,like 的后面要加 s。运用 ayaia 的发音规律读出含有这些字母或字母组合的单词。录音机教学准备共案部分二次备案Class Opening and ReviewFree TalkKey ConceptsAsk some volunteers to come to the front.PPT shows the sentence one by one:We like to watch the animals at the zoo.12We like to plant v

36、egetables on the farm.We like to fly kites in the park.All the students say the sentence. The volunteers use cards to substitutephrases in “We like to”.Pair workTalk about your family fun with your partner.What does your family like to do?My family likes to We like toDemonstrateUse cards to demonstr

37、ate: dayplayhayLead the students try to say “ay” says / ei/.DemonstrateUse PPT to show: namefacedateLead the students try to say “a” says /ei/,too.Ask the students try to say some words like this: make, lakeUse the student book and audiotapeListen to the audiotape and follow it.T: Look at these lett

38、ers. What can you find?让学生总结“ay” “ai” “a”都发/ei/。Class Closing板书设计:Lesson5 Having Fun TogetherWhat does your family like to do?We like tofly kites课后反思:watch the animalsin the parkon the farmat the zooplantvegetables13课题:课题: Lesson 6 Maddy Lesson 6 Maddys Familys Family第第 1010 课时课时内容:内容:教学目标知识与技能过程与方法

39、情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:能够利用上下文、插图以及在老师的帮助下读懂故事内容。借助图片,通过小组合作复述故事。通过师生谈话交流、模仿故事角色朗读等环节培养学生自信,激发学生的学习兴趣。能够借助图片和在老师的帮助下讲故事在实际生活中,能灵活运用所学知识谈论自己的家庭。录音机共案部分Step I Class OpeningThe volunteers can choose one of cards and do this action, others can guess.Phrases: ride bikes, go for a walk, watch a fi

40、lm, sit and cry, jump, have dinner.Step II New Concepts1. T: Today my friend Maddy and her family are coming to our classroom, do youremember Maddy?T: Let me tell you a story .The name is: Maddys family2. Listen to the story Try to imitate some sentences.3.Game :Guess ,guess, who are they ?Read thes

41、e cards: ride bikes,sit and cry, go for a walk, work, work in a park,play jump-on-uncle, have fun together , watch a film, have dinner.Step III Consolidation1. Practice in groups.2. Activity: My familyT: Thats Maddys family.Please talk about your family with your partner.Step V Class Closing14二次备案板书

42、设计Lesson6 Maddy s Familyride bikessit and crygo for a walkplay jump-on-uncle课后反思:课题:课题: Again, Please Again, Please第第 1111 课时课时内容:内容:知识与技能教学目标课型:课型:能听、说、读、写本单元单词能听懂、会说、认读以下句型 ,并能用这些句型进行交际。过程与方法What does _look like? What does he/she do?What does_ like to do?情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备教育学生爱自己的父母,珍惜家庭的幸福通过复习本

43、单元知识,让学生能够自己独立完成本课的练习题,使听、说、读、写技能有所提高。培养学生认真书写的技能。录音机教法教法:共案部分一、 Greetings二、 RevisionReview family members, father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin, grandfather,grandmother.三、 New Concepts1. Listen part1 and part 2.2. Check Part4T: I have a cousin. She likes to sing songs. But I like to

44、 play basketball. Class, what doyou like to do ?S: I like to _ . (再问两三个人,让他们说出其他三个词组。 )T: My friend likes to watch a film. What does your friend like to do ?15二次备案S: My friend likes to _.(再问两三个人,让他们说出其他三个词组。 )T:We like to go fishing and watch TV . Class, please check your answers.I like to play bask

45、etball / plant vegetables.My friend likes to watch a film / play on the computer.We like to go fishing and watch TV .3. Check Prat5T: Now I know what your families like to do. What do they like to do? What does Johnlike to do?Ss: John likes to plant flowers. He likes to read books.T: What do Betty a

46、nd Li Tao liketo do? Now lets write.四、Class Closing板书设计:Again, Please!father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin, grandfather, grandmother.课题:课题: Again, Please Again, Please第第 1212 课时课时内容:内容:知识与技能教学目标课型:课型:能听、说、读、写本单元单词能听懂、会说、认读以下句型 ,并能用这些句型进行交际。过程与方法What does _look like? What does he/she

47、do?What does_ like to do?情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备教育学生爱自己的父母,珍惜家庭的幸福通过复习本单元知识,让学生能够自己独立完成本课的练习题,使听、说、读、写技能有所提高。培养学生认真书写的技能。录音机教法教法:共案部分一、 Greetings二、 Revision1. Review occupations, doctor, teacher, nurse, cook, worker, farmer.2. Review verb phrases, go for a walk, water flowers, plant vegetables, go shop

48、ping, watch a16二次备案film, plant vegetables, read books, work on the computer, watch TV , cook.三、 New Concepts1. Check Part6T: I knew their families. Now lets learn about Susans family. Please read the text andthen finish exercises.2. Check Prat7T: Look, class. This is my family. This is me. I am wear

49、ing a red T-shirt. This is mygrandmother. She is eighty-four years old. She has white hair. She is a farmer. She likes toplant vegetables. Please take out your family photos and talk about your families in groups.Then evaluate yourselves.(先让所有学生练习准备,然后找两名学生介绍自己的家庭)四、 Class ClosingT: Class, everyone

50、has a family. Family means father and mother I love you. Our parents aregreat. They can do everything for us. Please love your fathers and mothers. At last, lets singa family song.板书设计:Again, Please!doctor, teacher, nurse, cook, worker, farmer课后反思:课题:课题: Lesson7 China Lesson7 China第第 1313 课时课时内容:内容:

51、知识与技能教学目标课型:课型:教法教法:学生可以读、写、说出并听懂China, speak, map和 the capital city。学生能介绍有关中国的基本信息,知道中国的重要景点,在地图上能够找到过程与方法中国的位置。创设学习情境,激发学生学习的热情和兴趣,提高学生学习的积极性和主动性学生可以读、写、说出并听懂China, speak, map 和 the capital city。学生能认读、理解并运用下列句子:17情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点This is a map of China.The capital city of China is Beijing.教学准备录音机共案

52、部分二次备案Class Opening1. 问候和自由交谈T:Hello, everyone. Are you ready for our English class?T:What do you like to do?S1:I like to _.T:Where do you live?S2:I live in China.New Concept1. Talk about the mapThis is a map of China.2. Ask a question.What is the capital city of China?Do you know about Beijing?3. L

53、isten and answer the questions.1). What is it?2). Where do you live?3). What do you speak?4). What is the capital city of China?5). What colour is the map of China?4. Introduction-How to say it in English? Do you want to know?Chinas flag ,Tianan men Square, The Palace Museum, the Great Wall, ect.课件呈

54、现 Tianan men Square , the Palace Museum, the Great Wall, Bird nest ect.Tips观察 Beijing ,English ,China ,Jenny(引导学生总结出这一规律:国家、语言、地点、人名等的首字母都要大写)设计意图:学生对于自己思考、分析出来的规律记忆才会深刻。培养学生自主学习的能力。PracticePair work -Introduce ChinaThis is a map of our country.We live in China. We speak Chinese.ExpandIntroduce more

55、 places in China.Class ClosingHomework:Talk about China with your family!板书设计:Lesson7: ChinaWe live in China.We speak Chinese.18Beijing is the capital city of China.We love China.课后反思:课题:课题: Lesson8 Canada Lesson8 Canada第第 1414 课时课时内容:内容:教学目标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:学生能听懂,会说,认读并书写以下词

56、汇 know, about, city学生能认读、理解并运用下列句子:What do you know about?学生能介绍有关加拿大的基本信息,知道加拿大的重要景点,在地图上能够找到加拿大的位置。学生能听懂,会说,认读并书写以下词汇 know, about, city学生能认读、理解并运用下列句子: What do you know about?录音机共案部分 Class Opening1. 问候和自由交谈T:Hello, everyone. Are you ready for our English class?T:What do you like to do?S1:I like to

57、_.T:Where do you live?S2:I live in China.New Concept1. Talk about the mapThis is a map of Canada.2. Ask a question.What is the capital city of Canada?Do you know about Ottawa?3. Listen and answer the questions.1). What country is it?2). Where do Jenny and Danny live?3). What do they speak?4). What i

58、s the capital city of Canada?5). What colour is the map of Canada?4. Read the text, fill in the blank.Class ClosingHomework:1.Make a poster(招贴画).19二次备案2. Write something about Canada.板书设计:Lesson8: CanadaJenny and Danny live in Canada.They speak English and French.Ottawa is the capital city of Canada

59、.课题:课题: Lesson8 Canada Lesson8 Canada第第 1515 课时课时内容:内容:教学目标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:学生能听懂,会说,认读并书写以下词汇 know, about, city学生能认读、理解并运用下列句子:What do you know about?学生能介绍有关加拿大的基本信息,知道加拿大的重要景点,在地图上能够找到加拿大的位置。学生能听懂,会说,认读并书写以下词汇 know, about, city学生能认读、理解并运用下列句子: What do you know about?录音机共案部分

60、二次备案Class Opening1. 问候和自由交谈T:Hello, everyone. Are you ready for our English class?T:What do you like to do?S1:I like to _.T:Where do you live?S2:I live in China.New ConceptWhat do you know about Canada?1).I know Canadas flag is_ .2).I know they speak _ in Canada.3).I know the capital city of Canada

61、is _.Introduction-How to say it in English? Do you want to know?Canadas flag ,CN Tower , Niagara Falls, Rocky Mountains ect.课件呈现 Canadas flag ,CN Tower , Niagara Falls, Rocky Mountains ect.Practice1.Pair work -Introduce CanadaThis is a map of _.Danny and Jenny live in _.They speak_._is the capital c

62、ity of _.Canadas flag is_._ and _ are in Beijing.2. Lets do it.20ExpandFeature spots of Canada:Quebec cityBanff National ParkClass ClosingHomework:1.Make a poster(招贴画).2. Write something about Canada.板书设计:Lesson8: CanadaJenny and Danny live in Canada.They speak English and French.Ottawa is the capit

63、al city of Canada.课后反思:课题:课题: Lesson9 The U.S. Lesson9 The U.S.第第 1616 课时课时内容:内容:教学目标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:学生能听懂,会说,认读并书写以下词汇of, star学生能认读、理解并运用下列句子: They speak学生能介绍有关美国的基本信息,知道美国的重要景点,在地图上能够找到美国的位置。学生能听懂,会说,认读并书写以下词汇 of, star学生能认读、理解并运用下列句子: They speak录音机共案部分Class Opening1. Greet

64、ings2. Warming upGame: Stop, go!Hello, my name is -.I live in The U.S.I speak Chinese.New Concept1. Talk about the mapThis is a map of the U.S.2. Ask a question.What is the capital city of the U.S.?Do you know about Washington D.C?3. Listen and answer the questions.21二次备案1). What country is next to

65、Canada?2). What do they speak?3). What is the capital city of the U.S.?4). What colour is the map of the U.S?5). What does the map of the U.S. have?Class ClosingHomework:Write a passage about the U.S.板书设计:Lesson9: The U.S.The U.S is next to Canada.They speak English.Washington D.C is the capital cit

66、y of the U.S.The flag of the U.S课题:课题: Lesson9 The U.S. Lesson9 The U.S.第第 1717 课时课时内容:内容:教学目标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:学生能听懂,会说,认读并书写以下词汇of, star学生能认读、理解并运用下列句子: They speak学生能介绍有关美国的基本信息,知道美国的重要景点,在地图上能够找到美国的位置。学生能听懂,会说,认读并书写以下词汇 of, star学生能认读、理解并运用下列句子: They speak录音机共案部分Class Openin

67、g GreetingsNew ConceptIntroduction-How to say it in English? Do you want to know?the U.S.s flag , the White House, president of the U.S , Statue of Liberty, ect.课件呈现 the U.S.s flag , the White House, president of the U.S , Statue of Liberty, ect.Practice1.Pair work -Introduce the U.S.This is a map o

68、f _.They speak_._is the capital city of _.The flag of the U.S.is_.It has _ and _.2. Look and write.Here is a _ of the U.S.They speak _ in the U.S.Washington, D.C. is the capital _ of the U.S.二次备案22The flag of the U.S. has _ and stripes.Its _, white and _.ExpandIntroduce more places in the U.S.the Ca

69、pitol HallUncle SamClass ClosingHomework:Write a passage about the U.S.板书设计:Lesson9: The U.S.The U.S is next to Canada.They speak English.Washington D.C is the capital city of the U.S.The flag of the U.S课后反思:课题:课题: Lesson10 The U.K. Lesson10 The U.K.第第 1818 课时课时内容:内容:教学目标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学

70、准备课型:课型:教法教法:学生能听懂,会说,认读并书写以下词汇here学生能认读、理解并运用下列句子: Here is学生能介绍有关英国的基本信息,知道英国的重要景点,在地图上能够找到英国的位置。学生能听懂,会说,认读并书写以下词汇here学生能认读、理解并运用下列句子: Here is录音机共案部分二次备案Class Opening1. Greetings2. Warming upSay the names of the countries quicklyNew Concept1. Talk about the mapThis is a map of the U.K.2. Ask a que

71、stion.What is the capital city of the U.K.?Do you know about London?233. Listen and answer the questions.1). What country is it?2). What do they speak?3). What is the capital city of the U.K.?4). What colour is the map of the U.K.?4. Introduction-How to say it in English? Do you want to know?the U.K

72、.s flag , Big Ben, kings and queens of the U.K. , Buckingham Palace, ect.课件呈现 the U.K.s flag , Big Ben, kings and queens of the U.K. , Buckingham Palace,ect.PracticeAnswer the questions.Whats the capital city of the U.K.?_What do they speak in the U.K.?_What colour is the flag of the U. K.?_ExpandIn

73、troduce more knowledge of the U.K.London Tower BridgeLondon bridgeThe stonehengeClass ClosingHomework:Draw the flag of the U.K.板书设计:Lesson10: The U.K.Here is the U.K.They speak English.London is the capital city of the U.K.The flag of the U.K. is red, white and blue.课后反思:课题:课题: Lesson11 Australia Le

74、sson11 Australia第第 1919 课时课时内容:内容:教学目标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点课型:课型:听懂、认读和运用 Australia beautiful教法教法:能简单的描述澳大利亚的地理位置、首都、国旗以及语言。创设学习情境,培养学生热爱自然的情怀。1.要求学生熟练掌握以下词汇:Australia2.能听懂会说句型 I know about24教学难点教学准备学生可以用自己的语言简单的说一说关于澳大利亚的事项。录音机共案部分1.师生问候 Free talk.2.Let s do it.3.出示 PPT.以旧引新。带领学生复习学过的国家名称,并看图说出澳大利

75、亚的方位。4.引导学生学习生词 beach 和复数 beaches.提出问题,引导学生自己阅读14课,找出答案。 What is the capital city of Australia?What do they speak in Australia?Which is the English speaking country ?5.分点介绍澳大利亚A.Flag 出示 PPT引出澳大利亚的国旗, 引导学生观察国旗的构成, 用语段引导学生说一说澳大利亚的国旗B.State emblem出示 PPT引导学生观察澳大利亚的国徽,国徽引出澳大利亚特有的动物。C.Animals引导学生了解澳大利亚特有物

76、种,并学习chantD.Feature spots引导学生了解澳大利亚的著名景观。E.Seasons引导学生了解澳大利亚与中国之间最明显的差异,季节差异。引导学生对本课进行回顾。和同学谈论一下自己喜欢的国家。找出中国和澳大利亚之间的不同。Lesson14Australia国旗图片国徽图片动物图片景点图片季节图片二次备案课后反思:课题:课题: Lesson12 Maddy Lesson12 Maddys Family Photoss Family Photos第第 2020 课时课时内容:内容:教学目知识与技能过程与方法课型:课型:教法教法:能在语境中理解语言,领悟故事的中心意思。能在图片的帮助

77、下听懂、读懂并讲述故事梗概或片断。能够熟练运用句型:I/ We/ They speak_.进行表达25标情感态度与价值观通过竞赛、谜语、讨论、游戏、等多种教学活动来不断激发并强化学生的学习兴趣,使其积极主动地参与课堂活动,大胆开口,积极讨论。教学重点教学难点教学准备能在语境中理解语言,领悟故事的中心意思。能够熟练运用句型:I/ We/ They speak_.进行表达录音机共案部分Step Class Opening and Review1. Greeting: Hello, boys and girls. How are you? Are you ready for class?Step S

78、tory1. Prepare the storyFree talk:T: Where do you live?S1: I live in China.T: Where does your family live?S2: My family lives in China.T: Do you have a big family?S3: No. (Yes.)T: We are the same. Look, I have a photograph of my family. (展示家庭照片)We are a happy family. Our friend Maddy has a happyfami

79、ly. Do you rememberMaddy, a pretty green monster?2. Read the story1) Picture 1-3a. Show the pictures and ask some questions.Where does Maddy live? (Canada.)What does Maddy like to do? (He likes to go to Niagara Falls.)What does Maddy speak? (English)2) Picture 4a. A riddle: T: This monster is Maddys

80、 uncles son. Who is he ?Ss: He is Maddys cousin.T: Yes. Look, this is Maddy s cousin.二次备案26Where does Maddys cousin live? (China)How do you know? (He is at The Great Wall.)Where is The Great Wall ? (In Beijing.)Does he speak Chinese? (Yes.)Role-play in pairs. Talk about their own photographs.Step Cl

81、ass ClosingHomework: Make a survey. Interview your friends.Where do they want to go and what do they do?板书设计Lesson12 Maddys Family PhotosWhere does Maddy live?Where does Maddys cousin live?课题:课题: Lesson12 Maddy Lesson12 Maddys Family Photoss Family Photos第第 2121 课时课时内容:内容:知识与技能教学目标过程与方法情感态度与价值观习兴趣,使

82、其积极主动地参与课堂活动,大胆开口,积极讨论。教学重点教学难点教学准备能在语境中理解语言,领悟故事的中心意思。能够熟练运用句型:I/ We/ They speak_.进行表达录音机课型:课型:教法教法:能在语境中理解语言,领悟故事的中心意思。能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述故事梗概或片断。能够熟练运用句型:I/ We/ They speak_.进行表达通过竞赛、谜语、讨论、游戏、等多种教学活动来不断激发并强化学生的学共案部分Step Class Opening and Review1. Step Story1. Read the storyPicture 5a. Listen and Judg

83、e.T: Maddys fathers father is Maddys grandfather.Ss: Yes. (Maybe someone is wrong.)Do you know where he lives? (In the U.S.)What does he like? (He likes the Statue of Liberty.)27二次备案What does he speak? (He speaks English.)2. Discuss the story1) Listen to the whole story again.a. What does Maddy spea

84、k?b. Who did Maddys cousin take a picture with?c. Who lives in the U.K?d. Where does Maddys aunt live?e. What does Maddys uncle speak?2) Ask some students to retell the story.Role-play in pairs. Talk about their own photographs.Step Class ClosingHomework: Make a survey. Interview your friends.Where

85、do they want to go and what do they do?板书设计Lesson12 Maddys Family PhotosWho lives in the U.K?Where does Maddys aunt live?课后反思:课题:课题: Again, Please! Again, Please!第第 2222 课时课时内容:内容:教学目标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:能够掌握本单元所有四会单词。能够用相关句型描述五个国家的特征。激发学生学习兴趣,增强自信心,并培养学生团结协作精神。能够掌握本单元所有四会单词。能够运用英语谈论

86、对这五个国家进行介绍,把所学英语知识运用到实际生活中来。录音机教法教法:共案部分Step1: Warming-up and revision二次备案28T: There are many countries in the world. Today well study our country and theEnglish-speaking countries again. Lets begin our lesson:Again, please! (板书)Step2: Presentation and practiceT: In this unit we have learned the nam

87、es of the countries, the flags and the languages and soon. Today we are going to play a game to reviewthem. If you can pass it,You will be the winners.1. The first pass: Name of the countryT: First, lets guess which country it is. Listen to me carefully. It is our motherland. We livein this country.

88、 And the 29th Olympic Games were held in its capital city. Do you knowit?Ss: Its China. (贴地图)T: Show the country of the U.K.S1: Its the U.K. (快速抢答)2. The second pass: languagesT: In China, we speak _ .Ss: Chinese.T: What do they speak in the U.K.?Ss: They speak English.T: Lets play a game. Please pa

89、ss the teddy bear one by one and all the students ask thequestion:“What do they speak?” The student who has the teddy bear answers the question.Step3Class Closing板书设计Again, Please!the U.K.CanadaChinathe U.S.Australia课题:课题: Again, Please! Again, Please!第第 2323 课时课时内容:内容:教学目标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点课型:课

90、型:能够掌握本单元所有四会单词。能够用相关句型描述五个国家的特征。激发学生学习兴趣,增强自信心,并培养学生团结协作精神。能够掌握本单元所有四会单词。教法教法:29能够运用英语谈论对这五个国家进行介绍,把所学英语知识运用到实际生活教学难点教学准备中来。录音机共案部分Step1: Warming-up and revisionStep2: Presentation and practice1. The third pass: capital.T: There are some sentences. Please look carefully and tell me it is true or fa

91、lse.Ss: T: The right answer?Ss: 2The fourth pass: FlagT: There are some flags in my hand. Please guess which country s flag it is. Take out yourflags. Please show it quickly .OK?Ss: OK.T: Listen carefully. This flag is red and white. It has a leaf. Do you know it?Ss: Its Canadas flag.T: Its red, whi

92、te and blue. It has many stars and stripes.Ss:Its the U.S.flag.T: (出示课件)Do you know more about the flags? Can you tell me how many stars are therein this flag? Why?S1: Fifty stars.T: Yes, because there are fifty states in the U.S.T: Do you know what flag it is inside it?S2: Its the U.K.s flag.T: Yes

93、, because it was once a British colony ( 殖民地).T: Look at Chinas flag. The big star stands for_.S3: 中国共产党。T: Yes. It stands for the Chinese Communist Party.Homework:二次备案30Please make a piece of hand-copied newspaper (手抄报)about this unit.Step3 Class Closing板书设计Again, Please!U.K.CanadaChinaU.S.Australi

94、a课题:课题: Again, Please! Again, Please!第第 2424 课时课时内容:内容:教学目标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:能够掌握本单元所有四会单词。能够用相关句型描述五个国家的特征。激发学生学习兴趣,增强自信心,并培养学生团结协作精神。能够掌握本单元所有四会单词。能够运用英语谈论对这五个国家进行介绍,把所学英语知识运用到实际生活中来。录音机教法教法:共案部分Step1: Warming-up and revisionStep2: Presentation and practice1The fifth pass: sights

95、.T: Do you know where it is?S1: Yes. Its the White House.T: Who lives in the White House?S2: The president.T: Do you want to go there?Ss: Yes.T: Then you must learn English very well. When you go there, you can talk with them easily.T: Ill show you the pictures. Please say some sentences about them

96、row by row.T: Do you know any other sights? Look at the beautiful picture. Where is it?Ss: The Great Wall.T: Look at this picture. where ?Do you know?二次备案31Ss: T: Its Golden Gate Bridge. Its in the U.S.Homework:Please make a piece of hand-copied newspaper (手抄报)about this unit.Step3 Class Closing板书设计

97、Again, Please!U.K.CanadaChinaU.S.Australia课后反思:课题:课题: Lesson13 Beijing Is Great! Lesson13 Beijing Is Great!第第 2525 课时课时内容:内容:知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:教学目标1.能听懂会说北京一些著名景点的单词。2.能用 This is/are,there is/are,It is 句型来介绍,并能形成作文。通过让学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式

98、激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。学生能够用句型This is/are ,there is/are,It is 句型来介绍。在老师的帮助下能够写一些赞美景点的句子。录音机共案部分Step1. Warming up.T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today?Step 2. New Concepts.1.Review.T: Can you say some interesting places you know.2.New concepts:T: Good job, this is a map of China. Do you Know where the c

99、apital city of China is? Let s32二次备案look! (Show a little movie ofBeijing.)Then tell me what can you see in this movie?Eg: There is/arein Beijing.T: Yes. There are many interesting places in Beijing. It is great. Today Li Ming wants to goto Beijing. Lets follow him, Okay?(1)Show a little movie of the

100、 Palace Museum.This is the Palace Museum. It is beautiful(2)Show some pictures of Tiananmen Square.Where is it? So Tiananmen Square is very _.(3)Show some pictures of Great Wall.This is the Great Wall. It is very_(4)(拓展) Show some pictures of other famous places.Step 3. Homework.板书设计Lesson13 Beijing

101、 Is Great!the Palace MuseumIt is beautiful.Tiananmen SquareIt is very famous.the Great WallIt is very long.课题:课题: Lesson13 Beijing Is Great! Lesson13 Beijing Is Great!第第 2626 课时课时内容:内容:知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:教学目标1.能听懂会说北京一些著名景点的单词。2.能用 This is/are,there is/are,It is 句型来介绍,并能形成作文。通过

102、让学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。学生能够用句型This is/are ,there is/are,It is 句型来介绍。在老师的帮助下能够写一些赞美景点的句子。录音机共案部分Step1. Warming up.T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today?Step 2. Presentations.1.Pair work:Introduce the places to your friend.eg :This is _. It is _.

103、beautifulfamouslonggreat2.Group work: (ask and write)Ask and answer the questions one by one in groups. Then fill in the blanks.3. Listen to the tape and then answer the questions.a. Li Ming loves to _.b. He wants his _ to come.33二次备案c. There are many _ _ in Beijing.d. Beijing is the capital _ of Ch

104、ina.Step 3. Summary.Watch a little movie and then ask students summary: How do you feel about the littlemovie ? What should we do ?Step 4. Homework.板书设计Lesson13 Beijing Is Great!the Palace MuseumIt is beautiful.Tiananmen Square It is very famous.the Great WallIt is very long.课后反思:课题:课题: Lesson14 May

105、 I Go to Beijing? Lesson14 May I Go to Beijing?第第 2727 课时课时内容:内容:知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:教学目标1.能听懂会说北京一些著名景点的单词。2.能用 May I? Yes, you may. /No, you may not. 句型来表达。通过让学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。学生能够用句型 May I? Yes, you may/ No, you may not.句

106、型来表示请求。把句型 May I? Yes, you may./ No, you may not. 能灵活运用于生活当中。录音机共案部分Step1. Warming up.T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today?Step 2. New Concepts.3.Review.T: Can you say some interesting places about Beijing?4.New concepts:T: Wow Beijing is great. I want to go on a trip to Beijing. Do you want

107、to go with me?Ss: Yes.T: OK, we want to go on a trip to Beijing, so we can ask our mother like this :二次备案34eg:(教师与手偶对话) Mum, Beijing is great. May I go to Beijing? 引出新句型 May I go toBeijing? Yes, you may./No, you may not.T:(拿着手偶走向同学) Hi, Bob. May I_?Yes, you may. / No, you may not.Step:3. Presentatio

108、n.1.Pair work:出示不同的场景,让学生操练对话。3.Shijiazhuang is far from Beijing, but Li Ming is too young. Can he go toBeijing? Listen to the tape and then draw for “may” and for “may not”.May I go to Beijing?May I go to the Great Wall?May I go shopping in Beijing?May I live in Beijing?Step: 4. Summary.What did yo

109、u learn in this class?Step: 5. Homework.板书设计Lesson14 May I Go to Beijing?go to Beijing?May Igo shopping?Yes, you may./help you?No you may not.Watch TV?课后反思:课题:课题: Lesson15 May I Invite Danny and Jenny? Lesson15 May I Invite Danny and Jenny?第第 2828 课时课时内容:内容:知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:掌握四会单词

110、,掌握下列句子:a. May I invite_?b. This is_.通过让学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。让学生了解怎样去邀请别人,如何邀请别人和自己一起做事情以及出发和到达的表达方式。掌握四会单词掌握下列句子:a. May I invite_?b. This is_.录音机教法教法:教学目标共案部分35二次备案Step1. Warming up.T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today?Step 2. New Concepts.1. Review.(手偶)T:Hi, Bob I cant find my pen ,M

111、ay I borrow your pen?Bob: Yes, you may./No, you may not.( 让 Bob 再次创设情境问其他同学.)2.New concepts:T: I have many friends in our classroom, This Sunday I am going to go on a trip. I want toinvite he/she to go with me. Now Ill call he/she.T: (拿出手机拨打班上一名同学的电话) Hello, This is Maria. May I speak to Mary?Mary:

112、.T:This Sunnday Ill go on a trip to Shanghai. Can you go with me?Mary: .T:T: (挂断电话)Thank you Mary. Class,do you know whats the meaning “invite”?T:Li Ming and Mrs. Li are going to Beijing, but Li Ming want Danny and Jenny to comewith them. Mrs. Li is calling.3. Listen to the tape and read it.Step:3.

113、Presentations.1.Lets act.Jennys mother calls Dannys mother. What do they say?2. Lets do it.Pair work, make a call.go to the cinemago to the parkgo shoppingplay ping-pingStep:4. Summary.What did you learn in this class?Step:5. Homework.板书设计Lesson 15 May I Invite Danny and Jenny?a. May I invite_?b. Th

114、is is_.课后反思:课题:课题: Lesson16 How Can We Go to Beijing? Lesson16 How Can We Go to Beijing?第第 2929 课时课时内容:内容:教学知识与技能课型:课型:教法教法:1.能听懂会说交通工具的单词。2. 能用 How far is it from _ to _?句型来提问并回答。36目标过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备通过让学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。四会单词:交通工具类单词。学生能

115、够用句型 How far is it from _ to _?句型来提问并回答。录音机共案部分Step1. Warming up.T: Good morning, everyone. How are you today?Step 2. New Concepts.5.Review.T: Say the words quickly.(learn the new words. )6.New concepts:T: Good job, Can you describe it ?Eg: A car is fast.T: Yes. Can you describe others like this ?Eg

116、: The _is/are _7.Fill in the blanks._ do you go to the zoo ?By bus._are you ? Im fine ._ books are there on the desk ?Five._ is it ?It is five Yuan._ is it from the zoo to school ? Its 5km.Step:5. Homework.Lesson16 How Can We Go to Beijing?How far is it from _ to _?Its _ kilometres.二次备案课题:课题: Lesson

117、16 How Can We Go to Beijing? Lesson16 How Can We Go to Beijing?第第 3030 课时课时内容:内容:知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:教学目标1.能听懂会说交通工具的单词。2. 能用 How far is it from _ to _?句型来提问并回答。通过让学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。四会单词:交通工具类单词。学生能够用句型 How far is it from _ t

118、o _?句型来提问并回答。录音机共案部分37二次备案Step1. Warming up.T: Good morning, everyone. How are you today?Step:2. Presentations.1.Pair work:Ask and answer with your friend.eg : A: How far is it from _ to _?B: Its _ kilometres.2.Group work: (complete the dialogue)Complete the dialogue in group. then fill in the blank

119、s.3.Lets sing a song.4.Listen to the tap and then answer the questions.a. How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing?b. Does Li Ming want to take a bus to Beijing ?c. How does they go to BeijingStep:4. Role play.Read the passage and role play.Step:5. Homework.Lesson16 How Can We Go to Beijing?How fa

120、r is it from _ to _?Its _ kilometres.课后反思:课题:课题: Lesson17 The Travel Plan Lesson17 The Travel Plan第第 3131 课时课时内容:内容:知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:1.能听懂会说星期类的单词。2. 学生可以自己制定一个旅游计划。通过让学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。四会单词:星期类单词。学生可以自己制定一个英文的旅游计划。录音机教法教法:教学目标

121、共案部分二次备案38Step1. Warming up.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Step 2. New Concepts.8.Review.T: Lets look at a little movie. Do you want to go to Beijing ? Where do you want to go inBeijing?(say some famous places in Beijing. )9.New concepts:T: Yes, Beijing is very beautiful. If I want to go to Beijing

122、 . I can make a Travel plan.Prepare for the travelT: Lets discuss. the first question is:What should we prepare for the travel ?Eg: clothesT: Another question is How do you go to Beijing ? do not forget the ticket.T: The third question is how long do you want to stay ?Homework板书设计Lesson17 The Travel

123、 PlanSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday课题:课题: Lesson17 The Travel Plan Lesson17 The Travel Plan第第 3232 课时课时内容:内容:知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:1.能听懂会说星期类的单词。2. 学生可以自己制定一个旅游计划。通过让学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。四会单词:星期类单词。学生可以自己制定一个英文的旅游计划

124、。录音机教法教法:教学目标共案部分Step1. Warming up.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Step 2. New Concepts.10. Review.T: Lets look at a little movie. Do you want to go to Beijing ? Where do you want to go inBeijing?(say some famous places in Beijing. )Step:3. Presentations.1.Pair work:Talk about your travel plan.2.Lis

125、ten and write.Listen to the tap and write the travel plan.3.Say and write.二次备案39Can you write some other words like this ?(拓展)Step:4 Homework.板书设计Lesson17 The Travel PlanSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday课后反思:课题:课题: Lesson18 Billy Bee Lesson18 Billy Bee第第 3333 课时课时内容:内容:教学目标知识与技能过程与方

126、法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:能听懂理解故事,能简单的复述故事。通过让学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。听懂理解故事内容。学生能够简单的复述故事。录音机共案部分Step1. Warming up.T: Good morning, everyone. How are you today?Step 2. New Concepts.1. Review. (discuss)T: I don t feel well. I got sick yesterday.

127、May I eat fruit ?S: Yes, you may./No, you may not.11. New concepts:T: Today, The queen bee is sick. What should she do ?Listen and follow the tap. Then answer questions.a.Where is the special honey ?b.Who can help the queen ?c.May they go there by train ? Why ?d.Does they save the queen finally ?12.

128、 DiscussWho do you like best? Why?What do you learn from the story ?Step:3. Presentations.1.Role playRead the story with your friends. role play.40二次备案Step:4.Retell the storyChoose one of the picture you like and retell it with the key words.Step:5. Homework.板书设计Lesson18 Billy BeeDo you like Billy B

129、ee? Why?课后反思:课题:课题: Again, Please! Again, Please!第第 3434 课时课时内容:内容:教学目标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:能听懂会说这一单元的重点单词及句型能自己制作出旅行计划。通过让学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。能听懂会说这一单元的重点单词及句型能自己制作出旅行计划。录音机共案部分Step1. Warming up.T: Good morning, everyone. How a

130、re you today?Step 2. New Concepts.13. Review. (discuss)T: I want to go out .lets make a travel plan .Ok?14. New concepts:T: At first, lets look at a movie .and then answer my questions.a. How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Kunming?15. Discussb. How can we go there ? discuss with your friend, and tel

131、l me the advantage anddisadvantage.c. Where do you want to go in Yunnan ?and what should we take for the travel ?4. Phone and invite your friends !(fill in the blanks.)d. Do you want to go with your friends ?Phone them5. e. How many days do you want to travel ?write your travel plan.Step:3. Read and

132、 write.I love to travel, It is fun! I want to go to _. I want _ and _to come, too. _二次备案41is a big city. There are many _ in_. It is great.This is _. It is _.Step:5. Homework.Homework:Make a travel plan to Canada and write it !课题:课题: Again, Please! Again, Please!第第 3535 课时课时内容:内容:教学目标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与

133、价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:能听懂会说这一单元的重点单词及句型能自己制作出旅行计划。通过让学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。能听懂会说这一单元的重点单词及句型能自己制作出旅行计划。录音机共案部分.Leading the new lesson.Today its the last class of Unit 3.Have you mastered the key points of this unit?Lets have a check.Look at the s

134、creen.T: How are you, today?T: Can you tell me ,How is the weather today?Ss like to talk with each other.S1: I am fine thanks.S2: It is sunny.Ss can do the action and read these words.Teaching the new lesson.Present the vocabulary of this unit. Then ask the Ss to spell these words. Make sure they ca

135、nsay it correctly.Divide Ss into groups of four children. Play“Memory card”.Ss like to talk using as much English as possible.Use the test paper.Stop the audiotape between the first and second time to answer any questions the studentsmay have.Activities after the TestExchange Tests And Score the Lis

136、tening Comprehension. (with their partners)Collect the tests to score the rest of the test later.Ss can say something fluently about the story in pairs.Ss can cooperate to do it.Make a conclusion.42二次备案Sing a song that connects closely with the unit you have just finished.课题:课题: Again, Please! Again

137、, Please!第第 3636 课时课时内容:内容:教学目标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:能听懂会说这一单元的重点单词及句型能自己制作出旅行计划。通过让学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。能听懂会说这一单元的重点单词及句型能自己制作出旅行计划。录音机共案部分free talk:T:How are you ,today?T:Can you tell me ,How is the weather today?Play“Simon Says

138、” to review thewords“jump,run,walk,sit,stand.”Ss like to talk with each other.S1:I am fine thanks .S2:It is sunny.Ss can do the action and read these words.Testpresent the vocabulary of this unit.then ask the Ss to spell these words. Make sure they cansay it correctly.divide Ss into groups of four c

139、hildren.Play“Memorycard”.Ss like to talk using as muchEnglish as possible.Class ActivityUse the test paper in the activity book.Stop the audiotape between the first and second time to answer any questions the studentsmay have.Activities after the TestExchange Tests And Score theListening Comprehensi

140、on. (with their partners)Collect the tests to score the rest of the test later.Ss can fluntly say something about the story in pairs.Ss can cooperate to do it.They like to do it .group work 为学生提供自主学习和相互交流的机会以及充分表现的空间。Class Closingsing a song that connect closely with the unit you have just finished.

141、二次备案43课后反思:课题:课题: Lesson19 Meet Li Ming Lesson19 Meet Li Mings Familys Family第第 3737 课时课时内容:内容:知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:教法教法:教学目标能听说读写四会单词。能用句子 When will you go to 来提问并回答。通过让学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。能听说读写四会单词。能用句子 When will you go to 来提问并回答。录

142、音机共案部分Step1. Warming up.T: Good morning, everyone. How are you today?Step 2. New Concepts.Free talkT: Lets have a free talkI love to travel, It is fun! I want to go to _. I want _ and _to come, too. We willgo there by _._ is a big city. There are many _ _ in_. It is great.T: Good job. Lets review th

143、e month of the year.(read)T: Ok, When is your birthday?S: My birthday is onNew concepts:T: Can you help me to fill in the blanks?The last question is When will they go to Shanghai? Make a sentence like this. (拓展第三人称)Pair work : ask and answer with your friend.Group workWrite a study plan on your hol

144、iday.Step:3. Presentations.1.Read and answer the questions.2.Open your book and do the part 2.Step:4.Role playRead the story with your friends. Role play.Step:5. Homework.板书设计44二次备案Lesson19 Meet Li Mings FamilyWhen will you go to ?课后反思:课题:课题: Lesson20 The Spring Festival Is Coming! Lesson20 The Spri

145、ng Festival Is Coming!第第 3838 课时课时内容:内容:知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:能听懂会说一些关于节日的名称。能简单描述关于春节做的事情。通过让学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。通过对中国传统节日春节的学习,学生感受到传统文化的底蕴,促使学生热爱我国文化。词汇、句式及语法结构在老师的帮助下能够运用自己的语言描述春节。录音机教法教法:教学目标共案部分Step1. Warming up.T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? Whats the date

146、today?Step 2. New Concepts.16. Review.T: In China , there are many interesting festival. Can you say some interesting festival youknow.Whats your favorite festival in China? Whats the date of this festival?17. New concepts:T: Good job, Do you knowwhats the date of the Spring Festival?SsT:Yes , Sprin

147、g Festival is the Chinese New Year. Its on the first day of a yearon the lunar canlendar.(给学生区分阴历和阳历) I like Spring Festival, Because I can buynew clothes and clean my roomsWhat do you do for the Spring Festival?Ss.Eg: clean windows/doors/ make dumplings /fly kitesT: There are many interesting thing

148、s in Spring Festival. It is great. Today lets go to LiMings home.Lets listen what do they do in Spring Festival, Okay?Step:5. Homework.板书设计Lesson 20 The Spring Festival Is Coming!clean our roomsmake dumplings45二次备案Spring Festival is comingvisit my family and friendskids get lucky monkey课题:课题: Lesson

149、20 The Spring Festival Is Coming! Lesson20 The Spring Festival Is Coming!第第 3939 课时课时内容:内容:知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备课型:课型:能听懂会说一些关于节日的名称。能简单描述关于春节做的事情。通过让学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。通过对中国传统节日春节的学习,学生感受到传统文化的底蕴,促使学生热爱我国文化。词汇、句式及语法结构在老师的帮助下能够运用自己的语言描述春节。录音机教法教法:教学目标共案部分Step1. Warming up.T: Hello,

150、 boys and girls. How are you today? Whats the date today?Step:2. Presentations.1.Pair work:Introduce the Spring Festival to your friend.eg :Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year. When SpringFestival is coming, I buy newclothesclean our rooms/ clean the doors, the windows and the floor./ make dumpl

151、ings/ visit myfamily and friends/ Kids get lucky money.2.Group work: (ask and write)Ask and answer the questions one by one in groups. Then fill in the blanks.Step:3. Summary.Sing a song then ask students summary: How do you feel about thesong?Step:4. Homework.板书设计Lesson 20 The Spring Festival Is Co

152、ming!clean our roomsmake dumplingsSpring Festival is comingvisit my family and friendskids get lucky monkey二次备案课后反思:46课题:课题: Lesson21 What Year Is It? Lesson21 What Year Is It?第第 4040 课时课时内容:内容:课型:课型:教法教法:教学目标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备1.了解中国传统文化。2.能听说读写四会单词。3.能用句子 What year are you ?来提问并回答。通过让学生

153、比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。能听说读写四会单词。能用句子 What year are you ?来提问并回答。录音机共案部分Step1. Warming up.T: Good morning, everyone. How are you today?Step 2. New Concepts.18. Quickly answer:T: Say the animals you know.T: Good job. In China, years have names. The names

154、are animals. Do you know what arethey ? Lets order them.19. New concepts:T:T: Ok, What year are you ?S: My year is the year of(拓展第三人称)Step:3. Presentations.1. Pair work : ask and answer with your friend.2.Group workWhat is your year? What about your friends? Ask and fill in the blanks.Step:4.Role pl

155、ay1.Listen to the tap and follow it .2.Read the story with your friends. role play.Step:5. Homework.板书设计Lesson21 What Year Is It?What year are you ?My year is the year of the_二次备案47课题:课题: Lesson21 What Year Is It? Lesson21 What Year Is It?第第 4141 课时课时内容:内容:课型:课型:教法教法:教学目标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学

156、准备1.了解中国传统文化。2.能听说读写四会单词。3.能用句子 What year are you ?来提问并回答。通过让学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。能听说读写四会单词。能用句子 What year are you ?来提问并回答。录音机共案部分Step1. Warming up.T: Good morning, everyone. How are you today?Step 2. New Concepts.学生自读已学过的十二生肖动物词语。讲解新授的十二生肖动物词汇 rato

157、xdragonrooster重点指导单词的拼写和读音。模仿例句 The twelfth animal is a pig.进行造句个别学生展示Step:3. Presentations.1. Pair work : ask and answer with your friend.2.Group workWhat is your year? What about your friends? Ask and fill in the blanks.Step:4.Role play3.Listen to the tap and follow it .4.Read the story with your

158、friends. role play.Step:5. Homework.板书设计Lesson21 What Year Is It?What year are you ?My year is the year of the_二次备案课后反思:课题:课题: Lesson22 Special Holidays in China Lesson22 Special Holidays in China第第 4242 课时课时48内容:内容:课型:课型:教法教法:教学目标知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备1.了解中国传统文化。2.能听说读写四会单词。3.能用句子 What do y

159、ou do for句型来提问并回答。通过让学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。能听说读写四会单词。能用句子 What do you do for ?来提问并回答。录音机共案部分Step1. Warming up.T: Good morning, everyone. How are you today?Step 2. New Concepts.20. ReviewT: Say the festivals you know.Eg: This is ItsT: The last festiva

160、l isDo you like this festival ? What do you do for Spring Festival ?New concepts:T: In China, there are many festivals .lets look at!T: What do you do on the Dragon Boat Festival ?S: We have(拓展中国其他的传统节日)Step:3. Presentations.1. Pair work : ask and answer with your friend.2.Group workTalk about your

161、favourite festival and fill in the blanks.Step:4.Listen and answerListen to the tape and answer my questions.Step:5. Homework.板书设计Lesson22 Special Holidays in ChinaWhat do you do on_?I_.二次备案课题:课题: Lesson23 What Do We Need for the Trip? Lesson23 What Do We Need for the Trip?第第 4343 课时课时内容:内容:教学目标课型:课

162、型:教法教法:知识与技能1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇those、 that.2.学生能理解 this、 that、 these、 those 所表达的意思。3.学生能认读,理解并运用下列基本的句型结构:I like.I dont like.494.学生能了解字母组合 ow, oa和 o 在单词中的发音及规则。通过对比,演示让学生更易理解。让学生在学习中以比赛、小组讨论等方式过程与方法培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。学生能够用句型 I like.I dont

163、 like. 来介绍自己所喜欢的衣服。正确运用 this that these those 四个词在句中的表达。录音机共案部分Step1. Warming up.T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? Hows the weather today?Step 2. New Concepts.1.Review.T:Do you like the Spring Festival? What do you do for the special holidays?2.New concepts:T: There are many special holid

164、ays in China and some food.Beijing Duck.do you know? Are they delicious? Today we will have a trip again.T:What do we need for the trip?Train tickets foodcamera clothes and so on.T:What clothes does Li Ming like?Now Lets look .PPT:This is near These are near.That is far.Those are far.thisthattheseth

165、osesweatersweatersshirttrousersskirtclothesT:Okay, now lets have a chant.板书设计Lesson 23:What do we need for the trip?I like these red trousers. I dont like those trousers.I like this blue sweater.I dont like that orange sweater.ow know slow_ _ _oa coat boat _ _ _o nose home_ _ _二次备案课题:课题: Lesson23 Wh

166、at Do We Need for the Trip? Lesson23 What Do We Need for the Trip?第第 4444 课时课时内容:内容:教学目课型:课型:教法教法:知识与技能1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇those、 that.2.学生能理解 this、 that、 these、 those 所表达的意思。3.学生能认读,理解并运用下列基本的句型结构:I like.50标I dont like.4.学生能了解字母组合 ow, oa和 o 在单词中的发音及规则。通过对比,演示让学生更易理解。让学生在学习中以比赛、小组讨论等方式过程与方法培养学生英语思维及

167、互助学习模式。情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。学生能够用句型 I like.I dont like. 来介绍自己所喜欢的衣服。正确运用 this that these those 四个词在句中的表达。录音机共案部分Step1. Warming up.T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? Hows the weather today?Step 2. New Concepts.Practice the sentences :I like.I dont

168、like.1.Pair work: point to students clothes and say each other.3.Group work: (say and write)Say the sentences in your group and then do Part 3 together.Step: 3. Letters and sounds.T:This part we learn the pronunciation of the letters.owknow slow (show, snow)oacoat boat (goat, soap)onose home (hope,

169、note, those )Find out the rules and try to read.Step: 4. Summary.Let the student say the summary and teacher check it.Step: 5. Homework:Make the sentences with I like. and I dont like.板书设计Lesson 23:What do we need for the trip?I like these red trousers. I dont like those trousers.I like this blue sw

170、eater.I dont like that orange sweater.ow know slow_ _ _oa coat boat _ _ _o nose home_ _ _二次备案课后反思:课题:课题: Lesson24 Year Animals Lesson24 Year Animals第第 4545 课时课时51内容:内容:知识与技能教学目标课型:课型:1.能听懂理解故事。2. 能简单的复述故事。教法教法:通过对比,演示让学生更易理解。让学生在学习中以比赛、小组讨论等方式过程与方法培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用

171、英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。听懂理解故事内容。学生能够简单的复述故事。录音机共案部分Step1. Warming up.T: Good morning, everyone. How are you today?Step 2. New Concepts.21. Review. (discuss)T: Lets say it .(from first to twelfth)T:In China, years have names. The names are animals . Do you know there order ? and Doyou know Why c

172、at eat rat ?today I will give you the answers.22. New concepts:T: Listen and follow the tap. Then find the answers.a. When will they have a meeting?b. Who arrive at the meeting first ?c. How does he to be the first ?d. Do you like the rat in the story? Why or why not?3.Lets order the animals of the

173、year.4.Listen to the tap again and number the pictures.5.discuss. What do you learn from the story ?Step:3. Presentations.1.Role playRead the story with your friends. And act the story.Step:4.Retell the storyChoose one of the pictures you like and retell it with the key words.Step:5. Homework.板书设计Le

174、sson24 Year AnimalsDo you like the rat in the story? Why or why not?二次备案课后反思:52课题:课题: Again, Please! Again, Please!第第 4646 课时课时内容:内容:知识与技能教学目标课型:课型:教法教法:1.能听懂会说这一单元的重点单词及句型。2. 能自己写出节日介绍的小短文。通过对比,演示让学生更易理解。让学生在学习中以比赛、小组讨论等方式过程与方法培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的

175、学习兴趣与合作。能听懂会说这一单元的重点单词及句型。能自己写出节日介绍的小短文。录音机共案部分Step1. Warming up.T: Good morning, everyone. How are you today? Introduce yourself to our students.Hello, everyone. My name is _. I am _years old. My year is the year of the _.I am a student. I go to school _ 7:30 _the morning. I like _. I dont like _.S

176、tep 2. New Concepts.23. Review. (discuss)T: Today lets help the two pupils to get the champion. Okay?S: Yes,T: Now, lets come to step 1.24. New concepts:(1) Quickly answer.T: In this Sunday, If you will have a trip, What do you need for the trip? quickly answer.T: A good beginning. Let s come to ste

177、p 2.(2) Order the animals in year. and then introduce your friends to fill in the blanks.My name is _. I am _years old. My year is the year of the _. _ is _yearsold. His/Her year is the year of the _.(3) Step 3Talk about your favorite festival. And write it down .The _is my favorite festival. It is

178、comes _.When_comes ,we can _.How happywe are!Step:3. Homework.53二次备案板书设计Again, Pleasethis ,that , these ,those课题:课题: Again, Please! Again, Please!第第 4747 课时课时内容:内容:知识与技能教学目标课型:课型:教法教法:1.能听懂会说这一单元的重点单词及句型。2. 能自己写出节日介绍的小短文。通过对比,演示让学生更易理解。让学生在学习中以比赛、小组讨论等方式过程与方法培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备使学生乐于

179、学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。能听懂会说这一单元的重点单词及句型。能自己写出节日介绍的小短文。录音机共案部分.Leading the new lesson.Step1: Warming-upSing a song about clothes.Step2: Revision.1. Talk about the clothes in groups .( pants ,coat ,shoes, jacket.)A: What are you wearing?B: Im wearing a jacket.A: Oh , its beautiful ,I

180、like it. Where did you buy?B: In a store.A:I want to buy some clothes. Would you like to go with me?B: Sure.A: How far is it from school to the store?B: One kilometer.A: Ok! Lets go there on foot!B: Lets go. 2. Play a game: “Simon Says” in order to review the verbs.(jump, run, walk, sit, stand)3.Do

181、and guess: Do the actions and guess the verbs.Step 3: Class closing板书设计Again, Please二次备案this ,that , these ,those课题:课题: Again, Please! Again, Please!第第 4848 课时课时54内容:内容:知识与技能教学目标课型:课型:教法教法:1.能听懂会说这一单元的重点单词及句型。2. 能自己写出节日介绍的小短文。通过对比,演示让学生更易理解。让学生在学习中以比赛、小组讨论等方式过程与方法培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。情感态度与价值观教学重点教学难点教学准备

182、使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。能听懂会说这一单元的重点单词及句型。能自己写出节日介绍的小短文。录音机共案部分Step1: WarmingupSing a song about clothes.Step2: Revision. (In a store )A: May I help you ?B: Yes, please. I want to buy a jacket.A: Ok, Ill show you. Do you like this jacket or thatjacket?A:I want this red one. How m

183、uch is it?B: Thirty Yuan .A: Ill take it. I want a pair of shoes too.B: Do you like these shoes or those shoes?A: I like those shoes. How much are they?B: Eighty Yuan .A: Oh, they are too dear, can you make them a little cheaper?B: What about fifty yuan ?A: Ok, here is the money.创设买东西的情境,让孩子们在对话中复习所学知识,使他们对复习课感兴趣,真正做到在轻松学英语。2.Play a game: “Simon Says” in order to review the verbs.( jump, run, walk, sit, stand)3.Do and guess: Do the actions and guess the verbs.Step 3: Class Closing .板书设计Again, Please二次备案this ,that , these ,those课后反思:5556



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