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1、1lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Part Part Warm-up Activities Useful Expressions Warm-up Activities Useful Expressions1. Gear pumps belong to the positive displace pump.1. Gear pumps belong to the positive displace pump.2. How about No.1 generator?2. How about No.1 generator?3. May I give the main engine a br

2、ief trail?3. May I give the main engine a brief trail?4. It is driven by an electric motor.4. It is driven by an electric motor.5. How often do you test?5. How often do you test?6. There used to be a foreign-made one.6. There used to be a foreign-made one.7. Replace it with a new one.7. Replace it w

3、ith a new one.8. A water- tube boiler has many advantage over the fire-tube boiler.8. A water- tube boiler has many advantage over the fire-tube boiler.9. It is only a makeshift.9. It is only a makeshift.10. The ship will go to the next port of call.10. The ship will go to the next port of call.Unit

4、 2 Daily English Room Business2lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Part Part Listening Skills Listening SkillsTask 1 Picture listeningTask 1 Picture listeningLook at the pictures, listen carefully and choose what you hear.1.A.Gearwheel pump 齿轮泵B.Centrifugal pump 离心泵C.Ejector pump 喷射泵D.Reciprocating pump 往复泵2.A.Oi

5、l water separator 油水分离器B.Oil separator 油分离器C.Purifier 分水机D.Clarifier 分杂机高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话3lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 1 Picture listeningTask 1 Picture listening3.A.Air compressor 空气压缩机B.Air receiver 空气瓶C.Air bottle 空气瓶D.Air charge 空气补充4.A.Main engine 主机B.Steam engine 蒸汽机C.Auxiliary engine 辅

6、机D.Generator engine 发电机高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话4lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 1 Picture listeningTask 1 Picture listening5.A.Gear pump B.Centrifugal pumpC.Ejector pumpD.Reciprocating pump6.A.Windlass . 锚机B.Mooring winch 绞缆机C.Crane 克令吊D.Hydraulic motor 液压马达高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话5lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听

7、力与会话Task 1 Picture listeningTask 1 Picture listening7.A.Tank 柜子B.Cooler 冷却器C.Air bottle 空气瓶D.Boiler 锅炉8.A.Heat exchanger 热交换器B.Lube oil cooler 滑油冷却器C.Fresh water generator 造水机D.Jacket water cooler 缸套水冷却器高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话6lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 1 Picture listeningTask 1 Picture listening

8、9.A.Windlass 锚机B.Mooring winch 绞缆机C.Crane 可令吊D.Hydraulic motor 液压马达10.A.Windlass 锚机B.Mooring winch 绞缆机C.Hydraulic motor 液压马达D.Crane高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话7lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 2 Sentence listeningTask 2 Sentence listeningListen to the following sentences carefully and choose the best one ac

9、cording to what you hear.A fire-tube boiler is equipped on board.1.A.Where is the fire-tube boiler 火管锅炉 B.Whats the function of the fire-tube boiler?功能 C.There is a fire-tube boiler on board . 船上有一个火管锅炉 D.The fire-tube boiler is very big.I am a ship chandler. I want to see your chief engineer.2.A.I

10、want to see your ship chandler 船商 B.I am a shipowner 船东 C.I am a chief engineer D.I am a ship chandler .我是船舶供应商。高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话8lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 2 Sentence listeningTask 2 Sentence listening3.We get electric power from a generator.A.The generator engine supplies electric power.发

11、电机提供电力B.The main engine supplies driving power.驱动动力C.The generator engine works well.D.The main engine works smoothly.平稳地4.I want to know the number of seaman on board.A.I dont know the seamen on board .海员B.I want to know the name of the seamen in port.在港C.I dont know the number of the seamen in por

12、t.D.I want to know how many seafarers work on board .我想知道船上有几名海员。 高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话9lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 2 Sentence listeningTask 2 Sentence listening5.Gear pump is a kind of positive displace pump.A. Gear pump belongs to positive displacement pump. 齿轮泵是属于容积式泵B. Screw pump belongs to

13、positive displacement pump.螺杆泵C. Gear pump belongs to centrifugal pump.D. Gear pump belongs to non-positive displacement pump.6.When we arrived, the ship had left for two days.A. The ship left three days ago.B. The ship left two days before we arrived. 我们到港时,船舶离港两。天C. The ship left two days after we

14、 arrived.D. We arrived there two days later than the ship did.高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话10lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 2 Sentence listeningTask 2 Sentence listening7.The preheater is close to the alternator.A. There is a generator by the preheater.在附近,预加热器B. The alternator is near the preheater.交流发电机在

15、在预热器附近。C. The preheater is closed.D. The preheater is behind the alternator.发电机8.A. We repaired the damaged parts.损坏的部件B. We replaced the damaged part on board.C. We used the spare parts on board to replace the damaged parts.D. Spare parts can be used to replace the damaged parts.备件高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班

16、机工英语听力与会话11lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 2 Sentence listeningTask 2 Sentence listening9.Wate-tube boiler is more popular nowadays.A. Water-tube boiler is better than any kind of boiler.水管锅炉B. Fire-tube boiler is better .C. Water-tube boiler can deliver more steam .产生更多蒸汽D. There are more water-tube boi

17、ler used on board. 船上广泛使用水管锅炉。10.That is the ship we visited yesterday. A. Yesterday we visited that ship.我们昨天参观了那艘船。B. It was yesterday that we painted the ship. C. We didt visit the ship yesterday.D. Yesterday the ship was alongside the wharf.在码头边上高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话12lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话

18、Task 3 Dialogue listeningTask 3 Dialogue listening Listen to the following dialogues carefully and answer the questions according to what you hear.1. Q: What does the first speaker ask for?A. An automatic boiler.自动锅炉B. An instruction book for the main engine.说明书C. An operation instruction book for t

19、he boiler.锅炉操作说明书D. An maintemance manual for the boiler.保养手册2. Q: What boiler is used when the ship is in port?A. An exhaust gas boiler.废气锅炉B. A donkey boiler.辅锅炉C. A water-tube boiler.水管锅炉D. A WHR Unit.高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话13lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 3 Dialogue listeningTask 3 Dialogue liste

20、ning3. Q:What type is the auxiliary engine?A. A two-stroke low speed diesel engine.二B. A four-stroke medium speed diesel engine.C. A two-stroke medium speed diesel engine.D. A four-stroke low speed diesel engine.4. Q:What kind of air compressor is it?A. The two-stage air compressor.两级空气压缩机B. The one

21、-stage air compressor.C. The two-stroke air compressor.两冲程D. The four-stroke air compressor.高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话14lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 3 Dialogue listeningTask 3 Dialogue listening5. Q: Whats wrong with No.1 genetator?A. The piston rings were taken out .拿出B. The piston was cracked.裂纹C. T

22、he piston was broken.损坏D. The piston rings were worn out .磨坏了6. Q: What is the first speaker going to do?A. Go to the engine room.集控室B. Go to test the generator.测试C. Go ahead to front of the team.队的前面D. Try the main engine.高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话15lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 3 Dialogue listeningTa

23、sk 3 Dialogue listening7. Q: What mode is the bilge water pump driven?A. Chain drive.链条驱动B. Gear drive.齿轮C. Motor drive.马达D. Either chain drive or gear drive.8. Q: What is the interval to treat the boiler water?A. At 7-days interval.B. At 8-days interval.C. At regular interval.规律的间隔D. Irregularly.不规

24、则高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话16lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 3 Dialogue listeningTask 3 Dialogue listening9. Q: What do you do before you start the oil purufier?A. Push the button of power supply firstly.电源按钮B. Check everything firstly.C. Start oil pump firstly.D. Open the steam valve.10. Q: What is the

25、second speaker going to do with the filter of the oil separator?A. Check it carefully. B. Change it with a new one. C. Repair it.D. Send it to the workshop. 高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话17lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 4 Passage listeningTask 4 Passage listening Listen to the following passage and conversa

26、tions carefully and answer the questions according to what you hear.Passage 1Passage 1Q1: What are they talking about?Q1: What are they talking about? A. The oil separator. A. The oil separator. B. The oily water separator. B. The oily water separator. C. The fresh water generator. C. The fresh wate

27、r generator. D. The exhaust gas boiler. D. The exhaust gas boiler.Q2: How often do they analyze the water?Q2: How often do they analyze the water?化验分析化验分析 A. About once a day.A. About once a day. B. About once a week. B. About once a week. C. About once a month. C. About once a month. D. About every

28、 day. D. About every day.Q3: What do they use to treat the water?Q3: What do they use to treat the water? A. Chemicals. A. Chemicals.化学品化学品 B. Filters. B. Filters. C. Fresh water. C. Fresh water. D. Sea water. D. Sea water.Q4: What is the heating surface area?Q4: What is the heating surface area?加热面

29、积加热面积 A. 80 m2.A. 80 m2. B. 100 m2. B. 100 m2. C. 150 m2. C. 150 m2. D. 115 m2. D. 115 m2.湖北交通职业技术学院港口与航运系湖北交通职业技术学院港口与航运系高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话18lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 4 Passage & Conversation listeningTask 4 Passage & Conversation listening Passage 2Passage 2Q1: What is the function of cla

30、rifier?Q1: What is the function of clarifier?分杂机分杂机 A. Remove water from oil.A. Remove water from oil. B. Remove impurities from oil. B. Remove impurities from oil. C. Treat oily water. C. Treat oily water. D. Clean water. D. Clean water.Q2: Whats the sequence to treat dirty oil?Q2: Whats the sequen

31、ce to treat dirty oil?顺序顺序 A. purifier clarifier.A. purifier clarifier. B. clarifier purifier. B. clarifier purifier. C. There is no sequence. C. There is no sequence. D. clarification purification. D. clarification purification.Q3: What will happen if the fuel oil used contains too much water?Q3: W

32、hat will happen if the fuel oil used contains too much water? A. The engine will exhaust black smoke. A. The engine will exhaust black smoke. B. The engine will exhaust yellow smoke. B. The engine will exhaust yellow smoke. C. The engine will exhaust white smoke. C. The engine will exhaust white smo

33、ke. 白烟白烟 D. The engine will exhaust blue smoke. D. The engine will exhaust blue smoke. Q4: Why should we use the oil separator?Q4: Why should we use the oil separator? A. Remove water from oil . A. Remove water from oil . B. Good for combustion. B. Good for combustion. 有效燃烧有效燃烧 C. Reduce wear failur

34、es. C. Reduce wear failures. D. All of the above. 高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话19lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 4 Passage & Conversation listeningTask 4 Passage & Conversation listening Passage 3Passage 3Q1: When was the new generator installed in the engine room? A. When it was in good order.好工况 B. During

35、 the repair of the ship.修船 C. After it was repaired. D. Two hours later.Q2: Where was the new generator made? A. In our country . B. During the repair of the ship. C. In Germany. 德国 D. In Norway. 挪威Q3: Why did we decide to replace the foreign-made one? A. Because it was foreign-made. B. Because it w

36、as good. C. Because it has run for 1,000 hours. D. Because it was often out of order.Q4: How is the new generator? A. In good order. B. Often fails. C. Out of order.发生故障 D. Just so so.一般般高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话20lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 4 Passage & Conversation listeningTask 4 Passage & Convers

37、ation listeningPassage 4Passage 4Q1: How does the water-tube boiler produce steam?Q1: How does the water-tube boiler produce steam? A. At high temperature and low pressure. A. At high temperature and low pressure. B. At low temperature and high pressure. B. At low temperature and high pressure. C. A

38、t low temperature and low pressure. C. At low temperature and low pressure. D. At high temperature and pressure. D. At high temperature and pressure. Q2: What boiler is fitted on a dissel vessel?Q2: What boiler is fitted on a dissel vessel? A. Water-tube boiler. A. Water-tube boiler. B. Fire-tube bo

39、iler. B. Fire-tube boiler. C. Exhaust boiler. C. Exhaust boiler. D. Compssite boiler. D. Compssite boiler. 组合组合Q3: What does the speaker mainly introduce?Q3: What does the speaker mainly introduce? A. Boilers. A. Boilers. B. Water-tube boiler. B. Water-tube boiler. C. Fire-tube boiler. C. Fire-tube

40、boiler. D. Steam. D. Steam.Q4: What kind of boiler has more advantages?Q4: What kind of boiler has more advantages? A. Fire-tube boiler. A. Fire-tube boiler. B. Water-tube boiler. B. Water-tube boiler. C. Exhaust boiler. C. Exhaust boiler. D. Scotch boiler. D. Scotch boiler.苏格兰锅炉苏格兰锅炉高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级

41、值班机工英语听力与会话21lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 4 Passage & Conversation listeningTask 4 Passage & Conversation listeningPassage 5Passage 5Q1: What kind of machine are the motormen repairing?Q1: What kind of machine are the motormen repairing? A. A welding machine. A. A welding machine. 电焊机电焊机 B. A drilling

42、 machine. B. A drilling machine. 钻床钻床 C. A grinding machine. C. A grinding machine. 研磨机研磨机 D. A cutting machine. D. A cutting machine. 切割机切割机Q2: Whats wrong with the fresh water pipe?Q2: Whats wrong with the fresh water pipe? A. It is leaking. A. It is leaking. B. It is broken. B. It is broken. C. I

43、t is filled with oil. C. It is filled with oil. D. It is filled with sludge. D. It is filled with sludge. 油渣油渣 Q3: When are they going to replace the pipe?Q3: When are they going to replace the pipe? A. After welding it up. A. After welding it up. 焊接焊接 B. Right now. B. Right now. 马上马上 C. During the

44、annual repair. C. During the annual repair. 年度修理年度修理 D. When the ship reaches the port.D. When the ship reaches the port.Q4: How will they rapair the machine?Q4: How will they rapair the machine? A. Weld it up. A. Weld it up. B. Grind it. B. Grind it. C. Disassemble and clean it. C. Disassemble and

45、clean it. 解体和清洁解体和清洁 D. Send it to the shipyard. D. Send it to the shipyard. 船厂船厂高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话22lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Passage 6Passage 6Q1: What does Lin Tao do on board?Q1: What does Lin Tao do on board? A. He works as the chief engineer. A. He works as the chief engineer. B. He may be

46、 the 2 B. He may be the 2ndnd engineer . engineer . C. He is a motorman. C. He is a motorman. D. He will be the fourth engineer. D. He will be the fourth engineer. Q2: How does he usually work?Q2: How does he usually work? A. He is always careful. A. He is always careful. 小心小心 B. He always works tog

47、ether with others. B. He always works together with others. C. He likes to work alone. C. He likes to work alone. 单独单独 D. He doesnt take the readings himself. D. He doesnt take the readings himself. 获得读数获得读数 Q3: What doesnt he do during his watch?Q3: What doesnt he do during his watch? A. Take the r

48、eadings. A. Take the readings. B. Watch the operation of the machines. B. Watch the operation of the machines. C. Do some maintenance work. C. Do some maintenance work. D. Have a rest. D. Have a rest. 休息一会休息一会Q4: What do you think of Lin Tao?Q4: What do you think of Lin Tao? A. He is helpful. A. He

49、is helpful. B. He dislikes working with others. B. He dislikes working with others. C. He is unhelpful. C. He is unhelpful. 不帮助人的不帮助人的 D. He is careless. D. He is careless. 粗心粗心高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话23lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Part Part Speaking Skills Speaking SkillsTask 1 Reading PracticeTask 1 Re

50、ading PracticeRead aloud the following passages and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Passage 1 Passage 1 A pump is a machine used to raise liquid from a low point to a high point. It simply provides the liquid with an increase in energy enabling it to flow or build up pressure(建立压力

51、. The pumping action can be achieved in many ways according to the type of the pump employed.高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话24lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 1 Reading PracticeTask 1 Reading Practice Passage 2 Passage 2 Shanghai Harbor is one of the largest sea ports in the world. Every day. a lot of ships wi

52、th imported goods (进口货物)arrive here and everyday a lot of ships with goods for export 出口sail away from there to all parts of the world.高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话25lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 1 Reading PracticeTask 1 Reading Practice Passage 3 Passage 3 There is much emergency equipment on board .They

53、 are emergency power supply应急电源供应. emergency steering gear应急舵机, watertight door水蜜门. quick closing device for the fuel oil system and so on. Everyman should keep the equipment in good order and check them regularly.高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话26lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 2 Answer the Questions Task 2 A

54、nswer the Questions 1.Whats the function of fuel oil separator? 1.Whats the function of fuel oil separator? 燃油分油机燃油分油机的作用是什么?的作用是什么? To remove water and impurities from oil. To remove water and impurities from oil. 从油当中去从油当中去除水和杂质。除水和杂质。2. What boiler is used when the ship is at sea? 2. What boiler

55、is used when the ship is at sea? 当船舶当船舶在海上航行的时候使用什么锅炉?)在海上航行的时候使用什么锅炉?) Exhaust gas boiler. Exhaust gas boiler. 废气锅炉废气锅炉3. What boiler is used when the ship is in port? 3. What boiler is used when the ship is in port? 当船舶当船舶在港内的时候使用什么锅炉?)在港内的时候使用什么锅炉?)Donkey boiler. Donkey boiler. 辅锅炉。辅锅炉。4. Why do

56、we have to treat boiler water? 4. Why do we have to treat boiler water? 为什么我们必为什么我们必须处理锅炉水?须处理锅炉水? To prevent scale and corrosion. To prevent scale and corrosion. 为了防止结垢和腐蚀。为了防止结垢和腐蚀。5. What is the function of purifier? 5. What is the function of purifier? 分水机的作用是什么分水机的作用是什么? To remove water from oi

57、l. To remove water from oil. 从油当中去除水。从油当中去除水。 高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话27lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Task 2 Answer the Questions Task 2 Answer the Questions 6. What is the function of clarifier? 6. What is the function of clarifier? 分杂机的作用是什么?分杂机的作用是什么? To remove impurities from oil. To remove impurities

58、 from oil. 从油当中去除杂质。从油当中去除杂质。7. What is the function of pump? 7. What is the function of pump? 泵的作用是什么?泵的作用是什么? To transfer liquid. To transfer liquid. 把液体从低处提升到高处。把液体从低处提升到高处。8. The gear pump belongs to the positive displacement pump. True 8. The gear pump belongs to the positive displacement pump.

59、 True or false? or false? 齿轮泵属于容积式泵。正确还是错误?齿轮泵属于容积式泵。正确还是错误? Its true. Its true. 正确。正确。9.What kind of liquid is the gear pump suitable for? 9.What kind of liquid is the gear pump suitable for? 齿轮泵适合泵哪种齿轮泵适合泵哪种液体?液体? Oil . Oil . 油类。油类。10. Which type of boiler does “D” type boiler belong to, water-tub

60、e 10. Which type of boiler does “D” type boiler belong to, water-tube boiler or fire-tube boiler? Dboiler or fire-tube boiler? D型锅炉属于哪种锅炉,水管式锅炉还是型锅炉属于哪种锅炉,水管式锅炉还是火管式锅炉?火管式锅炉? It belongs to water-tube boiler. It belongs to water-tube boiler. 它属于水管式锅炉。它属于水管式锅炉。高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话28lesson-5-高级值班

61、机工英语听力与会话Task 3 Topic talksTask 3 Topic talks 1. Talk about the auxiliary machinery in the engine room.1. Talk about the auxiliary machinery in the engine room.2. Describe the two types of boilers on board2. Describe the two types of boilers on board . .3. Talk about oil treatment3. Talk about oil t

62、reatment . .高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话29lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话1. Talk about the auxiliary machinery in the engine room.1. Talk about the auxiliary machinery in the engine room.The auxiliary machinery is much more in number. They are not as big as the main engine. They include the generators, the boi

63、lers, the fresh water generators, the pumps and the steering gear, the windlass, the winches and cranes. They are very important for voyage. Without them, the ship cant sail at sea.2. Describe the two types of boilers on board.2. Describe the two types of boilers on board.There are two distinct type

64、s of marine boilers in use on board ship, the fire-tube boiler in which the hot gases from the furnaces pass through the tubes while the water is on the outside, and the water-tube boiler in which the water flows through the inside of the tubes while the hot furnace gases pass around the outside. Th

65、e water-tube boiler is employed for high pressure, high temperature, high capacity steam applications, e.g. providing steam for main propulsion turbines or cargo pump turbines. Fire-tube boilers are used for auxiliary purposes to provide smaller quantities of low pressure steam on diesel engine powe

66、red ships.3. Talk about oil treatment.3. Talk about oil treatment.Both fuel oil and lubricating oil require treatment before passing to the engine. This will involve storage and heating to allow separation of water present, coarse and fine filtering to remove solid particles and also centrifuging. 30lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话Lesson 4 Auxiliary Machinery System Operation(I)Finished!Finished!Thanks!Thanks!高级值班机工英语听力与会话高级值班机工英语听力与会话31lesson-5-高级值班机工英语听力与会话



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