八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Sunshine for all Reading 1课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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《八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Sunshine for all Reading 1课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Sunshine for all Reading 1课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、intellectual /ntlektul/ adj. 智力的智力的Pre-readingathlete /li:t / n. 运动员运动员special athletesbe born with intellectual disabilitiesdisability /dsblti / n. 缺陷,障碍缺陷,障碍 event/vent / n. similar/sml(r)/ adjPre-readingcoachescoach / kt / n. 教练教练Pre-readingconfident/knfdnt / adj. 自信的自信的Pre-readinggold and silver

2、achieve dreamsachieve /ti:v / vt. 实现;达到实现;达到Pre-readingvolunteersvolunteers A report on the experience of a volunteerTask 1 Skim the report and answer the questions3. Who feels like part of one big family?Athletes and volunteers.1. Whats the name of the volunteer?Liu Ming.While-reading2. What did he

3、 do in October 2007?He volunteered for the Special Olympics World Summer Games in Shanghai.Introduction Para 2Task 2 Introduce the Special Olympics World Gameschance intellectual disabilities events While-reading Para 3 What volunteers do Task 3 Answer the questions1.How many people volunteered for

4、the 2007 Special Olympics World Games? 3. What did volunteers do for the event?2. What was necessary for volunteers before doing the tasks?Over 40,000 people.Training.They provided support for the athletes and helped make the event a great success.While-readingTask 4 True or False1. Liu Ming worked

5、as a swimming coach. _2. Li Hai was born with intellectual disabilities. _3. The most important thing to Li Hai is to win the first prize. _4. Li Hai was sure to win the swimming competition. _TTFF Para 4 Liu Mings volunteering experienceWhile-readingtried his best and finished fourth Task 5 Intervi

6、ewReporter: Hello, Mr LiuLiu Ming:.While-readingIt was the most _experience of Liu Mings life. It was _to work as a volunteer. It was_for Liu Ming to work closely with these special athletes. Task 6 Fill in blanksamazing fantastic great Para 1&5Liu Mings feelings While-reading1. Task 7 Find out two

7、phrases on the influence of the Special Olympics World Games:2. make athletes and volunteersWhile-readingbring people togetherfeel like part of one big family(影响影响) The Olympics World Games Gamesgive people with disabilities a chance to show their skillsinclude many events to those in the Olympics V

8、olunteersgive up timereceiveprovide for the athletesThe influence on athletes their dreams feel more specialintellectualsimilarsparetrainingsupportachieveconfidentTask 1 Find out detailed informationPost-readingAn introductionLiu Mings feelingsWhat volunteers doLiu Mings experience Topic 2 What can

9、you do for people in need?Topic 1 What have you learnt from special athletes?Post-readingTask 2 DiscussionShare our love with them;Understand them better;Notice their progress(进步进步);Support integrated education(融合教育融合教育);Help them anytime;Inspire(鼓舞鼓舞) them to be brave;Never give them up;Encourage t

10、hem to be confident.Love is the sunshine of social life. Lets love each other and make the world full of sunshine! Tell people around you about the Special Olympics Games and encourage them to care about special people.Thank you for attending!The 12th Special Olympics World Summer Games were held in Shanghai in 2007.



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