高中英语unit 1课件苏教版必修3

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1、UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLDPeriod 4: ListeningLISTENING ON PAGE 6中国西湖狂欢节中国西湖狂欢节 阿根廷的狂欢节上的花车游行阿根廷的狂欢节上的花车游行德国科特布斯狂欢节德国科特布斯狂欢节 巴西里约热内卢市政宫狂欢节巴西里约热内卢市政宫狂欢节 Li Mei and Wu Ping are going with their friends Carla and Hari to the Carnival parade. First Listening: Listen once and get the main idea.Seco

2、nd Listening: Fill the blank.Third Listening: Check your answer.LISTENING TEXT CHRNIVAL IN TRINIDADPart1Carla and Hari are students in Trinidad. Their Chinese friends, Li Mei and Wu Ping, are visiting for the Carnival holiday in _February.CARLA: Li Mei, why are you wearing those shoes? You cant be _

3、 !Your feet will hurt so much by the end of the_ that you wont be able to stand. Would you like these _ shoes?seriousparadecomfortableLI MEI: Thanks, Carla, but I wanted something to go with this dress. Those are the wrong _.CARLA: You must be joking! That dress is too thick. Do you realize that itl

4、l be _ degrees out there and that youre going to walking and dancing until midnight?colourthirty-fiveYou have to have something _ and a hat!Part2 The boys are already there when the girls arrive. The music over the loudspeakers makes it difficult to hear each other. _, big bands arrive, along with t

5、housands of dancers and musicians. The Carnival is beginning!light and coolOne after anotherC=Carla WP=Wu Ping H=HariC: Sorry were late. I had to get Li Mei some comfortable shoes!WP: No problem. Weve just got here. But I forget _ - can I have some of yours? LM: Me too! We just came, and Im already

6、_!my watertired and thirstyC: Were each going to need a lot of water tonight! Shall I run over to _ there and get _ for everybody?H: Hurry up, Carla! The _are moving!C: OK, Ill hurry! But remember Were going to go slowly at first, so Wu Ping and Li Mei can _ the music and the heat! the standsomethin

7、g to drinkbandsget used toH: Yeah, OK! Remember, you two, if we get separated _, Well meet at the north end of the _by 8 oclock. Then we can go together to see the winners of years _best band and best _.in the crowdparking lotawards forcostumesListening (Page 41) Pre-listening香港百名小学生为熊猫保育装饰巨型复活蛋香港百名

8、小学生为熊猫保育装饰巨型复活蛋多彩的蛋多彩的蛋 寻找寻找复活节彩蛋复活节彩蛋的习俗,据民间传说,的习俗,据民间传说,是由一位德国公爵夫人兴起的。据说,是由一位德国公爵夫人兴起的。据说,五彩缤纷的彩蛋是五彩缤纷的彩蛋是复活节兔子复活节兔子为乡村的为乡村的孩子们留下的。孩子们把找蛋作为一种孩子们留下的。孩子们把找蛋作为一种游戏。游戏。 最精心制作的复活节彩蛋甚至不是真最精心制作的复活节彩蛋甚至不是真蛋。一个叫卡尔蛋。一个叫卡尔费伯奇的俄国珠宝商曾费伯奇的俄国珠宝商曾用金、银和珠宝做成彩蛋。打开蛋还可用金、银和珠宝做成彩蛋。打开蛋还可以看到小小的人、动物、植物和房子。以看到小小的人、动物、植物和房子

9、。俄国皇帝以此作为礼物送人。俄国皇帝以此作为礼物送人。 复活节兔子是非常古老的复活节象征复活节兔子是非常古老的复活节象征的现代说法。野兔是兔子的大个子亲戚,的现代说法。野兔是兔子的大个子亲戚,它是专供厄俄斯特女神用的圣物。它是专供厄俄斯特女神用的圣物。 在在复活节穿新衣服复活节穿新衣服的习俗是在公元后的习俗是在公元后300年左右开始的,大约在第一个基督徒年左右开始的,大约在第一个基督徒皇帝康斯坦丁的时代。他下令在复活节皇帝康斯坦丁的时代。他下令在复活节那天朝臣们都得穿最好的衣服。那天朝臣们都得穿最好的衣服。First Listening: Listen to this conversation

10、 between Chen Bin and his American friend, Joey. What is the main topic of their conversation.The main topic of the conversation is about the meaning of Easter and some of its traditional customs. In which season? Who celebrates?The reason for the festival?On which day of the week?What things repres

11、ent Easter?Second Listening: Listen again and fill the blanks.In which season? springWho celebrates?Christian around the world The reason for the festival?story about Jesus coming back to lifeOn which day of the week?SundayWhat things represent Easter?hot cross buns, eggs,bunnies, liliesEasterCHEN B

12、IN:Hey,Joey! I was watching a movie last night that showed somepeople _Easter. What is Easter?JOEY: Oh, Easter is the holiday every spring when _around the world celebrate _ coming back to life from _.Third Listening: Listening textcelebratingChristiansJesusthe deadCHEN BIN: Coming back to life?JOEY

13、: Yes, its a famous story in theBible about Jesus. Easter is always celebrated on a _. Its said that Jesus rose from the dead on a Sunday. People will often _on Easter Sunday to sing songs and hear about Jesus.Sundaygo to churchCHEN BIN: I saw in the movie that a mother was making little cakes _on t

14、hem.JOEY: Oh Yes. Those are “_”. The cross on the bun is to _ people how Jesus died.with Xshot cross bunsremindCHEN BIN: I remember last year on Easter you gave me _that was paintedmany different colours. Why do you colour eggs on Eater?JOEY: Thats mostly an American tradition. Children will _ the e

15、ggs before Easter. Early on Easter morning, parents will _the eggs inside the house or outside in the garden. an eggcolourhideThen when the children wake up, they _the eggs. The parents often say that the eggs were left by_. CHEN BIN: The Easter bunny? What do eggs and bunnies have to do with Jesus?

16、try to findthe Easter bunnyJOEY:I guess it is because people think they represent life. We also often have lilies at Easter to represent life that is new and clean.CHEN BIN: So Easter is about _?Jesus, hot cross buns, eggs, bunnies and liliesJOEY: Well, its supposed to be about Jesus. But today many

17、 people forget the story and just remember the _or the eggs and bunnies!hot cross bunsLISTENING (PAGE 45) 1. part of2. every spring3. beautiful pink flowers4. performances5. the beauty of6. nuts, seeds7. last8. important9. common10. a reminder ofLISTENING (PAGE 45)11. loved12. honouring13. express14. receivedHOMEWORK1. 根据根据讲义完成完成P6,P41,P45听力听力练习的的课后后题。2. 预习P5的本的本单元元语法,完成法,完成讲义练习。3. 准准备下午第三下午第三节课听写。听写。(前两列前两列)



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