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1、Safety-on-Safety-on-Construction-SiteConstruction-Site合理安排材料堆场、工棚 material area设置洗车点或洗车池 car wash point二、出入现场二、出入现场 in and out from site 所有现场人员都将在安全培训后得到胸卡。Get a card after safety induction所有现场人员的出入都要向门卫出示胸卡 show your card at the guard所有车辆、访客必须到门卫登记。如需到施工区域必须有现场人员陪同。All vehicle into site must be reg

2、ister at guard.进入施工现场穿戴好劳动防护用品。 Wear proper PPE while into site.所有在现场的人员必须佩戴胸卡。Card is necessary.任何电器设备、危险品进场必须由安全管理人员在门岗处检查,得到允许后方可进入。Any equipment and plant must be checked and be inspected at guard before they are used on site.任何材料出门,必须持有管理公司专门人员签发的出门单据。Any material and equipments cannot be taken

3、 out site without permit.PPE 个人安全防护用品个人安全防护用品有侧面保护的防护眼镜 safety glasses 有钢头的劳保鞋 safety shoes安全帽(使用期限不超过5年) safety helmet手套(根据现场不同工作的规定佩戴) gloves 长裤 pants某些特殊区域会需要额外的劳保用品 profionsal PPE in some special occian1.8米以上需要防跌落保护 fall protection when work higher than 1.8m三、三、现场安全要求现场安全要求 basic safety ruleBasi

4、c safety rules (not limited to)基本安全要求基本安全要求No smoking and eating and gambling on site现场严禁吸烟、饮食、赌博。A minimum requirement for workers on site includes the wearing of sleeved shirt and long pants. 进入现场的最低着装要求是带袖衬衫和长裤。No sleeping on site. 不得在现场睡觉Do not walk or stand under suspended loads 不要在吊物下站立或行走Thro

5、wing materials from or to elevations is prohibited 禁止从高处或往高处扔掷材料Operate only the equipment that you have been trained to use and the equipment / tools certified by EHS department只操作接受过培训知道如何使用的设备/由安全部门认证过的设备工具Tool box meeting 现场工具箱会议Permit System 工作许可证制度工作许可证制度Hot Work 热工作业Scaffolding 脚手架Work at nig

6、ht 夜间作业Excavations 开挖Confined Spaces 密闭空间Aerial lift work 吊装作业Radiation Work 辐射作业Use of Man baskets 吊篮Lock / out Tag / out or Energized Electrical Work锁定标识Demolition permit拆除许可Roof access permit屋面作业JSA and SWMS 作业安全分析及安全工作方法作业安全分析及安全工作方法Review JSA and SWMS before the work start 任何分部分项开始之前完成JSA 和 SWM

7、STool box meeting for the workers and sign off 现场安全交底签字程序CautionCaution: Pipes and Cables: Pipes and Cables办理工作许可证并放在施工现场. Get a permit first and put it on site沟渠应该放坡和设置合适的支撑. Make a angle of scope at least 45 degree必须有安全合适的上下通道. Properly access设置合适的围栏,警告标志. Barricade and safety sign机械开挖时机械开挖时cautio

8、n: caution: A: A: 必须遵从指挥人员的指必须遵从指挥人员的指挥挥. Dog man and spotter. Dog man and spotterB: 小心地下管道及电缆小心地下管道及电缆. pipes and cablespipes and cables开挖作业开挖作业 excavation高空作业高空作业 work at height超过1.8米,无可靠立足点的作业,我们统称为高处作业。More than 1.8m high, must use harness护栏系统护栏系统 handrails :所有工作平台的护栏必须安全可靠:脚手架 scaffold 脚手架必须由合格

9、架子工负责搭建/改造/拆除只有挂检查合格标牌的脚手架才可以使用;而挂红色标牌的表示该脚手架禁止使用可移动的脚手架 mobile scaffold载人吊蓝 gandola梯子 ladder临时工作平台 temp. work plat人员防坠落系统 fall protection system双绳防坠落安全带 harness绳索限制器 rope limited救生绳,安全网,安全带(安全带必须是五点式,双带,双大钩)Edge Protection 临边临边保护保护安全带与生命绳安全带与生命绳Harness and life lineMobile scaffold 移动脚移动脚手架手架Not to

10、be used where there is a risk of falling over an edge 不能在有坠落危险的边缘处使用梯子或移动脚手架Ladders to be “industrial or commercial” type 必须使用成品梯Be in good condition and free of defects必须使用无缺陷梯子At least one hand to be on the ladder at all times 任何时候必须保持一只手在梯子上.Ladders cannot be used as a operation flat 梯子不能用作操作平台La

11、dders 梯子梯子机电设备经项目现场检查合格、贴上安全标签之后方可进场。All electric equipment must be inspected and tagged.只有经过培训,具有相关资质人员才能从事电气工作. Electrician must have certificate.严禁带电作业. Forbid to work without power off严格遵守锁定/挂标签程序. Red tag procedure注意现场的电气安全警示标志. Safety sign使用符合HCL要求的配电箱。Using the switch box which comply with HC

12、Ls requirement.电气安全电气安全electric safetyOverhead temporary power cables shall not be installed lower than 2.5 meters, and shall not be lower than 4.5 meters when crossing a road. Reliable protection measures and visible signage shall be provided架空的室外临时用电绝缘导线,其架空高度不应低于2.5米;架空线路穿越马路时,不得低于4.5米,并有可靠的保护措施和

13、明显的警示标志;使用前确信工具已经过检查保护工具的电源线和插头不使用时请断掉电源妥善保管和储存电动工具定期检查和维护电动工具现场电焊机需安装二次保护箱电动工具电动工具 electric equipment气焊气焊, 气割和打磨气割和打磨 welding and grinding必须办理热工作票 a permit is necessary氧气和乙炔瓶必须安装回火阀 flash back arrestor气管线必须用专用卡扣固定牢 special hoop工作前检查压力表,气管有无泄漏, 破损, 裂口,定期检查割枪, 焊嘴 check the leakage/ pressure gauge采取有效

14、的预防火灾措施. Fire fighting emergency response清理残渣, 废物并扔进垃圾桶里 clear up all flammable material保持安全距离 Safety distance吊车经过现场安全工程师检查合格 inspected by safety supervisor on site.操作手,起重工和信号工经过培训并持有有效的操作证书。Check certificate确定起重荷载,严禁超过安全荷载;选用匹配的, 合格的吊索,吊具。Check slings/shackle/safety set before lifting work start使用牵

15、引索,隔离吊装作业区use the tag line注意天气状况和工作区域的高压线路。Attention high volt line in work area.停止室外作业,当风速超过20米每秒。Stop the outside work when wind speeder than 20M/S吊装作业吊装作业 lifting wrokWork area assessment/JSA and SWMS are necessary. Must have work permit. Oxy or harmful gas monitor for different occasion. 必须进行工作风

16、险评估,气体测试并办理工作许可证.必须穿戴合适的劳保用品. Special PPE.受限空间所涉及设备,工具和材料必须经检查合格后方可使用. All equipments must be double check.必须有经过培训合格的看护人,照明,通风,通讯联络工具,应急计划和救生设备.dog man, lighting, ventilation, radio, emergency response and first aid equipment.工作区域必须隔离, 工作许可证挂在醒目处, 严禁无关人员进入. High light work permit at work area, block

17、 work area and spotter is necessary.受限空间受限空间 confined spaceChemicals 化学品化学品All chemicals that are to be used on site MUST be accompanied by a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) this is to be given to the 1st Aid Officer who shall review the safety and PPE requirements BEFORE the chemicals can be used

18、任何化学品在使用前必须将物质安全数据表提交给急救官.保保 护护 措措 施施 protection equipment机器设备的保护 protection shed on equipment施工区域设置防护栏 barricade working area 通风 ventilation 照明 lighting 标志、警报 safety sign and alert 洗眼站 eye wash point危险废物的管理危险废物的管理 chemical material chemical material stored and abandonstored and abandon环境的要求环境的要求 en

19、vironment environment requirementrequirement防止汽油和柴油的溢出. Oil leakage protection机器和设备配置盛油盘以防漏油. Provide a plat to avoid the leakage oil pollute soil directly及时报告化学品溢出和泄漏. Report leakage incident ASAP遵守设备的维护规范. Good maintenance不要在现场乱丢废物, 使用垃圾桶. Waste control保持排水沟畅通无阻. Provide good drain避免或尽量减少对当地居民和环境的

20、不利影响. Disciplinary Action Disciplinary Action 安全处罚安全处罚Anyone Failing to comply with the Safety requirements while on site will be subject to disciplinary action, which can lead to dismissal from your employment.所有现场违章将被除以直至开除的处罚1st Offence ID card has hole punched第一次在胸卡上打一个孔2nd Offence ID card has a

21、 second hole punched第二次在胸卡上打第二个孔3rd Offence ID card taken and person removed from site第三次收回胸卡,违章人清除出现场. zero tolerance violation remove out site immediately不可原谅的违规开不可原谅的违规开除除Against safety rules, very high risk for other works and himself. Serious injured or fatality may happened. 违反安全规定,对自己或他人有严重隐患

22、,可能造成严重后果例高空作业违规,100未系好安全带。Refuse to take correct action for safety violation. Bad attitude.违章指挥,拒绝执行或改正正当安全要求,态度恶劣Without card or do not show card as requirement on site.不配合安全人员出示胸卡Do not take any action while find un-safetey issues.发现不安全行为不去制止或纠正。Less serious violation 普通违规普通违规 汇报所有的伤害事故汇报所有的伤害事故

23、all all incident/accident event must be incident/accident event must be report ASAPreport ASAP 向你的主管和医务人员汇报向你的主管和医务人员汇报 report report to your foreman or first aiderto your foreman or first aider 保护现场的所有人员以减少事故发生保护现场的所有人员以减少事故发生. To reduce incident happened 事故报告的目的事故报告的目的 purposepurpose 弄清事故发生的直接原因和根

24、本原因弄清事故发生的直接原因和根本原因 采取有效措施以防止类似事故再次发生采取有效措施以防止类似事故再次发生 将任何不安全因素消灭于萌芽状态将任何不安全因素消灭于萌芽状态 医疗紧急事件 emergency medical event疾病事件应报告你的主管或向胡克人员汇报疾病等事件停留在事发现场直至援到达.不要移动受伤者直至其所稳以免发生其它事故。如:火灾,电气事故和高空坠落等事故报告事故报告 incident report疏散程序疏散程序 emergency response and evacuation您的最主要的责任是保护您和您的工友的安全.Main responsibility in emergency event is keep yourself safely知道如何汇报事故. how to report the accident知道事故地点在哪儿 Where is the scene知道灭火器的位置. The location of the fire extinguisher知道怎样使用灭火器How to use the fire extinguisher知道您最近的疏散路线The closely evacuation access知道您最近的紧急集合点Assembly area结束结束



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