高中英语 unit 3 Travel journal Prereading and Reading课件 新人教必修1

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1、 Can you tell me the names of the famous scenic spots ?Where are they ?Disneyland (Hong Kong)Leshan Buddha (Sichuan)Tiananmen Squarethe Great Wallthe Terracotta Warriorsthe PyramidsLiberty of StatueEiffel Tower 巴黎艾菲尔铁塔巴黎艾菲尔铁塔(位于塞纳河南岸位于塞纳河南岸)Mount Fuji日本富士山日本富士山The MoonMount Qomolongma (Mount Everest

2、)Transport AdvantagesDisadvantagesVery cheap, efficient for short journeys, door-to door- go the small towns and citiesTakes longer than the train or plane, no meals, uncomfortableCheaper than the airplane, Views along the roadarrive at the centre of the citiesTakes longer than the airplaneNo meals,

3、 crowdedCheaper than planeComfortable,Accommodation(住宿住宿) and mealsMore expensive than the train or bus.Not convenient for visiting inland placesQuick, time-saving,ComfortableMeals Expensive, Airports are far from the centre of the cities.The world has many great rivers. Can you name some?The Yellow

4、 River 黄河黄河Mother riverThe Changjiang River 长江长江(The Yangtze River)The Nile River(In Egypt)The Lancang River 澜沧江澜沧江 In China it is calledOUT OF CHINA, IT IS CALLEDthe Mekong RiverWORLD S GREATEST RIVERSYangtze River & Yellow River (China )Yangtze River & Yellow River (China )Mekong (China, SE Asia)

5、Mekong (China, SE Asia) Amazon (Brazil ) Amazon (Brazil ) 亚马逊亚马逊河河Nile (Egypt )Nile (Egypt )Thames (England ) Thames (England ) 泰晤士河泰晤士河Rhine (Germany )Rhine (Germany )Seine (France ) Seine (France ) 塞塞纳纳河河Mississippi (US )Mississippi (US )How do people who live along a river make use of it?Braingo

6、swimmingtravel along itto irrigate(灌溉灌溉) their fieldsto make electricitystorming(Part I: the dream and the plan)Lan Chang RiverThe Mekong RiverCan you list the countries that the Mekong flows through?LETS TAKE OFF! NOW!ChinaLaosThailandCambodiaVietnamSouth China SeaMyanmarTHE LANGCANG RIVER BEGINS I

7、N QINGHAI PROVINCE, CHINAThe longest river in southeast Asia(4,909km)THE BEAUTIFUL SCENERYMEKONG RIVER (湄公河)澜沧澜沧江江 湄公河是湄公河是东东南南亚亚最重要的一条国最重要的一条国际际河流,有河流,有“东东方多瑙河方多瑙河”之美称。源之美称。源头头在我国青海唐古拉山,全在我国青海唐古拉山,全长长 4880 4880 公里公里 ,在我国内河道里程,在我国内河道里程长长 2161 2161 公里公里 ,其中在云南,其中在云南境内境内 1247 1247 公里公里 ,从勐腊,从勐腊县县南腊河口南

8、腊河口 244 244 号界号界桩处桩处出境后,出境后,澜沧澜沧江始称湄公河,流江始称湄公河,流经缅经缅甸、老甸、老挝挝、泰国、柬埔寨、越南、泰国、柬埔寨、越南 5 5 个国家,最后在越南胡志明市附近注入太平洋。个国家,最后在越南胡志明市附近注入太平洋。 许多重要城市、港口和商贸重镇坐落在湄公河畔。它的下游孕许多重要城市、港口和商贸重镇坐落在湄公河畔。它的下游孕育了世界最大的粮仓育了世界最大的粮仓 湄公河粮仓,闻名全球的四大米市均湄公河粮仓,闻名全球的四大米市均在湄公河畔。紧靠岸边的在湄公河畔。紧靠岸边的 “ 金三角金三角 ” ,从前以种植、制造、贩,从前以种植、制造、贩卖鸦片而闻名于世,而今

9、已变成泰国的旅游胜地,每年吸引着卖鸦片而闻名于世,而今已变成泰国的旅游胜地,每年吸引着 400 多万游人前去观光。多万游人前去观光。澜沧江澜沧江 湄公河是沿岸湄公河是沿岸 6 国人民的共同财富。据考察,国人民的共同财富。据考察,我国西南和东南亚各国间,开展水陆联运。所以,这条天然的水我国西南和东南亚各国间,开展水陆联运。所以,这条天然的水上大动脉,被誉称为未来的上大动脉,被誉称为未来的 “ 黄金水道黄金水道 ” ,沿江各国人民把它,沿江各国人民把它奉为奉为 “ 幸福之母幸福之母 ” 、 “ 生命之江生命之江 ”.2. Get the main idea of each paragraph.1.

10、 Whats the style of the passage?Travel JournalMatch the main idea with each paragraphPara.1 Para.2Para.3 A. The preparation before the trip and details about Mekong river. B. Different attitudes between Wang kun and Wang wei.C. Decide to take a great bike trip along the Mekong river. A DIAGRAM(图表) O

11、F THE TEXT1. prepare to take a bike trip2.Wang Wei organized the trip3.Information about the MeKong River1.How many people are there in the story? Who are they?Four. They are Wang Kun, Wang Wei, Dao Wei and Yu Hang. 2. Who are Dao Wei and Yu Hang? They are Wang Kuns cousins who are at a college in K

12、unming.3. What was their dream?Their dream was to take a great bike trip.Since middle school:Two years ago:Last year:Graduate from college:dreamed about taking a great bike tripgot the chance to take a bike tripbought an expensive mountain bike Wang wei got her cousins interested in cycling tooSever

13、al months before the tripWent to the library to get some information about the river 1.What kind of person is Wangwei? How do you know ?1.What kind of person is Wangwei? How do you know ?2. Where is the source of the Mekong River and which sea does it enter? The source of the river is in Qinghai Pro

14、vince and it enters the South China Sea.She is very stubborn. Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly.3. Is it a difficult journey along the Mekong River? Yes. The journey begins at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters, where it is

15、 hard to breathe and very cold.The Mekong RiverIt begins at _ _, moves _ and passes through _. Half of it is in _.It enters _. Then it travels slowly through _where rice grows.At last it enters _ . a glacier on a Tibetan mountainquicklydeep valleysChinathe Southeast Asialow valleys to the plains the

16、 South China Sea What can you see when you travel along the Mekong River? You can see glacier, rapids, hills, valleys, waterfall and plains.glacierwaterfallvalleyrapidsdeltaplainDelta三角洲三角洲Journey down the Mekong #: #: It isIt is my sister my sister whowho first had the idea to cycle along the entir

17、e first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River Mekong River fromfrom where it begins where it begins to to where it ends.(P.18)where it ends.(P.18) 首先想到要沿湄公河从源头到终点骑车旅游的是我的姐姐。首先想到要沿湄公河从源头到终点骑车旅游的是我的姐姐。“ “It is/was that/who.”It is/was that/who.”是是强调句型强调句型,可,可强调强调句子的各个成分(句子的各个成分(谓谓语语除外),其基

18、本除外),其基本结结构构为为: : It isIt is + +被强调部分被强调部分+ +thatthat( (被强调部分是被强调部分是人时也可用人时也可用whowho)+)+其余部分其余部分e.ge.g:My parents are determined to visit China next yearMy parents are determined to visit China next year ( (强调强调主语主语) )It isIt is my parents my parents who/thatwho/that are determined to visit China ar

19、e determined to visit China next year. next year. ( (强调强调宾语宾语) ) It isIt is China China thatthat my parents are determined to visit next my parents are determined to visit next year. year. ( (强调强调时间状语时间状语) )It isIt is next year next year thatthat my parents are determined to my parents are determine

20、d to visit China.visit China.Is it+被强调部分被强调部分+that/who+句子其余部分句子其余部分Is it China that your parents are determined to visit next year?疑问词疑问词+is (was) it+ that/who+句子其余部分句子其余部分Where is it that your parents are determined to visit next year?Exercise: 1. She met John yesterday. 2. We will have a sports meeting next week.



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