高中英语 6.4 Grammar Subjunctive课件 外研版选修6.ppt

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《高中英语 6.4 Grammar Subjunctive课件 外研版选修6.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 6.4 Grammar Subjunctive课件 外研版选修6.ppt(42页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、He treats the little girl as if she were his own daughter.他对待这个小女孩就像她是自己的女儿一样。He talked as if he had known the secret.他谈起话来好像他已经知道了这个秘密。【温馨提醒】如果说话人讲的事情与事实相符,as if从句中要用陈述语气。It looks as if its going to rain. 天看起来要下雨了。【单项填空】When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _. A.breaks Bhas

2、 brokenC.were broken Dhad been broken答案C考查虚拟语气。as if引导的从句,如果所说内容与事实不相符时,常用虚拟语气。此题是一种自然现象,故应用一般过去时。注意比较It seems/looks as if it is going to rain.(看起来天将要下雨。)2It is (high/about) time.句型中,其后的从句常用虚拟语气从句谓语动词用过去时表示现在或将来的情况。Its time that we had a meeting to talk about the problem.我们该开个会讨论一下这个问题了。Its time tha

3、t he went to bed, but he is still watching TV.该是他去睡觉的时候了,可他仍然在看电视。【单项填空】Hurry, Tom! Its high time we_to school.Awill go Bare goingChave gone Dwent答案D在句型“Its high timethat从句”中从句中的谓语动词用过去时。3It is形容词/名词that.句型中,若形容词/名词为 necessary, essential, important, advisable, natural,strange,pity,shame等,that所引出的从句常

4、用虚拟语气,即从句谓语形式为“should动词原形”,should可以省略。It is necessary that we( should) learn English well.我们学好英语是必要的。【单项填空】Its essential that you_attend all the meetings.Amust Bshould Cwill Dcan答案B句意为:你务必要参加所有的会议。在Its essential that句型中,that从句使用虚拟语气,从句中谓语动词的形式为should动词原形。4insist, suggest, advise, require, request, d

5、emand, order等表示主张、建议、命令的动词后所跟的宾语从句中以及与advice,demand,order,suggestion等相关联的名词性从句中常用虚拟语气,即从句谓语形式为“should动词原形”,其中should可省去。My suggestion that we( should) organize a trip to the countryside was accepted.我建议我们组织一次乡村旅行,大家同意了。(同位语从句)The workers demand was that they (should) get a higher pay.工人们的要求是增加工资。(表语从

6、句)【温馨提醒】当suggest作“暗示”,“表明”解时,宾语从句中的谓语动词用陈述语气。His puzzled expression suggested that he didnt understand the foreigners words.他迷惑的表情表明他不明白那个外国人的话。当insist作“坚持认为,坚持说”解时,宾语从句中的谓语动词用陈述语气。She insisted that she had seen someone come out of her room.她坚持说她看见有人从她房间里出来。【单项填空】The man insisted that he_the money.A

7、should not steal Bnot stealChad not stolen Dwould not steal答案C本题中的insist表示“坚持说”,其后的宾语从句中不使用虚拟语气,用陈述语气。因动作steal发生在insisted之前,故使用过去完成时。It is suggested that the meeting _ be put off till next week.Ashould Bshall Cmust Dwill答案A在It is suggested that句型中,suggest表示“建议”,that从句中谓语动词为should动词原形。5for fear that,

8、in order that,so that等引导的目的状语从句常用虚拟语气,即谓语形式为“should/could/might动词原形”。He got up early in order that he could catch the first bus.他起床很早,为了能赶上第一班公共汽车。6wish后的宾语从句常用虚拟语气,从句谓语用过去时虚拟现在的情况,用过去完成时虚拟过去的情况,用过去将来时虚拟将来的情况。I wish I were as young as you.我希望自己像你一样年轻。(与现在事实不相符)I wish I had taken part in the sports m

9、eeting.要是我参加了运动会就好了。(与过去事实不相符)I wish all my classmates would come to the gettogether next month.要是下个月我所有的同学都来聚会该多好啊。(与将来事实不相符)【单项填空】How I wish I_harder when I was in senior school.Astudied Bhad studiedCwould study Dhave studied答案Bwish后的宾语从句中使用虚拟语气,由时间状语从句when I was in senior school可知表示与过去事实相反的愿望,宾语从

10、句的谓语动词应为:had过去分词。7would rather表示宁愿、宁可的意思,后面如用宾语从句,动词要用虚拟形式:采用过去时(表示与现在或将来事实相反),采用过去完成时(表示与过去事实不相符)。Id rather I hadnt met you.我宁愿从来就没遇见过你。Id rather I returned to my hometown tomorrow.我宁愿明天返乡。【单项填空】Shall the bike be repaired by him?No. Id rather he _ it _.Awill have; repair Bhas; repair Chad; repaired

11、 Dhas; repaired答案Cwould rather之后的宾语从句中用虚拟语气,表示:宁愿让别人做某事。从句中用动词过去式表示现在或将来要做的事。have sth done请别人做某事。故C项正确。8if only后的句子常用虚拟语气,谓语动词用一般过去时表示现在未实现的愿望,谓语动词用过去完成时表示过去未实现的愿望。If only I had not been busy last week! 上周要是我不忙就好了。【单项填空】Did Jack take the doctors advice that he _ in bed for a couple of days?If only h

12、e _.A. lies; does Blay; didClie; did Dlie; had答案D考查虚拟语气的用法。句意:杰克是否采纳了医生的建议,在家里躺了几天?要是他真那样做就好了。第一空考查advice的同位语从句,用(should)动词原形,所以选lie;第二空if only但愿,要是的话就好了,用虚拟语气,根据句中Did Jack.可知与过去事实相反,故选had,相当于:If only he had taken.3客观反映要点,体现控制性写作要求,但不要单纯地翻译要点。叙述和评论相结合,注意过渡的自然,语言的连贯。适当运用高级词汇和复杂结构以提高文章的表述层次,增加得分亮点。注意语

13、言表述的准确性,使用恰当、贴切的词汇。第二步:提炼要点1a real blockbuster2the most famous directors3an action film4many famous actors5performance6take place7fight with8happiness and freedom9unforgettable experiences第三步:扩点成句1Its a real blockbuster whose name is Seven Swords.2Seven Swords is the production of Xu Ke, who is one

14、of the most famous directors in Hong Kong.3Its an action film. Also we can call it historical film. There are many famous actors in the film, such as Zhen Zidan,Li Ming, Yang Caini and so on.4I think their performances are pretty good and wonderful.5The story took place in the northwest of China in

15、the 17th century. It tells us that many heroes fought with the government army for the peoples happiness and freedom, and at last they won.6I think this film is very good. Its one of my unforgettable experiences.【参考范文】Seven_SwordsLast_Sunday_evening,_we_saw_a_film_in_our_school. Its a real blockbust

16、er whose name is Seven Swords.Seven Swords is the production of Xu Ke, who is one of the most famous directors in Hong Kong. Its an action film. Also we can call it a historical film. There are many famous actors in the film, such as Zhen Zidan,Li Ming, Yang Caini and so on. I think their performanc

17、es are pretty good and wonderful. The story took place in the northwest of China in the 17th century. It tells us that many heroes fought with the government army for the peoples happiness and freedom, and at last they won.I think this film is very good. Its one of my unforgettable experiences.Part

18、2.PlotWrite a summary of the plot. Make sure that your summary makes sense to the reader who does not know the movie. Do not refer to specific scenes and do not try to explain everything.Place and time: Where does the action take place? When does the action take place? (present time, the 19th centur

19、y.) Is the story chronological (according to the order of time) or flash back?Background: society, country, kind of people (age, culture, social class.), historical time.Part 3.Analysis and conclusionWhat message is being told? What was the directors purpose or intention or the theme of the film?Com

20、pare with other realities you know (your country, historical fact or event, other films from the same director or genre.)Whats your opinion? 经典对比选择题(下) 1I dont remember _such a fellow anywhere before.Do remember _your brother at the station!Ato meet Bmeeting Cmeet Dto be met答案BAremember doing sth记得做

21、过某事;remember to do sth记得要做某事。2Have you considered _to Shanghai next month?He is considered_to Shanghai.Ago Bto goCgoing Dto have gone答案CDconsider doing sth想做或考虑做某事;be considered to被认为,此处不定式的完成式表示先后关系。3I feel like_a long walk with you.Id like _a long walk with you.Ataking Bto takeCtake Dto have taken

22、答案ABfeel like doing sth和would like to do sth都是固定用法。4Would you mind my_her to the party?Would you mind not _to the party?A. inviting Bto be invitedCbeing invited Dinvited答案AC第一句我和invite是主动关系,所以用动名词的主动式;第二句你和invite是被动关系,所以用动名词的被动式。5The day we had looked forward to_ at last.Im looking forward to _to yo

23、ur country next year.A. coming Bcome Ccame Dcomes答案CA第一句,look forward to的宾语是the day而不是coming,此空作谓语,用一般过去时;第二句,此空作to的宾语,而to是介词。6He entered the room without_his father sitting there.He entered the room without_by his father.Anoticing Bnotice Cnoticed Dbeing noticed答案AD第一句he和notice是主动关系,所以用动名词的主动式;第二句h

24、e和notice是被动关系,所以用动名词的被动式。7Their work _,they went to the cinema._their work, they went to the cinema.Afinishing BfinishedChad finished DHaving finished答案BD第一句的逻辑主语their work和finish是被动关系,所以用过去分词;第二句they和finish是主动关系,所以用现在分词的完成式作状语,表先后关系。8He stood there and his eyes_ upon the nobleman.He stood there, hi

25、s eyes_ upon the nobleman.Afix BfixingCwere fixed Dfixed答案CDfix ones eyes upon盯着某人或某物,变成被动式是ones eyes are fixed upon。第一句有连接词and,所以用从句,此空作谓语;第二句无连词,所以用过去分词作状语。9I know what he wants_after graduation.I know what he wants _my help.A. to be Bbeing Cis Dbe答案AC第一句,在宾语从句中he是主语,wants to be是谓语,what是宾语;第二句,在宾语

26、从句中what he wants是主语,is是谓语,my help是表语。10Was it there _you were away to see your friend off?Im not sure. But when I got back, it was gone.Was it there _you saw your friend off?Yes. I really miss him very much now.Athat Bwhich Cwhile Dwhere答案CA根据“Im not sure. But when I got back, it was gone”来看,第一句的it非强调句型,而是指某物,故用while,表“当时”;根据“Yes. I really miss him very much now”来看,第二句的it是强调句型。



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