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1、中国扶贫基金会副会长 何道峰He Daofeng Vice President of China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation政府与非政府组织互动促进减贫政府与非政府组织互动促进减贫Government-NGO Interaction for Poverty Reduction这是一个很大的话题,15分钟显然不够,今天就开个头吧:This is a big topic and can not be clarified within 15 minutes. Lets just make a start! 一、学术层面一、学术层面政府与非政府的分野及社会根源

2、政府与非政府的分野及社会根源I. Academic Dimension Government NGO Division and its Social Root 1 1、非政府组织是市场经济发展到一定阶、非政府组织是市场经济发展到一定阶段的产物,段的产物, 是一种公共事务社会分工的是一种公共事务社会分工的组织载体。组织载体。 1. NGO is a product of market economy at a certain development period and an organizational carrier of the division of social public affa

3、irs. 1 1)市场经济之前的农业文明,其组织载体主要是)市场经济之前的农业文明,其组织载体主要是“家庭家庭”和和“政府政府”。1)In the agricultural civilization prior to the market economy, the two main organizational forms of the society were “family” and “government”.家庭的社会功能:私务(人类再生产家庭的社会功能:私务(人类再生产, ,财富创造)财富创造)Familys Social Function: private affairs (repr

4、oduction, wealth generation)政府的社会功能:公务政府的社会功能:公务( (赋税、公共秩序与安全赋税、公共秩序与安全) )Governments Social Function: public affairs (taxes, social order and security)2 2)市场经济后的工业文明和后工业文明)市场经济后的工业文明和后工业文明, , 其组织载体分化:其组织载体分化:2)In the Industrial civilization and post industrial civilization after the marketization e

5、conomy, the organizational carriers divided as: “家庭家庭 公司公司”: 私务私务“Family Corporation”: Private affaires “政府政府 非政府非政府”:公务:公务“Government NGO”: Public affaires 3 3)“三大部门三大部门”还是还是“四大部门四大部门”“Three Sectors” or “Four Sectors” 公司公司 创造社会财富的组织载体创造社会财富的组织载体 Corporations the social carrier for wealth generation

6、 家庭家庭 人类再生产及辅助创造财富的组织载体人类再生产及辅助创造财富的组织载体 Corporations the social carrier for human reproduction and assistance to wealth generation 政府政府 处理公共事务的组织载体处理公共事务的组织载体 Government the carrier for public affairs; 非政府非政府 公民自组织协助政府处理公共公民自组织协助政府处理公共事务的组织载体事务的组织载体 Non-governmental (Non-profitable) organizations t

7、he carrier for citizens autonomous organizations to assist the government in addressing public affairs. 2 2、政府与非政府的区别、政府与非政府的区别 (动员资源的方式差别)(动员资源的方式差别) 2、Differences between government and NGO (the difference in mobilizing resources)1 1)政府)政府 运用国家机器赋税运用国家机器赋税1) Government use state apparatus to mobil

8、ize social tax resources2)2)非政府非政府 运用社会良知与互动去动员社会志愿运用社会良知与互动去动员社会志愿2) NGO use social conscience and interaction to mobilize social volunteering.3 3、产生非政府组织的社会根源、产生非政府组织的社会根源3The social root of NGOs birth 1 1)财富与闲瑕的增加)财富与闲瑕的增加1) The increase of wealth and leisure 2 2)社会同情心与贫富差距的存在)社会同情心与贫富差距的存在2) Soc

9、ial sympathy and the existence of rich and poor gap 二、政府与非政府组织互动二、政府与非政府组织互动 减贫的国际经验辨析减贫的国际经验辨析II. Analysis of International Experience in Government-NGO Interaction for Poverty Reduction 1 1、非政府组织天生与政府组织是不平、非政府组织天生与政府组织是不平等的,互动要跨越传统的僣越观念。等的,互动要跨越传统的僣越观念。 1. Since NGOs and government organizations a

10、re innately unequal, interaction 2 2、建立信任、互动减贫经历了长期的历史过程。、建立信任、互动减贫经历了长期的历史过程。 2. It has been a long historical period for establishing mutual understanding and interaction for poverty alleviation 3 3、无数志愿人员付出了艰辛的努力,、无数志愿人员付出了艰辛的努力,而不是等那个假想的而不是等那个假想的“政府政府”睡醒。睡醒。3. Innumerable pioneers had worked so

11、hard and did not wait for the fictitious “government” to wake up卡内基、洛克菲勒、斯坦福、福特等等。卡内基、洛克菲勒、斯坦福、福特等等。Carnegie, Rockefeller, Stanford, Ford etc.非政府成为公共事务中不可忽视的力量。非政府成为公共事务中不可忽视的力量。NGOs have become a non-negligible new force in social structure非政府的行业自律与公信力建设。非政府的行业自律与公信力建设。NGOs sectoral self-discipline

12、 and accountability building. 三、中国政府对非政府组织的三、中国政府对非政府组织的心理困惑及其互动减贫的影响。心理困惑及其互动减贫的影响。. Psychological Perplexity of Chinas Government Organizations on NGOs and Their Impact on Interaction 1 1、中国的非政府组织不是从社会分工中自然、中国的非政府组织不是从社会分工中自然发育出来发育出来, ,而是从西方照搬从政府组织中分蘖而是从西方照搬从政府组织中分蘖出来,因此具有早产的诸多特性。出来,因此具有早产的诸多特性。 1

13、. Since Chinas NGOs are separated from governmental organizations by copying the western pattern rather than naturally born from social division, they have many abortive features. 2 2、定位、定位 2. Definition: “帮助政府找钱扶贫帮助政府找钱扶贫” 有用有用“Helping the government locate money” usefulness “老干部发挥余热老干部发挥余热” 放心放心 “

14、Veteran officials contributing and working after their retirement” reassurance 3 3、这种定义促成了快速分蘖及双重管理、这种定义促成了快速分蘖及双重管理体制的诞生体制的诞生 3. Such definition facilitated the rapid growth and the emergence of dual administration models for Chinese NGOs1 1)登记制管理)登记制管理1) Registration system 2 2)行政部门管理)行政部门管理2) Adm

15、inistration system矛盾和摩擦矛盾和摩擦contradictions and onflicts四、中国非政府组织的困惑及其四、中国非政府组织的困惑及其与政府的互动减贫与政府的互动减贫. Perplexities Faced by Chinese NGOs and Their Interaction with Government Organization 1 1、“片面定义片面定义”和和“双重管理双重管理”体制体制导致导致NGONGO的政府依赖性。的政府依赖性。 1 “Lopsided definition” and “Dual administration” system r

16、esulted in the NGOs dependence on government. 2 2、NGONGO的政府依赖性对志愿市场发育的的政府依赖性对志愿市场发育的不良影响。不良影响。 2. NGOs dependence on government imposed bad influence on the growth of volunteering market. 3 3、缺乏规划与管理使、缺乏规划与管理使NGONGO的行业公信力的行业公信力受到质疑。受到质疑。 3. Lack of planning and management leads to the query in NGO s

17、ectoral accountability 4 4、非政府与政府的互动常常带有很强的、非政府与政府的互动常常带有很强的“跑部跑部”和和“照顾照顾”色彩色彩, ,从而缺乏互动从而缺乏互动或互动不足。或互动不足。 4. The so-called GovernmentNGO interaction is usually featured by “lobbying the government” and “taking care by the government” and lack of real interaction or insufficient of interaction. 五、如何在

18、双轨制下加强五、如何在双轨制下加强NGO与与GO的互动来促进减贫的互动来促进减贫. How to Strengthen Under the Dual System Interaction Between Government Organizations and NGOs to Facilitate Poverty Reduction责任来自双方及其幼稚的社会志愿市责任来自双方及其幼稚的社会志愿市场,随着人均场,随着人均GDPGDP进入快速成长期进入快速成长期, ,市市场变化很快,机遇与挑战并存。场变化很快,机遇与挑战并存。Responsibility lies in both Governme

19、nts and NGOs, and the puerile volunteer market. However, with Chinas per capita GDP entering a rapid growth period, volunteer market will also experience rapid expansion. Both chances and challenges existed. 1 1、提升对、提升对NGONGO的定位,不仅的定位,不仅“辅助找钱扶贫辅助找钱扶贫”,就,就是社会公平、良知与和谐创造的新生力量,是与政府协是社会公平、良知与和谐创造的新生力量,是与

20、政府协同促进公共事务资源增加、范围扩张和效率提升的社会同促进公共事务资源增加、范围扩张和效率提升的社会公共事务载体。其每个组织的使命、战略和治理水平远公共事务载体。其每个组织的使命、战略和治理水平远比辅助找钱更加重要。比辅助找钱更加重要。 First, enhance understanding of NGOs definition. An NGO is not only the assistant of the government in mobilizing funds for poverty alleviation, but also the new force for creating

21、 social equity, intuitive knowledge and harmony, as well as the new carrier for organizing public affairs that works together with the government to promote the increase of resources for public affairs and the expansion and improvement in the efficiency of public affairs. The positioning of the miss

22、ion, strategy, clients and market as well as governance levels of each NGO should be far more important than mobilizing funds. 2 2、逐步强化社会监管,弱化行政管理,、逐步强化社会监管,弱化行政管理,形成替代效应。形成替代效应。 2. Gradually strengthen public supervision and weaken governmental administration to produce replacement effect. 3 3、通过行业

23、管理与公信力识别促进好的、通过行业管理与公信力识别促进好的NGONGO成长,坏的成长,坏的NGONGO消亡。消亡。 3. Facilitate the growth of good NGOs and the elimination of bad NGOs through sectoral self-discipline and accountability. 4 4、非政府组织着力提升治理水平、专业、非政府组织着力提升治理水平、专业技能和公信力水平。技能和公信力水平。 4. NGOs focus efforts to improve governance capacity, professio

24、nal skills and accountability level. 5 5、对、对NGONGO开放政府公共资源,形成实质性互动。开放政府公共资源,形成实质性互动。 5. Open governmental and public resources to NGOs and carry out substantial interaction.需要政府、非政府、志愿市场及社会精英坚需要政府、非政府、志愿市场及社会精英坚持不懈的示范性努力。持不懈的示范性努力。It needs the unremitted and demonstrative efforts of governments, NGO

25、s, volunteers and social elites. 国务院扶贫办与中国扶贫基金会所进行的互动性国务院扶贫办与中国扶贫基金会所进行的互动性探索个案:探索个案:Case Study: Explorations Conducted by State Council Office of Poverty Alleviation and China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation 1 1)19961996年年, ,国务院扶贫开发领导小组的决策:国务院扶贫开发领导小组的决策:改革基金会管理体制改革基金会管理体制: :从会长负责制到秘书长从会长负责制到秘书长

26、负责制。负责制。1) In 1996, State Council Leading Group for Poverty Alleviation and Development decided: reform the system of CFPA, change the president responsibility system to the executive director responsibility system. 实质:会长会议与秘书处专业团队共同治理,实质:会长会议与秘书处专业团队共同治理,重大决策与日常经营管理分离。重大决策与日常经营管理分离。Essence: a joint

27、 system of governance by the team of veteran officials led by the President and the professional team led by young executive director to separate the major decision-making from the daily management. 2 2)19991999年,国务院扶贫办批准中国扶贫基金会年,国务院扶贫办批准中国扶贫基金会不设行政级别,取消事业编制。不设行政级别,取消事业编制。2) In 1999, State Council O

28、ffice of Poverty Alleviation approved CFPA to remove its administrative level and the state wage payroll system 实质:弱化行政管理,强化社会监管。实质:弱化行政管理,强化社会监管。Essence: Weaken the governmental administration and strengthen social supervision.3 3)20002000年,国务院扶贫办积极倡导将年,国务院扶贫办积极倡导将 “ “坚持政府主导,引入坚持政府主导,引入NGONGO参参与中国政

29、府扶贫项目机制,促进与中国政府扶贫项目机制,促进NGONGO参加扶贫公益资源竞争参加扶贫公益资源竞争, ,创新扶创新扶贫模式贫模式, ,提高扶贫效率提高扶贫效率”写入国家十年扶贫纲要。写入国家十年扶贫纲要。3) In 2000, the State Council promulgated the Program for Poverty Alleviation for the first ten years of 21st century: “Adhere to government leadership, introduce NGOs to participate in the impleme

30、ntation of poverty alleviation programs of the Chinese Government, facilitate NGOs to participate in competitions for public-good resources for poverty alleviation, develop innovative poverty alleviation models and improve poverty alleviation efficiency.” 4 4)20012001年,国务院扶贫办支持中国扶贫基金会就此议题召开年,国务院扶贫办支

31、持中国扶贫基金会就此议题召开 300300多家中外多家中外NGONGO与政府参加的与政府参加的“中国中国NGONGO扶贫国际会议扶贫国际会议”,出版了,出版了NGONGO扶贫历史使命扶贫历史使命系列丛书系列丛书, ,联合发表了联合发表了北京宣言北京宣言。4) In 2001, supported by the State Council Office of Poverty Alleviation, CFPA held the International Conference on NGOs Poverty Alleviation Policy in China with over 300 go

32、vernmental and NGO participants, published the series on the Historical Mission of NGOs for Poverty Alleviation and issued the Beijing Joint Declaration.5 5)2000-20052000-2005年,在国务院扶贫办支持下,中国扶贫基金会年,在国务院扶贫办支持下,中国扶贫基金会2000-20052000-2005年,年,在国务院扶贫办支持下,中国扶贫基金会先后在云南、福建、宁夏、辽在国务院扶贫办支持下,中国扶贫基金会先后在云南、福建、宁夏、辽宁

33、、重庆、河北、山西等地渐进式地推动政府与非政府组织合作宁、重庆、河北、山西等地渐进式地推动政府与非政府组织合作, ,通过通过“签约签约- -委托委托- -风险管理风险管理”等有效的制度安排等有效的制度安排, , 促使政府将扶贫资金委托非促使政府将扶贫资金委托非政府组织管理,政府则将精力集中于扶贫资金使用效率研究、扶贫效益政府组织管理,政府则将精力集中于扶贫资金使用效率研究、扶贫效益监管和资金风险监管方面。监管和资金风险监管方面。Between 2000 and 2005, supported by the State Council Office for Poverty Alleviation

34、, CFPA promoted in a progressive manner cooperation between government and non-government organizations in Yunnan, Fujian, Ningxia, Liaoning, Chongqing, Hebei, Shanxi and others, urging the government to entrust the management of poverty alleviation funds to NGOs through the effective institutional

35、arrangements such as “signing contracts-entrusting-risk management” while the government concentrated its efforts on studies of use efficiency of poverty alleviation funds, supervision of poverty alleviation benefits and regulation of funding risks. 通过这种积极探索,目前这些省份委托中国扶贫基金会管理用于通过这种积极探索,目前这些省份委托中国扶贫基

36、金会管理用于“小额信贷扶贫项目小额信贷扶贫项目”和和“母婴平安扶贫项目母婴平安扶贫项目”的资金累计超过的资金累计超过50005000万元,开创了政府组织与非政府组织合作、互动与减贫的先万元,开创了政府组织与非政府组织合作、互动与减贫的先河。河。Through such positive explorations, the accumulative amount of funds entrusted by these provinces to be managed by CFPA and used for Micro Finance Poverty Alleviation Project and

37、 Maternal and Infant Health Project has outnumbered 50 million yuan, setting the first example of cooperation and interaction between government and non-government organizations for poverty alleviation. 筛查孕妇筛查孕妇信息管理信息管理孕期管理孕期管理住院分娩住院分娩项目资助项目资助每一位孕产妇每一位孕产妇手中均有获得手中均有获得项目资助的项目资助的受援卡受援卡20052005年,国务院扶贫办与

38、世界银行共同主办年,国务院扶贫办与世界银行共同主办“中国发展市场中国发展市场”项目,旨项目,旨在以在以“支持创新,扩大服务,惠及穷人支持创新,扩大服务,惠及穷人”为主题。该项目委托中国扶贫为主题。该项目委托中国扶贫基金会承办。该项目虽然最终因世界银行筹款原因仅有基金会承办。该项目虽然最终因世界银行筹款原因仅有 3030个民间草根个民间草根NGONGO获赠款获赠款6565万美元万美元, ,但该项目通过政府组织与非政府组织的有效互动与但该项目通过政府组织与非政府组织的有效互动与合作合作, ,使使975975家全国各地的草根家全国各地的草根NGONGO组织卷入该项目的申请,通过项目竞赛、组织卷入该项

39、目的申请,通过项目竞赛、知识论坛和项目展示,加强了非政府草根组织之间及其与政府组织的充知识论坛和项目展示,加强了非政府草根组织之间及其与政府组织的充分互动,产生了较大的社会影响力。分互动,产生了较大的社会影响力。In 2005, State Council Office for Poverty Alleviation and the World Bank jointly sponsored China Development Marketplace Project with the objective to support innovations, expand service and rea

40、ch the poor. The project was implemented by CFPA. Although the project received only US$650,000 grants from the World Bank for 30 grassroots NGOs, through effective interaction and collaboration between government and non-government organizations, it attracted 975 grassroots organizations nationwide

41、 to apply for project funds, strengthened effective interaction among non-government grassroots organizations and their interaction with government organizations through competitions, knowledge forum and project demonstrations, hence producing significant social impacts.图1、2006中国发展市场评选结果揭晓暨赠款仪式。图2、世

42、界银行副行长傅兰妮、中国财政部副部长李勇、国务院扶贫办副主任王国良在磋商项目进展情况。图3、财政部副部长李勇、国务院扶贫办副主任王国良在 2006中国发展市场评选结果揭晓暨赠款仪式上为捐赠机构颁奖。图4、世界银行中国局杜大伟局长、中国民政部民间组织管理局李勇副局长、国务院扶贫办吴忠司长为2006中国发展市场项目展示剪彩。图5、2006中国发展市场入围项目展示。图6、世界银行中国局副局长刘晓云女士为中国扶贫基金会颁发纪念奖碑。图7、获奖机构在中国发展市场评选结果揭晓暨赠款仪式上领取获奖证书。图8、2006中国发展市场知识论坛。20062006年,基于国务院扶贫办与财政部和亚洲开发银行于年,基于国

43、务院扶贫办与财政部和亚洲开发银行于20052005年年2 2月月共同签署的合作备忘录,在江西开展非政府组织政府合作项目。共同签署的合作备忘录,在江西开展非政府组织政府合作项目。该项目将政府用于村级综合扶贫的资金委托中国扶贫基金会进行该项目将政府用于村级综合扶贫的资金委托中国扶贫基金会进行项目规划和制订招标方案,并通过市场招标方式对项目规划和制订招标方案,并通过市场招标方式对NGONGO草根组织开草根组织开放,政府则回归到扶贫监测和资金监控的位置上来。亚洲开发银放,政府则回归到扶贫监测和资金监控的位置上来。亚洲开发银行提供技术援助。行提供技术援助。In 2006, based on the MO

44、U signed in February 2005 between State Council Office for Poverty Alleviation, Ministry of Finance and Asian Development Bank, the NGO-government Partnership in Village-level Poverty Alleviation was implemented in Jiangxi. The project entrusted government funds for comprehensive poverty alleviation

45、 at the village level to CFPA to conduct project planning and development bidding proposals. It also opened to NGOs through the approach of open bidding while the government was responsible only for poverty alleviation monitoring and funding supervision and control. The Asian Development Bank provid

46、ed technical assistance. 该项目首次开放该项目首次开放10001000万元资金,共计万元资金,共计2020个村庄的综合扶贫标的,经个村庄的综合扶贫标的,经过公开招标,评委独议评标和投票,共有过公开招标,评委独议评标和投票,共有1010家草根组织中标。项目家草根组织中标。项目通过合约规范、能力建设、团队建设和入村工作,有效地搭建了村通过合约规范、能力建设、团队建设和入村工作,有效地搭建了村民与项目设计管理专家之间、村民之间、非政府组织与政府组织之民与项目设计管理专家之间、村民之间、非政府组织与政府组织之间积极沟通与互动的平台,将公共扶贫资源的使用和管理首次置于间积极沟通与

47、互动的平台,将公共扶贫资源的使用和管理首次置于公开化的社会监督之下,开创了政府与非政府组织互动以促进减贫公开化的社会监督之下,开创了政府与非政府组织互动以促进减贫的先河。的先河。The project opened for the first time 10 million yuan for comprehensive poverty alleviation bids at 20 villages. Through open bidding, independent evaluation by the Bid Evaluation Committee and voting, 10 grassr

48、oots organizations won the bids. Through contracts, capacity building, team building and village work, the project effectively set up a platform for active communication and interaction between villagers and project design and management experts, among villagers and between non-government and govern

49、ment organizations and brought for the first time the use and management of public poverty alleviation resources under open social supervision, setting the first example interaction between government and non-government organizations for poverty reduction 2005 2005年年1212月江西项目正式启动月江西项目正式启动,2006,2006年

50、年 2 2月月1717日召开评标会日召开评标会, ,最终选出最终选出 6 6家家NGONGO作作为第一批项目执行单位。为第一批项目执行单位。 2006 2006年年4 4月月, ,项目专家在南昌对项目执行项目专家在南昌对项目执行NGONGO进行村级规划的培训进行村级规划的培训亚行首席代表涩市彻先生在国务院扶贫办、江西省扶贫办陪同下去宁都县沙子岭进行项目点的考察,并走访贫困农户.项目执行机构NGO深入江西项目点,运用各自机构的经验,采取参与式的方式,到项目村开展工作。.各项目执行 NGO按照与村民一起制订的规划,进入项目村实施项目:这些项目涵盖了修路、建桥、饮水、建沼气池、人才培养等等。.我们是否可以从国务院扶贫办上述一系列试验我们是否可以从国务院扶贫办上述一系列试验中得到启示呢?中得到启示呢?Can we obtain some enlightenments from the series of pilots mentioned above carried out by the State Council Office for Poverty Alleviation.谢 谢!



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