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1、定语从句定语从句AttributiveClause1.What is it ?Ive never heard it. Lets learn it carefully!Which apple do you prefer? Apple?I prefer the red apple.I prefer the green one.Which cat do you prefer? Cat?I prefer the cat in the tree.I prefer the cat in the box.the cat in the treethe cat in the boxWhich robot do

2、you prefer?Robot?Hello, I can play the guitar.Hi, I can clean the house.I prefer the robot which can play the guitar.I prefer the robot which can clean the house.I prefer the robot which can sing.Guess?1.Now do you know what it is? It is a clause which we use to describe a noun.2. Then how to make a

3、ttributive clause?I prefer the robot can play the guitar.I prefer the robot can clean the house.I prefer the robot can sing.a. What can you find?whichwhichwhichI prefer the robot can play the guitarwhichthe robotThe robotb. How to make it ?Think and conclude1.意义:意义:定语从句是用来修饰名词的句子定语从句是用来修饰名词的句子.2.写法:

4、写法:找出两个简单句的共有成分;找出两个简单句的共有成分;将从句中的共有成分去掉;将从句中的共有成分去掉;用关系词引导剩下的从句,并紧用关系词引导剩下的从句,并紧接在被修饰词之后接在被修饰词之后简化图示简化图示共有词共有词主句:主句:从句:从句:共有词共有词关系词关系词共有词共有词 关系词关系词主句从句主句从句I prefer the robot can play the guitarwhichthe robotThe robotExample1. Yibin is a very beautiful city. It is called Liquor City. Yibin is a very

5、 beautiful city which is called Liquor City.2. Here are the farmers. They discovered the old vase. Here are the farmers which discovered the old vase.Lets have a try! Why is it wrong?Why?3. 关于关系代词定语从句中关系词分为关系代词和关系副词定语从句中关系词分为关系代词和关系副词,其中关系代词为:其中关系代词为:which,who,whom,that,whose.关系代词的选用取决于被修饰词(先行词)关系代词

6、的选用取决于被修饰词(先行词)被修饰词被修饰词(先行词)(先行词)物物人人人,物人,物通用通用所属关所属关系系主主宾宾关系代词关系代词which whowhomwhothatwhose1.Here are my neighbors _ home was destroyed by the earthquake.2.The terrible shaking of the building woke up all the people _ were asleep.3. several days later most of the buildings _ had been damaged were r

7、epaired.Lets have a try!whosewho/thatwhich/that4. This frightened boy _ mother was lost in the disaster is looking for her now.5. We went to see our teacher _ husband lost his life in the earthquake.6. “Is this the young man _ saved several people trapped under buildings?” She asked.whosewhosewho/th

8、at7. A number of children _ parents had died in the quake were sent to live with families in other cities.whose关系代词关系代词在定语从句中做主语时在定语从句中做主语时,谓语谓语动词的单复数应与先行词保持一致。动词的单复数应与先行词保持一致。 1) Iprefershoesthatarecool.2) I like a pizza that is reallydelicious.3)Ilovesingerswhoarebeautiful.4)Ihaveafriendwhoplayssp

9、orts.On a distant land, there is a paradise(天堂)天堂). It is said that anybody or anything that is sent there can be changed into a prince or a princess. And he or she will live a happy life forever.Now here are 2 girls, 2 men and 2 pianos, and you can choose one of them to sent to the paradise. Lets h

10、ave a look.She often smiles to othersHer parents died.He can cookdelicious food He likes teaching.It belonged toBeethovenIt helps a group of children.Group workEvery 6 students a group to discuss which one you will choose.exampleTr: Which one will you choose?S: We will choose the girl.Tr: Which girl

11、?S: The girl who often smiles to others. 1.This is the park. We visited the park last year. This is the park (that / which )we visited last year.2.This is the park. We held a party in the park. This is the park (that / which ) we held a party.Lets have a try! Why is it wrong?Why?4. 关于关系副词 定语从句中关系词分为

12、关系代词和关系副词定语从句中关系词分为关系代词和关系副词,其中关系其中关系副词副词为:为:where,when,why.(可转换可转换为:介词为:介词+which在定语从句在定语从句中做状语中做状语地点地点时间时间原因(先行词原因(先行词只能是只能是reason)关系关系副词副词wherewhenwhyforwhich 定语从句关系副词的用法定语从句关系副词的用法: :1、Where指地点,在从句中充当地点状语。指地点,在从句中充当地点状语。Thisistheplacewhere (in which)welivedtenyearsago.2、When指时间,在从句中充当时间状语。指时间,在从句

13、中充当时间状语。Hetoldmethedatewhen(on which)hejoinedtheParty.3、Why指原因,在定语从句中充当原因状语。指原因,在定语从句中充当原因状语。Iknowthereasonwhy(for which)shewassoangry.关系副词关系副词when,where和关系代词和关系代词that,which的区别的区别:同样是修饰一个地点,有时使用同样是修饰一个地点,有时使用where,有时使用有时使用that/which;同样是修;同样是修饰一个时间,有时使用饰一个时间,有时使用when,有时使用有时使用that/which。这主要看两点:。这主要看两点

14、:一:先行词在从句中所作成分;一:先行词在从句中所作成分;二:定语从句中的谓语动词是否二:定语从句中的谓语动词是否一一个及物动词。个及物动词。1) This is the house _ once Lu Xun lived . This is the house _ once Lu Xun lived in. 这就是鲁迅曾经住过的房子。这就是鲁迅曾经住过的房子。inwhichwherewhich/thatLets have a try!2)Gaoxianistheplace_Iwasborn.Gaoxianistheplace_Iwasbornin.高县高县是我出生的地是我出生的地方方。=in

15、whichwherewhich/thatLets have a try! What should we pay more attention to?What?5.which和和that的区别:的区别:1.介词后只能用介词后只能用which(先行词指物先行词指物)Theschoolinwhichheoncestudiedisveryfamous.Thebookisveryinteresting,whichmybrotherboughtme.2.非限制性定语从句只用非限制性定语从句只用which1)先行词既有人又有物时先行词既有人又有物时;3.只用只用that不用不用which2)先行词前面有最高


17、all,none,little,much等代词时,或者是等代词时,或者是由由any,all,no,only等修饰时等修饰时;4.在在who,which引导的特殊疑问句中引导的特殊疑问句中,定语从句定语从句中避免重复中避免重复,一般也只用一般也只用that;1)Whoisthemanthatisstandingthere?2)WhichistheT-shirtthatfitsmemost?1)Isthereanythingthatyoudontknow?2)IwanttoreadallthebooksthatwerewrittenbyLuXun.注:注: 当当one, ones, anybody

18、, anyone, all, none, those, he, they, that, you 等作先行词时等作先行词时( 指人)一般用指人)一般用who,不用,不用that. Those who want to go to the cinema will have to wait at the gate of the school. 想去看电影的人必须在校门口等。想去看电影的人必须在校门口等。6.关系代词前介词的确定关系代词前介词的确定1)Thisisthecar_whichIboughtlastyear.2)Thisisthecar_whichIpaid100$.3)Thisistheca


20、helittlecreature_scientistsareinterestedisknownasET.ofwhichtowhominwhichwithwhichinwhichLets check.1.Theplace_intereststhechildrenmostisthechildrenspalace.A.whatB.thatC.whereD.inwhich2.Themountain_wevisitedlastsummeristhehighestmountaininEurope.A.whereB.onwhichC.whatD.which3.Thisisthepark_Ivisitedla



23、ebestfilm_Ihaveeverseen.12.Those_breakthelawmustbepunish.13.Thisistheonlyanswer_wethinkisright.14.Iknowthestudentfrom_youborrowedthedictionary.15.Thatisthefactoryin_theyonceworked.CACEB2.Themanisaworker.Themanisspeakingatthemeeting.合并句子合并句子: :Themanwhoisspeakingatthemeetingisaworker.1. I like the mo

24、vie. The movie is exciting. I like the movie that is exciting .The woman who lives next door is a teacher. 3.Thewomanisateacher.Thewomanlivesnextdoor.4.Maryisagirl.Maryhaslonghair.Maryisagirlwhohaslonghair.1.这就是救了那个孩子命的医生这就是救了那个孩子命的医生.Thisisthedoctorwhosavedtheboyslife.2.正在跑步的那个人是我的叔叔正在跑步的那个人是我的叔叔.Themanwhoisrunningismyuncle.3.我喜欢可以随之而唱的音乐我喜欢可以随之而唱的音乐.IlikethemusicthatIcansingalongwith.4.住在隔壁的那个女的是一名教师住在隔壁的那个女的是一名教师.Thewomanwholivesnextdoorisateacher.Homework1.Do exercise book.2.Write 6 sentences with attributive clause. Bye-bye Have a nice day!



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