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1、实用英语实用英语U2TextBU2TextBPre-reading TaskPre-reading TaskText-related InformationText-related InformationPre-reading ActivityPre-reading Activity Furthermore, Furthermore, most most of of the the responsible responsible contributions contributions to to the the debate debate have have been been written

2、 written in in such such highly highly technical technical terms terms as as to to be be incomprehensible incomprehensible to to the the laylay reader. reader. We We believe believe there there is is a a need need for for an an impartial impartial and and dispassionate dispassionate analysisanalysis

3、 of of the the issuesissues involved involved in in language the public can understand.language the public can understand.2 2 While While every every effort effort should should be be made made to to develop develop the the more promising natural sources as quickly as possible, more promising natura

4、l sources as quickly as possible, we we believe believe it it will will be be virtually virtually impossible impossible for for any any of of them them to to make make a a significantsignificant contribution contribution to to the the energy energy gap before the beginning of the next century.gap be

5、fore the beginning of the next century.While-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task3 3 If If the the world world is is not not to to face face a a substantial substantial fall fall in in living living standards standards with with a a very very real real risk risk of of civil civil upheaval upheaval if if n

6、ot not war war there there is is no no alternative alternative but but to to rely rely on on a a major major contribution contribution of of energy energy from from nuclear nuclear sources. sources. However, However, as as it it is is, , there there are are genuine genuine anxieties anxieties which

7、which must must be be answered answered objectively. objectively. These These fall fall under under the the following following broad headings:broad headings: (I) (I) The The long-term long-term effects effects of of the the low low level level radiation radiation to to which which workers workers i

8、n in the the plants plants and and the the public public may may be be exposedexposed; ; (II) (II) the the possibility possibility of of a a “run “run away” away” leading leading to to an an atomic atomic explosion;explosion; (III) the disposal of radioactive waste. (III) the disposal of radioactive

9、 waste.While-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task4 4 We will deal with these We will deal with these in turnin turn. .5 5 1 1 Acceptable Acceptable limits limits of of radiation: radiation: The The long-term long-term effect effect of of low low doses doses of of radiation radiation is is a a particularly

10、 particularly difficult difficult subject subject since since medical medical experts experts disagree disagree on on the the interpretation of such statistical evidence as is interpretation of such statistical evidence as is availableavailable. . However, However, two two facts facts emergeemerge w

11、hich which seem seem to to us us significant: significant: (a) (a) there there is is no no evidence evidence that that the the incidence incidence of of cancer cancer or or other other diseases diseases among among the the work-force work-force of of the the United United Kingdom Kingdom nuclear nuc

12、lear plants plants is is higher higher than than the the national national average. average. (b) (b) the the average average exposure exposure of of the the public public to to radiation radiation as as a a result result of of nuclear nuclear power power is is only only a a minute minute fraction fr

13、action (0.2 (0.2 per per cent) cent) of of the the radiation radiation from from other other sources sources mainly natural. mainly natural.While-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task6 6 2 2 The The worst worst conceivable conceivable accident: accident: It It must must be be accepted accepted that that no

14、 no process process or or mechanism mechanism can can be be 100 100 per per cent cent safe. safe. However, However, under under no no circumstancescircumstances could could a a thermal thermal power power reactor reactor of of any any type type explode explode like like an an atomic atomic bomb. bom

15、b. The The worst worst that that could could happen happen in in the the improbable improbable event event ofof a a whole whole series series of of unlikely unlikely incidents incidents happening happening together, together, would would be be an an escape escape of of radioactivity radioactivity to

16、 to the the surrounding atmosphere.surrounding atmosphere.7 7 It It has has been been calculatedcalculated by by Professor Professor Rasmussen, Rasmussen, of of the the Massachusetts Massachusetts Institute Institute of of Technology, Technology, that that the the chances chances of of such such an

17、an accident accident causing causing 100 100 deaths deaths for for a a group group of of 100 100 power plants would be one incident in 100 000 years.power plants would be one incident in 100 000 years.While-Reading TaskWhile-Reading TaskWhile-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task8 8 3 3 The The disposal di

18、sposal of of radioactive radioactive waste. waste. The The spent spent fuel fuel elements elements from from any any reactor reactor are are highly highly radioactive radioactive and and contain contain fission fission and and other other products products with with half half lives lives ranging fro

19、mranging from a few seconds to many thousands of years. a few seconds to many thousands of years.9 9 It It should should be be realized, realized, however, however, that that the the radiation radiation (of (of whatever whatever sort) sort) emitted emitted by by a a particular particular element ele

20、ment is is caused caused by by the the process process of of its its radioactive radioactive decay. decay. The The elements elements with with a a high high rate rate of of decay decay (short (short half half lives) lives) therefore therefore emit emit very very intenseintense radiation, radiation,

21、while while those those with with low low rates rates of of decay (long half lives) emit only low levels.decay (long half lives) emit only low levels.10 10 After After chemical chemical separation, separation, some some of of the the elements elements (uranium (uranium and and plutonium) plutonium)

22、are are recycled recycled for for further further use; use; the the remainder remainder have have to to be be stored stored or or disposed disposed of of in in some some way. way. The The highly highly active active concentrated concentrated wastes wastes in in liquid liquid form form are are at at

23、present present stored stored in in stainless stainless steel steel double-double-walled walled tanks tanks for for additionaladditional safety. safety. There There would would be be obvious obvious advantages advantages from from the the point point of of view view of of long-term long-term storage

24、 storage if if the the concentrates concentrates could could be be converted converted toto a a solid, solid, and and a a process process has has been been worked worked out out for for turning turning them them into an insoluble glass.into an insoluble glass.While-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task1111

25、 There There are are areas areas in in the the earths earths crust crust where where the the natural natural levels levels of of radioactivity radioactivity are are already already high, high, and and as as in in so so many many other other instances, instances, the the additional additional radiati

26、on radiation due due to to mans mans efforts efforts would would be be insignificant insignificant compared compared with natural sources.with natural sources.While-Reading TaskWhile-Reading Task Nuclear Power: More Advantages Than Risks Nuclear Power: More Advantages Than RisksNuclear Power: Advant

27、ages That Outweigh the RisksNuclear Power: Advantages That Outweigh the Risks The different opinions which come from a The different opinions which come from a discussion on the safety of nuclear power .discussion on the safety of nuclear power .The views expressed in the debate on the safety of The

28、 views expressed in the debate on the safety of nuclear power have come mainly from the interested nuclear power have come mainly from the interested parties . and the various environmental groups on parties . and the various environmental groups on the other.the other.e.g.e.g. The topic aroused an

29、interesting The topic aroused an interesting debatedebate. . Truth develops through Truth develops through debatedebate between different between different views.views.debate:debate: n.n. a public meeting in which a question is a public meeting in which a question is talked talked over over by by at

30、 at least least 2 2 people people or or groups, groups, each expressing a different point of view; each expressing a different point of view; argument or discussion in general argument or discussion in generale.g.e.g. There is urgent need to There is urgent need to debatedebate this issue openly. th

31、is issue openly. The subject was hotly The subject was hotly debateddebated. .cf.cf. debate : debate : v. v. to argue about (something) in an to argue about (something) in an effort to persuade other people effort to persuade other peoplethe groups that are directly concerned with the groups that ar

32、e directly concerned with the issue and are likely to be affected by its the issue and are likely to be affected by its resultsresultsthe interested parties:the interested parties:groups who are concerned with the protection groups who are concerned with the protection of the environment from pollut

33、ion, etc.of the environment from pollution, etc.the environmental groups:the environmental groups: So So it it is is not not surprising surprising that that the the public public doesnt doesnt know know who who is is right right because because many many views views in in the the debate debate are a

34、re contradictory contradictory and and some some of of them them have have been shocking.been shocking.It It is is not not surprising surprising therefore therefore that that the the public public is is confused confused by by the the many many contradictory contradictory statements, statements, som

35、e of which have been sensational.some of which have been sensational.e.g.e.g. The details of the agreement need more exact The details of the agreement need more exact statementstatement. . We need further facts to back up our We need further facts to back up our statementsstatements. .statement: st

36、atement: n . n . 1 ) an expression in words1 ) an expression in wordse.g.e.g. Do you believe the witnesss Do you believe the witnesss statementstatement? ? The educational authorities gave out the The educational authorities gave out the following following statementstatement. .statement: statement:

37、 n . n . 2) a written or spoken declaration, 2) a written or spoken declaration, esp. of a formal kind esp. of a formal kind . . most most of of the the sensible sensible and and reliable reliable articles articles for for the the debate debate have have been been written written in in such such hig

38、hly highly technical technical terms terms that that the the non-professional non-professional reader can not understand them.reader can not understand them. . most most of of the the responsible responsible contributions contributions to to the the debate debate have have been been written written

39、in in such such highly highly technical technical terms as to be incomprehensible to the lay reader.terms as to be incomprehensible to the lay reader.e.g.e.g. laylay opinion ( opinion (外行意见外行意见外行意见外行意见) ) to the to the laylay mind ( mind (对外行人来说对外行人来说对外行人来说对外行人来说) )lay:lay: v. v. not trained in or h

40、aving knowledge of not trained in or having knowledge of a particular profession or branch of a particular profession or branch of learning, such as law or medicine learning, such as law or medicine We We believe believe that that it it is is necessary necessary to to have have a a fair fair and and

41、 objective objective explanation explanation of of the the problems problems concerned concerned using using no no complicated complicated technical technical language that the public cant understand.language that the public cant understand.We We believe believe there there is is a a need need for f

42、or an an impartial impartial and and dispassionate dispassionate analysis analysis of of the the issues issues involved involved in in language the public can understand.language the public can understand.e.g.e.g. The FBI wants a complete The FBI wants a complete analysisanalysis of how the crime of

43、 how the crime was committed.was committed. On On analysisanalysis, it gave the following results., it gave the following results.analysis:analysis: n.n. an examination of something together with an examination of something together with thoughts and judgments about it thoughts and judgments about i

44、te.g.e.g. That That issueissue must be decided before any other must be decided before any other questions can be dealt with.questions can be dealt with. Whether I go there or not is a debatable Whether I go there or not is a debatable issueissue. .issue:issue: n.n. 1) a question that arises for dis

45、cussion 1) a question that arises for discussione.g.e.g. The motor vehicle department handles the The motor vehicle department handles the issueissue of driving licences.of driving licences. The The issueissue of water from the cracked pipe grew of water from the cracked pipe grew so serious that we

46、 called the dire department.so serious that we called the dire department.issue:issue: n.n. 2) the act of coming out2) the act of coming oute.g.e.g. Have you read todays Have you read todays issueissue of “The Times”? of “The Times”? The last The last issueissue of our weekly paper consisted of our

47、weekly paper consisted of 1 000 copies.of 1 000 copies.issue:issue: n.n. 3) something printed3) something printed . . we we believe believe it it will will be be almost almost impossible impossible for for any any of of them them to to help help to to fill fill to to an an important important degree

48、 degree the energy gap .the energy gap . . we we believe believe it it will will be be virtually virtually impossible impossible for for any any of of them them to to make make a a significant significant contribution contribution to to the the energy gap .energy gap .e.g.e.g. Penicillin was an extr

49、emely Penicillin was an extremely significantsignificant medical medical discovery.discovery. Does the report give all the Does the report give all the significantsignificant facts of facts of the case?the case?significant:significant: a. a. of noticeable importance or effect of noticeable importanc

50、e or effect . the only type of energy we can rely on is from . the only type of energy we can rely on is from nuclear sources.nuclear sources. there is no alternative but to rely on a major . there is no alternative but to rely on a major contribution of energy from nuclear sources.contribution of e

51、nergy from nuclear sources. But, in fact, there are real worries . But, in fact, there are real worries .However, as it is, there are genuine anxieties .However, as it is, there are genuine anxieties .e.g.e.g. I thought things would get better, but I thought things would get better, but as it isas i

52、t is they are getting worse.they are getting worse. As it isAs it is, we can hardly get to the airport by 5 , we can hardly get to the airport by 5 oclock.oclock.as it is:as it is: in reality; according to the situation that in reality; according to the situation that actually exists, esp. when that

53、 situation is actually exists, esp. when that situation is different from what one expected or need different from what one expected or neede.g.e.g. In many ways children live, In many ways children live, as it wereas it were, in a different , in a different world from adults.world from adults.cf.cf

54、. as it were: as it were: as as it it might might be be said said to to be; be; as as if if it it really really were; were; seemingly seemingly (used (used to to indicate indicate that that the the speaker speaker is is giving giving her her or or his his own own impression impression of of a a situ

55、ation situation and and may not be using words in their exact sense)may not be using words in their exact sense)e.g.e.g. The small craft The small craft was exposed towas exposed to the dangers of the the dangers of the open sea.open sea. It can not It can not be exposed tobe exposed to the sun. the

56、 sun.cf.cf. He believes in regularly He believes in regularly exposing exposing his pupils to his pupils to great works of art.great works of art.be exposed to:be exposed to: to be left without protection (from something) to be left without protection (from something) We will explain these one by on

57、e in details. We will explain these one by one in details.We will deal with these in turn.We will deal with these in turn.e.g.e.g. All the students recited the poem All the students recited the poem in turnin turn. . Each man Each man in turnin turn got up and spoke. got up and spoke.in turn:in turn

58、: successively; in order successively; in order . . because because medical medical experts experts have have their their own own explanation explanation of of the the existing existing statistical statistical evidence evidence / / have have different different opinions opinions about about the the

59、explanation explanation of of the statistical evidence that can be obtained now.the statistical evidence that can be obtained now. since medical experts disagree on the interpretation . since medical experts disagree on the interpretation of such statistical evidence as is available.of such statisti

60、cal evidence as is available. e.g.e.g. These data are readily These data are readily availableavailable. . Is the president Is the president availableavailable for the graduation for the graduation ceremony tomorrow?ceremony tomorrow?available:available: a. a. able to be got, obtained, used, seen, e

61、tc. able to be got, obtained, used, seen, etc. However there are two facts which seem important However there are two facts which seem important to us: .to us: .However, two facts emerge which seem to us significant: .However, two facts emerge which seem to us significant: .e.g.e.g. The sun The sun

62、emergedemerged from behind the clouds. from behind the clouds. Many facts Many facts emergedemerged as a result of the investigation. as a result of the investigation.emerge:emerge: v. v. to come or appear; become known to come or appear; become known However, However, it it is is absolutely absolut

63、ely impossible impossible that that any any type type of of thermal thermal power power reactor reactor could could explode explode like like an an atomic bomb.atomic bomb.However, However, under under no no circumstances circumstances could could a a thermal thermal power power reactor reactor of o

64、f any any type type explode explode like like an an atomic atomic bomb.bomb.e.g.e.g. Under no circumstancesUnder no circumstances are you to leave the are you to leave the house.house.under / in no circumstances: under / in no circumstances: never; regardless of events (used to emphasize that never;

65、 regardless of events (used to emphasize that something must definitely not happen)something must definitely not happen)e.g.e.g. Under the circumstancesUnder the circumstances, there was nothing , there was nothing I could say.I could say.cf.cf. under / in the circumstances: under / in the circumsta

66、nces: because of the conditions; because things are as they because of the conditions; because things are as they are (used to say that a particular situation makes an are (used to say that a particular situation makes an action, decision, etc. necessary or acceptable when it action, decision, etc.

67、necessary or acceptable when it would not normally be)would not normally be)e.g.e.g. Under any circumstancesUnder any circumstances a gentleman has no a gentleman has no right to hurt a woman.right to hurt a woman.under / in any circumstances:under / in any circumstances: in any case in any case The

68、 The worst worst thing thing that that could could happen happen if if a a whole whole series of unlikely incidents happened together, .series of unlikely incidents happened together, .The The worst worst that that could could happen happen in in the the improbable improbable event event of of a a w

69、hole whole series series of of unlikely unlikely incidents incidents happening together, .happening together, .e.g.e.g. In the unlikely event ofIn the unlikely event of an accident, contact an accident, contact us at this numberus at this numberin the event of:in the event of: ( (formalformal) if so

70、mething happen) if something happene.g.e.g. Did she Did she calculatecalculate the cost? the cost? Yes, she Yes, she calculatedcalculated that it would cost $100. that it would cost $100. The scientist could not The scientist could not calculatecalculate when the spaceship when the spaceship would r

71、each the moon.would reach the moon.calculate:calculate: v. v. to estimate; find out by working with numbers to estimate; find out by working with numbersthe the half half life life of of a a radioactive radioactive substance substance is is the the length length of of time time it it takes takes to

72、to lose lose half half of of its its radioactivityradioactivityhalf(-)life:half(-)life:e.g.e.g. Those dresses Those dresses rangerange in price in price fromfrom eighteen to fifty eighteen to fifty dollars.dollars. His lectures His lectures rangedranged fromfrom music to mathematics. music to mathem

73、atics.range from . to:range from . to: to vary (between limits) to vary (between limits)e.g.e.g. The patient has an The patient has an intenseintense will to recover. will to recover. The heat from the furnace is The heat from the furnace is intenseintense. .intense:intense: a. a. strong (in quality

74、 or feeling) strong (in quality or feeling) After chemical treatment, . After chemical treatment, .After chemical separation, .After chemical separation, . The The concentrated concentrated wastes wastes in in liquid liquid form form with with high high level level of of radiation radiation are are

75、now now kept kept in in stainless stainless steel steel double-walled tanks for more safety.double-walled tanks for more safety.The The highly highly active active concentrated concentrated wastes wastes in in liquid liquid form form are are at at present present stored stored in in stainless stainl

76、ess steel steel double-walled double-walled tanks for additional safety.tanks for additional safety.e.g.e.g. The charge for the delivery of the furniture is The charge for the delivery of the furniture is additionaladditional. . That is an That is an additionaladditional reason for not leaving. reas

77、on for not leaving.additional:additional: a. a. extra; added extra; addede.g.e.g. Coal can be Coal can be convertedconverted toto gas by burning. gas by burning. The sofa can be The sofa can be convertedconverted intointo a bed at night. a bed at night.convert . to / into:convert . to / into:to caus

78、e to change to or into another form, substance, to cause to change to or into another form, substance, or state, or from one use or purpose to anotheror state, or from one use or purpose to anotherAfter-Reading TaskAfter-Reading TaskOutlineOutlineReading ComprehensionReading ComprehensionVocabulary

79、and StructureVocabulary and StructureOutlineOutlineAfter-Reading TaskAfter-Reading TaskParas. 1-2Nuclear power an issue in the debate:Nuclear power an issue in the debate:a. a. an an impartial impartial and and dispassionate dispassionate analysis analysis required;required;b. an impossible contribu

80、tion by any other natural b. an impossible contribution by any other natural resources to the energy gap. resources to the energy gap.OutlineOutlineAfter-Reading TaskAfter-Reading TaskParas. 3-11Nuclear power a promising energy alternative:Nuclear power a promising energy alternative:a. no option bu

81、t the nuclear power that counts;a. no option but the nuclear power that counts;b. questions raised concerning the nuclear power:b. questions raised concerning the nuclear power: 1) the long-term effects of the low level radiation 1) the long-term effects of the low level radiation 2) the “run away”

82、leading to an atomic explosion 2) the “run away” leading to an atomic explosion 3) the disposal of radioactive waste 3) the disposal of radioactive wastec. answers to the questionsc. answers to the questions (To each of the questions, a negative answer has (To each of the questions, a negative answe

83、r has been given by the author together with many figure been given by the author together with many figure and facts.)and facts.)Exercise 2 Exercise 2 Decide whether the statements are True (T) or Decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F) according the passage. False (F) according the

84、 passage.Reading ComprehensionReading Comprehension1. On the safety of nuclear power, the views expressed by the environmental groups are quite different from those by the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority and British Nuclear Fuels Limited. 2. Whether the public can better understand the proble

85、m of nuclear power totally depends on how much and how well they know about the technical terms involved. 3. The author believes that if we develop more natural power sources we can solve the energy shortage. 4. According to the author, nuclear energy, though with some risks, is the only alternative

86、 that we can rely on to fill in the energy gap. 5. Through the explanations given in paragraphs 5 to 11, the author intends to draw a conclusion that the advantages of nuclear power outweigh the risks.T TT TF FF FT TExercise 3 Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks with the given words. Fill in the blanks wi

87、th the given words. Change the form where necessary. Change the form where necessary.issue emerge analysis objective substantialdebate intense calculate statement significantVocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure1. It was so hot in Africa that we could not stand the _ heat.2. Any success o

88、f yours may be _ for your whole future.3. In his last lecture he gave an intelligent _ of the political situation in East Europe.4. One of the biggest _ we were facing was whether we should set up a nuclear power plant here.5. Throughout the debate, members of both sides listene to every speakers _

89、with great attention.statementstatementintenseintensesignificantsignificantanalysisanalysis issues issues Exercise 3 Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks with the given words. Fill in the blanks with the given words. Change the form where necessary. Change the form where necessary.Vocabulary and StructureV

90、ocabulary and Structureissue emerge analysis objective substantialdebate intense calculate statement significant6. Participants are free to speak their minds, as truth is made clear through _ between different views.7. I think there are _ differences in the views held by the two groups about the saf

91、ety of nuclear power.8. Through the joint efforts of British and French police forces, the new evidence _ from the investigation.9. If you want to study abroad, youll need to _ the overall cost.10. Science is usually concerned only with _ facts that can be proved or disapproved.objectiveobjectivedeb

92、atedebatesubstantialsubstantial emerged emergedcalculatecalculateExercise 4Exercise 4 Complete the sentences with the given expressions. Complete the sentences with the given expressions. Change the form where necessary. Change the form where necessary.rely on in turn expose . to deal withconvert .

93、into as it is compare with under no circumstancesVocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure1. I thought things would get better, but _ they are getting worse.2. Their plant _ crude oil _ a wide variety of chemical products.3. There were cheers for each of the women as they spoke _.4. A country

94、 should mainly _ the strength and wisdom of its own people.rely onrely onas it isas it isconvertsconvertsintointoin turnin turnExercise 4Exercise 4 Complete the sentences with the given expressions. Complete the sentences with the given expressions. Change the form where necessary. Change the form w

95、here necessary.rely on in turn expose . to deal withconvert . into as it is compare with under no circumstancesVocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure5. The last chapter of this book _ a brief history of the English language.6. As a wise mother, she never _ her children _ the slightest poss

96、ibility of danger.7. We have made up our mind that _ will we give up our attempt to find the solution.8. _ cars, bicycles have a lot of advantages, especially in a crowded city.Compared withCompared withdeals withdeals with has hasexposed toexposed tounder no circumstancesunder no circumstancesExerc

97、ise Exercise 5 Complete the sentences by using the proper form 5 Complete the sentences by using the proper form of the words given. of the words given.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure1. I must go to the garage and get the car _. (service)2. Theres something wrong with my typewriter

98、and I must get it _. (repair)3. Jane asked me a lot of questions and she had me utterly _. (confuse)4. Poor old Bill had a lot of money _ while he was on holiday. (steal)5. I think you should work as hard as possible and I want the work _ by January 1st. (finish)finishedfinishedservicedservicedrepai

99、redrepairedconfusedconfusedstolenstolenExercise Exercise 5 Complete the sentences by using the proper form 5 Complete the sentences by using the proper form of the words given. of the words given.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure6. There was such a noise and I could hardly make myself

100、 _. (hear)7. The boss wants these letters _ before tomorrow. (type)8. Id like my room _, please. (clean)9. He used a lot of examples to make himself _. (understand)10. I hope you will keep me _ of how you are getting on with the work. (inform)informedinformedheardheardtypedtypedcleanedcleanedunderstoodunderstood



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