牛津译林版英语九上Unit 4 TV pogrammesppt课件

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1、Review Unit 4 TV Programme第四单元的教学目标第四单元的教学目标v第四单元重点词汇、短语、第四单元重点词汇、短语、句型句型 v第四单元的重、难点复习第四单元的重、难点复习及巩固及巩固 v 第四单元的语言点及语法第四单元的语言点及语法的归纳、总结的归纳、总结Teaching AimsMain Topics: Talk about different kinds of TV programmes and learn to describe them.Talk about your favourite kinds of TV programmes and give out t

2、he reasons. 第四单元语言语法知识要点词汇 a. vocabulary b. Use vocabulary to talk about your favourite TV programmes功能 a. talk about TV programmes and learn to describe a TV programme b.Talk about your favourite TV programmes and give out the reason语法 a. “between-and-”, “from-to-” b.before,after,until c.while,as p

3、aratives and superlatives Teaching Processingv The 1st periodv Words, expressions and sentences1 Step words四会单词 far, TV station, cartoon, MTV, weekly, up-to-date, interview, cover, live, presentation, coming, vote, announce, text, concert, murder, director, dead, Asian, face, disappear, scene, act,

4、success, company, especially, show, comedy, prize, right, end, farther, further, farthest, furthest, friendship, spaceman, art, dislike, habit, disagree, throw, sporty, competition, website, ending, perfect三会单词 broadcast, studio, distance, round-up, horror, direct, disturbing, photography, public, i

5、ce skating, race, regular, viewer, regularly, expect, background, plot, relationship, surprising 二会单词 mystery, scared, documentary, habitat, formal, series, 1 词性转换n adj. sleep-asleep,sleepy week-weekly horror-horrible mystery-mysterious Asia-Asian success-successful sport-sporty surprise-surprising

6、nature-natural form-formal music-musical V-adjbore-boring come-comingscare-scared disturb-disturbingdie-dead-death(n) danger-dangerous close- closelyV-nact-actor love-loverdirectdirector murdermurderer play-player sing-singer disappear-disappearanceannounce-announcementprepare-preparationargue-argue

7、mentN-ndocument-documentaryhabit-habitantphoto-photographyspace-spacemanfriend-friendshipend-endingview-viewerart-artist2反义词appear-disappearasleep-awakeboring-interesting, funnyfree-busylike-dislike agree-disagree 3.合成词 friendship spaceman round-up relationship background 4. 容易错的过去式及过去分词 broadcast-b

8、roadcast-broadcast throw-threw-thrown put-put-put take-took-taken nExercises:n一.按要求写出相应的确词:n1.You could win two free _(音乐会) tickets. n2.Come and join in the writing_ (竞赛).n3.There are also a number of _(采访) with the famous football players.n4.The years Beijing Music Awards will be covered _(实况转播).n5

9、.The _ (场景)of the novel is set in Scotland.n6.The is an _ ( 最新的) dictionary.n7.The host will_( tell a decision, plans,etc. to the public) the results during the programme.concertcompetitioninterviewslivesceneup-to-dateannouncen8.The _ (a formal event during which gifts and prizes are given) will be

10、held in Beijing this coming Saturday.n9.My brother is a great _( a person who practises any of the fine arts). He draws very well.n10.Our teacher likes to watch _( light or amusing play or film, usually with a happy ending).presentationartistcomedyn二.用所给单词的适当形式填空:n1.Children all enjoy _ (watch) TV p

11、rogrammes.n2.If you are not a football fan, you might find the program a bit _( bore).n3.She is a very active girl. Her hobbies include hiking and _ (photo).n4. There were many _(death) animals in Japan last year.n5.I like the bright colours _(especial) yellow.n6.Two _ (thousand) workers will attend

12、 the meeting.n7.The book plays an important role in _ (educate) the students.n8. The film star _(die) in his house and no one could tell the reason of his _(die). There are many _ (mistery) in it.n watchingboringphotographdeadespeciallythousandeducatingdieddeathmisteriesn9.If you are an animal lover

13、, you will find the programme a bit _ (disturb).n10.The story _ (actural) took place in Nanjing.disturbingactually n三.首字母填空:n1.The yearly competition of Best Singer is coming. If you support someone, you can v_ online for your favourite singer.n2.Keep quiet. The loud speaker is a_ the winners names.

14、n3.It is reported that a film d_ by an unknown director won the first p_ in this film festival.n4.A man was m_ in a country house at 11 oclock last night.n5.I am f_ too busy to do my homework.n6.Most children dislike h_ films.n7.That story has a s_ ending. Everyone is surprised at it. otennouncingir

15、ectedrizeurderedarorrorurprisingn四:词语释义, 选出与句中划线部分意义相近的解释:n1. Timmy is a very clever boy. He always gives us a far better idea when we have no good idea.n A. much B. very C. a long way D. a long time.n2. We will be back after the break with a round-up of todays other stories.nA. important point B. s

16、ome important news C. summary(摘要,汇总)D. some most important news.n3.The Chinese athlete(运动员)Liu Xiang broke the up-to-date record of short race in the 2004 Olympic Games.nA. new B. last C. fastest D. recentn4.This concert will be held in Wutaishan Stadium, and a lot of pop stars will attend this conc

17、ert.nA. join in B. take part in C. be present at D. comeACCBn5.My rope played an important role in catching the thief this time.nA. play with B. had a great effect C. play a part D. work n6.There are a number of interviews with local football players in this TV programme.nA. many B. much C. a great

18、deal of D. a lot n7.If you enjoy the feeling of being scared, you will love this film.nA. excited B. nervous C. frightened D. sadBACStep 2 Phrasesvbetween and 在。和。之间vhave nothing to do 无事可做vsend out programmes on radio 在收音机上发送节目vfrom distance从远处vremote control 遥控器va weekly round-up 一周摘要vup-to-date i

19、nformation最新信息vcover different sports涵盖不同的运动项目vsuch as 例如vfind sth a bit boring 发现。有点无聊va number of interviews with sb对。的几次采访vbe covered live 被现场直播vThe presentation will be held 颁奖仪式将被举行vthis coming Saturday 即将到来的(本)周六vhave voted online for 已经在网上投票选出。vmusic videos 音乐唱片vThe result will be announced 结

20、果被宣布vannounce the result宣布结果vduring the programme 在节目现场vsend text messages to .发送文本信息到。vwin two free concert tickets赢得两张免费的音乐会票va horror film directed by sb由某人导演的恐怖电影vbe found dead 被发现死亡vnot until 知道。才vfind out the answer to the question 找到问题的答案vbe full of horror and mysteries充满恐怖和神秘vlove solving my

21、steries 喜欢解谜v the one-hour documentary一小时的记录片Step 2 Phrasesvtake a close look at 近距离看vget scared easily 容易害怕v the Asian tiger亚洲虎vrealize how much danger they face意识到他们面临多少危险van animal lover 一个动物爱好者vin its natural habitat 在它的自然栖息地vbe taken in India 被拍摄于印度vscenes of sp 某地的风景vwin an award for 赢得。奖励vama

22、zing photography 令人称奇的摄影技术vbe broadcast 被播放vprogrammes about 关于。的节目vgame show 游戏节目vchat show 谈话节目vdrama series电视系列片vbe on TV在电视上放映vprepare for lessons 准备功课vweather report天气预报vlike sth best最喜欢。vlike least 最不喜欢vdiagree about everything 每件事都意见不统一vbe at work 在工作vargue with sb about sth和某人关于某事争论vthrow st

23、h onto 把某物扔到。上面vfall/ fell onto 落到。上面vget angry with sb 生某人的气 win the writing competition 作文竞赛获奖nExercises:n一选词填空n选择合适的词组填入句中(形式不变)nfar too busy, have nothing to do, such as, was held , have votedn1.We_ Lily as our monitor because she is very helpful and kind to us. n2.This 8-month baby can eat some

24、 soft food,_ : cakes, bananas-n3.Last week a sports meeting _ in our school, so we were so lucky that we could have a chance to watch it.n4.He has not contacted me nearly for a year. Maybe he is _ nowadays.n5.-Tom,why are you wandering in the street?n -I have much free time and _.have votedsuch aswa

25、s heldfar too busyhave nothing to donB选择合适词语的适当形式填空:na number of, find it a bit sad, win an award for, play an important role in-, mind doing sthn1.Last week, Timmy introduced a book written by an unknown writer to me. After reading it, I cried because I _.n2.It is a little hot inside. Do you _ open

26、ing the window?n3.He is watching a live basketball match. His favourite player, Yao Ming,n is _ this match.n4._ tourists visit my town every spring.n5.Nick _ Best Designer in this Fashion Competition. found it a bit sadmind playing an important role inA number ofwon an award forStep 3 Sentencesn完成下列

27、句子:n我太忙了不能去购物nI am _ _ _ _ _ _.n2狗的工作是永远做不完的nA dogs work _ _ _.n3今年的北京音乐会大奖赛将现场直播nThis years Beijing Music Awards _ _ _ _.n4.直到电影的结尾你才能找到答案nYou _ _ _ the answer _ the _ _ the film.n5.Tiger Watch因为它惊人的摄影而获奖nTiger Watch _ _ _ _ its amazing photography.n6这部一个小时的记录片对亚洲虎做了仔细观察nThis _ documentary _ _ _ _

28、_ the Asian tiger. far too busy to go shoppingis never donewill be covered livewont find out untilthe end won an award for one hour takes a closelook at n7.你喜欢哪种类型的电视节目?nhat _ _ _ _ do you like?n8.一部由陈凯歌导演的影片正在电影院上映nA film _ by Chengkaige _ _ _ at the cinema.n9.在这部影片中,一个医生被发现死在他的家里nIn the film, a do

29、ctor _ _ _ in his house.n10主持人将在节目期间宣布结果。n The host will _ _ _ during the programmes.n11.颁奖仪式将在这个周六举行。n The presentation _ _ _ this _ _.kind of TV programmdirected will be filmingwas found deadannounce the resultwill be heldcoming Saturday2nd The periodvReading, language points and grammarStep 1 Rea

30、dingv你能根据图画说出它是什么电视台的什么节目以及你对节目的了解吗1.What program is this?2.What is this programme about?3.Is there anything else in the programme ?Talk about the programme according tothe following key words: cover live be held big pop stars vote online the result announce the host write down and send free concert

31、 ticketsIn your own words, talk aboutthe film“ Murder in a Country House” take a close look at realize, disappearing, explain, if, find, was taken in, show, see scenes of , winTalk about the programme with the given words:Fill in the blank according to the text.This Saturday you can watch _ and _ on

32、 Sunshine TV. If you watch Sports World, there is _ of what is happening in sports. The pragramme are mainly about _. There are _ with the famous football players.The _ of Beijing Music Awards will be held this coming Saturday and it will be _. Before the awards, there will be _ with the most famous

33、 stars. Two thousand fans _ their favourite songs, singers and music videos. Sports WorldBeijing Music Awardsa weekly round-upfootballa number of interviewspresentationcovered livean interviewhave voted on line forStep 2 language points(far) too + adj/adv + to +do- . 太太-而不而不能能-so + adj/adv + that +从

34、句从句(主语主语+动词动词+-)adj/adv + enough + to do -neg 1) I am far too busy to go shopping.n I am _ busy _ I cant go shopping.n2) His grandfather is _ old _ work.n His grandfather is _ old_ he cant workn His grandfather is not _ _ _ work. so that too toso thatyoung enoughto find /think/make/keep+ n/pron + ad

35、jEg. 你可能会发现这周的电视节目有点烦. You might_ this weeks programme a bit _ . 她的狗的死使她很难过. The death of her dog _ her _ _. 我们必需保持教室干净. We must _ our classroom _. 我认为那部电影非常精彩. I _ that film _ _.findboringmakes feel sadkeep cleanthinkvery excitinga number of 许多许多,大量的大量的 the number of -的数字的数字,-的数量的数量+动词三单动词三单Eg. 每年有

36、很多游客来参观南京的名胜.n There are _ _ _ tourists to visit Nanjing every year.n出席演唱会的歌迷有案可查2000多人.n_ _ _ fans _ (be) more than 2000 at the Music Awards.a number ofThe number of isnlive 1) v 生活,活着,居住 2)adv 实况转播的nalive adj 活着的(predicative)nliving adj 活着的,有生命的 nlively adj 活泼的,生动的,爱热闹的,nlife n 生命,生活.n pl. lives n

37、 neg. 5屏道视台现场直播了那场足球赛. Channel 5 covered the football match _.n我们都过着幸福的生活.n We all_ a happy _ . nThere is no _ things on the moon.n地震之后那个小女孩仍然活着.n After the earthquake, the little girl is still_.n 她既生动活泼又乐于助人.nShe is both _ and helpful.n那位医生已经救了很多人的命.nThat doctor has already saved many peoples _.liv

38、ehavelifelivinglivelivelylivesfull adj 满的,充满的, 吃饱的fill v 装满, 填满, fill-with-,be full of-, be filled with-eg.我已经吃饱了.I am _.凯迪把鱼缸装满了水.Kate _ the tank _ water.大厅里全都是人.The hall _ _ _ people.fullfilled with is full ofbe on show v, nbroadcast vneg. The documentary about Chinas teenagers _from 7:40 p.m.to 8

39、:00 p.m.nGolden TV is _ the film “Murder in a Country House”.nA very interesting play is_ _ on Channel 8,CCTV.nThe weather report _over the radio just now. is on/is shownshowing broadcasting/is shown/is onwas broadcastso + adj/advsuch + a/an + adj + n such + adj + n (u)such + adj + n (pl)eg. Our sch

40、ool is _ a beautiful school. Our school is _ beautiful. It is _ fine weather today. The building is _ tall and brilliant. They always have _ interesting stories.suchsosuchsosoStep 2 grammarA between- and- from- to-neg. 1)The weather report is _ 7:00pm _ 7:05pm. 2) My uncle will arrive at my house _

41、9:00am _ 11:00am.betweenandfromtoB before, after, untilnegn_the awards start, we will interview some of the most famous stars.nYou wont find out the answer _the end of the film.nYou will realize how much danger these tigers face _you watch the programmesBeforeuntilafterC while, asneg_you are watchin

42、g the awards, write down your answer and send text messages to 1396._Millie was watching TV, Eddie was sleeping._Millie was watching TV, Andy opened the door._Millie was walking past the bookshop, she suddenly thought of buying a TV set._I sat down on sofa, Andy came into the room.AsWhileWhile/AsWhi

43、le/AsAsD Comparatives and Superlativesneg. Millie came third in the race. She ran _(fast)nSandy came second in the race. She ran _Millie.nAmy came first in the race. She ran the. _fastfaster thanfastest2.不规则形容词,副词good/well- better- bestill/bad/badly-worse -worstfar-farther/further-farthest/furthestl

44、ittle- less-leastmany/much-more-mostold-older/elder-oldest/eldest 3. as +adj/adv(原级) + as, not as/so +adj/adv(原级) + as同义句改写:1.Sandy works hard. Mary works hard,too. Mary works _ Sandy.2.He drew better than I did. I didnt drew _ he did.3.Traveling by train is cheaper than traveling by plane. Travelin

45、g by train is _ than traveling by plane. as hard asas well asless expensiven4. 一个和三个及三个以上的比较级用法n 比较级 + than + any other + 名词单数neg. Tony is the tallest in our class.n Tony is _ any other student in our class.taller than5.常修饰比较级的词: much, a little, still, even,far.改错:1.Reading is more better than watch

46、ing a boring TV programme.2.Sandy ran very faster than Amy.3.Of all the artists, we like her better.4.I like swimming very much, but now I dont swim more often as I used toMore exercisesvMore exercisesv改错:1.He is too young to cant go to school.2.I found the programmes on animals very bored.3.There a

47、re the number of trees along the river.4.There is a live street near the supermarket.5.Sandy came second in the race. She ran very faster than Millie.6.The basket is full with apples.7.A new film is show at the cinema recently.8.Two thousands fans have voted on line for their favourite singers,9.Wei

48、 Hua ran much slowlier than Hui Fang.10.We can see so tall buildings in Nanjing everywhere.11.While Millie watches TV, Andy opened the door and came in last v句型转换:句型转换:v1I will leave after I help her mend the bike.v I _ leave _ I help her mend the bike.v2Our classroom is too small to hold 80 student

49、s.v Our classroom is _ small _ it _ hold 80 students.v3.She likes programmes on animals the most.vThe programmes on animals is _ _.v4.Channel 6 will broadcast the Music Awards this evening.vThe Music Awards _ _ v_ on Channel. v5.Can you tell me? Where does he come from?vCan you tell me _ _ _ from?wo

50、nt until so that can her favoritewill be broadcastwhere he comes汉译英:汉译英:1.当我讨论这个问题时,王老师进来了。当我讨论这个问题时,王老师进来了。 _ we _, Mr Wang came in.2.姚明是最著名的运动员之一。姚明是最著名的运动员之一。Yao Ming is _.3.“十面埋伏十面埋伏”(1o surfaces are hidden) 是由张艺谋执导的是由张艺谋执导的影片。影片。10 surfaces are hidden is _.4. 从早上从早上8点到点到10点,我们都在看电影。点,我们都在看电影。_8

51、am_10am,_.5.今天是如此令人激动的一天。今天是如此令人激动的一天。 Today is _ day.6.你每天花多少时间看电视?你每天花多少时间看电视? How _ do you spend _ every day.While were discussing one of the most famous playersa film directed by ZhangyimouFrom towe were watching a filmsuch an exciting much time watching TVWritingv Writing:vi vFirst look at the

52、writing plan.vA. Place : In the department store.vB. Character list: v No. of characters: 3 v Name: 1. Li Ming, age: 15, v relationship: my friend v 2. Han Meimei, age:14, v relationship: my consinv 3. I , age: 15 , v relationship: friend and consinv Personalities of characters:v Li Ming : energetic

53、, kind, polite, sporty, stubbornv Han Meimei : beautiful, hard-working, good at lessons,richv I : kind, helpful, impatient, curiousv vFavourite activitiesv Li Ming : playing football, buying sports thingsv Han Meimei : listening to music, buying beautiful clothes v I : watching TV, buying snacksv2.

54、Outlinev Backgroundv one Saturgay afternoon, Li Ming, vHan Meimei and I vin the department storevbuying thingsv3. Plotv dont have enugh moneyvthree of us argue about what to buyvwe got angry with each othervHan Meimei wants to go back home v4. Writing:v a. beginning: v b. developmentv c. result.v( P

55、ay attention : how to get agreement with each other.)vii v电视是一种很好的娱乐方式,许多人整天整夜的看电视是一种很好的娱乐方式,许多人整天整夜的看电视,不休息。但看太多的电视是有害的。科学家电视,不休息。但看太多的电视是有害的。科学家发现看电视多的孩子可能在读书方面很麻烦。他们发现看电视多的孩子可能在读书方面很麻烦。他们不能专心学习。不能专心学习。v 看电视太多对健康有害。看电视时,人们活动不多。看电视太多对健康有害。看电视时,人们活动不多。再者,他们可能一边看电视一边吃许多东西。这可再者,他们可能一边看电视一边吃许多东西。这可以使他们发胖。以使他们发胖。v 电视上的打斗对孩子来说是一个大问题。年轻电视上的打斗对孩子来说是一个大问题。年轻人擅长模仿。科学家们已经发现经常看武打的孩子人擅长模仿。科学家们已经发现经常看武打的孩子很有可能打架。(很有可能打架。(80字左右)字左右)



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