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1、 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID1 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID1多径二层网的FabricPath简介ppt课件Stillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cis

2、co PublicPresentation_ID2 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID2议议程程二层网络现状和面临的挑战高扩展高可用的二层解决方案FabricPath的技术细节FabricPath的部署案例FabricPath的监控与排错 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID3 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco

3、PublicPresentation_ID3Spanning Tree的不足的不足11 条物理链路条物理链路5 条逻辑链路条逻辑链路路径选择的非最优两个网桥之间只能有单一的可达路径最短路径只是从根桥的角度去判断的带宽闲置不用为了二层逻辑拓扑不存在环路,冗余链路被Blocking链路速度越快,浪费的带宽越多控制平面缺乏安全根桥是按照switch-ID选举出来的, 可能因为操作不当造成故障链路故障的收敛缓慢并且不可靠即使使用RSTP,也会出现数秒的服务中断 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_I

4、D4 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID4网络设计中的困扰网络设计中的困扰使用使用L2还是还是L3?VLANVLANVLANVLANAccessCoreLayer 3NetworkVLANVLANVLANVLANL3L2 简单简单 (不需要进行地址规划和配置,不需要控制平不需要进行地址规划和配置,不需要控制平面面) 用于用于unicast, broadcast, and multicast的控制的控制简单简单 应用开发简单应用开发简单 网段分开提供了故障隔离网段分开提供了故障隔离 控制

5、平面支持多路径和多拓扑,扩展性好控制平面支持多路径和多拓扑,扩展性好 支持快速收敛的支持快速收敛的HA 数据平面支持额外的环路避免机制数据平面支持额外的环路避免机制l (e.g. TTL, RPF check, etc.)Cisco 具有足具有足够的的L2和和L3技技术来来满足客足客户的需求的需求Layer 2?Layer 3?L3互联的数据中心在提供以下服务方面存在不足:VMWare应用( Fault Tolerant VM、HA VM、Cluster VM)HA与Cluster应用(MS MSCS、Oracle RAC、HP TruCluster、IBM HACMP)物理服务器平滑搬迁数据

6、中心容量不足时的扩展 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID5 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID5二层与三层网络的不同世界二层与三层网络的不同世界10.0.0.10 /24Network Address10.0.0.0/24Host Address10.0.0.100011.1111.1111Non-hierarchical Address二层转发二层转发(桥接桥接) Data-

7、plane学习 扁平的地址空间和转发表 (MAC everywhere!) 对未知的单播地址实行Flooding 为了避免flooding, 同一网络中的所有交换机必须学习目的MAC地址0011.1111.11110011.1111.11110011.1111.11110011.1111.11110011.1111.1111三层转发三层转发 (路由路由) Control-plane学习 层次化的地址空间与转发 只有路由表中匹配的目的地址才被转发 Flooding 被网段隔离 路由表的维护不依赖于data-plane10.0.0.1020.0.0.2010.0.0.0/2410.0.0.0/16

8、 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID6 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID6如何改如何改进二二层网网络?地址的编码机制地址的编码机制: 扁平 层次化层次化 需要额外的外的Header信息信息 来允许L2的“路由”而不是 “桥接”提供类似TTL的环路避免技术地址的学习地址的学习: 数据平面数据平面 控制平面控制平面不再需要每一台交换机学

9、习所有的MAC地址来避免flooding控制平面控制平面: Distance-Vector Link-State提高扩展性, 减少收敛时间, 允许多路径最终的解决方案应该同时考虑控制平面与数据平面最终的解决方案应该同时考虑控制平面与数据平面! 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID7 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID7前人的努力之一前人的努力之一- VL2,来自,来自MS, ,S

10、IGCOMM 2009使用使用高冗余的多路径三层网络构建高冗余的多路径三层网络构建Virtual Layer 2网络网络使用TCP(Layer 4!)来管理拥塞 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID8 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID8前人的努力之二前人的努力之二- PMAC, ,Hierarchical Pseudo MAC使用使用Fabric Manager 来改写目的来改

11、写目的MAC 地址成地址成PMAC不需要额外的Header, 内置支持Multicast 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID9 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID9前人的努力之三前人的努力之三- Server-centric Source Routing使用使用传统的交换机传统的交换机平滑的性能下降,适合集装箱式的模块化数据中心平滑的性能下降,适合集装箱式的模块化数据中心 20

12、08 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID10 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID10Cisco的解决之道的解决之道- FabricPath“FabricPath “FabricPath 为为灵活的二灵活的二灵活的二灵活的二层桥层桥接网接网接网接网络带络带来的三来的三来的三来的三层层路路路路由的好由的好由的好由的好处处” ”配置配置简单即插即用(即插即用(Plug & Play) )管理灵

13、活管理灵活多路径多路径 (ECMP)快速收快速收敛 高高扩展性展性交交换路由路由FabricPath带宽高高扩展展 自自动发现操作操作简单灵活的灵活的 Workload 迁移迁移高可用性高可用性 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID11 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID11STP DomainSTP DomainFabricPathFabricPathSTP Domain 1S

14、TP Domain 1STP Domain 2STP Domain 2FabricPath在数据平面的操作在数据平面的操作- 通通过封装来建立封装来建立层次化的地址机制次化的地址机制FabricPath的包头部由入口交换机产生入口和出口交换机地址用于决定 “Routing”L2 Fabric中不需要学习Client MACACS11S42CADATACADATAFabricPath HeaderS11S42S11 S42 FabricPath RoutingL2 BridgingA C A C A C Egress SwitchIngress Switch 2008 Cisco Systems

15、, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID12 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID12FabricPath在控制平面的操作在控制平面的操作- 使用使用Plug-N-Play L2 IS-IS来管理来管理转发拓扑拓扑自动为所有的FabricPath enabled switches 分配地址 (不需要用户配置)计算最短路径支持任意一对FabricPath交换机之间的等价路径L1L2S1S2S3S4S11S12S42L2 F

16、abricL2 FabricL3L4FabricPathRouting TableSwitchIFS1L1S2L2S3L3S4L4S12L1, L2, L3, L4S42L1, L2, L3, L4 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID13 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID13FabricPath的的环路避免路避免- 使用使用TTL和和RPF Check来减少来减少loop的影

17、响的影响STP DomainSTP DomainBlock冗余路径来防止环路一旦STP失败,以太帧会一直LoopFlooding可能引起全网异常RootL2 FabricL2 FabricS1S10S2TTL=3TTL=2TTL=1TTL=0TTL 是FabricPath头部的一部分每一跳减去1当 TTL=0时,数据帧被丢弃基于“树”信息为组播进行RPF 检查RootM S2 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID14 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights

18、 reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID14FabricPath的技的技术细节- FabricPath的数据的数据帧封装封装Cisco FabricPath Frame(Classical) Ethernet FrameOuterDA(48)*OuterSA(48)*FPTAG(32*)DMACSMACEther TypePayload802.1Q HeaderCRCDMACSMACEther TypePayload802.1Q HeaderCRC(New)使用使用16字字节的的头部来建立部来建立层次化的地址空次化的地址空间,从而,从而实现增增强的特性的特性S

19、witch ID: 用于识别L2 Fabric每一台设备的唯一号码Port ID: 用于提供L2 Fabric边界的 MAC-to-Interface关联信息Tree ID: 帮助识别每个分布层“Tree”的唯一号码TTL: 每一跳递减,以防故障造成的数据帧无限Loop* Lengths for all fields are shown in “bits” 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID15 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

20、Cisco PublicPresentation_ID15FabricPath的的“路由路由”计算算- Layer 2 IS-IS 只需要很少的了解,缺省不需要用户只需要很少的了解,缺省不需要用户只需要很少的了解,缺省不需要用户只需要很少的了解,缺省不需要用户的配置的配置的配置的配置 maintain PnP nature of Layer 2基于 ISO/IEC 10589可扩展的协议设计,允许 Layer 2信息通过IS-IS交换Single-level IS-IS with support for P2P links为转发流量计算转发信息支持ECMP的Link-state 协议,提高故障

21、检测,网络恢复,高可用IS-IS UpdateIS-IS UpdateIS-IS UpdateIS-IS UpdateFabricPath PortCE PortL2 FabricL2 Fabric 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID16 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID16FabricPath的技的技术细节- FabricPath的的“路由表路由表”包括包括L2 Fabri

22、c中用于中用于转发转发L2 单单播流量的信息播流量的信息已知的单播地址One Ingress Switch One Egress Switch根据destination Switch-ID 选择转发路径L2 Fabric中的每一台交换机根据从L2 IS-IS接收到的信息计算本地交换表交换表包括 Switch-ID, Output Interfaces等基本信息对于指定的Switch-ID,最多可达16个 Next-hop Interfaces (i.e. L2 ECMP)SwitchIFS2L1, , L101S16L1, , L101S100L1S200L101AL2 FabricL2 Fa

23、bricCFabricPath PortCE PortS100S200S1S2S16L1L2L16L101L102L116S100S200 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID17 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID17FabricPath的技的技术细节- 边界交界交换机的机的MAC学学习500 MACs500 MACs500 MACs500 MACs250 MACs250 MA

24、Cs250 MACs250 MACs每一台交换机学习所有的 MACs大型的 L2 domain 网络 和大量的虚拟化给MAC 表的扩展性带来挑战STP DomainLocal MAC: 只有从CE端口接受到数据才学习Source-MACRemote MAC: 只有当只有当Destination-MAC已经作为Local时, 从FabricPath Ports接收数据时才学习 Source-MACS11ACBL2 FabricL2 FabricMACIFC3/1AS11MACIFB2/1MACIF优化化资源利用源利用 只学只学习需要的需要的 MAC 地址地址 2008 Cisco Systems

25、, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID18 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID18Host A与与C通通讯的的过程(一)程(一)- FabricPath对对广播的广播的转发转发L1L2L3L4ABCL8L5L6L7L9L10L11L12S1S2S3S4S11S12S42L2 FabricL2 FabricA FF1.Host A 与Host C 第一次通讯. 向C发送ARP请求2.S11 把 A 加入 MAC 表,因

26、为是来自CE端口的源地址学习3.由于目的MAC是All F, S11 向所有的CE端口Flood该数据包MACIFTree #IF1L1, L2, L3, L4S11 FF (1)A FFMACIFA1/14.同时, S11 选择Tree 1, 在FabricPath header中记录并 floods this frame 到所有属于”tree 1”的 FabricPath ports (L1 L4)Tree #IF1L1, L5, L95.S1 继续基于本地的”tree 1”信息flood this frame (L5, L9)6.S12 与S42 移除FabricPath header

27、并且向所有CE端口flood the frameA FFA FF1/13/1MACIFFabricPath PortCE PortNo Learning on Remote MAC since DMAC is unknownDecapDecapEncapMACIF 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID19 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID19Host A与与C通通讯的的过程(二

28、)程(二)- FabricPath对对未知未知单单播的播的转发转发L1L2L3L4ABCL8L5L6L7L9L10L11L12S1S2S3S4S11S12S42L2 FabricL2 FabricA C1.Host C 向Host A送回ARP Reply2.S42 从CE端口根据源地址学习原理将C 加入MAC Table3.由于 A is unknown, S42向所有CE端口 floods this frameMACIFTree #IF1L1, L2, L3, L4MACIFC3/14.同时, S42 根据选择的Tree 1, 在FabricPath header中记录并且向所有的Fabr

29、icPath ports (L9) floods this frame Tree #IF1L1, L5, L95.S1继续顺着”tree 1” floods this frame (L1, L5)6.S11继续顺着”tree 1” floods this frame (L2L4). 同理,移除FabricPath Header, S11 发现目标地址A 已经是本地学习的,于是将C 作为Remote MAC加入表格并且与S42相关联.MISSTree #IF1L9MACIFA1/1FF S42 (1)A CEncapDecapA CC AMACIFA1/1CS421/13/1DecapFabri

30、cPath PortCE PortFF S42 (1)A CMACIFHIT! 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID20 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID20Host A与与C通通讯的的过程(三)程(三)- FabricPath对对已知已知单单播的播的转发转发L1L2L3L4ABCL8L5L6L7L9L10L11L12S1S2S3S4S11S12S42A C1.Host A 在

31、解决ARP之后向Host C发送数据流2.S11 发现C已经作为remote学习了, 并且和S42关联. 对到C所有后续进行封装,在 FabricPath header中将S42作为目的地址MACIFMACIFC3/14.S4的“路由表”显示 L12 as next hop for S425.S42 发现自己是FabricPath header的目的地,并且 C 是本地已知的. 于是, 将A 作为remote加入表格, 并且与S11关联.MACIFA1/1CS42DecapEncapA CHIT!SwitchIFS42L1, L2, L3, L4S11 S42A CSwitchIFS42L12

32、MACIFC3/1AS113.S11的“路由表”显示到S42有多条路径. 执行 ECMP hash算法,选择 L4 作为next-hop1/13/1S11 S42A CL2 FabricL2 FabricFabricPath PortCE PortHIT! 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID21 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID21FabricPath的配置的配置不需要 L2

33、 IS-IS 配置新的feature-set 关键词会自动将FabricPath需要的多个Service同时打开 (e.g. L2 IS-IS, LLDP, etc.) 非常简单的操作 只需要3条命令让FabricPath跑起来L2 FabricL2 FabricFabricPath PortCE PortN7K(config)# feature-set fabricpathN7K(config)# vlan 10-19N7K(config-vlan)# mode fabricpathN7K(config)# interface port-channel 1N7K(config-if)# sw

34、itchport mode fabricpath 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID22 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID22FabricPath与与TRILL的关系的关系- FP= PreStandard TRILL? FP=Enhanced TRILL?TRILL 帧格式格式FabricPath 帧格式格式16 ECMPTTL,RPFTTL,RPF 2008 Cisco

35、Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID23 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID23E-TRILL与与802.1AHTRILL进入入SP市市场还有哪些障碍?有哪些障碍?E-TRILL 帧格式格式802.1ah 帧格式格式Eth = .1ahI-SIDC MAC DAPCP/R, I-SIDOuter MAC DAOuter MAC DAOuter MAC SAOuter MAC SAEth = 0x88a

36、8B VLANC MAC DAC MAC SAC MAC SAEth = 802.1QC VLANPayload .PayloadEth = PR-TAGSIDC MAC DAPCP/TTL, SIDOuter MAC DAOuter MAC DAOuter MAC SAOuter MAC SAEth = 0x88a8Outer VLANC MAC DAC MAC SAC MAC SAEth = 802.1QC VLANPayload .Payload 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_I

37、D24 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID24OTVOTVTransportInfrastructure另外的另外的L2扩展技展技术- OTV的的MAC路由路由OTVOTVOTVOTVOTVOTVOTVOTVMAC TABLEVLANMACIF100MAC 1Eth 2100MAC 2Eth 1100MAC 3IP B100MAC 4IP BMAC 1 MAC 3IP A IP BMAC 1 MAC 3MAC TABLEVLANMACIF100MAC 1IP A100MAC 2IP A

38、100MAC 3Eth 3100MAC 4Eth 4Layer 2Lookup 5IP A IP BMAC 1 MAC 3MAC 1 MAC 3Layer 2Lookup 1Encap 2Decap 4MAC 1 MAC 3West SiteMAC 1MAC 3EastSite1.二层查找目的MAC. MAC 3 通过IP B可达. 2.边界设备封装以太网帧.3.骨干传输网将数据包分发到site East.4.site East 的边界设备接收并解开数据包.5.查看原始帧的Layer 2信息. MAC 3 是本地 MAC.6.该以太网帧被发送到目的地. 3 6IP AIP B 2008 Cis

39、co Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID25 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID25当当vPC遇上遇上FabricPath- FabricPath下的增下的增强版版vPC对于位于对于位于L2 Fabric Edge的所有交换机的所有交换机为了给dual-homed的CE设备提供active/active L2 paths, 仍然需要vPC然而, MAC Table 只允许MAC和Switch ID的

40、1-to-1 mapping对L2 Frabric的其余部分而言,每个vPC domain代表了一个unique Virtual Switch Virtual Switch的 Switch ID 在FabricPath 封装中作为源地址L2 FabricS1S2ABS3MAC TableA ?MAC TableB S3BAPayloadBAPayloadS2S3BAPayloadS1S3MAC TableA S4vPCL2 FabricS1S2BS3BAPayloadAS4BAPayloadS4S3BAPayloadS4S3vPC+MAC TableB S3 2008 Cisco System

41、s, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID26 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID26FabricPath使用案例使用案例- 高性能高性能计算算32 Chassis 16 Chassis 16-way ECMP8,192 10GE ports512 10GE FabricPath ports per system256 10GE FabricPath Ports 160 Tbps System BandwidthOpe

42、n I/O Slots for connectivitySpine SwitchEdge Switch16-port EtherchannelFabricPathFabricPathHPC的需求的需求HPC Clusters 需要高密度的计算节点尽可能小的over-subscriptionserver to server 延时很低FabricPath 给给HPC带来的好处带来的好处FabricPath 适合建设高密度的fat-tree network通过FabricPath ECMP & port-channels 达成Fully non-blocking通过减少交换机的HOP跳数来降低ser

43、ver to server的延迟 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID27 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID27FabricPath使用案例使用案例- 为2048台万兆服台万兆服务器器扩展展带宽带宽性能提升16X需要管理的设备从 74 减少到12台设备网络可用性增加2X+简化IT 操作传统基于基于Spanning Tree的网的网络基于基于FabricPath 的网的网络Ful

44、ly Non-Blocking2, 048 Servers8 Access SwitchesNetwork Fabric64 Access Switches2, 048 ServersBlocked LinksOversubscription 16:18:12:14 Pods 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID28 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID28FabricPath的排

45、的排错- 提高提高Layer 2的可的可视化化利用为三层技术设计的相同工具 Routing table Link-state database Distribution trees ECMP path selectionPong L2 Ping + Traceroute Provide info on all devices on a given path in L2 Fabric Check on link healthFabricPath的性能衡量Through IEEE 1588 timestamp and pong to help estimate average end-to-end

46、 latency 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID29 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID29FabricPath的排的排错- 使用使用DCNM图形化管理形化管理抽象的Fabric视图Identify fabric hot-spotsFabricPath state awareness流量监控Frames distribution visibilityThreshold cr

47、ossing alerts for bandwidth management排错Visualize unicast, multicast and broadcast paths Check reachability between source and destination nodes配置专家 Manage FabricPath topologies with Wizard toolsSimplify fine-tuning FabricPathUp to 16-Way L2 ECMPCisco FabricPathCisco FabricPathClassical EthernetClas

48、sical EthernetClassical EthernetClassical Ethernet 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID30 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID30FabricPath Roadmap (November 2010, please check the Nexus 7000 and Nexus 5000 wikis for latest roadm

49、ap information)CairoDelhiFreetownNexus 700032-port F1 Series 10G SFP+32-port F1 Series 10G BaseT 48-port F2 Series 10G (SFP+ & 10GBase-T) 550G fabricFabricPath Native modeFabricPath TRILL modeVLAN PruningVTP/ISIS pruning interactionMulticast Trees (2 trees)Multicast Trees (2 trees)1 topologyMultiple

50、 topologies2 way anycast router / FHRPAnycast FHRP 4 or more active default gateways16-Way ECMPSTP terminationVPC+ IEEE 1588 PongL2 proxy learningEagleHawkE.RocksFairheavenNexus 5500Nexus 5548P (48-port 10G SFP+)Nexus 5596 (96-port 10G SFP+)FabricPath Native and TRILL modesVLAN pruning, VTP/ISIS int

51、eraction.16 way ECMPSTP terminationvPC+Anycast FHRPMultiple topologies Mulitcast trees (2)Q4CY2010Q1CY20112HCY2011 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID31 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID31总结总结: : FabricPath是如何综合二层网和三层网优点的。FabricPath包括了独立的控制平面来管理二层拓扑,用于取代传统的生成树协议。FabricPath保留了二层技术的“Plug-n-Play”简单性最多16条ECMP路径来实行二层网络的扩展性和灵活性,以满足数据中心的要求高可用的快速收敛。 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID32 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco PublicPresentation_ID32



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