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1、Lesson-59-Is-that-allLesson-59-Is-that-allTheyusuallybuttoday,theyareHe usually shaves at seven oclock every day,but today, heShe usually drinks tea in the morning,but this morning, sheWe usually watch television at night,but tonight, weThey usually play in the garden in the afternoon,but this after

2、noon, theyI usually cook a meal in the evening,but this evening, ILesson 59 Is that all?Lesson 59 Is that all?envelopewritingpapergluestampenvelopesizelargesizesmallwritingpaperpadsshopassistantNew Wordsenvelopeenvlupn.信封writingpaperraiti-peip信纸shopassistant售货员sizesaizn.尺寸,尺码,大小padpdn.信笺簿glueglu:n.胶

3、水chalkt:kn.粉笔changeteindn.零钱,找给的钱Watch the veido!Doestheladybuyanychalk?这位女士有没有买粉笔?No,shedoesnt.LADY:Iwantsomeenvelopes,please.SHOPASSISTANT:Doyouwantthelargesizeorthesmallsize?LADY:Thelargesize,please.LADY:Doyouhaveanywritingpaper?SHOPASSISTANT:Yes,wedo.SHOPASSISTANT:Idonthaveanysmallpads.Ionlyhave

4、largeone.Doyouwantapad?LADY:Yes,please.LADY:AndIwantsomeglue.SHOPASSISTANT:Abottleofglue.LADY:AndIwantalargeboxofchalk,too.SHOPASSISTANT:Ionlyhavesmallboxes.Doyouwantone?LADY:No,thankyou.SHOPASSISTANT:Isthatall?LADY:Thatsall,thankyou.SHOPASSISTANT:Whatelsedoyouwant?LADY:Iwantmychange.Lesson 60 Whats

5、 the time?Do you have any butter?I dont have any butter,but I have some cheese.Do you have any honey?I dont have any honey, but I have some jam.Do you and Penny have any beans?We dont have any beans, but we have some potatoes.Do Penny and Sam have any wine?They dont have any wine, but they have some

6、 beer.Do you and Sam have any bread?we dont have any bread, but we have some biscuits.数词数词可分为两类:基数词和序数词。基数词:表示 数目 的词 (one, two ) 序数词:表示 顺序 的词 (first, second)Cardinalnumber1st first 2nd second3rd third4th fourth5th fifth6th sixth7th seventh8th eighth 9th ninth10th tenth11theleventh12thtwelfth13ththir

7、teenth14thfourteenth15thfifteenth16thsixteenth17thseventeenth18theighteenth19thnineteenth20thtwentiethRules基变序,有规律第一,二,三特殊记,(first,second,third)加 th从四起,ve结尾用f替,(fourth, fifth)第八去t第九去e,(eighth, ninth)ty变tie,再加th别忘记。(twentieth)若要变第几十几,只变个位就可以。 ( twenty-one-twenty-first)序数词在时间中的表达使用:1.1.表示月日时,“年”用基数词,

8、“日”用序数词,如:19491949年1010月1 1日写法:Oct.1,1949Oct.1,1949读法:October the first, nineteen forty-nineOctober the first, nineteen forty-nine英语中日期的表达法有两种:英式英语习惯“先日后月” 。美式英语习惯“先月后日” 。如:1010月1 1日 英式:the first of Octoberthe first of October 美式: October the firstOctober the first1.21.2月1414日 2.122.12月3131日3.123.12

9、月2525日 4.64.6月1 1日5.95.9月10 10 日 6.86.8月1515日1.February the fourteenth1.February the fourteenth2.December the thirty-first2.December the thirty-first3.December the twenty-fifth3.December the twenty-fifth4.June the first4.June the first5.September the tenth5.September the tenth6.August the fifteenth6

10、.August the fifteenth年的读法:1.19962.19973.19454.20015.20086.20101.nineteen ninety- six2.nineteen ninety- seven3.nineteen forty- five4.two thousand and one5.two thousand and eight6.two thousand and tenTell your partnerD /M /Y 1. 14/2/2008 2. 6/7/20051. 14/2/2008 2. 6/7/20053. 12/9/2004 4. 1/6/19563. 12

11、/9/2004 4. 1/6/19565. 3/11/1996 6. 5/12/20075. 3/11/1996 6. 5/12/20077. 12/5/2008 8. 23/6/20097. 12/5/2008 8. 23/6/20099. 22/1/2010 10. 11/8/20079. 22/1/2010 10. 11/8/2007Ask about date and time-Whats the date today? (date)-Its Dec. 1st , 2009.-What day is today? (day)-Today is Tuesday.-Whats the time now? (time)-Its 8 oclock.TodayisDec1st,2009I want to write a letter to one of my friend,I have a pen, what else do I need?结束结束



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