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1、浙江良品图书有限公司精彩三年课程探究与巩固英语必修第三册精彩三年课程探究与巩固英语必修第三册必修第三册综合检测卷必修第三册综合检测卷 (一一)时间:时间:120分钟满分:分钟满分:150分分第一部分听力第一部分听力(共两节,满分共两节,满分30分分)第一节第一节(共共5小题;每小题小题;每小题1.5分,满分分,满分7.5分分)听听下下面面5段段对对话话。每每段段对对话话后后有有一一个个小小题题,从从题题中中所所给给的的A、B、C三三个个选选项项中中选选出出最最佳佳选选项项。听听完完每每段段对对话话后后,你你都都有有10秒秒钟钟的的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。时间来回答有

2、关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。()1Where does the conversation probably take place? AAt school.BAt home. CIn a restaurant.B()2How many days does the museum open every week? AThree. BFour. CFive.()3What did the woman do on Thursday? AShe ate some cake. BShe looked after her mum. CShe played with her mum.BA()4Wha

3、t does the man think of Seoul? AIt is a wonderful city. BIt makes him feel bored. CThe weather there is cool.()5What is the man doing? ATelling a story. BListening to music. CReading a book.AC听力材料听力材料Text 1W: What are you doing here, Steve?M: Im cooking.W: Why are you cooking now? Its two oclock in

4、the morning!M: Well, Im really hungry.Text 2W: When does the James Hall Transport Museum open?M: It opens at 8 am and closes at 5 pm but only from Tuesday toFriday.Text 3M: What did you do on Thursday?W: Well, we had some cake after we came home from school. Then we played quietly because Mum had a

5、headache.Text 4W: So, youre from South Korea?M: Yeah. Im from Seoul.W: Thats cool. Whats Seoul like? Ive always wanted to go there one day.M: Its really nice. Its a very exciting city. You would never think it boring.Text 5W: Charlie, what are you doing?M: Im reading a biography.W: Whos it about?M:

6、Bob Dylan, a famous American musician. Its great! Ive learned a lot about his interesting experiences from it.第二节第二节(共共15小题;每小题小题;每小题1.5分,满分分,满分22.5分分)听听下下面面5段段对对话话或或短短文文。每每段段对对话话或或短短文文后后有有几几个个小小题题,从从题题中中所给的所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或短文三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或短文前前,你你将将有有时时间间阅阅读读各各个个小小题题,每每小小题题5秒秒钟钟;听听完完后后,

7、各各小小题题将给出将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或短文读两遍。秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或短文读两遍。听第听第6段材料,回答第段材料,回答第6、7题。题。()6What did the woman get in her Spanish class? AC. BF. CA.()7Which class does the woman like best? AMaths. BEnglish. CHistory.BC听力材料听力材料Text 6M: I guess that you didnt do well in some of your classes.W: Well, my English te

8、acher is so bored.M: In other words, youre not doing so well in English?W: Uh, a C.M: Oh. Well, how are you doing in your Spanish class? You said you liked that one.W: Well, I do. But I have problems understanding all those grammar rules. I get them all mixed up in my head! I got an F.M: Oh, poor gi

9、rl! And what about your maths?W: Ah, its a piece of cake.M: Good. And how are you doing in history?W: Oh, thats my favourite class. Mr Jones is always passing out candy if you know the answers to his questions.听第听第7段材料,回答第段材料,回答第8至至10题。题。()8What do we know about the man? AHe was raised in Argentina.

10、 BHe is American. CHe is a high school student.()9Where does the conversation take place? AAt a school. BIn a park. CAt a gym.AB()10What does the woman ask the man to do? ATell her where to buy the shirt. BIntroduce himself. CTeach her how to skate.C听力材料听力材料Text 7W: Ah, Im really sorry. Are you OK?M

11、: Fine. But I dont do well in this.W: Neither do I.Hey, I like your shirt. Are you from Argentina?M: Yes, I was born there.W: Did you also grow up there?M: Yes, I did. But my family moved to America 2 years ago, when I entered college.W: And where did you learn to skate?M: Here in the park. This is

12、only my third time.W: Well, its my first time. Can you give me some lessons?M: Sure, just follow me.听第听第8段材料,回答第段材料,回答第11至至13题。题。()11Who introduced Laura to the woman? AThe man. BIan. CA singer.()12What does Laura look like? AShe is tall and a little fat. BShe is short with green eyes. CShe is short

13、 with brown hair.()13When did Laura win the writing competition? AIn September. BIn July. CIn January.BBC听力材料听力材料Text 8W: The party was great yesterday, wasnt it?M: Yes, I really enjoyed it. The music was great and the food was excellent.W: The people were interesting too. Ian introduced me to Laura

14、 Singer. Did you meet her?M: I dont think so. Can you give a description of her?W: Shes short and slim, with dark black hair and green eyes. She was in a blue dress yesterday.M: And what is she like?W: Shes outgoing, athletic and independent. Her kindness impressed me greatly. Shes travelled to New

15、Zealand and Africa.M: Really? Thats so impressive.W: And thats not all. In January she won the National Writing Competition and next September she is going to Columbia University to study Creative Writing!M: Id love to meet her.W: Well, were thinking of going to the cinema tomorrow. Why not join us?

16、M: Sure, thatd be great!听第听第9段材料,回答第段材料,回答第14至至17题。题。()14What does the man want to look for? AThe lift. BThe washroom. CThe underground.()15Where is the drugstore? AIt is past the toilet. BIt is on the third floor. CIt is on the right of the road.AA()16What difficulty did the man meet? ALanguage dif

17、ference. BCulture difference. CValue difference.()17Whats the possible relationship between the speakers? ATeacher and student. BColleagues. CStrangers.AC听力材料听力材料Text 9M: Could you tell me where the lift is?W: The what?M: The lift. I need to get to the 5th floor for dinner.W: Oh, the elevatorwe call

18、 them elevators here.M: OhOK.W: Theyre over there. Youre British, arent you?M: Yes, and Im having difficulty with your language. I thought you spoke English!W: We do! What trouble are you having?M: Just now I asked where the chemist was. Of course now I know it is called drugstore here. I was told i

19、t was past the washroom, which we call a toilet, on the first floor. So I went up to the first floor and was told it was the second floor.W: Thats right. This is the first floor.M: And yesterday, I took the underground which you refer to as “subway”, and tomorrow I will have to hire a car, what you

20、say “rent” and drive on the right of the road! The wrong side of the road!听第听第10段材料,回答第段材料,回答第18至至20题。题。()18What did Trevor Baylis invent in 1996? AThe windup TV. BThe windup radio. CThe telephonelike shoes.()19What is Trevor Baylis like? AFunny. BCreative. CGenerous.()20Where did Baylis get the ide

21、a of the telephone? AIn a dream. BOn TV. COver the radio.BBA听力材料听力材料Text 10 How would you use a radio or a telephone if you had no electricity or batteries? These problems bothered British inventor Trevor Baylis. So in 1996 he invented a windup radio. It doesnt need electricity or batteries. You win

22、d it up by hand. It plays for about an hour. Then, you wind it up again. Today its produced in South Africa. Apart from that, Baylis invented a mobile telephone that is powered by shoes. The shoes contain a small battery that ispowered when you walk. This battery is connected to a mobile phone. Thes

23、e two simple inventions can contribute a lotto the modern communications among all parts of the world. Baylis doesnt have a university degree in engineering. In fact, he left high school before graduating. He just loves making things to help people. He never knows when the creative ideas will come t

24、o him. He got the idea for the radio while watching TV. The idea for the telephone came to him in a dream.第二部分阅读理解第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分共两节,满分35分分)第一节第一节(共共10小题;每小题小题;每小题2.5分,满分分,满分25分分)阅阅读读下下列列短短文文,从从每每题题所所给给的的A、B、C和和D四四个个选选项项中中,选选出出最最佳选项。佳选项。A I am a perfectionist. I always try to do as much research as

25、possible for every role. For Taxi Driver I did actually drive a cab for a few weeks. It probably wasnt necessary, but it was something I wanted to do. Ive realised how important it is to appreciate the things your parents leave behind. My father, Robert DeNiro Snr, died in 1993. Since then, Ive kept

26、 his studio intact, just the way he left it. I thought about getting rid of it, but my family and I gathered there after his death and realised the reality is different to see it in pictures, so it stayed. There is much more opportunity now than when I was starting out. There really was only TV and

27、films made in California. Now the Internet has created so many more opportunities for actors. I learned a lot about being a father from my father. I knew he loved me. It was important for me to know that, so I know its important for my kids to know it, too. I give my kids space, but we do spend a lo

28、t of time together. I guess I can be firm when necessary. I have four grandchildren and six children so I know what Im talking about. I understand why people use social media, but I dont. No way! I dont watch much TV or go to the movies either. To me, theyre just another distractions. And I have eno

29、ugh of those to worry about without all that staff as well. Fame is not an issue for me these days. When I was younger, I found the attention difficult to deal with, but Im mostly OK with it now. I go around quite freely and people may say “hello” or want a photo and thats fine for me.()21What does

30、the author do? AA taxi driver. BA perfect researcher. CA studio artist. DA devoted actor.D()22Which of the following about the author is TRUE? AHe has kept a balance between his work and family life. BHe has been unable to leave his fathers studio as it was. CHe has never been strict with his grandc

31、hildren. DHe has attached great importance to his reputation these days.A()23In the authors view, social media is _ Aattractive Bpositive Cworrying DamusingC【语语篇篇解解读读】 本本文文是是一一篇篇一一名名演演员员的的自自述述。文文中中提提到到了了他他对对演演戏戏、家庭、社交媒体和名声等的看法。、家庭、社交媒体和名声等的看法。21D细节理解题。由第一段中细节理解题。由第一段中“I always try to do as much rese

32、arch as possible for every role”及第三段中及第三段中“Now the Internet has created so many more opportunities for actors.” 可知,作者是一位敬业的演员。故选可知,作者是一位敬业的演员。故选D。22A推理判断题。由第一段中推理判断题。由第一段中“I always try to do as much research as possible for every role. For Taxi Driver I did actually drive a cab for a few weeks.”可知,作

33、者对演艺事可知,作者对演艺事 业业很敬业;再由第四段中很敬业;再由第四段中“I give my kids space, but we do spend a lot of time together.”可知作者对子女的投入,由可知作者对子女的投入,由此此 可可推断出,他做到了兼顾事业和家庭,故选推断出,他做到了兼顾事业和家庭,故选A。23C推理判断题。由第五段中推理判断题。由第五段中“To me, theyre just another distractions. And I have enough of those to worry about without all that staff a

34、s well.”可知,在作者看来,社交媒可知,在作者看来,社交媒体体 令令人担忧。故选人担忧。故选C。B There are two types of people in the world. Although they have equal degree of health and wealth and other comforts of life, one becomes happy,while the other becomes unhappy. This arises from the different ways in which they consider things, pers

35、ons, events and the resulting effects upon their minds. People who are to be happy fix their attention on the convenience of things: the pleasant parts of conversation, the well prepared dishes, the goodness of the wine, the fine weather. They enjoy all the cheerful things. Those who are to be unhap

36、py thinkand speak only of the opposite things. Therefore, they are continually dissatisfied. By their remarks, they sour_the_pleasure_of_society,_offend(hurt)many people, and make themselves disagreeable everywhere. If this turn of mind was founded in nature, such unhappy persons would be the more t

37、o be pitied. The intention of criticising and being disliked is perhaps taken up by imitation. It grows into a habit, unknown to its possessors. The habit may be strong , but it may be cured when those who have it realise its bad effects on their interests and tastes. I hope this little warning may

38、be of service to them, andhelp them change this habit. Although in fact it is chiefly an act of the imagination, it has serious results in life since it brings on deep sorrow and bad luck. Those people offend many others; nobody loves them, and no one treats them with more than the most common polit

39、eness and respect. This frequently puts them in bad temper and draws them into arguments. If they aim at getting some advantages in social position or fortune, nobody wishes them success. Nor will anyone start a step or speak a word to favour their hopes. If they bring on themselves public objection

40、s, no one will defend or excuse them, and many will join to criticise their wrongdoings. They should change this bad habit and be pleased with what is pleasing, without worrying needlessly about themselves and others. If they do not, it will be good for others to avoid any contact with them. Otherwi

41、se, it can be disagreeable and sometimes very inconvenient, especially when one becomes mixed up in their quarrels.()24The underlined phrase “sour the pleasure of society” in Paragraph 2 most probably means“_ ”. Ahave a good taste with social life Bmake others unhappy Ctend to scold others openly De

42、njoy the pleasure of lifeB()25We can conclude from the passage that_ . Awe should pity all such unhappy people Bsuch unhappy people are dangerous to social life Cunhappy people can not understand happy people Dpeople can get rid of the habit of unhappinessD()26If such unhappy people insist on keepin

43、g the habit, the author suggests that people should _ . Aprevent any communication with them Bshow no respect and politeness to them Cpersuade them to recognize the bad effects Dquarrel with them until they realize the mistakesA【语语篇篇解解读读】 本本文文是是一一篇篇说说明明文文。短短文文对对比比了了快快乐乐的的人人和和不不快快乐乐的的人人的的相相同同之之处处和和不不

44、同同之之处处,作作者者还还给给不不快快乐乐的的人人提提出出了了一一些些建建议,让他们如何保持快乐。议,让他们如何保持快乐。24B词语猜测题。由第二段中词语猜测题。由第二段中“By their remarks, they sour_the_pleasure_of_society,_offend(hurt)many people, and make themselves disagreeable everywhere”可可 知知,通过他们的言论,他们破坏了社会群体的乐趣,伤害,通过他们的言论,他们破坏了社会群体的乐趣,伤害了了 许许多人,使他们在任何地方都不讨人喜欢。多人,使他们在任何地方都不讨人

45、喜欢。and连接了三连接了三个个 表表示贬义的动词,所以选项示贬义的动词,所以选项A和和D被排除。社会是由人构被排除。社会是由人构成成 的的,破坏了社会的乐趣也就是让别人不开心。所以根据上,破坏了社会的乐趣也就是让别人不开心。所以根据上下下 文文语境可以推断出,第二段中的画线短语语境可以推断出,第二段中的画线短语“sour the pleasure of society”最接近于选项最接近于选项B“让别人不开心让别人不开心”。故选项。故选项B正确。正确。25D推理判断题。由第二段中推理判断题。由第二段中“.but it may be cured when those who have it r

46、ealise its bad effects on their interests and tastes”可知,但当那些有这种习惯的人意识到它对他们的可知,但当那些有这种习惯的人意识到它对他们的兴兴 趣趣和爱好有不良影响时,这种习惯可能会被改掉。所以通和爱好有不良影响时,这种习惯可能会被改掉。所以通过过 关关键词键词“be cured”可以判断出,人们能够改掉这种不快乐可以判断出,人们能够改掉这种不快乐的的 习习惯。故选项惯。故选项D正确。正确。26A细节理解题。由最后一段中细节理解题。由最后一段中“ If they do not, it will be good for others to

47、avoid any contact with them.”可知,如可知,如果果 他他们不这样做,那么其他人最好避免与他们接触。所以,们不这样做,那么其他人最好避免与他们接触。所以,如如 果果这些不快乐的人坚持保持这种坏习惯,作者建议人们不这些不快乐的人坚持保持这种坏习惯,作者建议人们不要要 和和他们交流。故选项他们交流。故选项A正确。正确。C “Thats awesome,”said NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren, after he ate a piece of red lettuce (莴莴苣苣)that was grown in a special box.

48、“Tastes good,” agreed US astronaut Scott Kelly, who is spending one year at the research station. “Kind of like arugula (芝芝麻麻菜菜),” Kelly added, and then used small bottles to spread olive oil and vinegar on his leaf, much as one might spread ketchup on a hot dog. NASA says that if space explorers ca

49、n grow their own food while they are away from the Earth they would be more likely tosurvive the deep space exploration, which can last months or even years. With no way to resupply a spacecraft making a long journey to and from Mars, the ability to grow food during the trip will be key to surviving

50、. “Having the ability for us to grow our own food is a big step in that_direction,” Kelly said. Ray Wheeler, NASAs lead scientist for advanced life support activities at Kennedy Space Centre in Florida, also said fresh foods that contain antioxidants, such as tomatoes, blueberries and red lettuce, “

51、could have a positive impact on peoples moods and also could provide some protection against radiation in space.” The red romaine lettuce was grown in a special plantgrowing box called a Veggie unit, and was flown to space. The seeds are contained in rooting pillows, which come complete with soil an

52、d fertilizer. Since water cannot be poured in space, a special irrigation system delivers moisture to the plant pillows from below. The seeds were “activated” by Kelly on July 8 and grew for 33 days. On Monday, Lindgren used tongs (夹夹子子)to harvest the lettuce from its growing box, before attaching t

53、he leaves carefully to a tray. He cleaned them with foodsafe bag and shared withother four members. A previous crop of lettuce was grown in space last year but was not eaten by astronauts. Instead, it underwentand passedfoodsafety tests back on Earth.()27How did Scott prepare the spacegrown lettuce?

54、 AHe cooked it in a special box. BHe mixed it with some arugula. CHe spread a little bit ketchup on it. DHe put olive oil and vinegar on it.D()28What does the underlined part “that direction”refer to? AThe journey to and from Mars. BThe way to grow food. CThe building of a research station. DThe abi

55、lity to fly in space.A()29Which of the following may Ray Wheeler agree to? AThe spacegrown lettuce is a great step enabling humans to travel to Mars. BHumans wont be able to arrive at Mars without the lettuce. CTomatoes are obviously better than blueberries in size. DRadiation wouldnt be harmful if

56、people ate some lettuce.A()30What is difficult in growing lettuce in space? AThere is no enough growing area. BIt is very hard to send up the seeds. CA special way of watering is needed. DIt does not need soil or the fertilizer.C【语语篇篇解解读读】 美美国国在在太太空空站站种种出出莴莴苣苣,意意义义重重大大。因因为为这这就就意意味味着着,如如果果太太空空探探索索者者在

57、在远远离离地地球球的的时时候候能能够够自自己己种种植植食食物物,他他们们就更有可能在持续数月甚至数年的深空探索中生存下来。就更有可能在持续数月甚至数年的深空探索中生存下来。27D细节理解题。根据第一段的内容可知,细节理解题。根据第一段的内容可知,Scott Kelly用小用小 瓶子把橄榄油和醋涂在叶子上,就像人们把番茄酱涂在热狗瓶子把橄榄油和醋涂在叶子上,就像人们把番茄酱涂在热狗 上一样。故选上一样。故选D。28A词义猜测题。根据画线部分的前一句可知,由于无法为词义猜测题。根据画线部分的前一句可知,由于无法为 往返火星的飞船提供补给,在旅途中种植食物的能力将是生往返火星的飞船提供补给,在旅途中

58、种植食物的能力将是生 存的关键。所以,我们有能力种植自己的食物是朝着往返火存的关键。所以,我们有能力种植自己的食物是朝着往返火 星方向迈出的一大步。故选星方向迈出的一大步。故选A。29A推理判断题。我们有能力在太空中种植莴苣是人类探推理判断题。我们有能力在太空中种植莴苣是人类探索索 火火星的重大一步。故选项星的重大一步。故选项A正确。选项正确。选项B “没有莴苣,人类没有莴苣,人类将将 无无法到达火星法到达火星”,这显然是错误的;选项,这显然是错误的;选项C未提及;根据第未提及;根据第三三 段段中中“fresh foods. can provide some protection agains

59、t radiation in space”可知,选项可知,选项D错误。错误。30C细节理解题。根据第四段细节理解题。根据第四段“Since water cannot be poured in space, a special irrigation system delivers moisture to the plant pillows from below.”可知,由于无法在太空中浇水,可知,由于无法在太空中浇水,一一 种种特殊的灌溉系统从下面将水分输送到植物枕。故选特殊的灌溉系统从下面将水分输送到植物枕。故选C.第二节第二节(共共5小题;每小题小题;每小题2分,满分分,满分10分分) 根根

60、据据短短文文内内容容,从从短短文文后后的的选选项项中中选选出出能能填填入入空空白白处处的的最最佳佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Personal development doesnt just happen. 31_ Selfdevelopment requires hard work, devotion and an evergrowing skill. So,what new skills do you need to power forward?On your journey toward your best self, you need to set g

61、oals. The key is balance: If your goals are too high, youll get discouraged when you fall short. 32 _ The better approach is to think in milestones. If you want to be a novelist, dont set a goal to finish aCGbook in a week. Focus on getting a couple of pages done each day, or on writing a chapter ea

62、ch week. This measurable progress is more sustainable and fulfilling. 33_ To keep going when times are tough, you have to learn how to manage your stress levels. If light walks help you keep your head on straight, schedule one for your lunch period every day. If you need to take Sundays off to recha

63、rge for the next week, its more than acceptable to do so. Organisation is a skill that comes more naturally to some people than others. If youre a naturally messy person, startAsmall. Otherwise, youll be at a loss. 34_ Clean up your bedroom or your car. If physical cleaning is stressful, start by cu

64、tting out files from your computer. Believe it or not, one clean space can set the tone for the rest of your life. On the road of personal development, youll run into some barriers. Nobody but you can remove these from your path. 35_ Perhaps anxiety is keeping you from doing your best work. Instead

65、of struggling through it, quietly take a mental health day.BE【语语篇篇解解读读】 本本文文是是一一篇篇说说明明文文。文文章章主主要要讲讲述述了了个个人人发发展展所所需需要具备的技能。要具备的技能。31C根据上文:个人发展不是凭空发生的。和下文:自我根据上文:个人发展不是凭空发生的。和下文:自我发发 展展需要努力工作、奉献精神和不断增长的技能。可知,空需要努力工作、奉献精神和不断增长的技能。可知,空处处 对对上文进行解释说明,不能指望一觉醒来就有了新技能。上文进行解释说明,不能指望一觉醒来就有了新技能。C 项项:你不能指望第二天醒来就

66、能学到新技能。符合语境。:你不能指望第二天醒来就能学到新技能。符合语境。故故 选选C。32G根据上文:关键是平衡:如果你的目标太高,当你没根据上文:关键是平衡:如果你的目标太高,当你没有有 达达到目标时,你会感到沮丧。可知,空处说明为了保持到目标时,你会感到沮丧。可知,空处说明为了保持平平 衡衡,设置的目标也不能太小。,设置的目标也不能太小。G项:起步太小,你会太早项:起步太小,你会太早对对 自自己的进步感到满意。符合语境。故选己的进步感到满意。符合语境。故选G。33A空处为段落主题句。根据下文:为了在困难时期继续空处为段落主题句。根据下文:为了在困难时期继续前前 进进,你必须学会如何管理你的

67、压力水平。可知,本段主要,你必须学会如何管理你的压力水平。可知,本段主要讲讲 述述的是要管理好压力。的是要管理好压力。A项:个人成长需要压力管理。符项:个人成长需要压力管理。符合合 语语境。故选境。故选A。 34B根据下文:打扫你的卧室或你的车。和下句:信不信根据下文:打扫你的卧室或你的车。和下句:信不信由由 你你,一个干净的空间可以为你的余生定下基调。可知,空,一个干净的空间可以为你的余生定下基调。可知,空处处 说说明要关注自己经常活动的空间。明要关注自己经常活动的空间。B项:把注意力集中在项:把注意力集中在你你 花花最多时间的地方。符合语境。故选最多时间的地方。符合语境。故选B。35E根据

68、上文:在个人发展的道路上,你会遇到一些障碍根据上文:在个人发展的道路上,你会遇到一些障碍。 除除了你,没有人能把这些从你的道路上移除。可知,空处了你,没有人能把这些从你的道路上移除。可知,空处总总 结结人生道路上会遇到的障碍是需要解决问题的原因。人生道路上会遇到的障碍是需要解决问题的原因。E项项: 这这就是为什么解决问题对于自我发展是一项至关重要的就是为什么解决问题对于自我发展是一项至关重要的技技 能能。符合语境。故选。符合语境。故选E。第三部分语言知识运用第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分共两节,满分45分分)第一节第一节(共共20小题;每小题小题;每小题1.5分,满分分,满分30分分) 阅

69、阅读读下下面面短短文文,从从短短文文后后各各题题所所给给的的A、B、C和和D四四个个选选项项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 28 years ago, I was a young dad with two babies under three. My parents had _36_ us to their home for New Years Eve dinner. Their tiny house was _37_ . There was my wife, myself, and our babies. My two brothers were als

70、o there with their families. So _38_ was the kitchen table that some of us had tostand with plates in the hands. Old _39_ were being shared with laughter and love. I saw my baby girl in her high chair with her face _40_ in mashed potatoes (土土豆豆泥泥). My mum was _41_ fruit for us with a smile on her fa

71、ce. My wife and sistersinlaw were talking _42_ while my dad and two brothers were _43_ and teasing (取取笑笑) each other in the living room. As I watched it all, suddenly I had a _44_ in the center of my heart. It was a curious _45_ of peace, love and joy. At that time I _46_ what I was feeling: a momen

72、t of pure (纯粹的纯粹的) _47_ . Many years have gone by since then. Still, that _48_ lives on in my heart as if it were yesterday. It wasnt the food that made it so _49_ . It was the coming together as a family in love. My mum and dad have _50_ , after that my brothers and I dont _51_ each other as much a

73、s I would like. _52_ , I can still feel their love for me. I carry it always in my heart and soul. The Spring Festival isnt just a holiday that we _53_ together once a year. It is a way of life. When we _54_ our hearts with love, we become the people we were always meant tobe. And when we _55_ that

74、love with others, we make this world what it was meant to be as well. May all of your days be full of love!()36A directed B invited C taken D sent()37A crowded B mysterious C distant D comfortable()38A tidy B beautiful C full D long()39A views B memories C tasks D goals()40A covered B fixed C stuck

75、D setBACBA()41A tasting B buying C producing D cutting()42A secretly B regularly C happily D quietly()43A shouting B laughing C whispering D arguing()44 Afeeling B dream C word D plan()45A mixture B consideration C introduction D researchDCBAA()46A expected B forecast C realised D hoped()47A respect

76、 B anxiety C thankfulness D regret()48A story B moment C behaviour D instance()49A special B realistic C familiar D urgent()50A gone out B passed away C run away D kept outCCBAB()51A see B help C admire D blame()52A Therefore B Instead C However D Meanwhile()53A study B observe C play D complain()54

77、A fill B compare C divide D touch()55A create B find C appreciate D shareACBAD【语语篇篇解解读读】 本本文文是是一一篇篇夹夹叙叙夹夹议议文文。作作者者通通过过与与家家人人一一起起过过节节这件事说明爱胜过一切。这件事说明爱胜过一切。36B我的父母邀请我们去他们家吃年夜饭。我的父母邀请我们去他们家吃年夜饭。direct指导指导; invite 邀请;邀请;take带去;带去;send派遣。根据下文内容可知,派遣。根据下文内容可知,作作 者者和他的兄弟们一起去父母家过节,由此可以推断出,父和他的兄弟们一起去父母家过节,由此

78、可以推断出,父母母 邀邀请他们去吃饭。故选请他们去吃饭。故选B。37A他们的小房子是拥挤的。我和我的妻子,还有我的孩他们的小房子是拥挤的。我和我的妻子,还有我的孩子子 们们都在那里。都在那里。crowded拥挤的;拥挤的;mysterious神秘的;神秘的;distant遥遥 远远的;的; comfortable舒适的。根据上下文内容可知,作者舒适的。根据上下文内容可知,作者一一 家家四口,还有两个兄弟和他们的家人都在父母家,由此四口,还有两个兄弟和他们的家人都在父母家,由此可可 知知,父母的小房子里挤满了人,故选,父母的小房子里挤满了人,故选A。38C餐桌边围满了太多的人,以至于我们中的一些

79、人手里餐桌边围满了太多的人,以至于我们中的一些人手里拿拿 着着餐碟站着。餐碟站着。tidy整洁的;整洁的;beautiful漂亮的;漂亮的;full满的;满的;long 长长的。根据下文中的的。根据下文中的“some of us had to stand with plates in the hands”可知,由于家人多,餐桌都坐满了,有一部分可知,由于家人多,餐桌都坐满了,有一部分人人 只只好站着。故选好站着。故选C。39B 我们分享着共同的回忆,言笑晏晏,爱意浓浓。我们分享着共同的回忆,言笑晏晏,爱意浓浓。view观观 点点;memory记忆,回忆;记忆,回忆;task任务;任务;goal

80、目标。根据常识目标。根据常识和和 空后的空后的“laughter and love”可知,一家人在一起分享着过去可知,一家人在一起分享着过去 的美好回忆,故选的美好回忆,故选B。40A 我看到我的小女儿,她坐在婴儿餐椅里,脸上糊满了土我看到我的小女儿,她坐在婴儿餐椅里,脸上糊满了土 豆泥。豆泥。cover覆盖;覆盖;fix安装;安装;stick卡住;卡住;set放,置。根据上放,置。根据上 文内容可知,作者的孩子不到三岁,由此可以推断出,小女文内容可知,作者的孩子不到三岁,由此可以推断出,小女 孩在吃土豆泥的时候,弄得满脸都是,故选孩在吃土豆泥的时候,弄得满脸都是,故选A。41D 我妈妈正为我

81、们切水果,脸上洋溢着微笑。我妈妈正为我们切水果,脸上洋溢着微笑。taste品尝;品尝; buy买;买;produce生产;生产;cut切割。根据下文中的切割。根据下文中的“fruit for us” 并结合上文中的并结合上文中的“New Years Eve dinner”可推断,此处是说可推断,此处是说 作作者的母亲在为聚餐的一家人切水果。故选者的母亲在为聚餐的一家人切水果。故选D。42C我的妻子和弟妹快乐地聊天,我的爸爸和两个兄弟在我的妻子和弟妹快乐地聊天,我的爸爸和两个兄弟在客客 厅厅里相互调侃,大声欢笑。里相互调侃,大声欢笑。secretly秘密地;秘密地;regularly定定期期 地

82、地;happily快乐地;快乐地;quietly安静地。根据上文中的安静地。根据上文中的“Old _39_ were being shared with laughter and love.”可知,可知,一一 家家人在快乐地团聚,这里应是表示她们在快乐地交谈着。人在快乐地团聚,这里应是表示她们在快乐地交谈着。故故 选选C。43Bshout呼喊,喊叫;呼喊,喊叫;laugh笑;笑;whisper耳语,密谈耳语,密谈; argue争论,争辩。根据下文中的争论,争辩。根据下文中的“teasing (取笑取笑) each other in the living room”可知,作者的爸爸和两个儿子在相

83、互调可知,作者的爸爸和两个儿子在相互调 侃,大声欢笑。故选侃,大声欢笑。故选B。44A我看着这一切,内心油然升起一种特殊的感受。我看着这一切,内心油然升起一种特殊的感受。Feeling 感觉;感觉;dream梦想;梦想;word话语;话语;plan计划。作者看着这一切计划。作者看着这一切 的时候,突然有了一种感觉。下文中的的时候,突然有了一种感觉。下文中的“peace, love and joy”说明了作者当时的感受。故选说明了作者当时的感受。故选A。45A 我感到安宁、爱和喜悦以奇妙的方式在我的心中混合我感到安宁、爱和喜悦以奇妙的方式在我的心中混合 着。着。mixture混合;混合;cons

84、ideration考虑;考虑;introduction介绍;介绍; research研究。根据空后的研究。根据空后的“peace, love and joy”可知,这可知,这 种感觉是几种情感的混合,故选种感觉是几种情感的混合,故选A。46C在那个时候,我明白了这种奇异的感受,这就是最纯粹在那个时候,我明白了这种奇异的感受,这就是最纯粹 的感恩。的感恩。expect预期,预料;预期,预料;forecast预测;预测;realise意识到;意识到; hope希望。根据空后的希望。根据空后的“a moment of pure (纯粹的纯粹的) _47_” 可知,作者此时此刻意识到了他的感受。故选可

85、知,作者此时此刻意识到了他的感受。故选C。47Crespect尊重;尊重;anxiety焦虑;焦虑;thankfulness感激;感激;regret懊懊 悔。根据语境及上文中的悔。根据语境及上文中的“peace, love and joy”可知,这温可知,这温 馨的一幕让作者意识到他的感受是纯粹的感恩。故选馨的一幕让作者意识到他的感受是纯粹的感恩。故选C。48B然而,那段时光还铭记于心,宛如昨日。然而,那段时光还铭记于心,宛如昨日。story故事;故事; moment时刻;时刻;behavior行为;行为;instance事例。根据上文中事例。根据上文中的的 “a moment of pure

86、(纯粹的纯粹的) _47_” “Many years have gone by since then”及下文中的及下文中的“lives on in my heart as if it were yesterday”可知,此处表示那一刻一直在作者心里,好像可知,此处表示那一刻一直在作者心里,好像昨昨 天天发生的事情。故选发生的事情。故选B。49A 让这个日子如此特殊的并不是那些美食,而是彼此相让这个日子如此特殊的并不是那些美食,而是彼此相爱爱 的的家人欢聚一堂。家人欢聚一堂。special特别的;特别的;realistic现实的;现实的;familiar 熟熟悉的;悉的;urgent紧急的。根据

87、上文内容可知,这个时刻让紧急的。根据上文内容可知,这个时刻让作作 者者终生难忘,由此可知,这是一个特殊的时刻。故选终生难忘,由此可知,这是一个特殊的时刻。故选A。50B我的父母都已仙逝,在那之后我的兄弟和我也不常我的父母都已仙逝,在那之后我的兄弟和我也不常见见 面面,虽然我很希望多见见他们。,虽然我很希望多见见他们。go out出去;出去;pass away去去 世世;run away逃跑;逃跑;keep out扣留,保留。扣留,保留。 根据语境及下根据语境及下文文 中中的的“my brothers and I dont_51_each other as much as I would lik

88、e. _52_, I can still feel their love for me”可可推推 断断出,作者的父母已经去世。出,作者的父母已经去世。pass away意为意为“去世去世”,符,符合合 语语境。故选境。故选B。51Asee 拜访,看望;拜访,看望;help帮助;帮助;admire赞赏;赞赏;blame责怪责怪。 根根据上文中的据上文中的“My mum and dad have _50_,”和下文和下文中中 的的“I can still feel their love for me.”可推断,父母去世了,可推断,父母去世了, 作者和他兄弟们并没有像作者希望的那样经常见面。故选作者

89、和他兄弟们并没有像作者希望的那样经常见面。故选A52C 然而,我仍然感受到他们对我的爱。然而,我仍然感受到他们对我的爱。therefore因此;因此; instead代替;代替;however然而;然而;meanwhile与此同时。上文讲与此同时。上文讲 作者和兄弟们不经常见面,下文提到作者依然感受到他们的作者和兄弟们不经常见面,下文提到作者依然感受到他们的 爱,前后是转折关系,故选爱,前后是转折关系,故选C。53B 春节不只是一年一次一起庆祝的节日,而是一种生活方春节不只是一年一次一起庆祝的节日,而是一种生活方 式。式。study学习;学习;observe庆祝;庆祝;play玩耍;玩耍;co

90、mplain抱怨。抱怨。 根据常识可知,春节是要庆祝的。故选根据常识可知,春节是要庆祝的。故选B。54A 当我们的心中充满爱,我们就能成为自己一直希望成为当我们的心中充满爱,我们就能成为自己一直希望成为 的人。的人。fill使充满;使充满;compare比较;比较;divide划分;划分;touch触摸。触摸。 根据下文中的根据下文中的“we become the people we were always meant to be”可推断,此处表示可推断,此处表示“当我们使我们的内心充满爱时当我们使我们的内心充满爱时”, 故选故选A。55D当我们与别人分享爱,我们将使整个世界成为它应该成当我们

91、与别人分享爱,我们将使整个世界成为它应该成 为的样子,愿你生命中每一刻都充满爱!为的样子,愿你生命中每一刻都充满爱!create创造;创造;find找找 到;到;appreciate欣赏;欣赏;share分享。根据下文中的分享。根据下文中的“we make this world what it was meant to be as well. May all of your days be full of love!”可推断,我们与人分享爱,世界就会可推断,我们与人分享爱,世界就会 充满爱。故选充满爱。故选D。第二节第二节(共共10小题;每小题小题;每小题1.5分,满分分,满分15分分) 阅阅

92、读读下下面面材材料料,在在空空白白处处填填入入适适当当的的内内容容(1个个单单词词)或或括括号号内内单词的正确形式。单词的正确形式。 There is a special custom near Poyang Lake in Jiangxi province, China. When someones family establishes a new house there, they 56_ (choose) an auspicious day of the zodiac (黄道吉日黄道吉日) to host big banquet (宴会宴会) to celebrate 57_ . Thr

93、ee days 58_ the banquet, they begin towill chooseitbeforeprepare dishes, drinks and tables for the big day. The banquet begins with dinner. At the same time, the guests will bring 59_ (gift) for good luck like eggs or lucky money in a red envelope to the new house. Early on the second day, the build

94、er of the house will start to throw “coins” down from the top floor of the new house. The villagers usually get extremely 60_ (excite) and try to grab these “coins” with anything they can use. After lunch at noon on the second day, the banquet is 61_ (official) over. This year, I attended my sisteri

95、nlaws ceremony togiftsexcitedofficiallycelebrate 62_ (move) into a new house. Her new house was built by her husband, so it was his turn 63_ (throw) down “coins”. Unfortunately, I missed this event for the reason 64_ I had to go and visit my grandma instead. Frankly speaking, I hope such 65_ special

96、 celebration will be held in my own family. My parents will build a new house soon!movingto throwthata【语语篇篇解解读读】 文文章章主主要要介介绍绍了了江江西西省省的的鄱鄱阳阳湖湖附附近近建建造造新新房房子子的的特殊习俗。特殊习俗。56will choose考查动词的时态。当某家人在那里建立新房子考查动词的时态。当某家人在那里建立新房子 时,他们将会选择黄道吉日举办盛大的宴会来庆祝。主句用时,他们将会选择黄道吉日举办盛大的宴会来庆祝。主句用 一般将来时表示未发生的动作。故填一般将来时表示未发生

97、的动作。故填will choose。57it考查代词。代指前句中的考查代词。代指前句中的“a new house”,所以用代词,所以用代词 it。故填。故填it。58before考查介词。宴会前三天,他们就开始为这个重要的考查介词。宴会前三天,他们就开始为这个重要的 日子准备菜肴、饮料和桌子。此处表示日子准备菜肴、饮料和桌子。此处表示“在在以前以前”。故。故 填填before。59gifts考查名词复数。与此同时,客人们会带着预示着好运考查名词复数。与此同时,客人们会带着预示着好运 的礼物,比如鸡蛋或红包到新房子。这里用复数形式表示泛的礼物,比如鸡蛋或红包到新房子。这里用复数形式表示泛 指。故

98、填指。故填gifts。60excited考查非谓语动词。村民们通常会非常兴奋,试图用考查非谓语动词。村民们通常会非常兴奋,试图用 任何他们可以使用的东西去抢这些任何他们可以使用的东西去抢这些“硬币硬币”。 此处是此处是“get过过 去分词去分词”结构的运用。故填结构的运用。故填excited。61officially考查副词。第二天中午午饭后,宴会正式结束。考查副词。第二天中午午饭后,宴会正式结束。 修饰形容词,用副词形式。故填修饰形容词,用副词形式。故填officially。62 moving考查非谓语动词。今年,我参加了嫂子的新居庆考查非谓语动词。今年,我参加了嫂子的新居庆 祝仪式。祝仪式

99、。celebrate doing sth表示表示“庆祝做某事庆祝做某事”。故。故 填填moving。63to throw考查非谓语动词。她的新房子是她丈夫建的,所考查非谓语动词。她的新房子是她丈夫建的,所 以轮到他扔以轮到他扔“硬币硬币”了。了。Its ones turn to do sth 表示表示“轮到某轮到某 人做某事人做某事”。故填。故填to throw。64that考查名词性从句。不幸的是,我错过了这个活动,因考查名词性从句。不幸的是,我错过了这个活动,因 为我不得不去看望我的奶奶。这里是同位语从句,为我不得不去看望我的奶奶。这里是同位语从句, 故填故填that。65a考查冠词。坦率

100、地说,我希望这样一个特殊庆祝活动将考查冠词。坦率地说,我希望这样一个特殊庆祝活动将 在我自己的家里举行。此处泛指在我自己的家里举行。此处泛指 “一个特殊的庆祝活动一个特殊的庆祝活动”。故。故 填填a。第四部分写作第四部分写作(共两节,满分共两节,满分40分分)第一节应用文写作第一节应用文写作(满分满分15分分) 假假如如你你叫叫李李华华,你你的的美美国国笔笔友友Tom对对中中国国的的传传统统节节日日非非常常感感兴兴趣趣。他他想想请请你你介介绍绍你你最最喜喜欢欢的的节节日日端端午午节节、喜喜欢欢的的原原因因、庆庆祝祝方式。请你给他回复邮件。方式。请你给他回复邮件。注意:注意:1词数词数80左右;

101、左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:端午节参考词汇:端午节 the Dragon Boat FestivalOne possible version:Dear Tom, Im more than delighted to be informed that you show great interest in traditional Chinese festivals. _ _ Here I feel greatly privileged to introduce to you my fa

102、vourite one,the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar.The festival was created in honour of a respected patriotic poet in ancient China,who had_ _ _great devotion to the people but was unfairly treated by the unwise kin

103、g of his country. Hopeless and angry,he threw himself into the Milo River to prove his love for his motherland. Nowadays,people in China observe this traditional festival by holding dragon boat races and eating zongzi which is made of rice wrapped in bamboo leaves. In my opinion,as a traditional Chi

104、nese festival,the Dragon Boat Festival keeps us reminded of the true spirit of honesty and loyalty of our ancestors.By celebrating it,we follow the trace of_ _ Yours, Li Hua the forefathers who handed down the virtues. Best wishes! 第二节读后续写第二节读后续写(满分满分25分分) 阅阅读读下下面面短短文文,根根据据所所给给情情节节进进行行续续写写,使使之之构构成成一

105、一个个完完整整的故事。的故事。 Bob,_the son of a high official and the_team_leader,_as well as Fatima, Norbert and Sally, planned to discover a hidden treasure they had heard about. They arrived at the woods,_which lost itself in the shadowy distance. Bob was wise but spoiled. After a few minutes, he was worn out

106、and so impatient that he jumped down from his horse, dying for water. The jugs (水水罐罐) were almost empty. “Im getting tired of dragging you through the forest looking for the hidden treasure,” said Bob. “I would like you to remember the terms (条款条款) of our agreement, as well as your high payment, Mis

107、ter Bob,” said Norbert, who was also terribly thirsty. This made Bob even more impatient and thirsty. He spat on the ground, and looked up at the sky, frowning. “As long as you pay me the remaining half of my fee, Im notlikely to complain much beyond this point,” said the cowboy and he turned his ey

108、es to the old wooden building containing the local bar. “I would like a long tall drink of cold water first, though,” Fatima, who knew that Bob would not find any water, said. Suddenly, there came a dull roar(咆哮咆哮)and the strong wind lifted the dust from the ground and into the air. Quite a number o

109、f trees fell down with the four peoples cry. Suddenly Norbert shouted at the top of his voice, “RUN!” Then, they all ran away at the speed of light and stuck together, closing their eyes. After the storm, everyone slowly opened their eyes and looked at the others. They all began to smile because the

110、y found that no one got injured. Bob was touched by the scene, his heart bursting out the feeling of warmth in the blink of an eye, which was like the sun shining in winter. At the same time, the feeling of impatience faded away. 注意:注意:1所续写短文的词数应为所续写短文的词数应为150左右;左右;2至少使用至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;个短文中标有下划线

111、的关键词语; 3续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。One possible version:Paragraph 1: Then they still must face the bad situation of lacking water. _ After thinking about that for a moment, Bob stood up, holding a jug, and said to the others, “Hey,guys!

112、Dont be negative! I still have a jug of water here. Ill give everyone a drink of it when we march every one kilometre.” The remaining guys_became excited and nodded in agreement. When they achieved the first one kilometre, everyone turned to Bob. However, Bob just said, “I believe we will persevere

113、water for another kilometre. Continue!” Paragraph 2: However, the three soon found out Bob had “cheated” them. _ There was no water in the jug at all. Bob just wanted to encourage them to go on to look for water and not to give up. They stuck together again and had a talk. Finally, they walked out of the woods. All of them smiled again and embraced everybody else. This was a meaningful journey, which lost its original purpose. However, all of them have received much more than treasure, such as forgiveness, the spirit of sharing and trust.



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