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1、Deep ConcernUnit 2Lecturer: Melissa WuWarm-up ActivitiesDetailed Study of the TextText Structure AnalysisMain idea of each partExercisesI.Warm-up ActivitiesTopic Discussion 1. Do you ever have difficulty talking to your parents? 2. What is your definition of generation gap?Generation gap is a popula

2、r term used to describe wide differences in cultural norms between the younger generation and their elders. the lack to understanding between generations caused by their different attitudes and experiences. 3. What can we do to bridge the generation gap? 1)Keep our minds open to our parents;2) Treat

3、 our parents as we want them to treat us;3) Make friends with our parents;4) Learn to be responsible for our actions;5) Be sure to show love to our parents in different forms; 12UnderstandingThe text shows us the generation gap between a daughter and her parents through their daily dialogues. Please

4、 find out their different attitudes towards the same items. Text StudyUnderstanding12Sandy: “I like that music, Dad; its my favorite. Listen for a minute; Im sure youll like it.”Parents: It was weird and horrible stuff with offensive language. How did the parents react?(Rock music blasted forth)(Roc

5、k music blasted forth) Text StudyUnderstanding12Wearing her old, green T-shirt and some jeans.Sandy:It was disgusting.Parents:Text StudyUnderstanding12Having breakfast while standing by the sink.Sandy:It wasnt healthy to eat standing up.Parents:Text StudyUnderstanding12Sandy:“Ill brush my teeth when

6、 Im done.”She should brush her teeth as soon as she got up.Parents:Text StudyUnderstanding12Sandy: Wearing her makeup (such as eyeliner). Parents: “Too young to wear that much makeup.”All the girls at school did so. Some have tattoos .Text StudyUnderstanding12 The Parents Thoughts Towards SandyFathe

7、rs thoughtsMothers thoughts awful, tuneless, offensive; makes my blood boil; negativeDifferent music appeals to different generations; I dont think her music is so terrible.Text StudyUnderstandingMusic:12Fathers thoughtsMothers thoughts_She is changing ; Who knows what will be next?_biggest problemC

8、onclusion: We need to have a talk with Sandy.Text StudyUnderstandingMakeup & Tattoos12Mothers Decision: Have patience; Keep the lines of communication with her daughter open; Be there as an anchor; Give her freedom to find her identity.Text StudyUnderstandingconcern be concerned with 与.有关be concerne

9、d for/about 为.担心deep concern 深深的忧虑as far as.is/are concerned 就.而言forth adv.out; forward 出来;向外The sun came forth from behind the clouds. 太阳从云后出来。burst into 1)闯入 burst into the house闯进了房间2)突然开始 burst into laughter/tears突然笑/哭了起来burst out laughing/cryingstuff vt.push sth. into a space 填;塞The pillow was

10、stuffed with feathers. 枕头里塞满了羽毛。over and overYou can say over and over,again and again or over and over againturn on- turn offturn up-turn downthorough a.including every possible detail 全面的,彻底的The doctor gave the patient a thorough check-up. 医生为病人做了全面检查。toast Lets toast our friendship.让我们为友谊干杯。disgu

11、sting a.very unpleasant 令人厌恶的,令人反感的disgusting smell 令人厌恶的气味 bug bug v.v. 讨厌,烦扰讨厌,烦扰讨厌,烦扰讨厌,烦扰n. n. 臭虫臭虫臭虫臭虫 窃听器窃听器窃听器窃听器n. n. 计计计计 漏洞漏洞漏洞漏洞There might be a bug in the program. There might be a bug in the program. 程序里可能有一个错误。程序里可能有一个错误。程序里可能有一个错误。程序里可能有一个错误。 bolt n.bolt n. 门或窗的插销;螺栓门或窗的插销;螺栓门或窗的插销;螺栓

12、门或窗的插销;螺栓a bolt from/out of the blue a bolt from/out of the blue 晴天霹雳,意外事件晴天霹雳,意外事件晴天霹雳,意外事件晴天霹雳,意外事件 12wear v. . clothesshoesjewelry(necklace, etc.)glasses/contact lenses (隐形眼镜隐形眼镜)Words and ExpressionsWord Using12hairShe wears her hair long.她留着长头发。她留着长头发。She wears her hair in a long braid.她把头发编成辫子

13、。她把头发编成辫子。beardHe wore a full moustache. wear v. Words and ExpressionsWord Using12Then how about perfume? wear makeupwear v. Words and ExpressionsWord UsingYou can even wear a smileon your face!12 offensive offensive adj. adj. causing offence; unpleasantcausing offence; unpleasant offensiveremark冒犯性

14、的话manner无礼的态度weapons攻击性的武器sight令人生厌的景色Collocation 搭配Words and ExpressionsWord Usingappeal vi.1)吸引 2)恳请;呼吁appeal to sb. for sth.rid vt.(rid, rid) make sb. or sth. free from sth. unpleasant or unwanted 使摆脱,使去掉You must rid yourself of these old-fashioned ideas. 你必须抛掉这些陈旧的观念。get rid of 摆脱,除去;丢弃,扔掉negati

15、ve adj.1)bad or harmful 不好的;负面的;消极的 have a negative effect/influence on 2)saying or meaning no 否定的 the negative form of this word这个词的否定形式keep+n./pron.+adj./adv./prep./v-ing/v-edkeep.open 保持畅通Im sorry to keep you waiting.我很抱歉让您久等了。identityn.C who or what a person or thing is 身份;本体identity card(ID car

16、d)身份证Language Points1.Theradioclickedon.Rockmusicblastedforth.(Para.1)wMeaning:收音机收音机“咔嗒咔嗒”一声,摇滚一声,摇滚乐就大声的响开了。乐就大声的响开了。2.Likeashot,themusicwokeSandy.(Para.1)wMeaning:音乐像枪声似的将桑迪吵醒。wPleasenoticethatthesethreewords-click,blastandshot-inthefirstthreesentencesareusedtosuggestasenseofsuddenness.3.Sandysan

17、galongwiththewordsasshelaylisteningtoherfavoriteradiostation.(para1)wMeaning:她躺在床上,听着她喜欢的电台广播,嘴里哼着歌词。wQ:What woke Sandy up?4.SteveFinchburstintoherroom.(Para.2)wMeaning:SteveFinchrushedintoherroomwithoutknockingorwarningherinadvance.wSteveFinch冲进她的卧室。5.Whydoyouhavetolistentosuchhorriblestuff?(Para.2

18、)Meaning:你为什么一定要听这么糟糕的音乐?Q:WhydidMr.Finchshoutatthedaughter?wMeaning: It is too much for me to hear.7. Then she grabbed the soap and washed thoroughly, including her hair.(para 5)Meaning:然后她抓起香皂,浑身上下洗个遍,连头发也洗了。8.Thensheputonhermakeup,(Para.6)Meaning:接着她化好妆。Wearefamiliarwithputonclothes,glovesorsomet

19、hingelse.Herewehavelearnedputonmakeup.6. I cant stand it.(Para4)apieceoftoast(Para.6)一片烤面包一片烤面包wSimilarexpressions:apieceofcake一块蛋糕apieceofwood一块木头apieceofluck一件幸运的事apieceofcloth一块布apieceofgum一片口香糖w9. It isnt healthy to eat standing up.(para 7)Meaning:It isnt good for your health if you have your br

20、eakfast while standing up.站着吃饭对身体不好。10. Stop bugging me.(para 16)Meaning: stop bothering me. From the dialogue between Sandy and her mother we know that her mother was concerned about her,but Sandy was not thankful to her mother. 11.Sandy Finch, youre too young to wear that too much makeup.(para 19)

21、Meaning:Sandy Finch, youre not enough to wear so much makeup.你还小,不能化那么浓的妆。Q:Why did she call her daughter full name?Notice that the mother greeted the daughter by full name,which means the mother was very firm in her opinion and/or wanted to be sure to get her daughter full attention.w12.boltedoutof

22、thehouse.(Para.20)Meaning:.Leftthehousequickly.冲出了屋子。13.Mystomachfeelsupset-likeitsfullofknots.(para23)Meaning:Hehasan unpleasant tight feeling。我胃不舒服,心乱如麻。14. I dont think Im old-fashioned, but hearing those tuneless,offensive lyrics repeatedly make me blood boil.(para 23)wMeaning: 我想我还不至于老的落伍吧,可没完没

23、了的听那毫无韵律,令人讨厌的歌曲实在让我生气。w15. Maybe eating breakfast will help me get rid of some of the knots in my stomach.(para 25)wMeaning:也许吃点早饭会让我感觉好一点。wQ:What did Jane mean when she saidwe should probably feel lucky that makeup is our biggest concern with her?wShe meant that Sandys way of expressing her identi

24、ty was not a big problem compared to the problems of other teenagers.w29. .She and Sandy could still talk things over.(para 29)wMeaning:她和桑迪之间还可以交流。w30.She knew she had to have patience and keep the lines of communication with her daughter open.(para 29)wMeaning:她知道自己得有耐心,得保持自己和沟通的渠道畅通。w31. She want

25、ed to be there as an anchor for her, but at the same time she would give her freedom to find her own identity.(para 29) wMeaning: 她想在桑迪的身边,做她的保护人,同时又给她寻找自我的自由。12Structure Analysis The Writing Method of the Passage:Sequenced Orderdescribing a series of actions according to the time when they happened

26、. In a passage developed in this way, readers will find time markers to connect sequenced actions. Text StudyStructure Analysis12The radio clicked on. Rock music blasted forth. Like a shot, the music woke Sandy. She looked at the clock; it was 6:15 A.M. Sandy sang along with the words as she lay lis

27、tening to her favorite radio station. (Para. 1)It was 6:15 A.M.Time marker:Text StudyStructure Analysis12 More time markers in the text:After her showerThenJust thenAfter Sandy had left for schoolSoonAs Jane Finch drove to workText StudyStructure AnalysisHow to divide this text? Structure of the tex

28、t: It is divided into 4 parts.Part I: ( Para.1-4)Part II: ( Para. 5)Part III: ( Para. 6-20)Part IV: (21-28) Part V: (29)Main idea of each partPart I: Direct conflicts between Sandy and her father over her favorite music.Part II: Sandy took a shower and got ready to have her breakfast.part III: Sandy

29、 and her mother were in disagreement over several minor things, such as eating, teeth-brushing, dressing, and makeup.Part IV: Sandys father and mother sat talking over coffee about the problems they had with their daughter. But in any case, they agreed that they should have a talk with her daughter.Part V: The mother was thinking about how to talk to her daughter as she drove to work.Thank you!



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