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1、糖尿病足潰瘍治療新概念糖尿病足潰瘍治療新概念糖尿病足潰瘍治療新概念糖尿病足潰瘍治療新概念 足背動足背動足背動足背動脈旁路手術對預防大截肢的作用脈旁路手術對預防大截肢的作用脈旁路手術對預防大截肢的作用脈旁路手術對預防大截肢的作用張耀中外科部 心血管中心 台中大甲李綜合醫院 台灣背景背景背景背景糖尿病增加週邊動脈疾病(PAD)的風險週邊動脈疾病是糖尿病足潰瘍患者截肢的重要危險因子有關糖尿病足潰瘍的處置在不同科別間,差異很大 整合、協調的處置對於患者的助益、生活品質及成本效益上相當重要2有關糖尿病足潰瘍的一些事實有關糖尿病足潰瘍的一些事實有關糖尿病足潰瘍的一些事實有關糖尿病足潰瘍的一些事實糖尿病患者

2、,終其一生發生足潰瘍的危險值估計約為15%(Palumbo P, et al. 1985)糖尿病患者比非糖尿病患者有1540倍的截肢風險非外傷截肢糖尿病佔50%截肢會降低患者的身體機能及生活品質截肢會降低患者的身體機能及生活品質截肢部位 (Reiber GE et al.1995) 趾: 24% 半足: 5.8% 膝下截肢膝下截肢:38.8% 膝上截肢膝上截肢:21.4% 無法歸類:10%3台灣糖尿病截肢近況台灣糖尿病截肢近況台灣糖尿病截肢近況台灣糖尿病截肢近況1979 -1984 台北 三軍總醫院 57.7% 趙有誠 台灣醫誌 19951982 -1991 台北 台大醫院 37.2%曾慶孝

3、台灣醫誌 19944糖尿病足潰瘍糖尿病足潰瘍糖尿病足潰瘍糖尿病足潰瘍糖尿病足患者的週邊動脈阻塞類型早期發生,且有特徵性分佈(Strandness, 1946)主動脈-腸骨動脈脛動脈/腓動脈非糖尿病68%57%糖尿病27%81%5迷思迷思l糖尿病足潰瘍由於是小血管疾病,因此不會癒合lGoldenberg (Diabetes,1959)事實事實lLoGerfo (NEJM, 1984)l糖尿病足血管疾病最常侵患小腿的中度大小動脈l基底膜增厚,且非完全阻塞6處置的準則處置的準則處置的準則處置的準則控制感染血管評估儘速施行血管旁路手術續發步驟續發步驟: 清創、截趾、皮膚移植、皮瓣重建輔助步驟輔助步驟:

4、 高壓氧治療、局部生長因子、特殊敷料、照紅外線由哈佛大學 Dr LoGerfo 修訂7病人及方法病人及方法病人及方法病人及方法最近10年超過800例的遠端肢體旁路手術(遠端血管吻合處:足背動脈、脛後動脈、及側足底動脈) 分析最早120位患者的136例手術,完成5年追蹤,並在此次大會上發表89F-U arteriogram: 1 year later after OP (1999)101112手術適應症手術適應症 (N=136)靜止痛靜止痛11.8%16壞死壞死 / 潰瘍潰瘍88.2%12013手術適應症手術適應症在最近的病例,超過在最近的病例,超過90%90%的患者多係台灣其他醫學中心建的患者

5、多係台灣其他醫學中心建議要膝上或膝下截肢的。議要膝上或膝下截肢的。14旁路手術的禁忘症旁路手術的禁忘症旁路手術的禁忘症旁路手術的禁忘症1. 長期臥床,無法行走2. 全身狀況差,預期壽命短3. 嚴重組織破壞或感染4. 髖或膝關節固定收縮攣縮151680%的截肢是可以預防的 美國血管外科學會理事長 Dr. Sicard 說每年約有82,000糖尿病患者接受下肢、足、或趾的截肢手術,但是超過80%的截肢(趾)手術是可以避免的,且需要血管外科醫師盡力工作去避免,由於人口老化及糖尿病流行會加重對血管外科醫師的需求。Gregorio A. Sicard: Presidential address, soc

6、iety for vascular surgery, Chicago 05邵女士,79歲17多科際整合包括:多科際整合包括:多科際整合包括:多科際整合包括:1.感染科2.腎臟科3.心臟科4.重症照護(胸腔內科)5.麻醉科6.血管外科7.重建整型外科8.骨科9.復健科10.高壓氧治療11.社會工作者、居家照護12.其他糖尿病足中心3212222220291410463922229822【病人來源】下肢動脈繞道手術300例膝上截肢手術 9例膝下截肢手術 35例05-07入院人數 845人19結論結論結論結論足背動脈旁路手術,提供足部的搏動灌注,對於嚴重缺血性的解除、組織壞死的癒合及頭防高位截肢相當

7、有助益糖尿病患者,週邊動脈疾病係起因於微血管的不正確看法,應該揚棄整合、協調的處置,對於患者的助益、生活品質及成本效益是相當重要20Thanks for Your attention ! ! 21New Concept of Diabetic foot ulcer New Concept of Diabetic foot ulcer Management-Role of Management-Role of DorsalisDorsalis PedisPedis Bypass in the Prevention of Diabetic Bypass in the Prevention of D

8、iabetic Major AmputationMajor AmputationYau-Chong Chang M.D. Ph.DVascular Center Department of surgery Lees Medical Corporation(Dajia), TaiwanBackgroundBackgroundDiabetes mellitus increase ones risk of peripheral arterial disease(PAD)PAD is itself an important risk factor for amputation in diabetic

9、patients with chronic foot ulcer.Management of diabetic foot ulcer varies greatly among subspecialists. Integrated , coordinated management is important for patients benefit ,and also for quality care and cost-effectiveness.23Facts about Diabetic Foot UlcerationFacts about Diabetic Foot UlcerationLi

10、fe-time risk for foot ulcers in diabetics is estimated at 15%.(Palumbo P, et al. 1985)Diabetes results in a 15 to 40 fold increased risk of amputation compared to the non-diabetic population 1997.50% of all non-traumatic amputations occur in diabetes.Amputations reduce patient function and quality o

11、f life.Location of amputation (Reiber GE et al.1995) Toes: 24% Mid-foot: 5.8% BK:38.8% AK:21.4% Unclassified:10%24DM amputation in TaiwanDM amputation in Taiwan57.7% Triservice General Hospital 1979-1984Chao YC, etal. J of Formosan Med. Association 199537.2% National Taiwan University Hospital 1982-

12、1991Tseng CH, etal. J of Formosan Med. Association 19942526MythlDiabetic ulcers do not heal because of “small vessel disease”lGoldenberg (Diabetes,1959)FactlLoGerfo (NEJM, 1984)lDiabetic vascular disease most often involves medium size arteries of the calflBasement membrane thickening but non-occlus

13、ive27Management guidelinesManagement guidelinesControl infectionVascular evaluationPrompt surgical revascularizationSecondary procedures: debridement, toe amputation, skin grafting, flap reconstructionAdjunctive procedures: hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO), topical growth factor, special wound dressi

14、ng, far-infra redetc.Modified from LoGerfo F.W,etal28Patients & MethodsPatients & MethodsMore than 800 operations of distal limb bypass(distal anastomotic site: dorsalis pedis, post. tibial a. and lateral plantar a.) were done in recent 10 years.First 136 operations in 120 patients were analyzed and

15、 complete 5-year follow up, which will be presented today.2930F-U arteriogram: 1 year later after OP (1999)313233Operative Indications (N=136)Rest Pain11.8%16Gangrene / Ulcer wound88.2%12034Surgical IndicationSurgical Indicationmore than 90% of patients were suggested to receive B-K or more than 90%

16、 of patients were suggested to receive B-K or A-K amputation, especially in recent seriesA-K amputation, especially in recent series35Contraindication of surgical Contraindication of surgical evascularizationevascularization1. Bed-ridden, unable to walk2. Poor general condition, short life expectanc

17、y3. Extensive tissue destruction or infection4. Fixed flexion contracture of hip or knee joint.363780%的截肢是可以預防的 Every year, about 82,000 diabetics have leg, foot or toe amputations. ”Dr. Sicard said.”More the 80 percent of those amputations are preventable and every day, vascular surgeons are workin

18、g to prevent them. The aging population and the diabetes epidemic portend tremendous growth in the need for vascular surgeons.Gregorio A. Sicard: Presidential address, society for vascular surgery, Chicago 05邵女士,79歲38Multidisciplinary approach include:Multidisciplinary approach include:Multidiscipli

19、nary approach include:Multidisciplinary approach include:1.Infection2.Nephrology3.Cardiology4.Critical care ( chest medicine )5.Anesthesiology6.Vascular surgery7.Plastic surgery8.Orthopedics9.Rehabilitation10.Hyperbaric oxygen therapy11.Social worker, Home care12.others糖尿病足中心321222222029141046392222

20、9822【病人來源】下肢動脈繞道手術300例膝上截肢手術 9例膝下截肢手術 35例05-07入院人數 845人40ConclusionConclusionPedal artery bypass provide pulsatile perfusion to foot, which is good for relief of critical ischemia, healing of tissue necrosis and prevention of major amputation.The misconception of PAD in diabetic patients was thought to be micro-vascular in origin should be abandoned.Integrated , coordinated management is important for patients benefit, and also for quality care and cost-effectiveness.41Thanks for Your attention ! ! 42



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