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1、人教版pep小学英语六年级上册Unit 1 How can I get there?Part C 人教版pep小学英语六年级上册Unit 1 How caWhere is theLook and readschoolzooparkpost officehospitalcinemabookstorelibraryscience museumpost officecinemahospitalscience museumbookstoreWhere is theLook and readschooLets practiceschoolzooparkpost officehospitalcinemab

2、ookstorelibraryscience museum-Where is the post office?-Its _ the school. Its _ the zoo.next tonearAsk and answer:-Where is the ?-Its near/next toLets practiceschoolzooparkposLets readI can _ at the crossing.Turn left.Turn right.Go straight.Lets readI can _ at the crLets checkListen again and answer

3、.1. Where does the boy want to go? _2. How can he get there from the post office?_He wants to go to the museum. He turns left at the post office. He can see the bookstore there. From there he goes straight ahead. Then, at the cinema he turns right. Finally, he is at the museum. Lets checkListen agai

4、n and anLets checkBoy: Today, I want to go to the museum. From my school I go straight and turn left at the post office. I can see the bookstore there. From there I go straight ahead. Then, at the cinema I turn right. Finally, Im at the museum. Its not far.Lets checkBoy: Today, I want Lets wrap it u

5、pnext tobesidein front ofbehindnearThe zoo is next to the park.The zoo is in front of the park.The zoo is behind the park.The zoo is near the park.Try to write more words and write some sentences with the words.The zoo is beside the park.parkzooparkzooparkzoozooparkparkzooLets wrap it upnext tobesid

6、eiLets learnThe London EyeThe London EyeLets learnThe London EyeThe L伦敦眼(伦敦眼(the London Eye)11 ,坐落在英国伦敦,坐落在英国伦敦泰晤士河畔,是世界上首座、泰晤士河畔,是世界上首座、同时截至同时截至2005年最大的观景年最大的观景摩天轮,为伦敦的地标及出摩天轮,为伦敦的地标及出名旅游观光点之一。名旅游观光点之一。Lets learn伦敦眼(the London Eye)11 ,坐落在英国泰晤士河泰晤士河(the Thames )是英是英国最长的河流,也是最重要国最长的河流,也是最重要的水路,又是英国的母

7、亲河。的水路,又是英国的母亲河。位于英格兰东南,全长约位于英格兰东南,全长约338公里,是全世界水面交公里,是全世界水面交通最繁忙的都市河流和伦敦通最繁忙的都市河流和伦敦地标之一。地标之一。Lets learn泰晤士河(the Thames )是英国最长的河流,也是最重Story timeZip and Zoom are hungry.Where do they go to eat?How do they get there?Story timeZip and Zoom are hunStory timeZoom: Hey, that looks tasty. Where can I buy

8、one?Boy: Near the London Eye. Go that way.Zoom: Excuse me. Where is the London Eye?Man: Its next to the film museum near the Thames.Story timeZoom: Hey, that lookStory timeZoom: Excuse me. Is the Thames far from here?Man: No. Go straight and turn left.Zoom: Zip, look!Zip: Finally!离离远远be far from 这离泰

9、晤士河远吗这离泰晤士河远吗?Story timeZoom: Excuse me. Is Story timeZoom: Hi! Three large portions and one small one, please.Man: OK.Zoom: Oh, my stomach hurts! I miss my tanghulu!Zip: You still want to eat?!Who eats three large portions and who eats one small one?ZoomZipwant to do sth.你还想吃?!你还想吃?!Story timeZoom:

10、 Hi! Three largWhere can I eat pizza?In the Italian restaurant.Where is the Italian restaurant?Im hungry. I want to eat pizza.Where can I eat pizza?In the ISay and pointA: How can I get to the Italian restaurant ?B: Go straight and turn left. The Italian restaurant is on the right. Italian restauran

11、t Say and pointA: How can I get Say and pointA: How can I get to the Italian restaurant ?B: Go straight and turn right. The Italian restaurant is on the left. Italian restaurant Say and pointA: How can I get 课堂练习课堂练习课堂练习课堂练习一、分类题。一、分类题。A. Where B. hospital C. in front of D. cinema E. who F. behind G

12、. near H. what I. school ABCD1. bookstore _ _ _2. next to _ _ _3. whose _ _ _GFIEH课堂练习一、分类题。A. Where B. hospita1. My bike is over there. 2. Mary wants to buy a book. 二、二、划线部分提问。划线部分提问。What does Mary to do?Where is your bike?1. My bike is over there. 二、划线三、选择题三、选择题1. _ there a school near here? A. Is

13、 B. Are C. Am 2. How can they _ the library? A. get up B. get to C. get off3. There is a hospital next _the cinema. A. at B. to C. /ABB三、选择题1. _ there a school neaSummary2. -How can I get there?-Go straight.-Turn right. -Turn left.1. -Where is thepost officecinemahospitalscience museumbookstore?-Its

14、 near/next to复习归纳本单元重点:复习归纳本单元重点:Summary2. -How can I get therHomework1. Write the words of the Unit 1.2. Listen and imitate “Story time”.Homework1. Write the words of Unit 1 How can I get there? Part A 2. -How can I get there?-Go straight.-Turn right. -Turn left.1. -Where is thepost officecinemahospitalscience museumbookstore?-Its near/next toUnit 1 How can I get there? Pa人教版(PEP)六年级英语上册Unit1-Part-C-课件课件(同名45)



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