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1、 1 / 12 2022 年云南大学英语考试真题卷 (本卷共分为 1 大题 50 小题,作答时间为 180 分钟,总分 100 分,60 分及格。) 单位: 姓名: 考号: 题号 单选题 多项选择 判断题 综合题 总分 分值 得分 一、 单项选择题(共 50 题, 每题 2 分。 每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Are you ready Why should I be ready when you are not she _. Arepeated Bretorted Cshouted Dsaid 2.Her first born is not the only one in her

2、 family who is good at handwriting; in fact, all her children _ . calligraphy. Aare fond of Bare tired of Cexcel at Dgo in for 3.What is the subject of this passage AThe reason for brick making in Jamestown. BThe cause of the failure of Jamestown. CThe law of the Virginia colonists. DThe problem of

3、the early American colonies. 2 / 12 4.According to the passage, what eventually happened to Jamestown AIt was practically destroyed. BIt became a model city. CIt remained the seat of the government. DIt was almost completed. 5.It can be inferred from the passage that settlers who built with bricks i

4、n the 1660s were _. Aplanning to return to England Bobeying the laws Cnot concerned about durability Dinterested in large residences 6.Which of the following was NOT a reason for using bricks in construction AWood had to be brought from some distance. BThere was considerable clay available. CThe lum

5、bering process depended on good roads. DThe timber was not of good quality. 7.Times for movies and concerts are not listed in this announcement because _. Aa film or concert occurs every Wednesday at 7p. m. Bthe full list would be too long Cfilms and concerts cannot be announced publicly Dthe full l

6、ist is not ready yet 8.According to the announcement, which of the following is true of special summer hours for the library AIt has them only on the weekends. 3 / 12 BIt has them both weekdays and weekends. CIt has no special summer hours. DThis information is not available. 9.Which of the followin

7、g facilities specific schedule revisions are listed in this announcement AAthletic and recreational. BFood and transportation. CBookstore and post office. DMedical and audiovisual. 10.Which of the following is the main purpose of this announcement ATo tell campus personnel of the new library service

8、s. BTo announce the new movies on campus this summer. CTo notify university people of important schedule changes. DTo remain students to validate their identification cards. 11.We can infer from the passage that the writer is _. Aa shy person Ba realistic person Ca sensitive person Da reserved perso

9、n 12.Which of the following statements is TRUE AShyness helps us to live up to our full potential. BShyness enable us to understand ourselves better. CShyness block our chances for a rich life. DShyness has nothing to do with lack of self - esteem. 4 / 12 13.The first paragraph is mainly about _. At

10、he characteristics of shy people Bthe cause of shyness Cthe questions in the minds of shy people Dthe effect of shyness on people 14.According to the passage, what did the space probes do ACreated abnormal conditions on the planets. BConfirmed the space artists work. CProduced new occupations for ar

11、tists. DPromoted interest in outer space. 15.According to the passage, artist astronomers spent their lives _. Aexploring the planets Bstudying geometry Ccreating images of space Dproducing rockets for space travel 16.What is the main idea of the passage AThe amazing accuracy of space artists. BThe

12、popular success of Lucien Rudaux. CThe imaginations of great artists. DThe similarities of the Moon to Mars. 17.According to the passage, the works of Lucien Rudaux represent a combination of _. Aastronomy and mathematics Bgeneralizations and specifics 5 / 12 Cphotography and illustration Dfact and

13、fiction 18.Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared with our own private opinion because _. Anobody else knows us as well as we know ourselves Bpublic opinion tends to ignore the average man Cthe average man leads a mean and sneaking life Dwhat man thinks of himself determines or indicates his fate

14、19.The authors purpose in referring to Negro Slavery is to illustrate _. Ahow frivolous our attitude is toward this very serious social problem Bthat there will always be slavery Cthe foreign origin of Negro Slavery Dthat the worst slave-driver of all is the slave-driver who drives himself 20.Anothe

15、rs brass, as used in this selection, means _. Aborrowed money Bthe arrogance of some people Ca special kind of metal used in building Dornaments worn by some women 21.There is no divinity in man because _. Aman has rejected God Bman is the slave and prisoner of his own opinion of himself Cthe averag

16、e man cannot compete with the large business interests Dmost men choose menial vocations for themselves 6 / 12 22.In general, the author believes that in order to be a man one must _. Anot have a low opinion of himself Bnot borrow money, within for daily living or get into business Cbe self-employed

17、 Dbe an active nonconformist 23.From the first paragraph we can learn that _. Athere is a dramatic shift in recent years in the world economy Bemerging economies produced nearly half of world output Cthere are 32 emerging economies in third-world Dthe young emerging economies have developed rapidly

18、in recent years 24.Which of the following statements is true According to the passage AAlmost all economies in the world may expect a boom over the coming years. BNot all economies in the world will see a growth over the coming years. CEvery previous year during the past 30 years saw at least one co

19、untry in a deep crisis. DThe young emerging economies have grown up almost in the same way. 25.It is implied that China _. Atook 10 years to double its real incomes per head Bhas caught up by adopting advanced countries technology Cwill see a sustained economic growth in the coming years Daccounts f

20、or the bulk of world production 26.This passage mainly centers on _. 7 / 12 Athe dramatic shift of the world economic balance Bthe impact of the emerging economies of the third-world CChina and Indias rapid economic development Drich countries gain and loss in recent world economies 27.In the senten

21、ce these newcomers will be at their own expense (Line 2, Paragraph 3), their probably refers to _. Athese newcomers Brich countries in first-world Cmany bosses, workers and politicians Dbosses, workers and politicians in the rich world 28.The snakehead is very perilous because it _. Ahas rows of sha

22、rp teeth Bcan dart out of hiding holes to chase, and catch Cmay devour every other fish in the lake or pond Dis regarded as top predator 29.Judging from the context, the big green lady (Line 1, Paragraph 1) refers to _. Aa lady in charge of the harbor Bthe symbol of New York City Cthe statue of libe

23、rty Da famous American woman 30.What was the trouble with New York last month AIt has a hard time getting immigrants to the city. BSome terrible creatures were discovered in Maryland. CThe whole Maryland pond was poisoned. 8 / 12 DFive big northern snakehead were found in Queens. 31.How many states

24、in the U.S.A have been threatened by snakeheads A) Three C) Five B) Four D) Six AHow many states in the U.S.A have been threatened by snakeheads BThree CFour DFive ESix 32.According to Mr. Gilmore the spread of snakehead is _. Abased on legal means Bby illegal means Cin an Asian fish stores favor Do

25、ut of economic consideration 33.What is the Great Awakening ATo cut across the lines of Protestant religious groups or denomination. BA revival movement of seeking to breathe new feeling and strength into religion. CTo live side by side in relative harmony. DTo spread religious idea to other countri

26、es. 34.Which of the following is the proof that the government ignores religion in some ways AReligious group need not pay taxes in the United States. BPresident seldom calls on God to bless America and its people. CFor those who, like Quakers, object to them, oaths can be replaced by a solemn affir

27、mation or declaration. 9 / 12 DFor those whose religion forbids them to fight, performing other services can take the place of being soldiers. 35.Who entitled American to have the freedom of religion AThe First Amendment. BThe Constitution of the United States. CAmerican Government. DThe Declaration

28、 of Independence. 36.In the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, it is regulated that _. Athe government can entitle state-supported religion to enjoy some special rights Bthe government can not take any action to limit the practice of any religion Cthe United States would have

29、no national religion Dthe government will not intervene in the social or political injustice or disaffection 37.What controlled Americans minds during the War of Independence APolitics. BReligion. CProtestants. DChurch. 38.Some people do not openly admit they have ambition because _. Athey think of

30、it as immoral Btheir pursuits are not fame or wealth Cambition is not closely related to material benefits 10 / 12 Dthey do not want to appear greedy and contemptible 39.Which of the following is the closest in meaning to sly (Line 16, Para. 2) AShy. BAmbitious. CRewarding. DFurtive. 40.From the las

31、t paragraph the conclusion can be drawn that ambition should be maintained _. Asecretly and vigorously Bopenly and enthusiastically Ceasily and momentarily Dverbally and spiritually 41.The last sentence of the first paragraph most probably implies that it is _. Acustomary of the educated to discard

32、ambition in words Btoo late to cheek ambition once it has been let out Cdishonest to deny ambition after the fulfillment of the goal Dimpractical for the educated to enjoy benefits from ambition 42.It is generally believed that ambition may be well regarded if _. Aits returns well compensate for the

33、 sacrifices Bit is rewarded with money, fame and power Cits goals are spiritual rather than material Dit is shared by the rich and the famous 11 / 12 43.According to the author, class divisions refers to _ Athe rich and the poor Bdifferent opportunities for people Coppressor and the oppressed Dgeniu

34、s and idiot 44.The same educational opportunities cant get rid of inequality because _. Athe principle survival of the fittest exists Bnature ignores equality in dispensing brains and ability Cmaterial rewards are for genuine ability Dpeople have the freedom how to educate their children 45.What is

35、the main idea of this passage AEquality of opportunity in the twentieth century has not destroyed the class system. BEquality means money. CThere is no such society as classless society. DNature cant give you a classless society. 46.Why does the author say the new meritocracy can perpetuate itself t

36、o a certain extent ABecause money decides everything. BBecause private schools offer advantages over state schools. CBecause people are free to choose the way of educating their children. DBecause wealth is used for political ends. 47.Who can obtain more rapid success according to the passage AThose

37、 with wealth. 12 / 12 BThose with the best brains. CThose with the best opportunities. DThose who have the ability to catch at opportunities. 48.Which of the following activities was the responsibility of the federal government in the nineteenth century AControl of the manufacture of gunpowder. BDet

38、ermining the conditions under which individuals worked. CRegulation of the supply of money. DInspection of new homes built on western lands. 49.Which of the following is one of the areas that the states governments is involved in the nineteenth century AEating. BHousing. CManufacturing. DHigher educ

39、ation. 50.It can be inferred from the first paragraph that canals and railroads were _. Abuilt with money that came from the federal government Bmuch more expensive to build than they had been previously Cbuilt predominantly in the western part of the country Dsometimes built in part by state companies



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