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1、高考英语写作功能词“批准”表达详解一、主要英语对应词及其用法结构1.动词(ratify, approve, sanction, authorize, validate, license, con-firm, warrant, permit, concede)ratify 批准,认可to ratify a treaty/an amendment to a constitution/an agreement正式批准一个条约/宪法修正案/一项协议approve 批准,核准to approve a resolution/the budget/a project/the minutes of a mee

2、ting批准一项决议/国家预算/一项计划/会议记录sanction 批准,核准Who sanctioned bombing the town?(是谁批准轰炸那座城市的?)Their spending on this scale will not be sanctioned. (他们这么大的开支是不会被批准的。)authorize 批准,许可to authorize a payment/a visit/a project批准付款/访问/工程2.名词 ( ratification, approval, sanction, allowance, validation, permission) the

3、 instrument(s) of ratification批准书 (of sth.) to meet with(official) approval of sb. (指某事)得到或被某人(正式)批准to give official/formal approval to a plan/proposal正式批准一项计划/提议 to give sanction to批准to do something without the sanction of.未经批准/许可而做某事(of sth.) to have the sanction of tradition(指某事)已约定俗成 to grant sb

4、.permission to do sth.批准某人去做某事to grant sb.s request批准某人的请求二、常用的相关短语或表达批准to give sth.the OK;to give ones approval to.;to give the green light to.;to grant/give sb.permission;to give sanction to;to license/licence sb.To do sth.;to give a licence to.得到准许/批准to get/receive the OK;to get clearance请求某人批准to

5、 seek permission to do sth.from sb.wonderful prospects(对)大有前途to hold much promise(for.)我们对21世纪的展望the dreams we hold for the 21st century很有潜力/大有作为( of sth.) to have much to offer为未来开辟新前景to open up new vistas of the future没有前途to have no future毫无前途的工作a dead-end job为前途担忧to be uneasy in ones mind about t

6、he future对前程把握不大to be insecure of the future看到前途有危险to see rocks ahead着眼于长远观点to be committed to a long-turn view对某人/某事物来说前景不妙/暗淡to be a bad/bleak/grim/poor look-out for sb./sth.对前途担心/忧虑重重to brood miserably about/to be worried about ones future不可能有什么前途(of sth.) can lead nowhere没有什么潜力或作用to have little

7、to offer有极大的潜能to have great possibilities对某人来说不妙的前景a bad lookout for sb.传的前途暗淡(of sth.) to obscure/dim the prospect of.前途无望的个人/组织/企业/事物a lame duck毁了自己的前程to cook ones goose的可能性很大there is a strong/high possibility that.的可能性很小there is a fairly weak/low/slight possibility that.说丧气话的人a prophet of doom对前途

8、失去信心的人a calamity prophet没有出息的少年 a neer-do-well lad三、情景译例精选我们有无限光明的前途。There is an infinitely bright future ahead of us.这些年轻人有美好的前程。These young people have good propects/a bright future.我相信我的这位学生很有前途。I believe that this student of mine will go a long way/go far.人们请求我发表告别演说;无非就是用流畅的千篇一律的套话总结一年的情况;再预测出下

9、个月或下一年的前景。I have been asked to give a validictory address;to wrap up the year in a smooth package of rhetoric;to unroll what might be the scenario next month or next fall.经选举产生新政府,举国上下对前景十分乐观。There was a feeling of optimism in the country when the new government was elected.这个城市的工业发展前景光明/暗淡。There is

10、 a bright/bleak outlook for the citys industry.激光在医学领域是大有作为的。Laser has much to offer in medical field.他目前正是最有前途的时刻/正是春风得意的时候。The world is now his oyster.这一系统目前正处在实验阶段,但其前景据认为是十分光明的。The system is still in its investigative stages, but it is believed to hold great promise.哪个行业似乎更有发展前途?Which industry a

11、ppears to offer the best prospects for the future?从这篇社论我们可清晰地展望世界的思潮和成就。From the editorial we can gain a clear perspective of the worlds thought and achievement.他们的前途很暗淡。Their future looks black/bleak./They have a bleak prospect.这个国家的经济逐步恢复增长,前景看好。The countrys economy is steadily recovering with bri

12、ght prospects.政府不应该浪费资金去扶持那些前途无望的企业。The government should not waste money supporting lame ducks.前景似颇暗淡,但我仍满怀希望。The future looks rather gloomy, but I live in hope.这是一个能毁掉他前程的错误。This is a mistake that could mar his career.我们把希望寄托于前途无量的青年。We anchor our hopes in young people with brilliant prospects.赁她的

13、才干,她将前途无量。With her gumption she will make a great success of herself.前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。While the prospects are bright, the road has twists and turns.我们公司的产品销售前景广阔。There are broad prospects for marketing our companys products.远瞻未来,中国有着光明的前途。Foresi ght tells us that China has a bright future.From a futura

14、ma/Gazing into futurity/Looking forward to the future, we can say that China has a bright future.这座立交桥的设计具有前瞻性。The design of the flyover is futuramic.我们面对失业率进一步增高而前景堪虑。We face the grim prospect of still higher unemployment.超导特性对实际的工程应用大有前途。The property of superconductivity holds great promise for pr

15、actical engineering applications.展望我国的电子工业,前途一片大好。The prognosis for the future of the electronics industry of our country is encouraging.我们公司正处在紧要关头:如果这次交易成功,前途自无问题,否则就要破产。Our company is at the crossroads:if this deal succeeds, our future is assured;if not, we shall be bankrupt.前景好得不能再好了。The prospects couldnt be rosier.她认为这家公司前途十分美好。She painted a rosy picture of the firms future.这一新的工作,严格说来并不算什么提升,不过以后很有发展前途。The new job is not



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