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1、Unit3 Could you please clean your room 第一课时说课稿第一课时说课稿作课人:八年级英语备课组说课内容:说课内容:1. 教材分析教材分析2. 教学目标教学目标3. 教学重难点教学重难点说教法说教法说学法说学法4. 教学过程及时间安排教学过程及时间安排5. 教学过程设计意图教学过程设计意图一、教材分析一、教材分析n1、教学内容在本单元所处的位置 本单元主题聚焦在家庭生活上,谈论家务琐事和家庭互助。家庭生活是学生生活的重要组成部分,对学生行为习惯的养成及责任感的建立起着重要的作用。因此,从话题角度上看,这一单元在本学期以及整个初中阶段的教学中具有特殊的地位和重要

2、性。作为本单元的第一课时,主要任务是通过学生主动的学习和探究,掌握六个与家务劳动有关的短语,并能使用“Could you please do sth.?”这一句型有礼貌地提出请求。话题贴近学生生活,容易调动起学生的好奇心和求知欲,有利于引导他们自主学习。同时,潜移默化地对学生进行了礼仪教育和感恩教育,于教学之中体现了情感态度和德育目标。 2、教学目标、教学目标n知识目标: 1. 认识并熟练运用有关家务的短语clean the living room,sweep the floor,make the bed ,fold the clothes,do the dishes,掌握take out t

3、he rubbish。 (要求90%的学生会说,会写) 2.掌握并准确应用目标语言:Could you please.?来表达礼貌的请求。 (要求95%的学生会说,会用)n能力目标: 通过听、说、读、写等语言交际活动,提高学生全方位运用英语的能力。鼓励学生踊跃参加课堂活动,大胆地用英语表达自己。通过小组活动锻炼学生的团队合作能力。n3、教学重点难点教学重点:学习和掌握有关家务劳动的短语并能实际运用在语境中。n教学难点:“Could you please do sth.?”表示礼貌请求的疑问句的实际运用。二、教法分析 教学中主要采用听说法、情景交际法、角色扮演法、小组互动法等学习策略,利用多媒体

4、课件来展开课堂,通过Pairwork问答式的口语交际活动来谈论如何礼貌提问。以听、说、读、写为主线,将学生置于交谈和学习的语境,发挥学生的主观能动性,在培养学生的能力上下功夫,鼓励学生创造性发挥,调动他们的学习积极性。培养学生的合作精神,提高他们的口语表达能力和学习英语的积极性。三、学法分析 英语新课标把“培养学生学习英语的兴趣,树立自信心,培养良好学习习惯和形成有效策略,发展自主学习和合作精神”放在了首位。围绕教学重点,并结合本课时学习内容以及学生实际,在课堂上经过教师创设真实语境,学生自主探究、交流讨论、对学、群学等方式,帮助学生逐步突破重、难点。让学生通过自己的观察、倾听来认知新知识,调

5、动各方面感官搜集信息,并通过师生互动、生生互动等双边语言活动,达到综合运用的目的,实现语言交流与沟通的功能。四、教学过程时间分配:1.创设情境,导入新课,呈现新知。(5mins)2.词汇学习,句型操练。 (10mins) 3.听力练习,熟悉会话情境。 (10mins) 4.创设家庭生活的情境,鼓励学生合作编排对话,分角色表演。 (10mins) 5.课堂达标测试。 (5mins)6.课后作业。五、教学过程设计意图:v1.创设情境,导入新课,呈现新知。 (设计意图:目标引领,增加学生兴趣)v2.词汇学习,句型操练。 (设计意图:检查学生词汇和句型掌握情况,为进一步展开教学做准备) v3.听力练习

6、,熟悉会话情境。 (设计意图:训练学生的听力能力,为下一步的说做准备) 4.创设家庭生活的情境,鼓励学生合作编排对话,分角色表演。(设计意图:训练学生对话及综合运用语言的能力) v5.课堂达标测试。 (设计意图:检测学生语言的掌握情况) v6.课后作业。板书设计板书设计 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Section A Period Onedo the chores =do housework Could you please .?Section APeriod OneUnit 3 Could you please clean your ro

7、om? We Love our parents. We help do the chores. =do housework=do houseworkA: What chores do you do every day?B: I every day. water the plantdo the dishes倒垃圾倒垃圾 干家务干家务洗餐具洗餐具扫地扫地做饭做饭整理床铺整理床铺叠衣服叠衣服take out the rubbishdo chores do the dishes sweep the floor make dinner make the bed fold the clothes I th

8、ink it is a little bit hot in our classroom and I want to ask someone to open the window. What can I say?I can say 1. Open the window!2. Can you open the window?3. Could you please open the window? Can you find the difference?Different ways of saying.Which is the most polite expression?最有礼貌的表达最有礼貌的表

9、达Could you please take out the rubbish?Yes, Sure./ Of course. / All right. / OK. Look and sayA: Could you please make the bed? B: Sorry, I cant. I have to do my homework.(have to do my homework)- Sorry, I cant. I am studying for my test.(am studying for my test)- Could you please fold the clothes?pl

10、ay the computer gamesCould you please not .? play soccer hereplay football on the roadCould you please not play football on the road?Im sorry. I wont do it again. What will you response if somebodysays “Could you please not”? 小组讨论小组讨论:如何有礼貌地提出请求:如何有礼貌地提出请求:Could you please _sth? 请你(做)好吗?肯定回答常用肯定回答常用

11、_否定回答常用否定回答常用_ Could you please _ _ sth.?请你不要(做)好吗? do doSure/Certainly/Of course.Sorry, I cant.not donot do注注:could是情态动词是情态动词can的过去式,但在本句中的过去式,但在本句中Could you do?不表示过去,不表示过去,用以表示礼貌,委婉或不确定的用以表示礼貌,委婉或不确定的 语气。语气。do the dishesCould you please .?sweep the floor take out the rubbishclean the living roompl

12、ay the computer gamesplay soccer hereCould you please not .? Click it.1b Listen. Who will do these chores? Check Peters mother or Peter. (1b)Chores Peters motherPeter Do the dishesSweep the floorTake out the rubbishmake the bedfold the clothesclean the living room sweep the floordo the dishesmake th

13、e bedtake out the rubbishfold the clothesclean the living room(study for my test)(clean the living room)(babysit my sister)(Yes, sure.)(do my homework)(Yes, sure.)A: Could you please take out the rubbish?B: Yes, sure./ Of course./ All right. /OK.Sorry, I cant. I have to do my homework.Sorry, I cant.

14、 I am doing the dishes.单项选择。单项选择。1. - Could you please take care of my dog? - _. Im too busy. A. Yes, you can B. Sure C. Sorry, I cantC2. - Could you please _ his bed? - Certainly! A. makes B. making C. make3. - Could I use your car? - _. A. Sure, you can B. Sorry, you can C. Sure, I canCA4. Could you help _? A. making the bed B. make the bed C. made the bedBWhat did we learn today?



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