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1、备考2025吉林省长春市朝阳区中学教师公开招聘能力测试试卷B卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、提出“和平共处”“和平过渡”“和平竞赛”的“三和路线”的前苏联领导人是()。A.斯大林B.赫鲁晓夫C.勃列日涅夫D.戈尔巴乔夫【答案】 B2、 下列关于新中国经济建设的说法,正确的是( )。A.三大改造的完成标志着新民主主义制度的建立B.“大跃进”期间国民经济协调发展C.19561966年经济建设在曲折中前进D.经济体制改革首先从城市取得突破【答案】 C3、When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarshipHaving been a Straig

2、ht A student, I believed I could_16_tough subjects and really learn somethingOne such course was World Literature given by Professor JayneI was extremely interested in the ideas he _17 _in class.A.takeB.discussC.coverD.get【答案】 A4、教育目的对整个教育工作具有导向作用、激励作用和()。A.评价作用B.选拔作用C.决定作用D.主导作用【答案】 A5、西藏的弦子属于()。A.

3、歌舞音乐B.戏曲音乐C.说唱音乐D.器乐【答案】 A6、在经济大危机期间,胡佛一再召集企业界领袖们开会敦促他们稳定物价,但他却只在私下提意见而不愿公开;他一面要求各州加快_丁程建设,另一方面又要求各州长在行动时“须谨慎从事”:对于危机下的社会救济问题,他只强调由私人慈善机构去解决问题。对此理解正确的是( ):A.胡佛政府不主张对危机进行有效的干预B.胡佛反危机的措施为罗斯福新政提供借鉴C.胡佛反危机的措施对美国经济毫无作用D.胡佛政府坚持“国家干预经济”的措施【答案】 B7、旱天雷属于哪类乐种?()A.福建南音B.江南丝竹C.河北吹歌D.广东音乐【答案】 D8、“妄想”是一种.病理性思维。其类

4、型不包括( )。A.关系妄想、被害妄想B.内心被揭露感C.夸大妄想、自罪妄想D.病理性象征思维【答案】 D9、史记记载:“楚越之地,地广人稀无积聚而多贫。”宋书曾经记载:“江南地广野丰一岁或稔,则数郡忘饥。”江南地区产生这种变化的原因不包括( )。A.中原人南迁。带来先进的生产技术B.南方战乱较少,社会相对稳定C.南方的自然条件比较优越D.南方文化比北方文化先进【答案】 D10、人的生理成熟以具有( )能力为标志。A.学习B.生殖C.创造D.思考【答案】 B11、美术的特点可以从( )、空间性四个方面来把握A.静态性B.报考性C.表现性D.抽象性【答案】 A12、非理性信念的共同特征不包括(

5、)A.绝对化要求B.过分概括化C.过度抱怨D.槽糕至极【答案】 C13、根据以下材料,回答A.deeply rootedB.quickly changedC.closely linkedD.deeply hurried【答案】 A14、根据适当过度学习原理,要想使记忆效果达到最好,学习的熟练程度应达到刚好能够回忆出来的次数的()。A.100B.120C.150D.200【答案】 C15、根据以下材料,回答A.contributeB.shareC.explainD.spread【答案】 D16、导弹只能用来打击敌人吗 我国一家航天研究所研制的“高层楼宇导弹灭火系统”改变了人们原有的想法。科研人员

6、研制的导弹装有高效灭火剂,可以远距离发射到火场的着火点,尤其适用于城市高层建筑物或其他危险场所。导弹灭火系统的研制()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 B17、下列现象不属于教育现象的是()。A.妈妈教孩子洗衣服B.初生婴儿吸奶C.成人学开车D.木匠教徒弟手艺【答案】 B18、 1938年初,国民政府颁布多部法规,要求将每一工厂、商号、银行、钱庄都纳入同业工会内,又将每一同业工会纳入当地商会内。这些法规( )。A.抑制了官僚资本膨胀B.挫败了日军经济掠夺C.防止了国民经济崩溃D.积聚了抗战经济力量【答案】 D19、C A decline in memory as a result of ageing

7、 can be temporarily reversed using a harmless form of electrical brain stimulation, scientists have found. The study focused on a part of cognition called working memory, the brain system that holds information for short periods while we are making decisions or performing calculations. Working memor

8、y is crucial for a wide variety of tasks, such as recognising faces, doing arithmetic and navigating a new environment. Working memory is known to steadily decline with age. One factor in this decline is thought to be a disconnection between two brain networks. In the study, published in the journal

9、 Nature Neuroscience, 42 people aged 20-29 and 42 people aged 60-76 were assessed in a working memory task. The older group were slower and less accurate on the tests. The scientists then subjected them all to 25 minutes of non-invasive brain stimulation. This aimed to make the two target brain regi

10、ons work together by passing gentle pulses of electricity through the scalp(头皮)and into the brain. After the treatment, working memory in the older adults improved to match the younger group and the effect appeared to last for 50 minutes after the stimulation. Those who had scored worst to start wit

11、h showed the largest improvements. While these results were exciting and promising. Dardo Tomasi, a scientist at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism in Bethesda, who was not involved in the work said that larger studies would be needed to confirm the findings and assess how they m

12、ight be applied clinically. D. James Picket e head of research at the Alzheimers Society, said, “We cant cure, prevent or even slow down dementia (痴呆 ),so it vital we explore all possible areas for treatments. Altering and correcting the circuitry of the brain with technology is a new exciting avenu

13、e of research for dementia. Deep-brain simulation a surgical procedure used in Parkinsons, is proof of principle that this approach may one day be fruiA.The approach is successful for slowing down the decline in memoryB.Those who had worst memory demonstrated fewer improvementsC.More researches are

14、needed before the results are applied to patientsD.Preserving the circuitry of brain is a direction of research for dementi A【答案】 C20、下列歌曲片段的曲作是()。A.韦伯B.舒尔曼C.德尔松D.西贝柳斯【答案】 A21、“拔苗助长”、“凌节而施”违背了个体身心发展的()。A.阶段性B.顺序性C.不平衡性D.互补性【答案】 B22、兰格的情绪理论属于( )。A.认知理论B.外周理论C.丘脑理论D.动机理论【答案】 B23、在练习过程中,共同的表现是开始进步快,中间有一个明显的暂时停顿期,这个时期被称为( )。A.稳定期



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