定语从句 (2)

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《定语从句 (2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《定语从句 (2)(38页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 请阅读请阅读名校课堂名校课堂第第82页的同步语法,页的同步语法,并回答下列问题。(并回答下列问题。(5 分钟)分钟)1.1.什么是什么是定语从句定语从句?2.2.什么是什么是先行词先行词?3.3.什么是什么是关系词关系词?关系词分为?关系词分为 和和 ? 关系代词关系代词是指那些?是指那些?关系副词关系副词是指那些?是指那些?4.4.关系词关系词在句中的在句中的位置位置和和作用作用是什么?是什么? 在主从复合句中,在主从复合句中,修饰某一名词或修饰某一名词或代词的从句代词的从句叫叫定语从句定语从句。1.1.什么是什么是定语从句定语从句?2.2. 什么是什么是先行词先行词?被定语从句所修饰的被

2、定语从句所修饰的名词名词或或代词代词称称为为先行词。先行词。3. 3. 什么是什么是关系词关系词?关系词分为?关系词分为 和和 ? 关系代词关系代词是指那些?是指那些?关系副词关系副词是指那些?是指那些?关系词:关系词:关系词关系词分为分为:关系代词:关系代词:是指是指that, which, who(主格)主格), whom(宾格)(宾格), whose(所有格)(所有格)关系副词:关系副词: 是指是指when, where, why.是是引导定语从句的词引导定语从句的词。关系代词关系代词和和关系副词关系副词。4.4.关系词关系词在句中的在句中的位置位置和和作用作用是什么?是什么? 关系词关

3、系词放在放在先行词先行词和和定语从句定语从句之之间间( (即:先行词即:先行词关系词关系词定语从句定语从句),),起起到到连接连接作用;同时又作用;同时又作定语从句的一个作定语从句的一个成分成分(主语主语/ /宾语宾语/ /定语定语/ /状语状语)。关系)。关系代词所替代的词在从句中不能再出现。代词所替代的词在从句中不能再出现。Look at the photos (that) I took on my trip. 定语从句定语从句关系词关系词that为关系词(也叫引导词),在从句中为关系词(也叫引导词),在从句中代替代替photos,作宾语作宾语,可以省略可以省略。先行词先行词例如:例如:一

4、、一、that 引导的定语从句引导的定语从句: 请观察下面的几个例句:请观察下面的几个例句:I have some photos (that) I took in Australia.The camel (that) I rode had a bad temper.Who is the girl that talked to you yesterday?定语从句定语从句关系词,作宾语关系词,作宾语关系词,作宾语关系词,作宾语关系词,作主语关系词,作主语定语从句定语从句定语从句定语从句先行词,物先行词,物先行词,动物先行词,动物先行词,人先行词,人 先行词先行词为为无生命的东西无生命的东西,或,

5、或有生命的有生命的动物或人动物或人都用来都用来that引导定语从句。引导定语从句。 that在从句中在从句中作主语作主语或或宾语宾语,作,作宾语宾语时,时,可以可以省略省略。 得出结论:得出结论:The photo which we liked best was taken by Zhao Min.定语从句定语从句先行词,物先行词,物引导词,作宾语引导词,作宾语二、二、whichwhich引导的定语从句:引导的定语从句:例如:例如: 先行词为先行词为无生命的东西无生命的东西时用时用whichwhich引导。引导。whichwhich在从句中作在从句中作主语主语或或宾语宾语,作作宾语宾语时可以时

6、可以省略省略。得出结论:得出结论:Hes the boy who won the photo competition last year. 例如:例如:定语从句定语从句先行词,人先行词,人引导词,作主语引导词,作主语三、三、whowho引导的定语从句引导的定语从句: 得出结论:得出结论:如果如果先行词是人先行词是人,那么定语从句的引,那么定语从句的引导词用导词用who。注意:注意:who 在从句中在从句中作主语作主语,whom 在在从句中从句中作宾语作宾语,但现代语法规则大多数,但现代语法规则大多数情况下都可用情况下都可用who作主语或宾语作主语或宾语。如:如:Do you know the

7、boy_ our teacher talked with just now?whom/who 如:如:他是我们班唯一一个父亲是警察的学生。他是我们班唯一一个父亲是警察的学生。He is the only student in our class whose father is a policeman.定语从句定语从句引导词引导词四、四、whose 引导的定语从句:引导的定语从句:whose=the students,作定语作定语, 修饰修饰father先行词,是人先行词,是人又如:又如:那本那本封面是绿色的封面是绿色的书是我的。书是我的。The book whose cover is gree

8、n is mine.定语从句定语从句引导词引导词先行词,是物先行词,是物whose=the books,作定语作定语, 修饰修饰cover得出结论得出结论:n先行词为先行词为人人或或物物都可以用都可以用whose引引导定语从句,其特点是:导定语从句,其特点是:whose作作定语,修饰后面的名词定语,修饰后面的名词。在在先行词是物先行词是物的定语从句中,一般情的定语从句中,一般情况下况下that和和which都可以通用都可以通用, 但在下但在下列情况下列情况下, 一般一般用用that而而不用不用which。Is there anything I can do for you?1. 先行词为先行词

9、为all, everything, nothing, something, anything, little, much 等等不定代词不定代词时。如:时。如:that2. 先行词被先行词被序数词序数词或或最高级最高级修饰时。修饰时。如:如:This is the first book he has read.that3. 先行词被先行词被the only, the last-修饰时。修饰时。如:如:This is the only student couldnt pass the exam.that4. 先行词为先行词为人和物的组合人和物的组合。如:。如:They talked for an

10、hour of things and persons they remembered in the school.that5. 当当主句主句是由是由who或或which开头提问的开头提问的特殊疑问句特殊疑问句时,为了避免重复而用时,为了避免重复而用that。如:。如:Which is the book you will give me?that1.That is the only problem _I dont know.2. We went to the farm _ was not far away from our school last month.3. The person _ is

11、 talking to Mr. Li is Jims father.4. Do you know anyone _ father is a doctor?选词填空选词填空(that,which, who, whom, whose )。thatwhich/thatwho/thatwhose检测检测5. They talked about the teachers and things _ they remembered in school.6. This is the best film I have ever seen.7. That is the man they talked about

12、yesterday.8. You can take anything _ you like.that thatthat whom/who/ that1.(11,百色百色) The policeman caught the thief _ has stolen Mr.Lis computer. A. which B. whose C. whom D. who2. (12,百色百色) They are talking too much , I dont like the persons _ talk much but do less. A. who B. whom C. whose D. whic

13、h3. (13,百色百色)- Have you ever listened to the song Gangnam Style _ is very popular these days? - Of course . The dancing is so funny. A. where B. who C. which D. what4. Thisisthebesthotelinthecity_Iknow.A.whereB.whichC.thatD.it5.Canyoulendmethedictionary_lastSunday?A.thatyouboughtB.youboughtitC.thaty

14、ouboughtitD.whichyouboughtit课堂小结课堂小结 先行词为:先行词为: 定从的引导词:定从的引导词: 物物 人人 人或物,人或物, 后接名词后接名词that/which that/who/whom whose 五、关系副词五、关系副词when, where, why 引导的定语从句引导的定语从句 n关系副词关系副词when, where, why分别分别代替的先行词是代替的先行词是时间、地点时间、地点或或原因原因的名词,在从句中作的名词,在从句中作状语状语。1. when指时间,在定语从句中做时间状语时间状语 n(1) I still remember the day

15、I first came to our school. (作 语) 注意区别:That was the day I have never forgotton.(作 语)n (2) The time we got together finally came. (作 语)宾宾thatwhenwhen 状状 状状2. where指地点,在定语从句中做地点状语地点状语 。n(1) Shanghai is the city (= ) I was born. (作 语)注意: Shanghai is the city I like best. (作 语)n(2) The house (= ) I live

16、d ten years ago has broken (作 语)注意:Kunming is called Spring City is a beautiful city. (作 语)that /which that /which in whichwherein whichwhere 状状 状状宾宾主主3. why指原因,在定语从句中做原因状语原因状语 n(1) Please tell me the reason why you missed the plane. n(2) I dont know the reason why he looks unhappy today 六、介词六、介词+wh

17、ich : 1)介词后面的关系代词不能省略。)介词后面的关系代词不能省略。2)that前不能有介词。前不能有介词。3) 某些在从句中充当时间,地点某些在从句中充当时间,地点或原因状语的或原因状语的“介词介词+which”结构结构可以可以同同关系副词关系副词when ,where ,why互换互换。 December 12 was the day when ( = ) I was born . Beijing is the place where (= ) I was born. Is this the reason why (= ) you were late for school? 例如:o

18、n whichin whichfor which例如:例如: This is the house I lived two years ago. Do you remember the day_ you joined our club? in which / whereon which / when历届中考题:历届中考题:l1. -Do you know the girl is standing underl the tree? l -She is my little sister.l A. who B. whom C. whose D. which l2. -What are you look

19、ing for? l -Im looking for the book I boughtl yesterday. l A. who B. which C. whose D. what AB3. -Who is the man was talking to our English teacher? l-Oh! Its Mr. Baker, our math teacher.l A. he B. that C. whom D. which 4. At last, the thief handed everything he had stolen to the police.l A. which B

20、. what C. that D. who BC5. -Is the girl is interviewing the manager of that company your friend?l -Yes, she is a journalist from CCTV.lA. whom B. which C. who D. whose 6.My parents usually buy me some simple clothes can last a long time.lA. who B. that C. whom D. whose CB7. He is the only student pl

21、ays table tennis better than Jim.lA. why B. where C. who D. which 8. My uncle was a volunteer just came back from Wenchuan.lA. who B. whose C. whom D. which 9.The camel I rode was very lazy.lA. that B. whose C. who D. where CAA10. Kunming is called Spring City is a beautiful city.lA. who B. which C.

22、 when D. where 11. Do you know the young lady your mother is talking?lA. who B. whom C. with whom 12. Ive found some pictures of the most interesting places you can visit during the winter holidays. lA. where B. which C. what D. that BCD13.Isthistheriver_Icanswim?lA.whichB.inwhichlC.thatD.theone14.ThisisthedayIwillneverforget.lA.whichB.onwhichC.whenD.who15.ThisistheplaceIgrewup.lA.thatB.whichC.whereD.onwhich小结:小结:先行词指-引导词在从句中作-引导词用-时间时间状语地点地点状语原因原因状语whenwherewhySo much for today!Thank you for your listening.



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