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1、1. confusing adj. 令人困惑的令人困惑的 confused adj. 困惑的困惑的 confuse vt. 使困惑使困惑2. variety n. 种类种类 various adj. 各种各样的各种各样的 vary v. 改变,变化改变,变化3. remark n. v. 评论评论 remarkable adj. 显著的;非凡的显著的;非凡的4. announcement n. 声明;宣告声明;宣告 announce v. 声明;宣告声明;宣告1 His confused expression suggests that he gets confused by this con

2、fusing problem. We were impressed with a wide variety of plants in the garden, whose flowers were various, and their heights varied from 10cm to 15cm.25. edition n. 期;版期;版 edit n. v. 编辑编辑6. add vt. 加;增加加;增加 addition n. 增加增加7. simplify vt. 简化简化 simple adj. 简单的简单的8. combination n. 组合;结合组合;结合 combine v

3、t.组合;结合组合;结合9. criticise vt. 批评批评 critic n. 批评家批评家10.reference n. 参考;查阅参考;查阅 refer v. 参考;查阅;提及;涉及参考;查阅;提及;涉及31.adj. 令人困惑的令人困惑的 adj. 困惑的困惑的 vt. 使困惑使困惑2. n. 种类种类 adj. 各种各样的各种各样的 v. 改变,变化改变,变化3. n. v. 评论评论 adj. 显著的;非凡的显著的;非凡的4. n. 声明;宣告声明;宣告 v. 声明;宣告声明;宣告45.n. 期;版期;版 n. v. 编辑编辑6.vt. 加;增加加;增加 n. 增加增加 7.

4、vt. 简化简化 adj. 简单的简单的8. n. 组合;结合组合;结合 vt.组合;结合组合;结合9.vt. 批评批评 n. 批评家批评家10. n. 参考;查阅参考;查阅v. 参考;查阅;提及;涉及参考;查阅;提及;涉及51 有相同的特点有相同的特点 2 语言学家语言学家3 有影响,使不同有影响,使不同 4 口音口音 5 显然的,显而易见的显然的,显而易见的 6 (英)高速公路(英)高速公路 7 (英)地铁(英)地铁 8 (美美)地铁地铁 9 四处走动四处走动 10 (美)手电筒(美)手电筒 11 (英)排队(等候)(英)排队(等候)12 令人困惑的,难懂的令人困惑的,难懂的13 介词介词

5、 14 比较比较 15 省略省略 16 种类种类 61不同,有区别不同,有区别 2 移民,定居者移民,定居者3与与相似相似 4 评论,讲话评论,讲话 5变化变化 6 做某事有困难做某事有困难7 不断地,持续地不断地,持续地 8 卫星卫星9 轻打;轻弹;抖动轻打;轻弹;抖动10 开关开关11引起,导致引起,导致 12 结构,体系结构,体系13 迅速地迅速地 14 声明,宣告声明,宣告15 语言学语言学71(广播、电视节目的)期;版(广播、电视节目的)期;版2 逗人喜爱的逗人喜爱的 3 加;增加加;增加4同意;支持同意;支持5 陈述;提出(观点、计划等)陈述;提出(观点、计划等)6称称为为 7 努

6、力;尝试努力;尝试8 简化简化 9 组合;结合组合;结合10 幸亏,多亏幸亏,多亏 11 与众不同的与众不同的12 外观;外表;样子外观;外表;样子 13 批评批评14 标准的标准的 15参考;查阅参考;查阅81. have in common 有共同之处有共同之处2. make a difference 有影响有影响3. get around 四处走动四处走动4. be similar to 与与 相似相似5. have difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事有困难做某事有困难6. lead to 引起;导致引起;导致7. in favour of 同意;支持同意;支持8

7、. refer toas 称称为为9. thanks to 幸亏;多亏幸亏;多亏10. wear off 逐渐减弱、消失、磨损逐渐减弱、消失、磨损911. queue up 排队等候排队等候101. have in common2. make a difference3. get around 4. be similar to5. have difficulty (in) doing sth6. lead to 7. in favour of 8. refer toas9. thanks to 10. wear off 11. queue up111.有共同之处有共同之处2.有影响有影响3.四

8、处走动四处走动4.与与 相似相似5.做某事有困难做某事有困难6.引起;导致引起;导致7.同意;支持同意;支持8.称称为为9.幸亏;多亏幸亏;多亏10.逐渐减弱、消失、磨损逐渐减弱、消失、磨损 11. 排队等候排队等候12翻译:翻译: 1.让我感到惊讶的是,他能用另一种方法解出这道题目。让我感到惊讶的是,他能用另一种方法解出这道题目。(inway) 2.多亏了李老师,我在英语方面取得了很大进步。多亏了李老师,我在英语方面取得了很大进步。(thanks to )3.他的计划在会议上引起了热烈的讨论。(他的计划在会议上引起了热烈的讨论。(lead to)4.我相信我们按时完成任务没有困难。(我相信我

9、们按时完成任务没有困难。(have difficulty in doing) 5.当你等汽车的时候,你要站队等候。(当你等汽车的时候,你要站队等候。(queue up) 6.昨天非常炎热而今天有些凉爽。昨天非常炎热而今天有些凉爽。 (while) 7.你对这个问题的答复和他的相似。(你对这个问题的答复和他的相似。(be similar to)8.除了外表之外,这两兄弟几乎没有什么共同点。除了外表之外,这两兄弟几乎没有什么共同点。(havein common)13翻译:翻译: 1.让我感到惊讶的是,他能用另一种方法解出这道题目。让我感到惊讶的是,他能用另一种方法解出这道题目。(inway) To

10、 my surprise, he can work out this problem in another way.2.多亏了李老师,我在英语方面取得了很大进步。(多亏了李老师,我在英语方面取得了很大进步。(thanks to ) Thanks to Mr. / Miss. Li, I have made great progress in English.3.他的计划在会议上引起了热烈的讨论。(他的计划在会议上引起了热烈的讨论。(lead to) His plan led to a heated discussion at the meeting.4.我相信我们按时完成任务没有困难。(我相信

11、我们按时完成任务没有困难。(have difficulty in doing) I believe we have no difficulty finishing our task on time.145.当你等汽车的时候,你要站队等候。(当你等汽车的时候,你要站队等候。(queue up) When you wait for the bus, you should queue up. 6.昨天非常炎热而今天有些凉爽。昨天非常炎热而今天有些凉爽。 (while) It was very hot yesterday while it is a bit cool today. 7.你对这个问题的答

12、复和他的相似。(你对这个问题的答复和他的相似。(be similar to) Your reply to this problem is similar to his. 8.除了外表之外,这两兄弟几乎没有什么共同点。除了外表之外,这两兄弟几乎没有什么共同点。(havein common) The two brothers have nothing in common except their appearance.15根据所给单词的汉语注释或首字母提示,写根据所给单词的汉语注释或首字母提示,写出各句中所缺单词的正确形式。出各句中所缺单词的正确形式。1. The teacher c _ him

13、because he was late for class that day. 2. It is very convenient to use the s _ during rush hours in Beijing.3. Early s _ on the American continent were mostly Europeans. 4. I think we can p _ our plan at the meeting to be held tomorrow. 5. The next e _ of the magazine will come out at the end of Ju

14、ly. 166. We found her idea d _ from all the others in the team. 7. I noticed hundreds of people q _ for tickets in front of the booking office. 8. The team failed in its a _ to win the title of the season. 9. It is dark outside and you had better take a f _ with you. 10. The girl is so c _ that we a

15、re all fond of her. 1711. To my delight, the students are making progress _ (不断地不断地). 12. The foreign teacher speaks _ (标准的标准的) English. 13. The new manager refused to _(采用)(采用)my plan to increase production. 14. Changes in languages are studied by the _(语言学家)(语言学家). 15. This sentence is very import

16、ant and should not be _ (删除删除) in the paragraph. 181.criticized 2. subway 3. settlers 4. present 5. edition 6. differed 7. queued 8. attempt 9. flashlight 10. cute 11. steadily 12. standard 13. adopt 14. linguists 15. omitted 19WORD20I found I had a lot in common with these people.four women with al

17、most nothing in common The two games have much in common.In common with a lot of other countries, were in an economic recession (衰退衰退).1. have a lot / much/ sth/ little/ nothing in common with sb/sth 有很多有很多/一些一些/几乎没有几乎没有/没有共同之处没有共同之处212. make a/some/much/no difference to 对对有有/没有没有 影响影响/重要重要Morning o

18、r afternoon, it makes no difference to me.It wont make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow. It does make a difference whether we can speak English fluently.223. It is obvious (that) 显然,很明显显然,很明显It is quite obvious that he is obvious to sb that对对来说很清楚来说很清楚It might be obvious to

19、you, but it isnt to me.It was obvious to everyone that the child had been badly treated. 大家都清楚那孩子受过虐待大家都清楚那孩子受过虐待.obviously adv. 显然,明显地显然,明显地Obviously, television has both advantages and disadvantages.Obviously, you dont understand me.234. queue n./v. 队伍、排队队伍、排队a queue of people waiting for the bust

20、he queue for the busThere was a long queue to get into the cinema.jump the queue 插队插队queue (up) for/ to do 排队做某事排队做某事The school is one of the best, and parents are queuing up to send their children there.We queued up for the tickets for an hour.245. confuse v. 使迷惑、混淆、分不清使迷惑、混淆、分不清to confuse black an

21、d white 把把和和混淆混淆to confuse Mr. A with Mr. B adj. confusing / confusedbe confused about If youre confused about anything, phone my office.25 His theory is so confusing that I often get confused at his words. 他的理论如此难懂以至于我常对他的话他的理论如此难懂以至于我常对他的话感到困惑。感到困惑。266. compare with / to_ with the size of the whol

22、e earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all. (2004湖北卷湖北卷) A. Compare B. When comparing C. Comparing D. When compared Michaels new house is like a huge palace, _ with his old one. (2009重庆重庆)A. comparing B. comparesC. to compare D. comparedD. When comparedD. compared27compare with/to 把把与与相比相比c

23、ompareto 把把比作比作compared with/to 与与比起来比起来Poets have compared sleep to death.287. omit v. 省略、删除、遗漏、忘记省略、删除、遗漏、忘记 omit to do/doing omission n. omitting / omittedDont omit locking /to lock the door. John omitted preparing his lessons that day.8. vary v. 变化变化 from to various adj. 各种各样的、不同的各种各样的、不同的 varie

24、ty n.种类种类,品种品种,多样化多样化 a of各种各样的各种各样的 variation n. 变化变化in/of/among/mon 2. difference 3. obvious 4. queue 5. confuse 6. compare 7. omit 8.vary309.differ from 与与不同、有区别、不一样不同、有区别、不一样 differ from/with sb on/about sth 关于某事与某人意见不同关于某事与某人意见不同Im sorry to differ with you on that. Chinese differs greatly from

25、Japanese in pronunciation. differ fromin= be different fromindiffer with = disagree withmake a differencetell the difference betweenand分辨分辨和和的不同的不同3111. remark on/upon 评论、评述评论、评述 remark that 说说She remarked (that) wed better go at once. The judge made a few remarks on our performance.10.settle v. 定居、

26、解决、决定定居、解决、决定settle down 定居定居 settle in 迁入新居并安顿好迁入新居并安顿好Thats settled. 就这么决定了。就这么决定了。How long did it take you to settle down in this country?12. after all 毕竟、终究毕竟、终究 above all 首先、尤其首先、尤其 in all 总共总共3213. have no/a little/much/great difficulty /trouble /a hard time (in) doing sth有一点儿有一点儿/很多很多/巨大的巨大的

27、困难困难Do you have any difficulty in understanding spoken English?I have difficulty (in) remembering names.have difficulty/trouble with sth3314. lead to 导致导致,结果是结果是,引起引起 result in/ causeEating too much fat can lead to heart disease.It was a medical error which led to the death of the patient.look forwa

28、rd to; refer to; pay attention to; devoteto; stick to; object to; contribute to; get down to; the attitude to; the key/ answer / solution to; get/be used to; belong to3415. present v. 陈述陈述,赠送赠送,颁发颁发Present your ideas to the rest of the class.present sb with sth present sth to sb 向向赠送赠送He presents hi

29、s views to his classmates very clearly. He presented the teacher with a notebook. present adj.在场的在场的; 现在的现在的 n. 礼物礼物at present =at the present time 目前目前.现在现在All the students present were given a small present.At present, people present here can not present a good solution to problem.35be present at

30、出席出席for the present 暂时暂时 One expert present at the meeting presented me with a book on the present financial crisis as a present. 出席会议的一位专家送给我一本关出席会议的一位专家送给我一本关于当前金融危机的书作为礼物。于当前金融危机的书作为礼物。3616. Janes pale face suggested that she was ill, and her parents suggested that she should have a medical examination.17. attempt to do sth 试图做某事试图做某事 =make an attempt to do sth try to do sth try doing sth manage to do sth 成功做某事成功做某事 = succeed in doing sth379. differ 10. settle 11. remark 12. all短语短语 13. 介词带介词带to的短语的短语 14. present 15. suggest 16. attempt38



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