高中英语《Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia》课件4 外研版必修3.ppt

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1、Module 4 Sandstorms in AsiaLearning Goals:1. Learn some words and their usages in this module.2. Learn to write a short passage about environment.一.【学情调查,情境导入】1、n.主修科目主修科目 v.主修主修 a.主修的主修的,主要的主要的2、因此,结果、因此,结果3、保护、保护v. n. 4、持续了、持续了10小时小时5、突然遭遇、突然遭遇(恶劣天气等恶劣天气等)6、砍伐(树木)、砍伐(树木) 7、如此、如此以至于以至于 8、阻止某人做某事、阻止

2、某人做某事majorprotectprotectionlast (for) 10 hoursbe caught incut down (trees) sothatprevent sb. from doing sth. as a resultDisasters of Nature:沙尘暴,沙尘暴,龙卷风,龙卷风,飓风飓风, 台风,台风,地震,地震,海啸,海啸,洪水,洪水,闪电闪电, 雷暴,雷暴,火山喷发火山喷发sandstorm, tornado, hurricane,typhoon, earthquake, tidal wave / tsunami flood,lightning, thund

3、erstorm,volcanic eruption沙尘暴形成有三个要素:即强风、沙源和不稳定的沙尘暴形成有三个要素:即强风、沙源和不稳定的空气空气 。除上述三大因素之外,人类生产活动等因素。除上述三大因素之外,人类生产活动等因素对沙尘暴的形成也很重要。如人为破坏植被、工矿对沙尘暴的形成也很重要。如人为破坏植被、工矿交通建设、大规模施工等对地表的破坏,为沙尘暴交通建设、大规模施工等对地表的破坏,为沙尘暴发生发展提供了细沙和尘土。发生发展提供了细沙和尘土。 Central AsiaNorth AmericaCentral AfricaAustralia二.【问题展示,合作探究】 Sandstorm

4、s have been a _ disaster for many Asian countries. They are _ frightening _ a person who has _ one thinks that to have _ _ _ it is a terrible experience. Now people _ _ more trees and dig up more grass. _, sandstorms appear to have increased in recent years. To _ the situation becoming worse, the go

5、vernment is planting more trees.majorsothatsurvivedbeen caught incut downAs a resultpreventprevent, major, be caught in, surviveso-that-, cut down, as a result, She said she would come to see me _.她说,要是没什么事情她说,要是没什么事情她说,要是没什么事情她说,要是没什么事情阻碍她的话,她就来看我。阻碍她的话,她就来看我。阻碍她的话,她就来看我。阻碍她的话,她就来看我。1. prevent prev

6、ent + n.if nothing prevented her prevent + n. + (from) + doing 我们必须阻止禽流感的蔓延。我们必须阻止禽流感的蔓延。我们必须阻止禽流感的蔓延。我们必须阻止禽流感的蔓延。We must prevent bird flu (from) spreading.Key words表示表示“阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事”的三个短语是:的三个短语是:prevent sb. (from) doing sth. stop sb.( from) doing sth.keep sb. from doing sth.2. major1) adj.主要的,主

7、修的主要的,主修的2) n. (大学的大学的)主修科目主修科目; 主修学生主修学生3) vi.主修主修 major inEnglish is my major subject.His major is likely to be IT in the future.He is likely to major in IT in the future.3. be caught in突然遭遇突然遭遇(恶劣天气等恶劣天气等) 我被大雨淋了。我被大雨淋了。_I was caught in the heavy rain. be caught in in 遇到,陷入遇到,陷入Tom _and was late

8、for work.汤姆遇上堵车,上班迟到了。汤姆遇上堵车,上班迟到了。was caught in the traffic jam4. cut down:1) 砍倒砍倒 Many big trees along the roadshave been cut down for building houses._2) 降低,削减降低,削减 This factorys production has been cut down._3) 改小或缩短改小或缩短 The tailor _ my dress.裁缝正在把我的衣服改小。裁缝正在把我的衣服改小。 路边的许多大树都被砍倒建房了。路边的许多大树都被砍倒建

9、房了。这家工厂的产量减少了。这家工厂的产量减少了。is cutting downGroup A: A Reporter from CCTV-channel 9Group B: A person who is cycling in a sandstorm. Task: The reporter is interviewing the person about how he/she feels when cycling in a sandstorm.cycling in a sandstormblowburyfrightening,dangerouswear a maskthick, brown-

10、yellow dustdifficult to breatheterrible experiencesandstormlastGroup A: A worker who is cutting down trees without a permit. Group B: A reporter from CCTV-channel 9Task: The reporter is interviewing the workerand tries to make him realize the bad effects on the environment of cutting down trees. the

11、 bad effects on the environment of cutting down treesCause sandstormWash the earth awayGlobal warming .Group A: A reporter from CCTV-channel 9Group B: A volunteer (志愿者志愿者) who protects the environment.Task: The reporter is interviewing the volunteer on his/her opinion on the environmental protection

12、. 保护环境保护环境 从我做起从我做起How to protect the environmentLets go cycling! What Should We Do to HelpProtect the EnvironmentI will cycle to work instead of driving my car. ?Part 1: HeadingPart 2: A picturePart 3: More informationStructure of a poster:Task:Design a posterthat encouragespeople to protectthe env

13、ironmentA posterHelp the planetStop cutting down trees!Homework1.Finish your poster. 2.Evaluate your group members performanceon oral English.Thank You_, people cut down trees and dig up grass to build houses and grow more crops._, desertification becomes so serious that it causes many sandstorms ev

14、ery year. _ sandstorms have become a major problem that many countries are facing, having a great effect on peoples lives. Sometimes its difficult for people to survivea sandstorm. To prevent sandstorms, _, we should plant more trees and keep the balance of nature.In recent yearsGraduallyNowadaysthe

15、reforeSometimes1.The bad weather prevented us _ the project on time.A.to complete B. completed C. completing D. from complete2. If city noises _ from increasing, people _ shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now.A.are not kept; will have to B. are not kept; have toC. do not keep;

16、 will have to D. do not keep; have to CA1).The _ aim of the air raid was the complete destruction of the city. A. most B. mostly C. major D. majority2). It was unbelievable for _ little children to cover _ many miles in _ tough weather.A. such; so; such B. so; so; suchC. such; such; so C. so; such;

17、soCA3). In such dry weather the flowers will have to be watered if they _.A. have survived B. are to survive C. would survive D. will survive4).The government must take measures to prevent rivers _ . A. polluted B. pollutingC. from polluting D. being pollutedBD5). With the electricity _ , all the ma

18、chines stopped. A. cut off B. cut down C. was cut off D. was cut down6). If traffic moves at low speed, the number of accidents is _. A. pulled back B. cut down C. cut off D. turned offAB7). When the mother returned, she saw her son _ vegetables into pieces. A. cut down B. cut up C. to cut down D. t

19、o cut up8). The moment I began to speak, he _. A. cut down B. cut off C. cut in D. cut upBC9) A storm is probable to come. Lets hurry so as not to _ it.A. catch B. be caughtC. be caught in C. catch inC1.为了种地建房,人们毁坏森林破坏草皮。为了种地建房,人们毁坏森林破坏草皮。 (cut down)2. 土地沙漠化变得如此的严重,每年都有许土地沙漠化变得如此的严重,每年都有许多可怕的沙尘暴发生。多

20、可怕的沙尘暴发生。(sothat-)People cut down trees and dig up grass to build houses and grow more crops.Desertification becomes so serious that it causes many terrible sandstorms every year.3. 沙尘暴成为许多国家正面临的一个主要问沙尘暴成为许多国家正面临的一个主要问 题,严重地影响了人们的生活。题,严重地影响了人们的生活。(major)4.有时人们很难幸存于一场沙尘暴中。有时人们很难幸存于一场沙尘暴中。(survive)San

21、dstorms have become a major problem that many countries are facing,having a great effect on peoples lives.Sometimes its difficult for people to survive a sandstorm.5.为了防止沙尘暴,我们应该多种树,保为了防止沙尘暴,我们应该多种树,保 持生态平衡。持生态平衡。(prevent) To prevent sandstorms, we should plant more trees and keep the balance of nat

22、ure.1.He _ (经历) great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country.2. She prepared for all _(可能性) by taking a sunhat, a raincoat and a woolly scarf.3._(幸运的是) I was able to keep the car in control until I could pull over and stop.4. No one has given out a _ (警告) of the imminent danger.5. The flo

23、od did a lot of _(损害)to the crops.6. That plane crash_(发生)only minutes after take-off.experiencedpossibilitiesFortunately warningdamageoccurred7. Tornadoes are _(强烈的)whirlwinds which vary in their width from a few yards to 1300 feet.8. Applicants for the job must have_(先前的)experience. 9. Police are

24、investigating the_(原因)of the explosion.10. Our hotel has a_(世界范围的)reputation for good service.violentpreviouscausesworldwide【预习指导,新课链接预习指导,新课链接】预习课题:Sandstorms in Asia 预习目标:1.阅读课文,并理解其大意 2. 找出课文中重点句型,并背诵1. Sandstorms have been a major disaster for many Asian countries for centuries.2. To haven been

25、caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience.3. It was the most frightening and the most dangerous situation Ive ever been in.4. This is a process that happens when land becomes desert because of climate changes and because people cut down trees and dig up grass.5. When a sandstorm arrives in the city, weather experts advise people not to go out.6. Already the government has planted more than 30 billion trees and plans to continue planting for the next five years. God helps those who help themselves.



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