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1、Part Two: After-Class Reading After-Class ReadingPassage 1 Fatal AttractionPassage 2 Wow, Would I Love to Do ThatFatal AttractionPassage 12. Words and Expressions3. Key Sentences1. Main PointsPart Two: After-Class Reading Passage IPart Two: After-Class Reading Passage IMain PointsRead the following

2、summary and fill in the blanks with the information you get from the reading passage. Agatha Christie is a famous murder mystery writer of Britain. The 1)_ of her books lies in the cleverly 2)_ plot, those easily 3)_ characters and the 4)_ set by all her stories. appeal constructed recognizablepuzzl

3、e To be continuedPart Two: After-Class Reading Passage IMain Points Usually her books 5)_ with a murder and the fun for reader is in 6)_ the clues and 7) _ the right solution. The most famous 8) _ in Christies books are Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. startfollowing reaching investigators To be cont

4、inuedPart Two: After-Class Reading Passage I Her stories include people from different walks of life and social 9)_. And her stories often happen in quiet 10)_ or country houses. Christies world is not a real world and therefore the crime must be 11)_. But the real world is not a 12)_ place. Anyway,

5、 people today remain attracted by 13)_. So long as human beings still have the 14) _ toward the world, the whodunits will continue to 15)_ its fatal attraction.hierarchy villages solved safe whodunitscuriosityexert Part Two: After-Class Reading Passage IWords and Expressions1. to gather or collect t

6、ogether into a group or into one place 集合,聚集,召集集合,聚集,召集 1) A large crowd had assembled opposite the embassy. 一大群人聚集在大使馆对面。一大群人聚集在大使馆对面。 2) Over the years weve assembled a huge collection of old books. 这么多年来,我们收集了大量的旧书。这么多年来,我们收集了大量的旧书。assemble v.(assembly, assemblage)To be continuedPart Two: After-C

7、lass Reading Passage IWords and ExpressionsExpressions:assembly line 流水作业线,装配线流水作业线,装配线the right/freedom of assembly 集会的权利集会的权利/ /自由自由2. to put all the parts together 组合,装配组合,装配 They assemble cars in that factory. 他们在那个工厂装配汽车。他们在那个工厂装配汽车。Part Two: After-Class Reading Passage IWords and Expressions1.

8、 to do something wrong or illegal 犯错误、罪刑犯错误、罪刑 e.g. Women commit fewer crimes than men. 女性比男性的犯罪率低。女性比男性的犯罪率低。2. to promise to a certain cause, position, opinion, or course of action 承诺;许诺承诺;许诺 1) We cant commit ourselves to any concrete proposals. 我们不能允诺提供什么具体的建议。我们不能允诺提供什么具体的建议。 2) A large amount

9、of money has been committed to this project. 已经拨了一大笔钱给这项工程。已经拨了一大笔钱给这项工程。commit v.(commitment, committed)To be continuedPart Two: After-Class Reading Passage IWords and Expressions3. to order someone to be put in a hospital or prison 把某人关进医院或监狱把某人关进医院或监狱 e.g. They committed the patient to the mental

10、 hospital. 他们将患者移交给精神病院。他们将患者移交给精神病院。Expressions:commit murder/rape/adultery 犯谋杀罪犯谋杀罪/ /强奸罪强奸罪/ /通奸罪通奸罪commit sth. to memory 牢记某事牢记某事commit sth. to paper 写下某事写下某事Part Two: After-Class Reading Passage IWords and Expressions1. take sb. on: to start employ someone 开始雇用某人开始雇用某人 e.g. Were taking on 50 ne

11、w staff this year. 今年我们要雇用今年我们要雇用50名新员工。名新员工。2. take on sth.: to begin to have a quality or appearance 开始具有某种特征、面貌等开始具有某种特征、面貌等 e.g. His face took on a worried look. 他的脸上开始露出焦虑的神情。他的脸上开始露出焦虑的神情。take onTo be continuedPart Two: After-Class Reading Passage IWords and Expressions4. take sth. on: to acce

12、pt work, responsibility, etc. 接受工作,承担责任接受工作,承担责任 e.g. Dont take on more work than you can do. 不要接受超过你所能负荷的工作量。不要接受超过你所能负荷的工作量。3. take sb. on: to start a quarrel or fight with someone 开始和某人斗殴、较量开始和某人斗殴、较量My son often takes on someone twice his size and wins. 我儿子常跟块头比他大一倍的人较量我儿子常跟块头比他大一倍的人较量而且打赢。而且打赢。

13、To be continuedPart Two: After-Class Reading Passage Itake after (外貌行为等方面)与某个长辈很相像外貌行为等方面)与某个长辈很相像take back 收回说错的话;退回(货物);使某人回忆起收回说错的话;退回(货物);使某人回忆起take in 收留;包括;理解;收留;包括;理解;be taken in 被骗被骗take off 飞机起飞;模仿某人;休假;成功飞机起飞;模仿某人;休假;成功take over 接管;接任接管;接任take to 喜欢上喜欢上;染上(习惯;染上(习惯/嗜好)嗜好)take up 开始从事工作开始从事

14、工作/承担责任;占去(空间或时间承担责任;占去(空间或时间); 接受建议或挑战接受建议或挑战Words and ExpressionsOther expressions about “take”:Part Two: After-Class Reading Passage IKey Sentences1. The fun for the reader is in following the clues hidden in the story and trying to reach the correct solution before the author reveals it. (ll. 10

15、-12)The reader will have fun when they try to analyze and even solve the mysteries in the story before the author tells them the answer.读者的乐趣就在于根据故事里隐含的线索读者的乐趣就在于根据故事里隐含的线索顺藤摸瓜,试图在作者揭开谜底之前找到顺藤摸瓜,试图在作者揭开谜底之前找到正确答案。正确答案。ParaphraseTranslationTo be continuedPart Two: After-Class Reading Passage IKey Sen

16、tencesThe past participle “hidden” is used to modify “the clues”. Gerunds “following” and “trying to” are used behind preposition “in” as its objects.Comments过去分词过去分词hidden修饰修饰“the clues ”。动名词动名词following和和“trying to”担任介词担任介词in的宾语的宾语。Part Two: After-Class Reading Passage IKey Sentences2. Another sig

17、n of how popular whodunits have become are “Murder Mystery Weekends”, offered by hotels. (ll. 53-54)Some hotels often provide such activities as “Murder Mystery Weekends”. This also proves that whodunits are very popular.从酒店提供的从酒店提供的“周末谋杀奇案周末谋杀奇案”活动也活动也可以看出侦探小说有多么流行。可以看出侦探小说有多么流行。ParaphraseTranslati

18、onTo be continuedPart Two: After-Class Reading Passage IKey SentencesThe nominal clause “how popular whodunits have become” acts as the object of preposition “of”. Past participle “offered by hotels” is used to modify “Murder Mystery Weekends”, indicating passive voice. Comments名词性从句名词性从句“how popula

19、r whodunits have become”作介词作介词of的宾语。的宾语。过去分词短语过去分词短语“offered by hotels”修饰修饰“Murder Mystery Weekends”,表表被动语态。被动语态。Part Two: After-Class Reading Passage IKey Sentences3. So long as human beings remain curious, there seems no doubt that the whodunit, in all its various forms, will continue to exert its

20、 fatal attraction. (ll. 66-67)If human beings still have the curiosity towards the world around them, without doubt, all kinds of detective stories will exist and remain attractive. 只要人类还有好奇心,那么毫无疑问,各种各样只要人类还有好奇心,那么毫无疑问,各种各样的侦探小说就会继续发挥它致命的诱惑力。的侦探小说就会继续发挥它致命的诱惑力。ParaphraseTranslationTo be continuedPa

21、rt Two: After-Class Reading Passage IKey Sentences“So long as” means “if / on condition that”. 只要只要“No doubt” means that something is probably true. 多半,很可能多半,很可能Comments“Exert” means “to use (strength, influence, etc.) to gain a desired result” 施加(力量,影响)施加(力量,影响)Passage 22. Words and Expressions3. K

22、ey Sentences1. Main PointsPart Two: After-Class Reading Passage IIWow, Would I Love to Do ThatPart Two: After-Class Reading Passage IIMain PointsRead the following summary and fill in the blanks with the information you get from the reading passage. I became 1)_ in juggling when I saw a television c

23、ommercial. But at first, I was 2)_ to death of standing in front of the audience, so the chances for me were 3)_. But I learned to juggle balls by chance and was 4)_. I tried to toss a single ball first, then two balls, finally three balls. Gradually I began to add 5)_ and juggle in public for the f

24、irst time. interested scared slight hookedtricksTo be continued Finally I achieved 9) _ , and the key to it is “never 10)_”.Part Two: After-Class Reading Passage IIMain Points The audience loved my 6)_! So I added more tricks and thought about becoming a 7)_. Later, I got more chances of 8) _ and ma

25、de it more complex. performanceprofessional juggling successgive upPart Two: After-Class Reading Passage IIWords and Expressions1. without clothes or covering 赤裸的赤裸的 Jonathans bare feet made no sound in the soft sand. 乔纳森光着脚在松软的沙滩上走,一点声音都没有。乔纳森光着脚在松软的沙滩上走,一点声音都没有。2. not hidden; open to view or inspe

26、ction 未加任何修饰的未加任何修饰的 A journalist is not content to simply record the bare facts. 一名记者不满足于只记录事实真相。一名记者不满足于只记录事实真相。3. empty 空的空的 This room looks very bareyou need some pictures on the walls. 房间显得过于单调房间显得过于单调你应该在墙上挂几幅画。你应该在墙上挂几幅画。bareadj. & v.(bareness, barely)adj.To be continuedPart Two: After-Class

27、Reading Passage IIWords and ExpressionsExpressions:the bare essentials/necessities 仅够维持生活的必需品仅够维持生活的必需品the bare bones 梗概梗概lay sth. bare 显示出;揭露,揭发显示出;揭露,揭发with ones bare hands 赤手空拳赤手空拳1. to bring to view, esp. by taking off a covering; expose 露出;使暴露露出;使暴露 The dog bared its teeth. 狗露出了牙齿。狗露出了牙齿。2. bar

28、e ones heart/soul: to make known ones deepest feelings 敞开心扉,剖白心事敞开心扉,剖白心事v.Part Two: After-Class Reading Passage IIWords and Expressions1. make sth. up: to invent a story, explanation etc. in order to deceive someone 编造(说法、解释等)编造(说法、解释等) I think theyre making the whole thing up. 我认为整件事情都是他们编造出来的。我认为

29、整件事情都是他们编造出来的。2. make sb. up: to put special paint, color etc. on someones face in order to change the way they look给某人化妆给某人化妆 She never goes out without making herself up first.她不化妆的时候从来不出门。她不化妆的时候从来不出门。 make upTo be continuedPart Two: After-Class Reading Passage IIWords and Expressions3. make sth.

30、 up: to prepare, arrange, or put together ready for use 准备,布置准备,布置To be continued4. make up sth.: to form as a whole, constitute 形成,构成形成,构成 Women made up only 30% of the workforce. 妇女仅占劳动力的妇女仅占劳动力的30%。I could make up a bed for you on the couch. 我可以给你在长沙发上准备铺我可以给你在长沙发上准备铺盖。盖。Part Two: After-Class Rea

31、ding Passage IIWords and Expressions5. make sth. up: to repay or give (an amount) in return 补上,补回补上,补回 Im trying to make up the time I lost while I was sick. 我正在设法补回我生病期间耽误的时间。我正在设法补回我生病期间耽误的时间。6. make up with sb.: to become friends again after a quarrel 和好,和解和好,和解 Have you made up with Patty yet? 你

32、与帕蒂和好了吗?你与帕蒂和好了吗?To be continuedPart Two: After-Class Reading Passage IIWords and ExpressionsOther expressions about “make”:make a living 谋生谋生make away with 偷窃某物偷窃某物make for 朝朝走去;有利于走去;有利于make out (勉强)看出,听出,勉强)看出,听出,辨认出;了解某人辨认出;了解某人make up for 补偿,弥补补偿,弥补Part Two: After-Class Reading Passage IIWords

33、and Expressions1. not in passive 不用被动态不用被动态 to come to the end of a difficult or unpleasant experience or period of time度过(艰难或不愉快的一段时间)度过(艰难或不愉快的一段时间) Its going to be hard to get through the next couple of days. 未来这几天很难捱。未来这几天很难捱。get through2. to pass a test, examination, etc. 通过考试等通过考试等 He failed t

34、o get through his mid-term exams. 他没有通过期中考试。他没有通过期中考试。To be continuedPart Two: After-Class Reading Passage IIWords and Expressions3. get sb./sth. through sth.: to make sure somebody or something passes an examination, test, etc. 确保(某人或某事)通过(审查或考试)确保(某人或某事)通过(审查或考试) Youll never get that old car throu

35、gh its smog test. 你那辆旧车永远也无法通过烟雾测试。你那辆旧车永远也无法通过烟雾测试。To be continued4. get through to: to succeed in reaching somebody by telephone 用电话与某人联系上用电话与某人联系上 At last I managed to get through to one of the managers. 我终于与其中一名经理电话联系上了。我终于与其中一名经理电话联系上了。Part Two: After-Class Reading Passage IIWords and Expressio

36、nsOther expressions about “get”:get about/around 四处走动,旅行;四处走动,旅行;(新闻或消息)传开(新闻或消息)传开 get away 脱身,离开;逃避脱身,离开;逃避 get by 勉强过活勉强过活 get away with 做错事未被发觉做错事未被发觉get sth. back 取回,拿回取回,拿回 get off 出发;(罪犯)逃脱惩罚出发;(罪犯)逃脱惩罚5. get through sth.: to use a lot of something or spend a lot of money 花费,耗费花费,耗费 He gets t

37、hrough at least $500 every weekend. 他每个周末至少花他每个周末至少花500美元。美元。Part Two: After-Class Reading Passage IIKey Sentences1. But then a strange coincidence occurred, the kind of thing that makes you think its an answer to prayer, even when you havent actually prayed. (ll. 7-9)Something expected happened and

38、 it is so good that it seems like an answer to your strong hope even though you have not actually expressed it.ParaphraseTranslation但是后来发生了一件奇妙的巧事,使人觉得自己但是后来发生了一件奇妙的巧事,使人觉得自己的祈祷得到了回应的祈祷得到了回应甚至在你还没有真正祈祷甚至在你还没有真正祈祷的时候就得到回应了。的时候就得到回应了。To be continuedPart Two: After-Class Reading Passage IIKey Sentences

39、In the sentence, “the kind of thing” is the appositive of “a strange coincidence”. And the word “prayer” means “an earnest hope or wish”. Comments“The kind of thing”作作 “a strange coincidence”的同位语。的同位语。prayer意思是祈祷、愿望。意思是祈祷、愿望。Part Two: After-Class Reading Passage IIKey Sentences2. I hoped that trying

40、 them out on my family would help me feel more comfortable doing the same thing in public. (ll. 62-63)Id like to first practice my skills for my family members, so that I would feel less nervous or uneasy when I do the same thing for the public.我希望先在自己家人面前试试这一套,这样会我希望先在自己家人面前试试这一套,这样会让我在观众面前做同样事情的时候

41、更放松些。让我在观众面前做同样事情的时候更放松些。ParaphraseTranslationTo be continuedPart Two: After-Class Reading Passage IIKey SentencesCommentsGerund “trying them out” is the subject of that clause. Present participle “doing the same thing in public” acts as the adverbial modifier of time. 动名词动名词“trying them out”作作that从

42、句中的主语从句中的主语。现在分现在分词词“doing the same thing in public”作时间状语作时间状语。To be continuedPart Two: After-Class Reading Passage IIKey SentencesHe could hardly wait to try out his new bike. 他迫不及待想要试一下他那辆他迫不及待想要试一下他那辆新自行车。新自行车。Go to Part 3End of After-Class ReadingCommentsExample“Try sth. out” means “to test something or practice a skill” 试验;练习试验;练习 She enjoyed trying her French out on Jean-Pierre. 她喜欢找让她喜欢找让皮埃尔练习法语。皮埃尔练习法语。



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