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1、会计学1定语定语(dngy)从句公开课从句公开课第一页,共26页。Lets play a guessing game.第1页/共25页第二页,共26页。Warming-upWho is he?The man is a singer who is popular and he is famous for a song which is called Shuangjie gun.第2页/共25页第三页,共26页。 He is an actor whose father is a very famous action movie star.第3页/共25页第四页,共26页。What type of

2、clause are the What type of clause are the red red parts parts in the above sentences?in the above sentences?定语定语(dngy)从句:从句:修饰修饰(xish)或限定或限定一个名词、代词或一一个名词、代词或一句话的从句句话的从句第4页/共25页第五页,共26页。Step 1. 发现发现(fxin)语法(语法(Discovering grammar)定定语语从从句句三三要要素素1. 先行词先行词: (名词名词(mng c)/代词代词/句子句子)2. 位置:跟在先行词位置:跟在先行词(名词

3、名词(mng c)或代词)或代词)之后之后3.关系词关系词:引导引导定语从句定语从句且且在从句在从句充当充当 句子成分:句子成分: (主语主语/宾语宾语/定语定语/状语状语)人人物物第5页/共25页第六页,共26页。Step 2. 破解破解(p ji)语法(语法(Defining grammar)可供选择的关系(gun x)词:who,whom, whose, that, which, when, where, why 指人指人:who,whom,whose,that 指物指物(zh w)that,which,when,where,whose,why 主语:主语:who,that宾语:宾语:t

4、hat,whom定语定语: whose主主/宾宾which,that定语定语: whose地点状语地点状语:where时间状语时间状语:when原因状语原因状语:why第6页/共25页第七页,共26页。第7页/共25页第八页,共26页。(抢答抢答)第8页/共25页第九页,共26页。 指出下面各个定语从句中的先行指出下面各个定语从句中的先行(xinxng)词以及所作成分。词以及所作成分。1. The1. The boy who / that broke the window is called boy who / that broke the window is called Jack.Jack

5、.2. The man whom/who I talked to just now is 2. The man whom/who I talked to just now is Mr. Li.Mr. Li.3. The car that / which he bought yesterday 3. The car that / which he bought yesterday is a second-hand one.is a second-hand one.4. Harry is the boy whose father is our maths 4. Harry is the boy w

6、hose father is our maths teacher.teacher.5. We live in a house whose5. We live in a house whose window opens to window opens to the south.the south.第9页/共25页第十页,共26页。(抢答抢答)第10页/共25页第十一页,共26页。在下列定语从句中关系代词在下列定语从句中关系代词在下列定语从句中关系代词在下列定语从句中关系代词(dic)(dic)只能用只能用只能用只能用that that 1. 当先行词为当先行词为everything, nothi

7、ng, something, anything, little, few, much, the one 等不定等不定(bdng)代词时。如:代词时。如: This book contains much / little that is useful. I mean the one that was bought yesterday. 第11页/共25页第十二页,共26页。2.当先行词被当先行词被all, each, few, much, every, no, some, any 等不定代词等不定代词(dic)修饰时。如:修饰时。如: I have read all the book (that

8、) you gave me. There are some jobs (that) men cant do very well. 第12页/共25页第十三页,共26页。3. 先行先行(xinxng)词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时。词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时。如:如: This is the first film (that) I have seen since I came here. This is the biggest apple (that) I have ever eaten. 第13页/共25页第十四页,共26页。4. 先行先行(xinxng)词既指人又指物词既指人又指物时。如

9、:时。如: We were deeply impressed by the teachers and schools (that) we had visited. 第14页/共25页第十五页,共26页。5. 先行先行(xinxng)词被词被the only, the very, the last等修饰等修饰时。如:时。如: Mary is the only friend (that) I have in Australia. She is the very thief (that) the policeman is looking for. The last place they visite

10、d was the Summer Palace. 第15页/共25页第十六页,共26页。(挑战挑战(tio zhn)高考高考)第16页/共25页第十七页,共26页。Fill in the blanks with who, whom, that, which or whose.whose A company _ profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad.(2014.卷I)第17页/共25页第十八页,共26页。Please send us all the information _ you have

11、about the candidate for the position.(2015.卷卷3)that Fill in the blanks with who, whom, that, which or whose.第18页/共25页第十九页,共26页。3.Finally he reached a lonely island _ was completely cut off from the outside world. (2016年.卷II)that/whichFill in the blanks with who, whom, that, which or where.第19页/共25页第

12、二十页,共26页。1.Jack studied in a village school where is named after his grandfather. 2.The prize will go to the writer who story shows the most imagination. Pair work(挑战(tio zhn)高考)Correct the following sentences Correct the following sentences whose whose relatives are relatives are inincorrectcorrect

13、 and say why and say why. .which/ thatwhose第20页/共25页第二十一页,共26页。3. Taking good notes is a time-saving skill who 3. Taking good notes is a time-saving skill who will help you to become a better student in will help you to become a better student in several ways.several ways.which/that Correct the foll

14、owing sentences Correct the following sentences whose relatives whose relatives are are inincorrectcorrect and say why and say why. . Pair work(挑战(tio zhn)高考)第21页/共25页第二十二页,共26页。Tips for choosing a relative (选择关系词的技巧) 瞻前顾后看先行词 从句(cn j)中的成分第22页/共25页第二十三页,共26页。 DreamsHold fast to dreams,For if dreams

15、die,Life is a broken-winged bird that can never fly.Hold fast to dreams,For when dreams go,Life is a barren field that cant grow. HOMEWORK: 第23页/共25页第二十四页,共26页。Thanks for your cooperation!Best wishes for you! 第24页/共25页第二十五页,共26页。内容(nirng)总结会计学。Who is he。修饰或限定一个名词、代词或一句话的从句。3.关系词:引导定语从句且在从句充当(chngdng) 句子成分:。Step 2. 破解语法(Defining grammar)。looking for.。HOMEWORK:。第24页/共25页第二十六页,共26页。



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