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1、Language study and GrammarUnit 51. theme: e.g. The theme for tonights talk is education. They played the theme song of the famous film.Language pointsa main subject or idea 主题主题今晚讲话的主题是教育。今晚讲话的主题是教育。2. fun: have fun: enjoy oneself 尽情地玩尽情地玩 for fun: for pleasure 为了娱乐为了娱乐 a lot of / much / no fun 有趣有趣

2、/没趣没趣 (be) in fun 在开玩笑在开玩笑 The little cat is full of fun. Its no fun spending the weekend doing nothing.enjoyment; pleasure (U)周末无事可做一点乐趣都没有。周末无事可做一点乐趣都没有。3. more than 在本句意为在本句意为“不仅仅是不仅仅是;不不只是只是”This book is more than a grammar book. 这不只是本语法书。这不只是本语法书。另外另外, , more than happy/glad/willing, etc (to do

3、 sth)表示表示“非常乐意非常乐意( (做某事做某事) )”。We are more than happy to show you around Beijing. 我们非常乐意带你到北京到处看看。我们非常乐意带你到北京到处看看。4. There are various kinds of theme parks, variousadj.各种各样的,不同的;好几个,很多There are _.鸡蛋有各种各样的做法。_ they had seen the accident.许多人说他们目睹了这次的事故。various ways of cooking an eggVarious people sai

4、dvariation n. 变化,变更变化,变更variety n. 品种,种类,多样性品种,种类,多样性vary v. 改变,变更改变,变更_ roses are being shown.许多玫瑰花品种在展出。Her health _ _.她的健康时好时坏。Many varieties of varies from good to rather weak固定搭配:固定搭配: a (considerable / great /wide) variety of 各种各样的,种类繁多的;各种各样的,种类繁多的;variety of form 各种形式;各种形式;for a variety of r

5、easons 因种种理由;因种种理由; in (a) variety of ways 用种种方法。用种种方法。(2)vary v. 变化;改变。变化;改变。 例如:例如:Habits and hobbies vary from person to person.习惯与爱好因人而异。习惯与爱好因人而异。The temperature varied throughout the day. 气温一整天变化无常。气温一整天变化无常。variety n. 变化,多样性,种类变化,多样性,种类The shopping center sells a variety of goods.在学校里我们学习各种东西

6、在学校里我们学习各种东西。At school we learn a variety of things.She made the children glad _ (用各种方法用各种方法).in a variety of ways购物中心出售各种各样的商品。购物中心出售各种各样的商品。be famous for 意为意为“以以.而闻名而闻名”。5.be famous for 例如:例如:This is a place famous for its hot springs .这个地方以其温泉而著名。这个地方以其温泉而著名。拓展拓展: well-known adj. 众所周知众所周知;著名的著名的;

7、闻;闻名的。名的。be well-known / famous as 表示表示“作作为为而闻名而闻名”,后接表示人的身份,职业的词,后接表示人的身份,职业的词语;语;be well-known / famous for 意为意为“因因为为.而闻名而闻名”,其后多接表示某个人或物,其后多接表示某个人或物的特点,特长,技能等方面的词语。的特点,特长,技能等方面的词语。注意注意: well-known 的比较是的比较是better - known, 同义词是同义词是famous. .翻译:翻译:He is a well-know writer. 他是一位著名的作家。他是一位著名的作家。Hangzho

8、u is well-known / famous for the West Lake. 杭州以西湖而闻名。杭州以西湖而闻名。6. As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street. 当你在梦幻乐园漫步时,你可能会在当你在梦幻乐园漫步时,你可能会在游行队伍中或者街上看到白雪公主或游行队伍中或者街上看到白雪公主或米老鼠。米老鼠。1) wander (v.): to walk slowly across or arou

9、nd an area, usually without a clear direction or purpose 漫步;徘徊漫步;徘徊We wandered around the shopping area for two hours. 我们在这个购物区逛了两小时。我们在这个购物区逛了两小时。She doesnt like wandering the streets aimlessly. 她她不喜欢在大街上毫无目的地闲逛。不喜欢在大街上毫无目的地闲逛。2) amusement (n.) n. 消遣,娱乐消遣,娱乐(活动活动)Chinas Cultural Theme Park offers i

10、ts visitors all kinds of amusement.To her great amusement the actors wig(假发假发) fell off.amuse oneself 消遣消遣 自我娱乐自我娱乐 The children amused themselves by playing hide-and-seek games.翻译:她读侦探翻译:她读侦探(detective)小说消遣。小说消遣。She amused herself by reading detective storiesamusev. 娱乐;消遣_.他的故事使我发笑。The children _ _

11、.孩子们做游戏取乐。The girls _ the dolls.那些女孩玩那些娃娃玩得很开心。His story amuses me amused themselves by playing gameswere amused withattraction 为名词为名词,意为意为”有吸引力的事物有吸引力的事物;吸引吸引”. 7.attraction例如例如:The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the sides.月球对地球的引力引起潮月球对地球的引力引起潮汐汐.注意注意: attraction n. 引力引力.常用短语常用短语: att

12、raction of gravity 中立中立; magnetic attraction 磁力磁力.拓展拓展: (1) attract v. 吸引吸引. 例如例如: Like attracts like . 物以类聚物以类聚.A magnet attracts iron.磁石吸铁磁石吸铁.例如例如:attract ones attention 引起某人的注意引起某人的注意attract moths with lamps 点灯诱蛾点灯诱蛾(3) attractive adj. 有吸引力的有吸引力的;引人主义的引人主义的.例如例如:an attractive woman 一个动人的女人一个动人的女

13、人(2) attract v. 引起引起(注意注意,兴趣兴趣,赞赏等赞赏等);诱惑诱惑.8. With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland. 有这么多引人入胜的东西,难怪哪有这么多引人入胜的东西,难怪哪里有迪斯尼乐园,哪里的旅游业就里有迪斯尼乐园,哪里的旅游业就会发展。会发展。no wonder: used to say that you are not surprised by something 难怪;不足为奇难怪;不足为奇(特别用于口语中特别用于口语中)

14、No wonder youve got a headache you drank so much wine. 你喝了那么多酒,难怪你头疼。你喝了那么多酒,难怪你头疼。(1)wonder n. 惊异;惊奇;惊叹惊异;惊奇;惊叹。a look of wonder 惊异的神情惊异的神情watch the magician in silent wonder 一声不响惊奇的看这魔术师一声不响惊奇的看这魔术师(2)wonder n. 奇迹;奇观;奇才;奇事奇迹;奇观;奇才;奇事; do wonders 创造奇迹创造奇迹The ivory work is a wonder of delivate workm

15、anship.这件象牙雕刻是手艺精巧的珍品。这件象牙雕刻是手艺精巧的珍品。wherever (conj. & adv.): to or at any place, position or situation 无论哪里;无论哪里;无论什么情况下无论什么情况下She is followed by that person wherever she goes. 无论她去哪里无论她去哪里, 那个人都跟着她。那个人都跟着她。You can sit wherever you want. 你想坐哪里就坐哪里。你想坐哪里就坐哪里。类似用法的还有类似用法的还有whichever, whatever, whenev

16、er, whomever等。等。Take whichever you want. 你你想拿哪个就拿哪个。想拿哪个就拿哪个。Whatever I have also belongs to you. 我所有的一切也属于你的。我所有的一切也属于你的。Whatever happens, Ill always be on your side. 不管发生什么事不管发生什么事, 我总会站在你一边的。我总会站在你一边的。unique为形容词,意为为形容词,意为“独一无二的;仅有的独一无二的;仅有的”。 9.unique 例如:例如:an unique experience一次独特的经历一次独特的经历The p

17、roblem is by no means unique to this region拓展:拓展:unique adj. 珍奇的;罕有的;不平凡的;极珍奇的;罕有的;不平凡的;极好的好的。例如:例如:unique ability 罕见的才能罕见的才能1 . preserve为及物动词,意为为及物动词,意为“保存;保保存;保留留”保护;防护;维护保护;防护;维护。10.preserve Salt and spices help to preserve meat .盐和调味品有助与保存肉类。盐和调味品有助与保存肉类。He always preserves the style of hard str

18、uggle .他始终保持艰苦奋斗的作风。他始终保持艰苦奋斗的作风。2 . preserve 为名词,意为为名词,意为“保护区保护区”。This is the worlds largest narural preserve .这是世界上最大的自然保护区。这是世界上最大的自然保护区。length 为名词,意为为名词,意为“长度;长长度;长”。11.length a house 15 metres in length and 5 metres in width 一个长一个长15米宽米宽5米的房子米的房子拓展:拓展:at length 最后,终于;详细地最后,终于;详细地。speak at great

19、 length 详细地讲了好久详细地讲了好久They debated this subject at length.他们对这一题目进行了详细的辩论。他们对这一题目进行了详细的辩论。seem+介词短语Tom seems _ .汤姆好像是她的亲生儿子一样。seem+不定式He seemed _.他似乎听说过那个名字。like her own sonto have heard of the nameseem+过去分词The teacher seemed _ _. 老师对他的表现似乎很满意。It seems (to sb.)+that从句It seemed _ _. 似乎没有人知道发生了什么事。 pl

20、eased with his behavior that nobody knew what had happenedIt seems +as if从句It seemed _.他似乎对那件事一无所知。(其实是知道的)It seems possible (impossible, necessary) + that 从句It seems _ before Friday.你似乎有必要在星期五之前完成这项工作。as if he knew nothing about itnecessary that you finish the workDiscovering useful words and expre

21、ssions Find the word from the text for each of these meanings.1._ several different types of 2._ the main subject of a talk, book, film or something else3._ to keep something as it is; an area of land made available for a special group of people or animals to live in4._ to or at any place, position

22、or situation5._ something that is pleasant to think about but is not realvariousthemepreservewhereverfantasyFind the word from the text for each of these meanings.6. _ action, usually a very great one or a very bad one7 _ the measurement of something from one end to the other8 _ being the only one o

23、f its kind, unlike anything else9 _ in the middle of an area or an object10 _ without doubtdeedlengthunique centralno wonderengine carpenter cartoon amusement eagles slide swing tourism1.Before buying a car, my dad always looks at its _.2.Early American settlers were great _ - they could build almos

24、t anything from wood.3.Both adults and children like to watch _ just for _.4.There are about 60 different kinds of _ around the world, but only two kinds live in North America.5._ is a big business for small countries like Singapore.6.When I was little, my favourite thing to do was to go to the play

25、ground and _ down _ and _ on _.enginecarpenterscartoonsamusementeaglesUse the words in the box to complete the sentences .Tourism slideslidesswingswingsattraction deed fantasy preserve sword tournament whicheverfantasytournamentspreserveComplete the paragraph with the words below in their proper for

26、ms.whicheverattractionThere are many stories about Britains ancient King Arthur, some just _. When Arthur was a boy, no one knew who his parents were. He worked for a great knight and his son , to help them prepare for _ and battles. One day, news came that Britains old king had died without a son.

27、To _ the kingdom from disorder, the old wizard Merlin took the kings _ and drove it into a great stone. He announced that _ knight could take it out was Britains true king. The _sworddeedbrought many knights from all over the country to try their strength. One morning, Arthur came across the _ in th

28、e stone. He knew nothing about it but decided that he should try to get it for his master. He pulled hard, and it came out! Soon the whole country heard about Arthurs amazing _ and made him king.Discovering useful structures up-to-date为复合形容词,与为复合形容词,与out-of-date相对(落伍的;旧式的;过时的),意为相对(落伍的;旧式的;过时的),意为“现

29、代的;时新的现代的;时新的”。如:。如: up-to-date ideas 最新的思想最新的思想 an up-to-date record 最新的纪录最新的纪录 up-to-date clothes 时髦的衣服时髦的衣服 an out-of-date model 老式的模型老式的模型英语构词法英语构词法(Word Formation)掌握一些英语构词法,对单词的记忆掌握一些英语构词法,对单词的记忆和理解有很大的帮助,下面我们将列和理解有很大的帮助,下面我们将列举一些常用的构词法举一些常用的构词法: 1. 合成合成(Compounding) 2. 转化转化(Conversion) 3. 派生派生

30、(Derivation)1. 合成合成(Compounding)由两个或更多的词合成一个词由两个或更多的词合成一个词,有的用连有的用连字符号字符号”-”连接连接,有的直接连写有的直接连写 在一起在一起.eg: wood(木木)cut(刻刻)woodcut(木刻木刻) man(人人)kind(种类种类)mankind(人类人类) air(空气,空中空气,空中)sick(恶心的,晕的恶心的,晕的) airsick(晕机的晕机的) merry-go-round旋转木马旋转木马 up-to-date最新的最新的 life-size与真人一般大与真人一般大 2. 转化转化(conversion)由一种词

31、类转换成另一种词类。由一种词类转换成另一种词类。(即一般拼写不变,但是词类发生了变化,(即一般拼写不变,但是词类发生了变化,有时发音也变化)有时发音也变化)e.g. water n. 水水 - water v. 浇水浇水 dirty adj. 脏的脏的- dirty v. 弄脏弄脏e.g. He went in and sat down. The army downed a plane. 3.派生派生(Derivation) 由一个词根加上前缀或后缀构成由一个词根加上前缀或后缀构成另一个词另一个词.1)后缀后缀(suffix) 名词后缀名词后缀-or actor sailor-ist scie

32、ntist -ment achievement movement-(a)tion preparation exception-y difficulty discovery形容词后缀形容词后缀-ful useful cheerful-able comfortable enjoyable-ed manned cultured-less careless fearless-ive active decisive-an European Indian动词后缀动词后缀-ize realize modernize-en widen strengthen副词后缀副词后缀-ly really extremel

33、y-ward backward eastward数词后缀数词后缀-teen fourteen fifteen-ty forty fifty-th ninth twelfth2)前缀前缀(prefix)一般不造成词类的转变,只是引起一般不造成词类的转变,只是引起意思的变化意思的变化e.g. un-(不不,或做相反动作或做相反动作) unhappy undo im-(不不) impossible impolite re-(重新重新) retell rewrite mis-(错误的错误的) misunderstand 个别前缀会引起词类的变化个别前缀会引起词类的变化e.g. en-(使得使得) endanger enlarge a- asleep awakeHomework1.Finish exercises on page 37.2.Finish exercises on pages 70-71.



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