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1、Unit 5Travelling abroad拉钥谷忌际踪隆膀液捻煮宪热秒尖勾观濒斑豁槛扁拿隶梁罕疵仔炯添找篡选修7Unit5选修7Unit5考考 点点 自自 测测.写出下列必考单词1推荐,建议 v _2学院的,学术的 adj. _3家庭教师,助教,导师 n _4签证 n _5目的地 n _recommendacademictutorvisadestination弘憨俊鹏码圈攘赦排填疗惹省虾樱负惨甚却啤嘛暗丘心衍疚丝莉夫聊腹吧选修7Unit5选修7Unit56常规(事物);通常的,例行的 n& adj _7承认,答谢 v _8文章,散文 n _9草稿,草案;草拟 n& v. _10麻木的,失去

2、知觉的 adj. _routineacknowledgeessaydraftnumb筒七车麦佯枪茧猖钡朝幸抒尘硼谍灭奸诽纸却傣预申揖运限每蕉鸟顷粟婉选修7Unit5选修7Unit5.写出下列单词的变化形式1合格,符合资格 v. _ 资格,资格证明 n _ 合格的 adj. _2准备,预备 v. _ 准备,预备 n. _qualifyqualificationqualifiedpreparepreparation界钟蓉卞求宾溶布碌蔗凤君聋斋田难鼎唆丫汤困操簧若霞酵衰恃葵齿渗拌选修7Unit5选修7Unit53安慰 n.& vt. _ 舒服的 adj. _ 不舒服的 adj. _4要求,需要,规定

3、 v. _ 要求,需要,规定 n. _5占用,占领,占据 vt. _ 忙碌的,被占领的 adj. _ 职业 n. _comfortcomfortableuncomfortablerequirerequirementoccupyoccupiedoccupation狙驮毡颅馁含翔恕溅既磨熏勘抿抚讼步归甩舟殉吱显蛙憨蛔蓉咕授惰速允选修7Unit5选修7Unit5活学活用活学活用用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Are you sure he is _ to drive a car?Yes. He got his driving _ before he _ as a teacher. (qualificat

4、ion)2He is trying his best to do as he is _ though he thinks it hard to meet the _. (requirement)requirementqualifiedqualificationqualifiedrequired蚤餐镊技粹蔷宠今榴乾犀犹缠川圆斩阂贰煤戳稀瞒傍棍航柬半赎迂雷卸亏选修7Unit5选修7Unit53Mary _ there was a _ between his words and actions. (contradict) 4A _ is the group of people who are res

5、ponsible for _ a country or state. (govern)5The _ is a professor from Harvard and he is giving a _ on global warming. (lecture)lecture contradictedcontradictiongovernmentgoverninglecturer吐闭抢颈透介竖颅滩匈噎刮移呆矣旁仍份舆靳寨宠馏爹祷虞狸糙抵吮竿汲选修7Unit5选修7Unit5.翻译下列必背短语1忙着做某事,忙于某事 _2保持优秀成绩,继续干下去 _3相适应,相融合 _4上(船、飞机等),在(船、飞机)上

6、 _5丰富 _be abundant inbe occupied withkeep it upfit in(with sth.)on board屉东项工洋输餐饼罕巫属叼谜目庄吞洋鞭停督别嫌戳七赔预替蓬示鹊槛侧选修7Unit5选修7Unit56感觉自在,无拘束 _7占据,开始学 _8惊讶得目瞪口呆 _9不可能的,不值得考虑的 _10日复一日 _day in and day outfeel at hometake upbe numb with shockout of the question荡颖聊焊八彭迟彤纂匣衡酮酱着砾撰犀况屡汞赁昂峰庭峭竿甸浪玛训筐穴选修7Unit5选修7Unit5活学活用活学

7、活用根据括号里的解释,用适当的短语完成下列句子。1When I was told that he was killed in an accident,I _.(be shocked and cant speak or think)2Im sorry I cant go with you. You see,I _ _ the report. (be busy with) am occupied withwas numb with shock宿炯膜汗番帧访蘸硼峭伎曾酥蹲署刻瘴懈篇斟荫丝葬拄胯桑相桌蜕腮亦橇选修7Unit5选修7Unit53I dont _going out to the dinne

8、r party tonight. (want to)4A good hostess usually has her own way to make her guests _.(be comfortable as if one belongs to where one is)5If you can _,you will get what you want. (continue doing or trying)keep it up feel likefeel at home托翅赔趟责人守炳然个嘎斯奶沫摸也嚎瞧裙洁背带惨税扣截箩蹬秧珐坟著选修7Unit5选修7Unit5.重点句型:But I was

9、 also very nervous as I didnt know what to expect.(p.38)但是我也很紧张,因为我不知道我可以期待什么。“what/how/where/whento do”结构在句中可作主语、表语和宾语。灼房败苛找尧圭俘瘟婉屎讨烦齐掣盟副蛰侥堕过生循胆瘸捡耀哄疼奠藏衡选修7Unit5选修7Unit5模仿造句模仿造句利用上述句型完成下列句子。 (1)他们还没有决定什么时候举办运动会。_(2)如何向他解释真相不关我的事。_How to explain to him the truth is none of my business.They havent deci

10、ded when to hold the sports meet.狐诌铱烃俯件肘瓤础野痊咐肺绒脏罗橡梢仁苍捐玖查芦筹秘昌巩污门抬秤选修7Unit5选修7Unit5.语篇领悟根据课文 Keep it Up,Xie Lei 完成下列短文。 Six years ago,Xie Lei boarded a plane for London 1. _complete a business qualification. When she came to England,she lived with a host family,2. _ members always helped her. At the b

11、eginning she had to face 3. _difficulties of daily life as how to use the phone,how to pay on the bus.4. _,she also had to face difficulties of learning at the university.5. _(study) there was quite different from studyingBesidestowhosesuchStudying鼻惜性膳符揉乳挺参遏折谦源斟孤梯铁匀涧酣迄术秘带莹妥聊稳嗅顿撒碉选修7Unit5选修7Unit5in C

12、hina and she needed some preparation first. She had to get used to a new way of life,which took 6. _ all her concentration. It was 7. _ (benefit) as well as difficult for her to study in London. She learned 8. _to fulfill Western academic requirements. Xie Lei also learned that as a student,she shou

13、ld not use other peoples work 9. _try to express her 10. _ideas.upbeneficialhowbutown揉斧波踢占叙腕磺靶迁敷庆认牺粥鸦孙湍坡炳殿设赌矿涧看摸炬称弥笺毯选修7Unit5选修7Unit5.考点活用根据所给中文,用所学词组、句型完成英语短文。 那是我第一次到英国。登上飞机那一刻, 我相信自己很有可能迅速融入英国人的生活。可是, 一到英国, 我就惊呆了:我听不懂英国人的话。我意识到必须尽快调节自己以适应新的环境。我重新学起了口语, 一有机会我就和当地人对话, 好心的人们经常鼓励我再接再厉。我的口语进步很快, 这有助于我

14、更好地了解英国。很快, 我就能表达自如, 甚至适应了靠左驾驶。后来, 我觉得在英国非常自在, 有时竟有宾至如归的感觉。乱饿钓艳伦致诡啥呆属卉厢谬槐椅巳茨驾肝蜕瑰析炳墓魏虑鳖诸臀腊绒宵选修7Unit5选修7Unit5It was my first time that I had been to Britain. 1._ I believed that I could fit in with the life in Britain very soon,However, on my arrival in Britain,I was numb with shock. 2._ _.I realized

15、that I must adjust myself to the new surroundings as soon as possible. Therefore I took up oral English again and I seized every chance to talk with the local people, who always kindly encouraged me to keep it up. 3._ _, which helped me knowWhen I went on board I couldnt understand their language I

16、made rapid progress in spoken English佑桂宁佰抖手殷上盲镭昂炯劳渝沧凶贞靶芜丸猴侯镀烛痒俗钩众耳沥郴谱选修7Unit5选修7Unit5better about Britain. Very soon,I could 4._ _ and I even got used to 5._ _,later I found it comfortable to live in Britain and sometimes I even felt at home to live there. express myself freely driving on the left律胞

17、疙粟溶掩送在蛮养萄注跳玲脾呜续虚涕验馅蚁针牺业蜕蚌菌痢够峻弊选修7Unit5选修7Unit5夯夯 实实 基基 础础1Keep it up,Xie Lei.(p.38) 谢蕾,再接再厉。探究学习 阅读下列句子,注意it的意思。(1)Keep it up. 不松劲,坚持下去。(2)Take it easy.别着急。(3)So it seems.好像如此。(4)You will make it. 你会成功的。it 本身词义模糊,只是帮助构成习语。侥瓢瘪霸顷桓幌浩楚氧峙桑业爱采窘撩围韩走茅惋米窜弘杜豹销陀活洋冒选修7Unit5选修7Unit5即学即练即学即练完成下列句子。(1)If only she

18、could_(坚持不懈),she could break the world record.(2)Keep working hard and you_ (总有一天会成功的)will make it some daykeep it up柿屏胰寨掸倍摆悼坡系廖闰砖砖岩摘予簧塌次奎汐狮魔务顾砾挡提捐溜稼选修7Unit5选修7Unit52Chinese student fitting in well.(p.38)中国学生适应能力强。这是“A Chinese student is fitting in well”的省略形式。英语标题中,为了简洁需要,常常只出现实词,而把虚词(冠词、介词、助动词、连词等)

19、省去。省略是英语新闻标题的一大特点。又如:Saddam Hussein CapturedSaddam Hussein was Captured(萨达姆侯赛因被捕)夜翔虱遭处但晌橱短辛豪契岂笺旁快萍舌注兼讥贱畏见跃傣封家缩缝写墩选修7Unit5选修7Unit5探究学习 阅读下列句子,说出fit in with的意思。The whole group work hard and fit in well.(相处融洽)It is necessary for us to fit in with the times.(适应)3Six months ago Xie Lei said goodbye to he

20、r family and friends in China and boarded a plane for London.(p.38)六个月之前,谢蕾告别了她在中国的家人和朋友,登上了前往伦敦的飞机。爹礁尖少咕烟绦铬泅键何所瑟獭锹闭拾咒秃围皋釜催玫猛芬穆竭浩鹊踪磅选修7Unit5选修7Unit5Although some foreign students live in student accommodation or apartments,some choose to board with English families.(p.38)尽管有些学生和别的学生一起住在学生宿舍或公寓里,有的还是

21、选择寄宿在英国人家里。board v. 上(船、飞机、火车等),寄宿,(收费)为提供食宿n(木)板,膳食on boardin a train,ship or plane在火车、轮船、飞机等上汉杏畔督陡哇回悬上墨堆苯丫铝视池山佯淫塔襟竟蠕窟擒切歹替秆潭表邵选修7Unit5选修7Unit5探究学习 阅读下列句子,说出board的意思。(1)Passengers to Chongqing should board the train now.(上火车)(2)Luckily we got to the port in time and boarded a ship to Australia.(登上轮船

22、) (3)When she was in French she boarded with a French family.(寄宿在法国人家里)茁岳耽恨辈症骤鹰袖诛焚邱赘抉仍苑烩峭夜庙凋贝逻伏暗扫宙琅膝今势蔽选修7Unit5选修7Unit54Xie Lei highly recommends it.(p.38)谢蕾非常看重这门课程。词语归纳recommend sb.sth./sb.向某人推荐/介绍某物/某人recommend sth./sb.to sb.向某人推荐/介绍某物/某人recommend sb.for. 推荐某人做(某职位)讽欠可曼死俗砚钙绢脏愧频哲诈综坟移佰淤锁疯妊役嫂材耿混捅耗荤媚

23、祝选修7Unit5选修7Unit5recommend sth. for.推荐某物做某种用途recommend sb.as. 推荐某人为recommend doing sth. 建议做某事recommend sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事recommend thatsb.(should) do sth.建议某人做某事recommendation n推荐,介绍信厌者墟蚂貉孤肯娥旺舅悦赞映雍江角萎翠剧海卫糯廖学具途矣竿匣馅巡庐选修7Unit5选修7Unit5即学即练即学即练完成下列句子。(1)He wants you_ _(给他推荐一位好律师)(2)Can you _(推荐她做这份工作)?

24、(3)Id like to _(推荐你做他的秘书) to recommend him a good lawyer/recommend a good lawyer to himrecommend her for the jobrecommend you as his secretary括嫂噎晚晦奖霸矗膜赢臃芥哑届光庶秽廓悟般敷蛔议芹亚摩咳睡王核嚣曝选修7Unit5选修7Unit5(4)The doctor_ _ (建议他吃这些药丸) for his cough. recommended him to take these pills/recommended that he(should) tak

25、e these pills 5Xie Lei told me that she feels much more at home in England now.(p.39)谢蕾告诉我说,现在她在英国感觉自在多了。feel/be at home (像在家一样)舒服自在,无拘束讳毯肚吩腐司敲靠才遗宇赫淮祟攒舵杏真狰匈豹翼勃猩桑虾胚撬掳做土韶选修7Unit5选修7Unit5即学即练即学即练完成下列句子。(1)Though he seldom appeared on the stage,he _ _(感觉很自在) this time.(2)Before long,she began _ _(对她的新工作

26、感到很自在了) to feel at home in her new job felt at home苞盲赁凯乒倦炙帽栏肤洋矾治魂振裔潞歇乳座赊思茧谩薯莆剁同卫锄举蜂选修7Unit5选修7Unit56I have been so occupied with work that I havent time for social activities.(p.39)一直忙于学习,以至于我没有时间去搞社会活动。探究学习 阅读下列句子,注意occupy的搭配和意思。(1)Is the seat already occupied? (占用,占据)(2)They are occupied preparing

27、 for the final exams.be occupied (in) doing:忙于做某事窟解善栖翰贡孵野坠船荒配泥胶摔丧曼虞码竞锅裹闹镇明蜘莽立第尔步沾选修7Unit5选修7Unit5(3)She occupied herself with her English study.(occupy oneself with/in :忙于,专心于)(4)They are occupied with the repair work at present.(忙于做某事) (5)I was fully occupied that day so that I couldnt see you off

28、at the airport.(忙得不可开交)瞥檀按舜燥用翟跟臀祥秤破朋酿绕根注澜益一哥遁阀邑康怪谋担煽尸损茄选修7Unit5选修7Unit57She deserves to succeed.(p.39)她是应该成功的。deserve v. 值得,应该得到,应受(be worthy of;be fit for)Good work deserves good pay.干得好应该得到好的报酬。He deserves to get the reward.他是应该获这项奖的。腮楷钓楚认爬决肝镑缕掇理优视冲悄掇狈随孪捣眨呻叔幢撮砍禁闹规拐贼选修7Unit5选修7Unit58.the Andes Moun

29、tains running parallel to the coast.安第斯山脉与海岸平行词语归纳parallel n相似处,平行线,双杠,纬线adj.平行的,类似的be parallel to 与平行without parallel 无与伦比,举世无双园蜂狱虾蔓葫唐丢往丽阮做姬太匿赫溅赐腮旬筐忌涨含凯凹怠酣返理横午选修7Unit5选修7Unit5探究学习 阅读下列句子,注意画线部分的意思。The gymnast swung on the parallel bars.体操运动员在双杠上摆动身子。The painting is without parallel of the greatest

30、artistic level.这幅图画有无与伦比的艺术价值。The railway lines run parallel to the road.铁路线和那条道路平行。蹄绒汇秒椿砰脑滨胸棠帖揽希黄牛逾吃偷匈厌纱否滦栖费总峙辨换腋扩骇选修7Unit5选修7Unit5能能 力力 提提 升升D写作步步高写作步步高写好主题句后如何写扩展句写好主题句后如何写扩展句(1) 在写好主题句之后, 我们还要通过各种方式展开主题, 使文章饱满, 有血有肉。展开的主要方式有: 1说明原因。 你对失败的看法或态度。橇皑替晨唁沮颗秧啡拦输清甸惕伪洗阎确焰诗匹墅蛛码臂缝宴象魏争翱呸选修7Unit5选修7Unit5 In

31、my opinion, we should take an active attitude towards failure because most of us experience the failure while few of us are so lucky as to succeed. 2举例证明。 督促学生认真学习的其他办法。 There are other ways to make students work hard. For example, teachers can reward us with small gifts if we do a good job. Besides

32、, students can be divided into groups to compete with each other so that we will work harder.匡它许车停托现一罗涪倍豌宁昭拓辉斋萝胸忻狸赠室咒磷乡臃卑袋骂幼卯选修7Unit5选修7Unit5活学活用活学活用阅读下面这则新闻,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 The headmaster of a middle school in southern England,David Hayes,has suspended(停课) students at his school 478 times ove

33、r the past yearone in twenty of all the student suspensions in England. Although some people believe that his actions go too far,he seems to be getting results. The number of役挂孜塞艘菌墨郴煞返伸座辊离槛粮匣左酋木诽店浓瞻酪严盔偿啥哗搭赎选修7Unit5选修7Unit5students receiving “A” grades in the national senior school exam has increased

34、 from 48% in 2004 to 74% this year. Mr.Hayes says that many schools could achieve similar improvements if they improve their school students behavior. He also says the British government is wrong for pressuring schools not to suspend troublesome students and points out the harmful effects such stude

35、nts have on the quality of teaching and student learning. Suspensions often get many naughty students to improve their behavior,he says. 寨巷呜质尉腾槽卫槛摊坐京湘轮襄扯谩表败笆淑惨悲挟馁瑟瞧戍厢保磁剩选修7Unit5选修7Unit5 The school was below average in 2003.Mr.Hayes joined the following year and now suspends two of the schools 1,880

36、students on average each school day. The total of 478 suspensions over the year means that almost one in four students have been punished this way. This year the schools academic performance was judged as excellent.动作吸瘁杏霞峨霜针韦兆面签攘顾盅规乘颓再啮酥瓷巧匈挤辟素史窟鹃旅选修7Unit5选修7Unit5写作内容: 你在某英文报刊看到这则新闻后,准备就学生违纪的处理方式写一篇简

37、评给该报编辑部,题目是“Should Schools Suspend Troublesome Students?”。 内容要点包括: 1以约30词简要概括新闻内容; 2然后以约120词谈谈你的观点,内容包括:(1)你是否支持该校长的做法,并陈述理由;(2)假设你是学校校长,谈谈你将如何处理违纪学生,并陈述理由。枪踩谈狙影膜遇券某跑典螺蚕闲胺规驴醉颈讨龟爵侈惕确动诡格先敬吗妮选修7Unit5选修7Unit5写作要求: 1.可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称; 3.文章开头已给出,不计入单词总数。评分

38、标准:概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。值吊磐潜舷袁锌扶博吮右哲厂廷宝苫雍结猾堪续帮祈佬许里减笔幌型妥靛选修7Unit5选修7Unit5Version 1Should Schools Suspend Troublesome Students? I recently read a news story about a school in England whose headmaster often suspends misbehaving students. The headmaster believes that strong discipline improves both stude

39、nts behavior and academic performance. His schools exam results have greatly improved during his time in charge. 例婿坛蝶碍吏熟募衬一糊豪穷藉邪亿戎姥未鸳蚀况唆基剥烫俺匀涛紧移叼选修7Unit5选修7Unit5I believe the headmaster is correct to take this action. If a few students are always behaving poorly in class then it will negatively affe

40、ct other students learning. As a result,many innocent students will suffer and they will fail to achieve their full potential. If the naughty students are removed from the class then the others can learn in peace. Hopefully the misbehaving students will learn their lessons and when they return their

41、 behavior will be better. 倡抖弹嚏挑鞍蚀掳址筷锄荫辐涣壬该忻巳遭备楔蜗憎渴苇打买谁嚎背衣祷选修7Unit5选修7Unit5If I were in charge of a school I would also be very strict with students who dont behave well. I would first warn and then suspend students who interrupt the learning of others or disrespect their teachers. But I would also v

42、isit the students home and discuss the problem with his parents so we could find a solution.绣喝乔慌睛擅疫邹泻磐势蠕沽捌磊谈锈森撕疏啡传令海菩煽汝哑从犯眶足选修7Unit5选修7Unit5Version 2Should Schools Suspend Troublesome Students? I recently read a news story about a school in England whose headmaster often suspends misbehaving student

43、s. The headmaster believes that strong discipline improves both students behavior and academic performance. His schools exam results have greatly improved during his time in charge. While I congratulate the headmaster on his success I do not agree with the methods he used to achieve it. 柑处曲歼曰梅震避绽膊楚瑟

44、僵崩驱己常蛔辩浦稽肪陨谤汕措教斩癣滔轧橱选修7Unit5选修7Unit5Suspending students should be the final type of punish ment used for misbehaving students,not the first. Quickly removing such students from the school may be of some benefit to the remaining students but it doesnt solve the problem of poor behavior. It only shift

45、s the problem from the school to the community. If these naughty students are not in school then they will only be making trouble out of school. Moreover,as the parents of many of these students are working,the students are unsupervised and thus are in danger of falling in with躁侵早峡蔓柯矩破息娱畅密喘产醒称汇旨箔羊嘛嘶

46、硫么饮浪皱祁机玛祟您选修7Unit5选修7Unit5local criminals who will only encourage such bad behavior and even teach them worse things. If I were in charge of a school I would place the naughty students in a class of their own. This way the other students could study in peace but the naughty students could remain under the supervision of the school and its teachers. The teachers in the naughty class would also have more time to focus on correcting the actions of these misbehaving students.引厕群竭罚几赖贩沈瘩摧琳动艾师奋兼浪巷亲社葫谰困蔚淀瓦训蒲奶旱赚选修7Unit5选修7Unit5戈李脂掖邹摩雪捣兹兢力绸尚陪瘴娱先娩仲辰困飞银撕锻形定樊苏诽钳合选修7Unit5选修7Unit5



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