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1、高考熟词新义高考熟词新义 1absent(熟义:熟义:adj缺席的缺席的) He looked at me in all absent way(adj茫然的,恍惚的茫然的,恍惚的)2abuse(熟义:熟义:v滥用;漫骂滥用;漫骂)Sheis quite a successfull career woman,but actually shes much abused at home(v虐待虐待)3thorough(熟义:熟义:adj彻底的,彻底的,完全的,深入的完全的,深入的)She has a though break with him.4ache(熟义:熟义:vn疼痛疼痛) He was a

2、ching for home(v渴望渴望)5. act(熟义:熟义:Vn行动行动) lt takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act(vi起作用起作用)6address(熟义:熟义:n地址地址v写写地址地址) It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting(vt向向发表发表演说;演说; 直接向直接向,一说话一说话) 7. across(熟义:熟义:prep越过越过) The two roads cut across each other(prep与与交叉,与交叉,与成十字成十字)8a

3、dvance(熟义:熟义:Vn前前进,推进进,推进) She asked for aIl advance on her salary(n预付预付(款款) Share prices showed significant advances today (n增加增加) 9. advise(熟义:熟义:vt建议建议) Please advise us of the arrival of the goods(vt通知通知)10tell(熟义:熟义:v告诉告诉)She cracked a smile that told her joy(v显示,显露显示,显露)11. againsf(熟义:熟义:prep逆

4、着,逆着,反对;倚,靠;碰反对;倚,靠;碰) The picture looks nice against the white wall(prep映衬映衬) 12. age(熟义:熟义:n年龄年龄) Worry aged him rapidly(v(使使)变老变老)13. air(熟义:熟义:n空气空气) Dont air your troubles too often(V抒发;倾诉;播送抒发;倾诉;播送)Tere was a comfortable air about her room(n样子,神态,气氛样子,神态,气氛)14. alive(熟义:熟义:adj活着的活着的) The stre

5、ets are alive with people(adj充满充满(活的或动的东西活的或动的东西)15. alone(熟义:熟义:adv单独地,单独地,一个人地一个人地) The alone was able to answer the question (adv仅仅,只有仅仅,只有)16amount(熟义:熟义:n量量) The cost amounted to$200(v(t0)共计,达到共计,达到) What you have said amounts to a plain refusal(v相当于相当于)17announce(熟义:宣布熟义:宣布) A warm sunshine an

6、nounces the coming of spring(vt显示,预告显示,预告)18appreciate(熟义:熟义:v欣赏;欣赏;感激;感谢感激;感谢) I appreciate that I may be wrong(V意识到意识到(realize) 19arrival(熟义:熟义:n到达到达) All stood up to welcome the new arrival(n到达的人或物到达的人或物)20attend(熟义:熟义:v出席;参出席;参加加) The nurse attended to him day and night(v看护;治疗看护;治疗)21arrest、(熟义:

7、、熟义:、Vt逮捕逮捕) The new medicine arrested the spread of the disease(vt停止,阻止停止,阻止)22absolute(熟义:熟义:adj完全的;完全的;绝对的绝对的) The police have absolute proof that he was the murderer(a由确切的由确切的)23accompany(熟义:熟义:vt陪伴;陪伴;伴奏伴奏) Strong winds accompanied the heavy rain(v伴随伴随)24alike(熟义:熟义:adjadv相相像地;相似的像地;相似的) Teache

8、rs should care for athe pupils alike(adv同样地同样地)25allow(熟义:熟义:v允许允许) This diet allows you one glass 0f wine a day(vt使可能使可能) 26. all(熟义:全部,所有熟义:全部,所有) He drove some where once and he was all,”I love this car. Its like a rocket.”(口语:某人所说的,所做的口语:某人所说的,所做的)27announce(熟义:熟义:v宣布;宣布;宣告宣告) Warm sunshine anno

9、unces the coming 0f the spring(v预示着预示着)28approach(熟义:熟义:vt靠近;靠近;接近接近) I approached him about filling the managers job(v接洽;建议;要求接洽;建议;要求)29arrange(熟义:熟义:v安排;整安排;整理理) Ive arrangeajwith the neighbors about feeding the cats(v商量商量)30arrest(熟义:熟义:vt逮捕;拘逮捕;拘留留) Attempts are being made to arrest the spread

10、of the disease(vt阻止;中止阻止;中止)31aspect(熟义:熟义:n方面方面) a man with an impressive,aspect(n样子;外观;外表样子;外观;外表) 32. ask(熟义:问熟义:问) When placing an ask, Be sure to specify a price and a time limit.(n. 最低最低出价出价)33. available(熟义:熟义:adj可得到可得到的;可找到的的;可找到的) The worthy professor i8 now available (adj(人人)有空的有空的)34. bal

11、ance(熟义:熟义:n&v平衡平衡)I must check my bank balance(n差差额,余款额,余款)The school aims to balance the amount of time spent on arts and science subjects(v权衡权衡)35. bar(熟义:熟义:n棒,条;吧间棒,条;吧间) Poor health may be a bar to success in life(n障碍障碍)36become(熟义:熟义:v变得,变变得,变成成)Her new hat certainly becomes her(vt适于,适合适于,适合)

12、37behavior(熟义:熟义:n举止;举止;行为行为)The behavior 0f this computer is moderately good(n性能,特点性能,特点)38blank(熟义:熟义:adj空白的空白的n空白空白)The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look(adj没表情的;空虚的;没表情的;空虚的;没兴趣的没兴趣的)I call Pt think where Ive left my umbrella;my minds a complete blank!(n记忆中的空白,遗忘记忆中的空白,遗忘)39blue(熟义

13、:熟义:adjn蓝色蓝色)His songs always make me feel blue(adj忧伤的忧伤的)40. beside(熟义:熟义:prep在在旁旁)Beside your earlier work this piece seems rather disappointing(prep与与相比相比)41. build(熟义:建设熟义:建设)The athlete has a solid build(n身材;身材;体形体形)42. bare(adj熟义:裸露的熟义:裸露的) He likes to bare his heartsoul with his close friends

14、(vt向某人袒露心声向某人袒露心声)43bear(熟义:熟义:vt忍受;容忍忍受;容忍) He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the sears(v显示;带显示;带有有)44bitter(熟义:熟义:adj苦的;痛苦的;痛苦的苦的) Why was she so bitter against MrSmith?(adj强烈的强烈的) 45blanket(熟义:熟义:n毯子毯子) The whole village was blanketed with heavy snow(vt以厚层覆盖以厚层覆盖)46build up(熟义:增强熟义:

15、增强的体的体质;建立质;建立) The noise is building up until she could not stand it(增高;加强增高;加强)47burst(熟义:熟义:v使爆炸;破使爆炸;破裂裂) The storm burst and we all got wet(v突然爆发突然爆发) 48bond(熟义:熟义:v使牢固结合使牢固结合) Mothers who are depressed sometimes fail to bond with their children,(v发展或建立信赖和亲切关系发展或建立信赖和亲切关系)49burning(熟义:熟义:adj炽热的

16、炽热的) She is burning to tell you the news(adj感情等强烈的感情等强烈的)50bound(熟义:熟义:a由一定会由一定会) I dont like being deskbound all day(adj受受约束的约束的)51capital(熟义:熟义:n首都,首首都,首府;资本府;资本) Our capital task at the moment is to persuade her to calm down(adj极严极严重的,根本的重的,根本的)52 cause(熟义:熟义:v致使致使) We are struggling for revoluti

17、onary cause(n事业事业)53celebrate(熟义:熟义:vt庆祝庆祝) He celebrated her for her courage(vt称颂,赞扬称颂,赞扬)54cheek(熟义:熟义:vt检查检查) We should check the spread of the disease(vt阻止,制止阻止,制止) 55choice(熟义:熟义:n选择选择) Some of his remarks are really choice(adj斟酌得当的斟酌得当的)56civil(熟义:熟义:adj公民的,公民的,国内的国内的) He is a civil person(adj

18、彬彬有礼彬彬有礼的,有礼貌的的,有礼貌的)57. class(熟义:熟义:n班级班级) It is no doubt that the professional classes do a much better job than those who are not (n阶级,阶层;阶级,阶层;等级等级)58climate(熟义:熟义:n气候气候) The cultural climate here is somehow a little upsetting(n风气;思潮;倾向风气;思潮;倾向)59cloudy(熟义:熟义:adj阴的,阴的,多云的多云的) Who did is still re

19、mains cloudy(adj不明朗的,不清晰的不明朗的,不清晰的)6Ocoach(熟义:熟义:n教练教练) She coached me in English(v辅辅导,指导导,指导)61command(熟义:熟义:v命令,命令,指挥指挥) His bravery commanded our respect(v博得,赢得博得,赢得)62contain(熟义:熟义:v含有,包含有,包含;克制含;克制) The man was later contained by the police(v制服制服) He is too excited to contian his laughter(vt抑制抑

20、制)63count(熟义:熟义:n&v计算,计算,数数) (1)There are lO people in the classroom counting two teachers(vt包括包括) (2)It is not how much you read but what you read that counts(vt有价值,有价值,重要重要) (3)She was counted among the greatest dancers(vt以为,视为以为,视为) 64couple(熟义:熟义:n一对,一一对,一双;一对夫妇或情侣双;一对夫妇或情侣) The dining car was c

21、oupled onto the last coach(v联合,连接联合,连接)65course(熟义:熟义:n课程;过课程;过程程) The main course was a vegetable stew(n一道菜一道菜)66cross(熟义:熟义:v跨越,横穿跨越,横穿n十字十字) Dont be cross with himafter aU,he meant to help(adj生气的生气的)67cut(熟义:熟义:vt割割) His rude remarks cut me(vt伤伤(某某人的人的)感情感情)68case(熟义:熟义:n情况;状况情况;状况) There are thr

22、ee cases of fever in sch001(n病例;案例病例;案例)69casual(熟义:熟义:adj偶然的;偶然的;随意的随意的) He was employed as a casual laborer(adj临时的临时的)70cater(熟义:熟义:v为社交活动为社交活动提供饮食;承办酒席提供饮食;承办酒席) TV must cater for many different tastes(v满足需要;迎合满足需要;迎合)71caution(熟义:熟义:n谨慎谨慎) The teacher cautioned him against being late(V告诫;提醒告诫;提醒

23、)72challhnge(熟义:熟义:v挑战挑战) I challenged him to a game of chessi(v强烈建议某人干某事强烈建议某人干某事)73chance(熟义:熟义:n机会机会) She chanced to be in when he called(V碰巧碰巧)74charge(熟义:熟义:v索价,收索价,收费;指控;控告费;指控;控告) Mother charged Alice to take good care of the baby(V。赋予。赋予责任或义务责任或义务)75clean(熟义:熟义:adj干净的干净的) I clean forgot abou

24、t n(adv彻底地;彻底地;完全地完全地)76company(熟义:熟义:n公司公司) You may know a man by the company he keeps(n陪伴;作伴;伙陪伴;作伴;伙伴伴)77conduct(熟义:熟义:v组织;实组织;实施;指挥;引导施;指挥;引导) He conducted himself far better than expected(V举止;表现举止;表现)78congratulate(熟义:熟义:v祝祝贺贺) I congratulated myself on my escape(v:为成功或成就感到高兴,感到自豪:为成功或成就感到高兴,感到

25、自豪)79consullle(熟义:熟义:vt消耗;消耗;消费消费) The fire Boon consumed the old wooden buildings in the neighborhood(Vt烧毁;毁灭烧毁;毁灭)80damage(熟义:熟义:v&n损坏损坏) He chimed $7000 damages from the taxi company(n赔偿金赔偿金(复数复数)=compensation)81dawn(熟义:熟义:n拂晓拂晓v破晓,破晓,天亮天亮) The truth began to dawn Dn him(v开始明白开始明白) 82desert(熟义:熟义

26、:n沙凑沙凑) He deserted his wife and children and went abroad(V抛弃,离弃抛弃,离弃) 83develop(熟义:熟义:v发展;开发展;开发;研制发;研制) Did you have the films developed?(v:冲印:冲印) develop a diseasea habit(v逐渐形逐渐形成成) sure enough,most of the plants developed the disease(vt患病;出现问患病;出现问题题) 84difficult(熟义:熟义:adj困难的困难的) You must get th

27、e曲曲rmission of your difficult grandmother before getting married(aaj.难以取悦的,不易满足的难以取悦的,不易满足的) 85dismiss(熟义:熟义:v解雇,解雇,开除开除) He just laughed and dismisse,my suggestion as unrealistic (v拒绝考拒绝考虑虑(某观点等某观点等) 86down(熟义:熟义:adv向下,向下,在下面在下面) I paid $1000 down on the car(adv作为首期付款作为首期付款) 87drive(熟义:熟义:v驾驶驾驶) Hu

28、nger drove her to steal(V迫使迫使某人某人(做不好或不快的事做不好或不快的事) 88deliver(熟义:、,熟义:、,t递送;递送;传送;发表演说;接生传送;发表演说;接生) Only education Can deliver people from misery(vt解救;拯救;使摆脱解救;拯救;使摆脱) 89divorce(熟义:熟义:v与某人离与某人离婚婚) You cannt divorce science from ethical questions(v使分离;使脱离使分离;使脱离) 90do(熟义:熟义:v做;干;办某做;干;办某事事) Patience

29、 and determination will do wonders(v创造创造) 91draw(熟义:熟义:v画;拖;拉画;拖;拉) What moral are we to draw from the story?(v获得,取得,推断出获得,取得,推断出) 92elect(熟义:熟义:v选举,推选选举,推选) She elected to become a lawyer(v选择选择(做做) 93. embarrass(熟义:、熟义:、vt使使尴尬尴尬) What embarrasses your making an early start?(vt阻碍阻碍) 94employ(熟义:熟义:v

30、雇佣雇佣) The police employed force to open the door(v利用,使用利用,使用) 95engage(熟义:、熟义:、rt从事从事) A personal computer engages his interest now(vt吸引吸引) 96entertain(熟义:熟义:vt款待款待) He entertained a belief that his son would rise in the world(vt怀有,怀怀有,怀抱抱) 97. even(熟义:熟义:adv甚至,更甚至,更) The road wasnt even(adj平的,平坦的,平

31、滑的平的,平坦的,平滑的) Her teeth were white and even(adj一致的;同样的;齐的一致的;同样的;齐的) The score is now even(adj对等的;均等的,相等的对等的;均等的,相等的) The car went with an even motion(adj均匀的;平稳的均匀的;平稳的) She evened the edges by trimming them(vt使平坦;弄平使平坦;弄平) Our team evened the score in the last minute(vt使相等使相等) 98excite(熟义:熟义:vt使激动使

32、激动) The recent discoveries have excited new interest among doctors(vt激起激起) 99excue(熟义:熟义:n借口借口v原原谅谅)He was excused from piano practice(v免除某人的职责免除某人的职责) 100express(熟义:熟义:v表达表达) His express wish was that you should come here by air(adj明确的明确的) Is there an express fromanjing to Shahgllai?(n快车快车)101encou

33、rage(熟义熟义:vt鼓励;鼓励;激励激励) Good health encourages clear thinking(v促进,助长,刺激促进,助长,刺激)102escape(熟义:熟义:v逃跑;逃逃跑;逃脱脱) His name escapes me for the moment(v被忘掉;被忽视被忘掉;被忽视)103exit(熟义:熟义:v出去;离去;出去;离去;n出口出口) At the end ofthe third scene theactress exits(v退场退场) 104explode(熟义:熟义:v爆炸爆爆炸爆裂裂) Im about to explode!He br

34、oke my violin(v勃然大怒;大发雷霆勃然大怒;大发雷霆) 105exploit(熟义熟义:V开发;开开发;开采;剥削采;剥削) You must exploit every opportunity to learn new things(v利用利用) 106extend(熟义:熟义:v扩大;扩大;使扩展;使伸长使扩展;使伸长) He extended his hand to new employees(V伸展,舒展,展开伸展,舒展,展开(手臂手臂或腿或腿) 107fail(熟义:熟义:v失败失败) Our water supply failed(v不足;缺乏不足;缺乏) He is

35、 failing in healthHis health is failing(v衰退,衰弱衰退,衰弱) He failed to lend her a hand(v未能未能) Words failed him(vt使失望;有负于使失望;有负于) fashion(熟义:熟义:n时尚,时装时尚,时装) He behaves in a peculiar fashion(n方式方式) 108fast(熟义:熟义:adj&adv快快的地的地) His tears fell fast(adv接连不断地;接连不断地;快速不断地快速不断地) Hes fast asleep(He has a heavy sl

36、eep)(adv完全地完全地) 109. fever(熟义:熟义:n发烧,发发烧,发热热) He is in a fever of her arrival(n狂狂热,高度兴奋热,高度兴奋) 110team(熟义:熟义:n队;组队;组) Would you like to team up with us?(v(与某人与某人)一起工作,合作一起工作,合作) 111fill(熟义:熟义:v填满填满) His answer did not fill our need(vt满足满足)112find(熟义:熟义:vt找到找到) The court found him guilty(vt判判决决)113fi

37、ne(熟义:熟义:adj美好的,美好的,很棒的,晴朗的很棒的,晴朗的) Theres a fine distinction between the meanings of the two words(adj微妙的微妙的) The man will get a fine if he parks the car there(n罚款罚款)114fix(熟义:熟义:v固定,安装,固定,安装,修理修理) The extraordinary man fixed our attention (vt吸引吸引)115follow(熟义:熟义:v跟着;仿跟着;仿效效) He followed a legal ca

38、reer(v从事从事(某职业某职业);遵循;遵循(某生活方式某生活方式)116fond(熟义:熟义:adj.自由的,喜自由的,喜欢的;慈爱的;深情的欢的;慈爱的;深情的) Fond parents will spoil their child(adj溺爱的溺爱的)117force(熟义:熟义:vt强迫强迫) The policeman forced the knife from the criminals hand(vt夺取夺取)118foreign(熟义:熟义:adj外国的;外国的;外交的外交的) The subject is foreign to me(adj不熟悉的不熟悉的) Telli

39、ng lies is foreign to her nature(adj和和格格不人格格不人)119form(熟义:熟义:vt形成形成) I call not form an opinion about it(vt想出想出)120freeze(熟义:熟义:v结冰,凝结冰,凝固固) Freeze!Or Ill shoot(v不许动不许动) 121fly(熟义:熟义:v飞;飞翔;飞;飞翔;飞彤飞彤n苍蝇苍蝇) The children flewto meet their mother(v疾驰;疾行疾驰;疾行)122free(熟义:熟义:aaj自由的;自由的;免费的免费的) Is the way f

40、ree?(adj无阻碍的;畅通无阻碍的;畅通的的)123fresh(熟义:熟义:adj新鲜的新鲜的) She is quite fresh to office work(adj无经验的无经验的) 124gain(熟义:熟义:v获得;赢获得;赢得得) Dont worryMy watch gainsWe still have time(v(钟表钟表)快快) The ear gained speed gradually(vt增加增加(速度,重量速度,重量)125go(熟义:熟义:vi去,变得去,变得) This information goes to prove my point(vi对对有助于有

41、助于) It goes bv electricity(vi机器运行;机器运行;运转;工作运转;工作) 126grade(熟义:熟义:n年级年级) He got exceHent grades in exalns(n等级,分数等级,分数) Eggs are graded rxom$maH t0 extralarge(v分等级;给分数分等级;给分数)127green(熟义:熟义:adj绿色的,青的绿色的,青的) Greens are vital to our health(n(p1)绿色蔬菜绿色蔬菜)128ground(熟义:熟义:n地面地面) He has strong grounds for

42、more money(n理由理由)127subject(熟义:熟义:n话题话题)The child i8 subiect to colds(adj易易遭受遭受的的)128swear to(熟义:熟义:v宣誓宣誓) I would swear to having met him somewhere(v断言;肯定;保证断言;肯定;保证) =I would swear to0 it that I had met him somewhere T127glare(熟义:熟义:v怒目而视怒目而视) The sun glared out 0f the blue sky(v发出刺眼的光发出刺眼的光) 130g

43、ovem(熟义:熟义:v管理;控管理;控制制) The law of supply anddemand governs the prices of goods(vt影响;影响;支配支配)131growup(熟义:长大;成熟义:长大;成熟熟) A wanll frien凼凼hip grew up between the two men(逐渐发展;形成逐渐发展;形成)132handsome(熟义:熟义:adj英英俊的;端庄的俊的;端庄的) I hope 1 will get a handsome present at my birthday(adj(礼物,行为礼物,行为)出手出手大方的,慷慨的大方

44、的,慷慨的)133heavy(熟义:熟义:adj一重的一重的) My father is a heavy smoker(adj超出一般规模、数量、力量的超出一般规模、数量、力量的) The traffic today is especially heavy(adj交通拥挤的交通拥挤的) 134height(熟义:熟义:n高度;身高度;身高高) In the height of the summer many people choose to visit the seaside(n顶点;极度顶点;极度) 135hit(熟义:熟义:v。击中,打击。击中,打击) The film Hero by Z

45、hang Yimou is quite a hit of this year(n成功;红极成功;红极一时的人或事一时的人或事)136hold(熟义:熟义:vt握住,抓握住,抓住;抱住住;抱住) His promise stillholds(vi:适用,:适用,有效有效) 137hot(熟义:熟义:adj炎热的炎热的) Were waiting for the hot news on the election results(adj最新的最新的)138hunt(熟义:熟义:v追猎;猎杀追猎;猎杀(鸟兽鸟兽) Please hunt the cat away from the garden(vt驱

46、赶驱赶)139ill(熟义:熟义:adj生病的生病的) Its no good speaking ill of others(adj&adv坏的地坏的地) 140immediate(熟义:熟义:adj立立刻的,即时的刻的,即时的) Is there a post office in the immediate neighborhood?(adj最接近的最接近的)141. industry(熟义:熟义:n工业;工业;产业产业) His Success wadue t0 industry(n努力;勤勉努力;勤勉)142interest(熟义:熟义:n兴趣兴趣) Our family has an

47、interest in the business(n利益;股份利益;股份) 143. introduce(熟义:熟义:v介绍介绍) The company is introducing a new family saloon this year(v初次投人使初次投人使用或运作,采用用或运作,采用) He introduced his speech with a joke(v以以开始开始) 144invent(熟义:熟义:v发明发明) He invented aJl excuse for his being late(y捏造,虚构捏造,虚构)145invite(熟义:熟义:v邀请邀请) Dont

48、 leave the window openits inviting thieves to enter(V吸弓;招吸弓;招弓弓) The dishes are really inviting(adj诱人的诱人的)146identify(熟义:熟义:v鉴定;鉴定;说明身份说明身份) One cant identify happiness with wealth(v认为某事物等同于认为某事物等同于)147impress(熟义:熟义:v给给留留下印象下印象) He impressed the importance 0f their work on them(v使意识到使意识到(重要性或重要性或严重性

49、等严重性等)148indicate(熟义:熟义:v表明;表明;显示显示) I indicated that his help was not welcome(v暗示;间接提及;示意暗示;间接提及;示意)149inspire(熟义:熟义:v:激励;鼓:激励;鼓舞舞) His best music was inspired by the memory of his mother(V启发启发)150jam(熟义:熟义:n果酱果酱) He jammed four apples in his pocket(Vt塞进塞进) The accident iammed the main road for2 ho

50、urs。(vt堵塞堵塞) There are traffic janls every day on this road (n堵塞堵塞)151job(熟义:熟义:n工作工作) Removing the table is quite a job(n费力的事费力的事) He iobbed his sbn into the position(vt做零工;假公济私做零工;假公济私) 152jump(熟义:熟义:vn跳跳) Last week the埘埘ce8 0f goods jumped(nv大幅度上涨大幅度上涨)153just(熟义:熟义:adv正好;恰正好;恰好好) You are a just

51、person(adj公正的公正的)154keep(熟义:熟义:v保持,保留保持,保留) Your coffee shop seems to be well kept(v经营;开设经营;开设)155kick(熟义:熟义:v踢踢) The swimmer has a strong kick(兴致兴致勃勃勃勃)(n劲头;味道;乐趣劲头;味道;乐趣)156kid(熟义:熟义:n小孩小孩) Take it easyIm just kidding(v开开玩笑;欺骗玩笑;欺骗) 157kill(熟义:熟义:v杀掉;害死杀掉;害死) That guy fools around all day long,kil

52、ling time(V消磨消磨(时间时间)158know(熟义:熟义:vt知道知道) He is always quick to know his friends and enemies(vt.辨别,认出辨别,认出)1591and(熟义:熟义:vi登陆,降落登陆,降落) He landed a contract for building a factory(vt获得获得) 160late(熟义:熟义:adj迟到的迟到的地;晚的地地;晚的地) She missedher late husband very much(adj已故的已故的)161. lecture(熟义:熟义:vn讲课;讲课;演讲演

53、讲) Do stop lecturing me(V11训斥;训斥;教训教训)162let(熟义:熟义:v让让) The couple decided to letoff the smaller flat at a low price(v出租出租)163. level(熟义:熟义:n水平,水平水平,水平线;强度线;强度) Not all the parts of our life long joumey are level(adj.水平的,平坦的;水平的,平坦的;同一水准的同一水准的)1641ibrary(熟义:熟义:n图书馆图书馆) Pro.Lin has a large library of

54、 books(n收藏,收藏量收藏,收藏量)1651ift(熟义:熟义:v拾高拾高) Can yougive me a lift?(n搭便车搭便车) His report gave us a lift(n鼓舞鼓舞)1661ose(熟义:熟义:V失去;丢掉失去;丢掉) Please hurry!My watch loses 10 minutes(vi(钟表钟表)慢慢(与与gain相对相对)1671ot(熟义:熟义:n量,批量,批) It is difficult for us to find a parking lot outside some shopping centrbs(n作某种用途的场地

55、作某种用途的场地)168. lay(熟义:熟义:vt放置;产卵;放置;产卵;下蛋下蛋)The foundations 0fthe house are being laid today(v铺;铺设铺;铺设)1691ast(熟义:熟义:adj最后的最后的) He is the last man I want to see。(adj最不可能的最不可能的)1701ight(熟义:熟义:n光亮光亮) Its beginning to get ligllr(adj有光有光亮的;明亮的;充满自然光的亮的;明亮的;充满自然光的)171. lively(熟义:熟义:adj生动活泼生动活泼的的) The room

56、 is lively with children singing and dancing(adj生气勃勃的生气勃勃的)172. marry(熟义:熟义:v结婚,与结婚,与某人结婚某人结婚) This poem marries theme and style well(V使紧密结合,使混为一体使紧密结合,使混为一体)173. make(熟义:制造,使熟义:制造,使) We Can make l0 more kilometres by nightfall(vt前进前进) 174. mean(熟义:熟义:v意思是,意思是,意味着意味着) Its mean of you to eat up all t

57、he apples(adj自私的,卑鄙的,吝啬的自私的,卑鄙的,吝啬的) 175. mend(熟义:熟义:v修理;修修理;修补补) The patient is still mending slowly after the operation(v痊愈;改善痊愈;改善) 176. message(熟义:熟义:n信息,信息,口信口信) Id like to see a film with a message(n.教益,寓意教益,寓意)177might(熟义:熟义:modal v或或许许) I use all my might to open the door(n力量,权威力量,权威)178minu

58、te(熟义:熟义:n分钟分钟) They held a minute inspection of the grounds(adj微小的,详细的,仔细微小的,详细的,仔细而准确的而准确的)会议记录会议记录) Please read through the minutes first(npL.会议记录会议记录)179 mix(熟义:熟义:vt混合混合) He mixes very little with his wifes friends(vt交往,来往交往,来往)180multiply(熟义:乘;熟义:乘;v乘乘以;繁殖以;繁殖) We can multiply our chances of S

59、uccess(v成倍增加;迅速增加成倍增加;迅速增加)181move(熟义:熟义:v移动移动) A few leaves moved in the wind(v使使移动移动)182note(熟义:熟义:n笔记笔记) Learn the notes by heart(n台词台词) I noted that her hands were dirty(v注意注意)183novel(熟义:熟义:n小说小说) Jobsharing is still a novel concept and it will take a while for employers to get used it. (ad.新颖的

60、新颖的) 184. open(熟义:熟义:v开开aaj开着,开着,打开的打开的) They left the matter open(adj(问问题,议事等题,议事等)未解决的未解决的),185own(熟义:熟义:vt拥有拥有) He owned the child aus his daughter(vt承认承认)186. operate(熟义:熟义:Vi机器运机器运转工作;做手术转工作;做手术) The medicine operated quickly(vi起作用起作用) 187. otherwise(熟义:熟义:adv否则;否则;要不然要不然) You know what it is a

61、bout Why do you pretend otherwise?(adv在其他方在其他方面面)188. outstanding(熟义:熟义:aaj优优秀的;杰出的秀的;杰出的)Some of the work is still outstanding(adj未解决的未解决的)(款项,工作,困难等款项,工作,困难等)未未支付的;未完成的支付的;未完成的189. paragragh(熟义:熟义:n段落段落)There is a paragraph about the accident in the local newspaper(n报纸上的短报纸上的短片报道片报道)190. part(熟义:熟

62、义:n部分;零件,部分;零件,角色角色)In order to raise money,he had to part with some of his most treasured possessions(v.分手;放弃;卖掉分手;放弃;卖掉) 191party(熟义:熟义:n聚会;党聚会;党派派) The solution is acceptable to both parties(n契约或争论的一方当事人契约或争论的一方当事人)192 pass(熟义:熟义:vt通过通过) I have no idea what passed in my absence(vi发生,产生发生,产生)193pa

63、y(熟义:熟义:v付钱付钱) He says farming doesnt pay these days(vi。合算。合算) 194plant(熟义:熟义:n植物;工植物;工厂厂) My parents planted a garden at the foot of the hill(vt种植,栽种某物种植,栽种某物)195platform(熟义:熟义:n平台;平台;讲台;站台讲台;站台) The platform ofthe new party attaches great importance to environmental protection(n纲领;纲领;宣言宣言) 196poli

64、cy(熟义:熟义:n政策政策) He took out a fire insurance policy for his house(n保险单,保险凭证保险单,保险凭证)197. pool(熟义:熟义:n水池;水塘水池;水塘) If we pool the ideas,we may fmd a better solution t0 the problem(v,集,集中使用中使用)198position(熟义:熟义:n位置;位置;职位职位) Whats your position on the problem?(n立场;观点立场;观点)199pound(熟义:熟义:n磅;英镑磅;英镑) No on

65、e can stand continuous pounding on the head(n猛击;连续猛击;连续重击重击)200produce(熟义:熟义:v生产生产) Please produce your ticket for inspection(v拿出;出示拿出;出示)201promise(熟义:熟义:vn许许诺诺) The dark clouds promise rain(v有有的希望;使的希望;使有可能有可能)202pronounce(熟义:熟义:v发音发音)The judge pronounced against her appeal(v宣称;宣布;判决宣称;宣布;判决)203.

66、put up(熟义:建设;张贴熟义:建设;张贴)Could you put me up for the night?(留某留某人住宿人住宿)204. pick up(熟义:拾起,捡起;熟义:拾起,捡起;偶然发现;弄到手;听到,得到偶然发现;弄到手;听到,得到(情报,知识情报,知识);康复;康复;增加增加(速度速度) Trains picked up the timber workers working in the forest farm every day(用车接某人用车接某人)205. possess(熟义:拥有熟义:拥有)A violent anger possessed him(vt(

67、感情,情绪等感情,情绪等)支配;控制支配;控制)206. press(熟义:熟义:v压压) He pressedher guests to stay a little longer(vt劝说劝说) 207rate(熟义:熟义:n比率,速度比率,速度) These potatoes rate among the best(v对对作出评价;被认为,被评价作出评价;被认为,被评价为为)208read(熟义:熟义:v阅读阅读) I didnt read mothers thougllts at that time(v理解;领会理解;领会)209. reflect(熟义:熟义:v映出;反映出;反射;表现

68、射;表现) I need time toreflect on your offer(v沉思;思考沉思;思考(onupon)210remember熟义:熟义:vt记住记住) Please remember the waitress(vt送送(人人)礼物,付小费礼物,付小费(给人给人) 211rest(熟义:熟义:vn休息休息) 212round(熟义:熟义:prepadv环绕,围着环绕,围着adj圆形的圆形的)213race(熟义:熟义:vt和和比赛比赛n赛跑赛跑)214recover(熟义:熟义:v恢复健恢复健康;痊愈康;痊愈)215refresh(熟义:熟义:vt使恢复使恢复精力精力)216

69、relate(熟义:熟义:v与一有关;与一有关;相关相关) 217remote(熟义:熟义:adj偏远的;偏远的;偏僻的偏僻的)218repair(熟义熟义vn修理修理) 219respect(熟义:熟义:vt。n尊敬;尊敬;敬意敬意)220rest(熟义:熟义:vn休息休息)221religion(熟义:熟义:n宗教宗教)222review(熟义:熟义:vt复习复习)223run(熟义:熟义:v跑跑)224safe(熟义:熟义:adj安全的安全的)225say(熟义:熟义:vt说说)226scholarship(熟义:熟义:n奖学奖学金金)227. second(熟义:熟义:detadvn第

70、二第二) 228see(熟义:熟义:vL看到看到) 229. seize(熟义:熟义:vt抓住,强夺抓住,强夺) 230. shoot(熟义:熟义:v射击;射中射击;射中)231shoulder(熟义:熟义:n肩膀肩膀)232soul(熟义:熟义:n灵魂灵魂)233sound(熟义:熟义:n声音声音)234. spare(熟义:熟义:adj.多余的;备多余的;备用的;空余的用的;空余的v:吝惜;拨出,:吝惜;拨出,抽出抽出)235. spring(熟义:熟义:n春天;泉春天;泉水水) 236. stamp(熟义:熟义:n邮票邮票) 237. start(熟义:熟义:v开始;发动;开始;发动;开

71、创开创)238. steal(熟义:熟义:v偷偷)239. strength(熟义:熟义:n力气力气)240. succeed(熟义:熟义:v成功成功)241. surprise(熟义:熟义: V&t使惊使惊讶,惊奇讶,惊奇)242. sympathy(熟义:熟义:n.同情同情)243satisfy(熟义:熟义:v使满意;使满意;使满足使满足)244say(熟义:熟义:v说话说话)245set(熟义:熟义:v放;置放;置)246sharp(熟义:熟义:adj锋利的;锋利的;锐利的锐利的) I felt a sharp pain in my stomach(adj剧烈的;猛烈的剧烈的;猛烈的)247simply(熟义:熟义:adv仅仅;仅仅;只不过只不过) It is simply wonderful to see youI(adv(强调某说法强调某说法)确实,简直确实,简直)248sink。(熟义:熟义:v下沉;沉下沉;沉没没) Prices are sinking slowly(v降低;降低;下降下降)



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