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1、第一组:记 叙 文(一一) A bear, who had made his living by dancing for a long time, 1 _ length escaped from his master, and 2 _ (return) to his former companions in the woods. His brothers welcomed 3 _(he) with most friendly growls(咆哮声咆哮声). Then, the bear shared what he had seen in foreign countries with his

2、close brothers, and told 4 _ long history of his adventures, 5 _ appealed to his brothers a lot. whichahimreturnedatEven eventually, 6 _ (exhibit) his wonderful feats(特技特技), he began, in a stand-up position, to dance the Polonaise (波兰舞曲波兰舞曲). His brothers, who 7 _ _(watch) the performance, were asto

3、nished at his grace, and tried to imitate his ballet steps. However, it turned out to be 8 _ (total) in vain. totallywatchingto exhibitwereEvery time they raised their bodies on two legs, they fell backwards with hands and legs in the air, which, in the next moment, was repeated for many times. 9_ (

4、see) their awkwardness, the bear went on exhibiting some 10 _ (high) levels of displays of his art, which, in the end, aroused the envy of the others, and so they drove him away from their society. higher Seeing ( (一一) )本文讲述一只新来的熊因为爱出风本文讲述一只新来的熊因为爱出风头而被其他熊赶出家族的故事。此故事意义头而被其他熊赶出家族的故事。此故事意义深远,令人深思。深远,令

5、人深思。1. at 固定搭配固定搭配at length意为意为“终于、最终终于、最终”。2. returned 根据前面的并列谓语根据前面的并列谓语escaped可知可知此空也必须填过去式此空也必须填过去式returned。3. him 作宾语用宾格。作宾语用宾格。4. a 因因history是可数名词,此处缺少限定词,是可数名词,此处缺少限定词,故填故填a。5. which 引导非限定性制语从句,并在从句引导非限定性制语从句,并在从句中作主语。中作主语。6. to exhibit 表目的用动词不定式。表目的用动词不定式。7. were watching 分析句子成分可知,此处分析句子成分可知

6、,此处watch作谓语作谓语(只需要考虑时态和语态只需要考虑时态和语态)。思考。思考涉及过去的时态涉及过去的时态(一般过去时、过去进行时、一般过去时、过去进行时、过去完成时、过去将来时过去完成时、过去将来时),显然过去进行时,显然过去进行时最符合语境,表示最符合语境,表示“当时正在观看表演当时正在观看表演”。语。语态显然无需用被动,故填态显然无需用被动,故填were watching。8. totally 修饰表语修饰表语in vain用副词。用副词。9. Seeing 此处此处see作非谓语,并与逻辑主语作非谓语,并与逻辑主语the bear存在主动关系,故填存在主动关系,故填Seeing。

7、10. higher 显然此处指更高水平的表演。属于显然此处指更高水平的表演。属于隐性比较级。隐性比较级。former adj. 从前的从前的 companion n. 伙伴伙伴adventure n. 冒险冒险 grace n. 优雅优雅imitate vt. 模仿模仿awkwardness n. 笨拙笨拙arouse vt. 引起;引发引起;引发envy n. 嫉妒嫉妒make ones living 谋生谋生appeal to 对对有吸引力有吸引力stand-up position 直立的姿势直立的姿势 be astonished at 对对非常吃惊非常吃惊in vain 徒劳徒劳dri

8、ve sb. away 把某人赶走把某人赶走(二二) Hodja borrowed a large pot from his neighbor. Days and weeks passed, but he didnt return the pot. One day the neighbor came over and asked to have his pot back. Hodja apologized, “I am sorry. I forgot to return it. 1 _,” he said, “I have good news for you. While the pot wa

9、s at my house, it gave birth to a 2 _ (small) pot.” The neighbor went home happily with two pots. smaller But A few weeks 3 _ (late), Hodja knocked on his neighbors door and asked to borrow the large pot again. The neighbor remembered the good experience from the first time, so he was happy 4 _ (len

10、d) his pot again. Weeks passed and there was no word from Hodja about the pot. The neighbor decided to go to Hodjas house, 5 _ before, and ask him to return the pot. as to lendlaterWhen Hodja opened the door, the neighbor asked to have the pot back. Hodja, with a sad face, told the man the pot 6 _ (

11、borrow) died. The neighbor was 7 _(shock) and angry and said, “8 _ do you think I am, an idiot? Do you want me to believe that a pot 9 _ (die)?” “Man,” Hodja replied with a smile, “you had no trouble 10 _(believe) a pot gave birth.”believingdiedWhatshocked borrowed ( (二二) )这是一篇主人公为霍加这是一篇主人公为霍加( (阿凡提

12、阿凡提) )的民的民间笑话间笑话大锅生小锅大锅生小锅,故事诙谐幽默却,故事诙谐幽默却发人深省,为人处世教育寓含其中。发人深省,为人处世教育寓含其中。1. But 上下句为转折关系。上下句为转折关系。2. smaller 隐性比较级隐性比较级(与原锅作比较与原锅作比较)。3. later 表表“多久以后多久以后”用用later。如。如two days later(两天后两天后)。4. to lend 形容词后常用不定式作状语。句形容词后常用不定式作状语。句型:主型:主+系系+形容词形容词+to do。5. as 固定搭配固定搭配as before意为意为“像之前那样像之前那样”。6. borro

13、wed 此处此处borrow为非谓语,并与逻为非谓语,并与逻辑主语辑主语pot存在被动关系,故填过去分词作存在被动关系,故填过去分词作后置定语,修饰前面的后置定语,修饰前面的pot。7. shocked v.-ed形容词作表语,表达主语形容词作表语,表达主语neighbor(人人)的心情。的心情。8. What 句意句意“你认为我是什么你认为我是什么(种类的种类的)人人?”9. died 一般过去时,对应句意一般过去时,对应句意“你想让我你想让我相信刚才你讲的话相信刚才你讲的话锅死了锅死了?”10. believing 固定结构固定结构have (no) trouble (in) doing

14、sth.意为意为“做某事有困难做某事有困难”。pot n. 锅锅 apologize v. 道歉道歉 experience n. 经历;经验经历;经验word n. 消息消息idiot n. 傻瓜;白痴傻瓜;白痴come over 过来过来knock on 敲敲(门门) give birth to 生产;生出生产;生出(三三) Once, there were four candles. They burnt slowly. The surroundings were so soft 1 _ you could hear them speak. The first candle said, “

15、I am Peace, but nobody 2 _ (want) to keep me lit.” Then, Peaces flame slowly decreased and went out completely. The 3 _ (two) candle said, “My name is Faith, but these days, I am no longer indispensable (不可缺少的不可缺少的).”secondwants that Not long later, Faiths flame slowly decreased and went out complet

16、ely as well. Sadly, the third candle said, “People call me Love and I think I dont have the 4 _ (strong) to stay lit any longer. People neglect me and put me aside, not knowing my importance. They even forget 5 _ (love) those who are the 6 _ (near) to them. 7 _(wait) no longer, Love went out complet

17、ely.Waiting nearest to love strength Suddenly, 8 _ child entered the room and saw the three candles on longer burning. The child began to cry, “Why arent you burning?” Just at that moment, the fourth candle spoke 9 _(gentle) to him, “Dont be afraid. My name is Hope. As long as I am burning, we can r

18、elight the other candles.”10 _ hope and delight, the child took the candle of Hope and lit the other candles.Withgentlya( (三三) )本文讲述的是四根蜡烛的故事。本文讲述的是四根蜡烛的故事。“和平和平”、“信念信念”和和“爱爱”这三根蜡烛都在人们的冷落这三根蜡烛都在人们的冷落下熄灭了,只剩下下熄灭了,只剩下“希望希望”。但只要。但只要“希望希望”之烛仍在,就能重燃其他几根蜡烛。之烛仍在,就能重燃其他几根蜡烛。1. that 由本句前面的由本句前面的so可知填可知填that引

19、导结果状引导结果状语从句。语从句。2. wants 从前面的分句可知本句用一般现在从前面的分句可知本句用一般现在时,主语是时,主语是nobody,故谓语动词用第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。单数形式。3. second 由上下文语意和空前的定冠词由上下文语意和空前的定冠词the可可知是用序数词。知是用序数词。4. strength 作宾语用名词形式。句意:我再作宾语用名词形式。句意:我再也没有保持燃烧的力量了。也没有保持燃烧的力量了。5. to love forget to do sth.意为意为“忘记做某事忘记做某事”。6. nearest 由空格前的定冠词由空格前的定冠词the可知

20、本空应填可知本空应填形容词最高级。形容词最高级。7. Waiting 句中已有谓语动词句中已有谓语动词went,故,故wait作作为非谓语动词,为非谓语动词,wait与逻辑主语与逻辑主语love是主动关是主动关系,故用系,故用Waiting。8. a 因因child在原文第一次出现,而且是可数在原文第一次出现,而且是可数名词单数,故其前填不定冠词名词单数,故其前填不定冠词a。9. gently 修饰动词修饰动词spoke必须用副词形式。必须用副词形式。10. With 句意:怀着希望和喜悦,小孩拿起句意:怀着希望和喜悦,小孩拿起“希望希望”之烛点燃了其他几根蜡烛。之烛点燃了其他几根蜡烛。wit

21、h表伴表伴随。随。surroundings n. 环境环境 flame n. 火焰火焰neglect vt. 忽视;忽略忽视;忽略 relight vt. 重新点燃重新点燃go out 熄灭熄灭 putaside 把把放到一旁放到一旁(四四) A long time ago, there was a large forest, 1 _ 500 monkeys lived.One night the 500 monkeys wandered around and came to a tree. Under the tree was a deep ancient well. The water i

22、n the well was clean and reflected 2 _ full moon in the sky. The leading monkey 3 _ (bend) over the well and watched carefully for a while. bentthewhereThen it said to the others, “Today the moon has died and fallen into this well. Let us scoop it up together; otherwise the nights 4 _ (be) dark fore

23、ver.” On hearing that, all the monkeys got 5 _ (puzzle), saying, “The well is so deep. How can we scoop up(捞起捞起) the moon?” The leading monkey had a 6 _ (suddenly) brainwave and said, “I have it! I will climb up the tree and grasp a branch, then another one 7 _(grasp) my tail. graspssuddenpuzzledwil

24、l beIn this way, one following another in succession, cant we hang down into the well?” When the other monkeys heard this, they jumped with joy. So they 8 _ (link) their heads and tails together, 9 _ (extend) longer and longer until they almost touched the surface of the well water. At this moment,

25、the branch broke 10 _ a big crack and all 500 monkeys fell into the ancient well.withextendinglinked( (四四) )本文讲述的是猴子捞月的故事本文讲述的是猴子捞月的故事。1. where 引导非限制性定语从句,先行引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是词是forest,故填,故填where。2. the moon前必须加定冠词。前必须加定冠词。3. bent bend在此作谓语,故考虑时态和在此作谓语,故考虑时态和语态。时态显然是过去时,语态。时态显然是过去时,bend是主语是主语发出的动作,不用被动语

26、态,故填发出的动作,不用被动语态,故填bent即可。即可。4. will be 根据前面的时间状语根据前面的时间状语today可知可知填一般将来时。填一般将来时。5. puzzled 作表语用形容词。作表语用形容词。6. sudden 修饰名词用形容词形式。修饰名词用形容词形式。7. grasps 位于双引号里面的信息,时态常位于双引号里面的信息,时态常用一般现在时。主语是不定代词,故谓语动用一般现在时。主语是不定代词,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。词用第三人称单数形式。8. linked 此处此处link作谓语,根据前一句可作谓语,根据前一句可知要用过去时。知要用过去时。9. extendi

27、ng 此处此处extend作非谓语,且与逻作非谓语,且与逻辑主语存在主动关系,故填辑主语存在主动关系,故填-ing形式。形式。10. with 表表“带着带着/伴随着伴随着”常用介词常用介词with。reflect vt. 反射;照出反射;照出 brainwave n. 灵感灵感grasp vt. 抓住抓住tail n. 尾巴尾巴extend vt. 延伸;延长延伸;延长crack n. 噼啪声噼啪声wander around 徘徊徘徊in succession 接连地;连续地接连地;连续地(五五)Hodja and his son went 1 _ a journey. They only

28、had one donkey. Hodja told his son to ride the donkey. Hodja preferred to walk. On the way, they met some people who said, “Look at that healthy boy! Thats todays 2 _ (young). They show no respect for their elders. He is riding on the donkey and 3 _(he) poor father is walking!”hisyouthonWhen they pa

29、ssed these people, the boy felt 4 _ (badly). He told his father to ride the donkey while he walked. So Hodja rode the donkey, and the boy walked at his side.A little later, they met other people who said, “Well, look at that! That poor boy has to walk 5 _ his father is riding the donkey.” After they

30、 passed these people, Hodja told his son, “The best thing is for both of us 6 _ (walk). to walkwhilebadThen, no one can 7 _ (complaint).” So they continued their journey on foot, 8 _(walk) beside the donkey. Down the road, they met some others who said, “Just look at those idiots. Both of them are w

31、alking under this hot sun and neither of them 9 _ (ride) the donkey!” Hodja turned to his son and said, “That shows you 10 _ hard it is to escape the opinions of men.”howis/are riding walking complain( (五五) )这是一篇主人公为霍加这是一篇主人公为霍加( (阿凡提阿凡提) )的民的民间寓言间寓言人言可畏人言可畏,故事浅显却发人深,故事浅显却发人深省,为人处世教育寓含其中。省,为人处世教育寓含其

32、中。1. on 固定搭配固定搭配go on a journey意为意为“去旅去旅行行”。2. youth 在所有格后用名词形式。在所有格后用名词形式。3. his 此处此处“3(he) poor father”作主语,作主语,且根据前面的且根据前面的He可知此处填形容词性物主可知此处填形容词性物主代词代词his。4. bad 感官类系动词后用形容词作表语。感官类系动词后用形容词作表语。5. while 并列连词并列连词while重在对比重在对比“男孩走男孩走”但但“爸爸骑驴爸爸骑驴”。6. to walk 不定式作表语。句子结构:不定式作表语。句子结构:The best thing is (f

33、or sb.) to do sth.。7. complain 此空作谓语且位于情态动词后,此空作谓语且位于情态动词后,故填动词原形。故填动词原形。8. walking 现在分词作伴随状语,其逻辑现在分词作伴随状语,其逻辑主语为主语为they,与,与walk为主动关系。为主动关系。9. is/are riding 用现在进行时,直接引语用现在进行时,直接引语中,中,“look”这个动作对应的应为这个动作对应的应为“现在现在正在正在”骑驴,骑驴,neither of them后的谓语动词后的谓语动词可单可复。可单可复。10. how 感叹句充当宾语从句,感叹句充当宾语从句,how后面紧后面紧跟跟h

34、ard形容词。形容词。donkey n. 驴驴 elder n. 长辈长辈idiot n. 白痴;笨蛋白痴;笨蛋escape v. 逃避;避免逃避;避免prefer to 更喜欢更喜欢turn to 转向转向show no respect for sb. 不尊重某人不尊重某人(六六) An old man was seated in the train with his 25-year-old son. As the train started, the young man was filled 1 _ much joy and curiosity. He was seated on the

35、window side. He stuck out one hand 2 _ (feel) the passing air. He shouted, “Papa see all the trees are going behind.” The old man smiled and 3 _ admire) his sons emotions. admired to feelwithThere was a couple 4 _ were seated beside the young man. They were just sitting and listening to the conversa

36、tion between the father 5 _ the son. They 6 _ (probable) thought its somewhat awkward, 7 _ (observe) the 25-year-old man was behaving like a small child. Suddenly the young man again shouted, “Papa see the pond and animals. Clouds are moving with the train.” The couple was watching the young man vis

37、ibly embarrassed of his 8 _(behave). behavior observingprobablyandwhoNow it started raining and some water drops touched the young mans hand. He shouted excitedly again, “Papa its raining, the water 9 _ (touch) me, see papa.”The couple couldnt help themselves any longer and asked the old man, “Why d

38、ont you visit the doctor and get your son treated?” The old man said, “Yes, we were coming from the hospital. Today only my son got eyesight first time in 10_ (he) life.”hisis touching( (六六) )本文讲述了一位父亲和他本文讲述了一位父亲和他2525岁的儿子坐岁的儿子坐火车的故事。他的儿子火车的故事。他的儿子2525年来第一次恢复视年来第一次恢复视力,自己亲眼看见这个世界,难掩兴奋激动力,自己亲眼看见这个世界,

39、难掩兴奋激动的心情。的心情。1. with 固定短语固定短语be filled with意为意为“充满充满”。2. to feel 作目的状语,用不定式。作目的状语,用不定式。3. admired 此处此处admire作谓语,与作谓语,与smiled并并列,故用过去时。列,故用过去时。4. who 引导定语从句,先行词是引导定语从句,先行词是a couple(一一对夫妇对夫妇),指人,故用,指人,故用who。5. and 固定结构固定结构betweenand意为意为“在在与与之间之间”。6. probably 修饰动词修饰动词thought,要用副词,要用副词形式。形式。7. observin

40、g 分析句子结构可知,分析句子结构可知,observe在此作非谓语,且与主语在此作非谓语,且与主语they存在主动关系,存在主动关系,故用现在分词形式。故用现在分词形式。8. behavior 形容词性物主代词后需接名词。形容词性物主代词后需接名词。9. is touching 分析句子结构可知,此处分析句子结构可知,此处touch作谓语,故需要考虑时态和语态。根作谓语,故需要考虑时态和语态。根据前面的据前面的its raining推知,用现在进行时最推知,用现在进行时最佳。佳。10. his 名词前用形容词性物主代词,意为名词前用形容词性物主代词,意为“在他的生命中在他的生命中”。curio

41、sity n. 好奇好奇 emotions n. 情感;喜怒哀乐情感;喜怒哀乐somewhat adv. 有点有点 awkward adj. 尴尬的尴尬的pond n. 池塘池塘 visibly adv. 明显地明显地embarrassed adj. 尴尬的尴尬的 stick out 伸出伸出(七七) Washington was 1 _ first president of the US. He was very clever even when he was still a 12-year-old boy. Once, a thief stole some money from Uncle

42、 Post, Washingtons neighbor. The door 2 _ the house was not broken, and things in the room 3 _ (be) in good order. Washington concluded that the theft must have been committed by one of the 4 _ (villager).villagers were of the That evening at the villagers meeting he said, “We dont know who stole th

43、e money 5 _ God does. God sends 6 _ (he) wasp(黄蜂黄蜂) to tell good from evil. Every night the wasp flies among us but few people notice it” Then, all of a sudden, Washington waved his hand and 7 _ (cry) out, “Look! The wasp has landed on the 8 _ (thief) hat. It is going to sting(螫螫)!”thiefscried his b

44、utThe crowd burst into an uproar(哗然哗然). Everybody turned to look for the thief. But soon the noise died down. All eyes were fixed on the man 9 _ (try) hard to drive the “wasp” off his hat. “Now we know who stole the money,” Washington said 10 _ (confident).confidentlytrying( (七七) )本文主要讲述了美国第一任总统华盛顿机

45、本文主要讲述了美国第一任总统华盛顿机智抓住小偷的故事。智抓住小偷的故事。1. the 序数词前应加定冠词序数词前应加定冠词the,表示,表示“美国美国的第一任总统的第一任总统”。2. of the door of the house意为意为“房门房门”,故,故填填of。3. were 根据主语根据主语things可知此处应用可知此处应用be的复的复数形式;再根据全文时态可知,此处应用一般数形式;再根据全文时态可知,此处应用一般过去时。过去时。4. villagers 根据根据one of可知此处应用可数名词可知此处应用可数名词的复数形式。的复数形式。5. but 句意:虽然我们不知道是谁偷了钱

46、,句意:虽然我们不知道是谁偷了钱,但上帝知道。此处表示转折,故用但上帝知道。此处表示转折,故用but。6. his 修饰名词,应用形容词性物主代词。修饰名词,应用形容词性物主代词。7. cried 因因and并列的两个谓语动词时态应并列的两个谓语动词时态应保持一致,故此处填与保持一致,故此处填与waved相对应的相对应的cried。8. thiefs 修饰名词修饰名词hat,应用,应用thief的所有格的所有格形式。形式。9. trying 因因the man与与try是主动关系,故是主动关系,故用现在分词短语作后置定语。用现在分词短语作后置定语。10. confidently 修饰动词修饰动

47、词said,应用副词形,应用副词形式。式。president n. 总统总统 neighbor n. 邻居邻居 commit vt. 犯罪;犯错犯罪;犯错 (be) in good order 整齐;情况良好整齐;情况良好 tell good from evil 分辨善恶分辨善恶all of a sudden 突然突然cry out 大喊大喊 die down 渐渐消失;变弱渐渐消失;变弱 (八八) One year during the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a great famine(饥荒饥荒) in the State of Qi. A

48、 rich man 1 _ (name) Qian Ao set up a stall by the roadside with 2 _ (lot) of food, waiting 3 _ hungry people to come to give it in charity. After a short while, 4 _ awfully hungry man walked over, with his head covered by his sleeve and his shoes tied up with strings. anforlots named When Qian Ao s

49、aw this, he held food in his left hand and tea in his right, 5 _ (shout), “Hey, come and eat 6 _(you) food.” The man raised his head suddenly, opening his eyes wide and said 7 _ (angry), “It is exactly because I dont want 8 _(take) this kind of hand-out food given by people shouting charity that I h

50、ave starved to such an extent!”to takeangrilyyour shouting As soon as Qian Ao heard this, he quickly 9 _ (apologize) to the man. Eventually, the man starved to death 10 _ he was unwilling to take the food.becauseapologized( (八八) ) 本文讲的是一个怀有强烈自尊心的人,本文讲的是一个怀有强烈自尊心的人,宁可饿死也不肯受别人轻视的故事。宁可饿死也不肯受别人轻视的故事。1.

51、named 分析句子结构可知,句中已有谓语分析句子结构可知,句中已有谓语动词动词set up,故,故name应是非谓语;再根据应是非谓语;再根据name与主语与主语man之间存在被动关系,可知用过去分之间存在被动关系,可知用过去分词作后置定语。词作后置定语。2. lots lots of意为意为“许多、大量许多、大量”,既可修饰,既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。3. for 句意:等饥饿的人来了,就施舍给他们。句意:等饥饿的人来了,就施舍给他们。wait for意为意为“等待、等候等待、等候”。4. an hungry man在此处首次出现,且在此处首次出现

52、,且awfully是以元音音素开头,故填不定冠词是以元音音素开头,故填不定冠词an。5. shouting 分析句子结构可知,句中已分析句子结构可知,句中已有谓语动词有谓语动词held,故,故shout应是非谓语;应是非谓语;再根据再根据shout与主语与主语he之间存在主动关系,之间存在主动关系,可知用现在分词短语作伴随状语。可知用现在分词短语作伴随状语。6. your 修饰名词,应用形容词性物主代修饰名词,应用形容词性物主代词词your。7. angrily 修饰动词修饰动词said,应用副词形式。,应用副词形式。8. to take want后常接不定式作宾语。后常接不定式作宾语。wan

53、t to do sth. 意为意为“想要做某事想要做某事”。9. apologized 根据前后文时态可知本文根据前后文时态可知本文主要时态为一般过去时,故主要时态为一般过去时,故apologize也也应用过去式。应用过去式。10. because 句意:最后那人因为不肯句意:最后那人因为不肯吃施舍的东西而饿死了。根据句意可知吃施舍的东西而饿死了。根据句意可知前后两个分句是因果关系,故填连接词前后两个分句是因果关系,故填连接词because,引导原因状语从句。,引导原因状语从句。roadside n. 路边路边 sleeve n. 袖子袖子set up a stall设了一个摊位设了一个摊位the Spring and Autumn Period 春秋时期春秋时期in charity 出于恻隐之心出于恻隐之心tied up with strings 用绳子系住用绳子系住to such an extent 到如此的程度到如此的程度starve to death饿死饿死THANK YOU!



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