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1、小升初英语复习冲刺试题及答案(十)听力某些(40分)一、听录音,找出你所听到选项,将序号填入题前括号内。(每题读三遍,10分)A B C D1. WTO NBA PRC IBM2. hgfe uogb qojp wudv3.ai ei ?u au 4. 60 30 63 135. 7:15 7:00 4:20 10:556. 6835097 6853097 6850379 68053797. under behind beside between8. football blackboard beautiful different9. yellow cat his coat many kite

2、Bens cars10. go there sit here come here over there二、判断所听内容是否符合图意,相符用、不符用x体现。(每题读三遍,10分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.三、听音在括号中标序号,并在横线上写出划线某些中文意思。(每题读两遍,10分)Would you please count from one to a hundred ?_Look!Alice is standing beside the school bus . _Lets look after the little animal. _What a beautiful stamp!Can I

3、 have a look?_Dont take off your sweater. Its cold. _四、听录音,完成下列书信中所缺单词。(共读三遍,10分)Dear _ ,My name is Denny. Im an _boy. Im _. Im a new _ in Xinhai Middle School. Im in Class 1,_2.I like to play _ after school. I like _ very much. Do you like_?I think youd like to be my pen-friend. Heres a_ of _.May I

4、 have yours?Please write to me soon.Yours ,Denny听力某些答案一、听录音,找出你所听到选项,将序号填入题前括号内。1 x10=10分(答案:1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.B)二、断所听内容是否符合图意,相符用、不符用x体现。2 x5=10分(答案:1. x 2. 3. 4. 5. x )三、听音在括号中标序号,并在横线上写出中文意思.。2 x5=10分注:每题标序号1分,写出中文意思1分(答案:3. 从1数到100 5.站在校车旁 1. 照顾小动物4.看一看 2.脱下你毛衣 )四、听录音,完成下列书信

5、中所缺单词。1 x 10=10分(答案:1.friend 2. American 3.fifteen 4. student 5.Grade 6.football 7.Chinese 8. English?9.photo 10. mine )听力某些录音稿一、听录音,找出你所听到选项,将序号填入题前括号内。(每题共读三遍,先读两遍,最后一边查对No.1.PRC No.2.uogb No.3 ai No.4.63No.5.a quarter past seven No.6. 6853097 No.7.betweenNo.8.beautiful No.9.his coat No.10.sit her

6、e二、判断所听内容是否符合图意,相符用、不符用x体现。(每题共读三遍,先读两遍,最后一边查对)No.1 -What time is it now?-Its 9:34.No.2 The two boys are in the same class,but in different rows.No.3 - Whats twenty minus eight,Mr Tiger?- I think its twenty-eight.- Oh,no,youre wrong. Its twelve.No.4 -Would you please tell me her telephone number?-Su

7、re.Its 4817902.No.5 Today is Duoduos birthday. A big cake is on the table. Some grapes are behind the cake.三、听音在括号中标序号,并在横线上写出中文意思.。(每题共读两遍)No.1 Lets look after the little animal.No.2 Dont take off your sweater. Its cold.No.3 Would you please count from one to a hundred?No.4 What a beautiful stamp!C

8、an I have a look?No.5 Look!Alice is standing beside the school bus.四、听录音,完成下列书信中所缺单词。(共读三遍,10分)Dear friend ,My name is Denny. Im an American boy. Im fifteen. Im a new studentin Xinhai Middle School. Im in Class 1,Grade 2.I like to play footballafter school. I like Chinese very much. Do you like Engl

9、ish?I think youd like to be my pen-friend. Heres a photo of mine. May Ihave yours?Please write to me soon.Yours ,Denny笔试某些(60分)一、看图填写句中空缺单词。(13分)1.This is the _ skirt.2.I can see an _on the chair.3.Whose _are on the _?4.Where are the _?二、选用填空,序号填入括号中(16分)1. _are these books ?Thirteen yuan.A. How man

10、y B. What C. How much2. - _ bikes are there under the tree?-There are four.A. How many B. How much C. What3. I live _ a new house now.A. of B. in C. on4.-Good morning. Can I help you?-_A. Yes,I can. B.A pen,please. C. Thanks.5.Shall we go to the playground?.A. Yes,lets go. B. You are welcome. C. Its

11、 nice.6. This isnt _ schoolbag ._ is dark blue.A shes,Her B. her ,she C. her ,Hers7. Whats the womans job?Shes a _.A. daughter B.bank C. doctor8. Can you show me the way _ the small village?A. in B. to C. near三、依照图意选用 there be或 have、has 写出你想体现意思。(16分)1._2._3._4._四、阅读短文,判断正误。(15分)Im Fangfang.I live i

12、n a village. Its small but beautiful.Look!That is my house. There are some trees near it. Behind the housetheres a big river. You can see some boats on the river. Many ducks arebeside the boats. How lovely!Oh,many flowers are between the trees.Lets get some to our teachers.1.Fangfangs house is small

13、.2.Theres a small river behind the house.3.There are some boats on the river.4.What lovely ducks they are!5.Some flowers between the trees are for our English teachers.笔试某些答案:一、看图填写句中空缺单词。(13分)注:第1题3分;24题每空2.5分;34题中如复数写单数只好1分1.girls 2.apple 3.watches ,chair 4.strawberries二、选用填空,序号填入括号中(2.5 x 8=16分)1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.C 7. 8.B三、依照图意选用 there be或 have、has 写出你想体现意思。(4 x 4=16分)注:1)拼写错一个单词,扣1分,每题扣满4分为止。2)句式能体现与图中人、物有关意思即可得分。四、阅读短文,判断正误。(3x



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