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4、起来,抄人家的名言警句,抄人家的事例,不参考作文书就很难写出像样的文章。所以,词汇贫乏、内容空洞、千篇一律便成了中学生作文的通病。要解决这个问题,不能单在布局谋篇等写作技方面下功夫,必须认识到“死记硬背的重要性,让学生积累足够的“米。第二讲 奇偶性姓名 成绩 本期主要数学术语英语的表述:odd number奇数 even number偶数 Three-digit三位数 sum和 row排 natural numbers自然数 integer number整数 / 1. Is the sum of 1234567100101 the odd number or the even number?

5、Why?1. 1234567100101的和是奇数还是偶数?为什么?2. 5 cups whole cup up on the table, each of which two flip cup. After several flip can make 7 cups whole cup down?2. 5只杯子全部杯口朝上放在桌子上 ,每次翻转其中的2只杯子。能否经过假设干次翻转 ,使得7只杯子全部杯口朝下?3. Change each digit of a three-digit number randomly, then get a new three-digit number, is t

6、he sum of the new three-digit number and the old three-digit number 999? Why?3. 任意改变某三位数的各位数字的顺序后得到一个新的三位数 ,试问这个新三位数与原来的三位数的和能不能等于999?为什么?4. There are 7 rows of chairs in a classroom and there are 7 desks in each row. After a week, each student must exchange his/her seat with the student who sits ne

7、xt to him/her. Can they exchange? Why?4. 教室里有7排椅子 ,每排7张 ,每张椅子上坐一个学生。一周后 ,每个学生都必须和他相邻前、后、左、右的某一同学交换座位。问:能不能换成?为什么?5. Fill in a natural number in each ( the natural number can be the same), to make the differences of any two adjacent numbers in equal to the number marked as shown in Figure. Can you fi

8、ll in? Why?5. 在右图的每个中填入一个自然数可以相同 ,使得任意两个相邻的中的数字之差大数减小数恰好等于它们之间所标的数字。能否办到?为什么?6. There are 15 articles in a symposium. After compose type, the pages of these articles are 1 ,2 ,3 , ,15. If we bind these articles in a volume according to one order and write the pages unified. How many pages are the od

9、d number of each article?6. 一本论文集编入15篇文章 ,这些文章排版后的页数分别是1 ,2 ,3 , ,15页。如果将这些文章按某种次序装订成册 ,并统一编上页码 ,那么每篇文章的第一面是奇数页码的最多有几篇?7. There are some numbers in a line: 1 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,5 ,8 ,13 ,21 ,34 ,55 , At the end of the 1000th of this series, how many even numbers are there in this series?7. 一串数排成一行:1 ,1 ,2 ,3

10、 ,5 ,8 ,13 ,21 ,34 ,55 ,到这串数的第1000个数为止 ,共有多少个偶数?8. Teacher wrote on the blackboard three integers, then wipe off a switch left two numbers, so continue to operate it and eventually get 88,66,99. Q: Can the original is written in three integers 1,3,5?8. 老师在黑板上写出三个整数 ,然后擦去一个换成所剩两数之和 ,这样继续操作下去 ,最后得到88

11、,66 ,99。问:原来写的三个整数能否是1 ,3 ,5?9. The 888 gifts distributed to several children. Q: the gift of children assigned odd is odd or even?9.将888件礼品分给假设干个小朋友。问:分到奇数件礼品的小朋友是奇数还是偶数?10. Below left is a plan view of a house, the figure represents the box room, each room has a door leading to any one of the neig

12、hboring room. Some people want to start from a room, turn not repeatedly traveled every room, his ideas can be realized?10. 左下列图是一套房子的平面图 ,图中的方格代表房间 ,每个房间都有通向任何一个邻室的门。有人想从某个房间开始 ,依次不重复地走遍每一个房间 ,他的想法能实现吗?11. Below left is 14 squares of the same size graphic. How can cut to 7 by the two adjacent squar

13、es rectangles?11. 左下列图是由14个大小相同的方格组成的图形。试问能不能剪裁成7个由相邻两方格组成的长方形?12. For the left table, each time to make any of these two minus or plus the same number, whether after several post (plus or minus the number of times can be different), into the lower right table? Why?12. 对于左下表 ,每次使其中的任意两个数减去或加上同一个数 ,能

14、否经过假设干次后各次减去或加上的数可以不同 ,变为右下表?为什么?13. In rooms A, B, C, D, E, F, G of seven lights were arranged in a row, each lamp installation of a switch. There are A, B, C, D which four lights on, and the remaining three did not light. Xiaohua from A to G pulling the switch, so pull 2019 times, which lights on?

15、 Which no bright lights?13. 房间里有A、B、C、D、E、F、G共7盏灯依次排成一排 ,每盏灯安装一个开关。现在有A、B、C、D这4盏灯亮着 ,其余3盏没亮。小华从A到G拉动开关 ,这样拉动2019次后 ,哪些灯还亮着?哪些灯没亮?14. There are large and small two boxes, where big box built 1001 white pawn and 1000 the same size of the black pawn, a small box containing a sufficient number of black

16、chess pieces. Jen took out time from the big box above two pieces, if the work out of two pieces of the same color, then take a small black box into a large piece box; when pulled out of two pieces Leis, then put them back into the big box white pawn. Q: From the big box touched the 2019 piece, the big box left fired several pieces?What



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