(湖北专用)(新课标)高考英语二轮复习作业手册 专题限时集训6 介词短语

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《(湖北专用)(新课标)高考英语二轮复习作业手册 专题限时集训6 介词短语》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(湖北专用)(新课标)高考英语二轮复习作业手册 专题限时集训6 介词短语(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题限时训练(六)介词短语(限时:15分钟)1. All the materials have been posted to you. Im looking forward to the chance to meet you _ to discuss the present situation of our company.A. in peace B. in returnC. in trouble D. in person2. If you dont explain your theory _, I am afraid that you will not get your idea acros

2、s to the others.Aby accident Bat lengthCin relief Don purpose3. After the 18th CPC National Congress, many new laws and polices will be _ to make sure of the rapid and steady growth of Chinas economy.A. in power B. in controlC. in authority D. in force4. Success in life doesnt happen _. Its the resu

3、lt of devoting your time and energy to what youve set out to do.A. by force B. by accidentC. by design D. by choice5. Bob thought he couldnt go to the party because he had too much homework, but persuaded by his friends, he went _.A. above all B. in allC. after all D. first of all6. Rescue services

4、in western societies take the principle that children are not mature enough to make life choices, _ take care of themselves.Arather than Bor ratherClet alone Das well as7. Some plants can take in carbon dioxide we breathe out and give _ oxygen to us.A. in case B. in turnC. in return D. in addition8.

5、 I went along thinking nothing _, just looking at things around me.A. in brief B. in doubtC. in particular D. in harmony9. I received a call one morning from a lady, but she phoned_, as she kept asking to speak to someone else who I didnt know at all.Aby accident Bby mistakeCby chance Dby force10. C

6、hinas high speed rail network _ plays a significant role in Chinas economy development.A. without doubt B. in turnC. on purpose D. by accident11. Teachers prefer to measure our performances _ the efforts we made rather than the intelligence we have.A. as a consequence of B. regardless ofC. for the s

7、ake of D. in terms of 12. _the phenomenon of “bystander effect” in the Yueyue event, most Chinese strongly believe that there still exist love and warmth in peoples hearts.AIn spite of BIn addition toCBecause of DOn behalf of13. It should be _ that the civil servant should be dismissed for the drunk

8、 driving.A. out of control Bout of practiceC. out of place D. out of question14. With some physical training in the morning,even after a couple of days,you will feel energetic,and _,you will benefit greatly from your perseverance.A. in a way B. on the other handC. on the whole D. in the long term15.

9、 If you are _then exercise, or the movements you make, will cause you some degree of physical harm.A. out of breath B. out of workC. out of luck D. out of condition16. Hundreds of miles off the coast, totally lost, the German sailors became desperate _food and water.Afor fear of Bin hope ofCfor lack

10、 of Don account of17. The book was written _ careful observations and detailed studies.Aon behalf of Bregardless ofCon the basis of Din relation to18. There is no need for you to go on a diet; you are only slightly overweight _ your height.A. in case of B. in relation toC. in return for D. in respon

11、se to19. Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students _ financial aid.A. in favour of B. in honour ofC. in face of D. in need of 20. Canada Post issued two stamps on January 8th, 2011 _ the Chinese Lunar Year of the Rabbit.A. in favour of B. in terms ofC. in celebration of D. in need

12、of专题限时训练(六)1D句意:所有的材料都已经邮给你了,期待有机会见到你,亲自跟你谈论一下我们公司的现状。 in peace 平静地,安静地; in return 作为报答,反过来; in trouble 处于麻烦中; in person 亲自。根据句意可知D项正确。2B句意:如果你不详细地解释你的理论的话,我恐怕别人很难理解你的想法。by accident 偶然地; at length 详细地; in relief 如释重负地; on purpose 故意地。由句意可知B项正确。3D句意:十八大以后,为了确保中国经济快速稳定的发展,将会实行许多新的法律和政策。 in power 掌权,执政

13、; in control 掌握,管理; in authority 有权; in force 有效,实施。由句意可知D项正确。4B句意:生命中的成功不是偶然发生的,它是你为自己开始做的事付出时间和精力的结果。 by force 靠武力, 强行; by accident 偶然地; by design 故意地,蓄意地; by choice 自愿。根据句意可知B项正确。5C句意:鲍勃觉得他无法去参加聚会,因为他有太多作业,但在朋友的劝说下,他终究还是去了。 above all 尤其,最重要的是; in all 总共,合计; after all 毕竟,归根结底; first of all 首先。根据句意

14、可知C项正确。6C句意:西方社会救援机构的理念是:孩子们还不够成熟去做出人生抉择,更不用说照顾自己了。rather than 而不是; or rather 更确切地说; let alone 更不用说; as well as 也,又。根据句意可知C项正确。7C句意:一些植物能吸收我们呼出的二氧化碳并放出氧气。in case万一;in turn轮流,逐个,相应地;in return作为回报,作为回应;in addition另外。根据题意可知选C项。8C句意:我一直走着,没特别想些什么,只是看看周围的东西。 in brief 简单扼要地; in doubt 怀疑地; in particular 特别

15、,尤其; in harmony 和谐地。根据句意可知C项正确。9B句意:一天早晨我接到一个女士打来的电话,但是她打错了,她一直在说让某一个我不认识的人接电话。by accident 偶然地; by mistake 错误地; by chance 偶然地; by force 靠武力。根据句意可知B项正确。10A句意:中国高速铁路网毫无疑问在中国经济发展方面起着重大作用。 without doubt 无疑问地; in turn 轮流; on purpose 故意地; by accident 偶然地。根据句意可知A项正确。11D句意:老师喜欢根据我们所做的努力而不是我们的智商来评价我们的表现。 as a consequence of 由于,因为



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