(湖北专用)(新课标)高考英语二轮复习作业手册 专题限时集训28 动词的时态和语态

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《(湖北专用)(新课标)高考英语二轮复习作业手册 专题限时集训28 动词的时态和语态》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(湖北专用)(新课标)高考英语二轮复习作业手册 专题限时集训28 动词的时态和语态(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题限时训练(二十八)动词的时态和语态(限时:20分钟)1. So many nights as you were playing cards _, and while you were still in sound sleep, I was already in the office. (bury)多少个夜晚当你们在打牌的时候我埋头工作;当你们还在呼呼大睡的时候我已经在办公室里了。2. The instant _, we all stood up to give our opinions. (put)当这个问题被提出的时候,大家纷纷站起来发表自己的观点。3. Since the earthq

2、uake broke out, each doctor and each nurse_saving the injured round the clock. (engage)自从地震爆发以来,每一个医生和护士都一直在夜以继日地忙于抢救伤员。4. You cant find Anna on the playground, for she _ the classroom a moment ago.(see)你不可能在操场找到安娜,因为有人看到她刚才进教室去了。5. They _for almost one week before I joined them, and now we are stil

3、l working on it as no good results have come out so far. (carry)在我加入前,他们一直执行这个计划,大概有一个星期了。我们现在仍然在继续进行,因为到目前为止还没有好的结果产生。6. I first met John at my sisters wedding. He _some of the honoured guests at the time. (chat)我第一次遇见约翰是在我姐姐的婚礼上。当时他在和一些尊贵的客人交谈。7. We are glad to see the efforts we _the environment

4、in the past ten years are paying off at last. (devote)我们很高兴看到在过去十年里投入到保护环境中的努力最终得到回报。8. When I was at middle school, my physics teacher told me light _ sound. (travel)在中学时,我的物理老师告诉我光比声音传播速度快。9. I was very nervous because it was the first time that I _an opening banquet. (invite)我很紧张是因为那是我第一次受邀参加开幕盛宴

5、。10. It is the second time in her life that she _such a difficult time. (go)这是她一生中第二次经历这样的困难时期。11. Many old houses _to make way for the new road in the last few weeks. (tear)在过去几个星期,为了修新公路许多旧房子被拆除了。12. That meat _ because it is rotten.(give)那块肉散发出一股臭味,因为它变质了。13. By the time she comes here tomorrow,

6、we _. (leave)她明天来到这里的时候,我们已经离开了。14. That was the last time he _ the Olympic Games. (part)那是他最后一次参加奥运会。15. I suppose by the time I come back in ten years time all these old houses _. (pull)我想十年以后我回来时所有这些老房子都会被拆除了。16It seems that the conflict _with better communication ,but they were both unwilling to

7、 give in. (avoid) 好像这个矛盾通过更好的沟通原本是可以避免的,但是双方都不愿让步。17. By the time he retired, George _ enough money to buy a holiday home.(save)到乔治退休时,他已攒够了买度假屋的钱。18. In the last few years, the independent recruitment exams _ the chances of top students being admitted by famous universities. (increase)在过去的几年里,自主招生考

8、试增加了优秀学生被名校录取的机会。19. It was reported that another landmark building _ in the east of Wuhan by the end of 2013.(set)据报道另一座地标式建筑将于2013年底在武汉东面建起来。20. The products produced by Apple, especially iPhone 4, _ in the US and have a good market internationally. (sell)苹果公司生产的产品尤其是iPhone 4在美国很畅销,在国际上有良好的市场。专题限时

9、训练(二十八)1I buried myself/I was buried in work2the question was put forward3has been engaging themselves in/has been engaged in4was seen to enter/go into5had been carrying out the plan6was chatting with7have devoted to protecting8travels faster than9had been invited to (attend)10has gone through11have been torn down12is giving off a bad smell13will have left14had taken part in15will have been pulled down16could have been avoided17had saved 18have increased19would have been set up20sell very well



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