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1、2024年从黑色中走出来作文500字篇1:如何从失恋中走出来 每个人大概一生中都会经历至少一次的失恋。失恋是痛苦的,每个人都有自己的方法来发泄这种痛。那么什么才是更健康快速的方法呢? How To Survive A Break Up Every relationship has its own stories to tell. However, no matter how unique your love stories are, breaking up always hit you at the curb. Yes, it hurts. Regardless if you have bee

2、n together for a decade, a year, or a month - each broken relationship is painful for anyone who is in love. Let this short article help you with some relationship advices on how to easily survive a break up. Actually, break up survival tips are found anywhere from the bookstore or from the Internet

3、 itself. Each author or relationship counselor had their own tips and advices on how one that is totally broken at some point of his/her life can easily cope up with their break up scenarios. In fact, if you are willing to let go and move on, coping with your break up will not take you too long to r

4、ecover yourself back. Consider these tips and congratulate yourself after you totally survive a break up. Cry It Out Theres no harm with crying. It doesnt mean that you are a coward for locking yourself in your room or for sobbing out with your friends because you are heartbroken. Believe me, no mat

5、ter how men are considered tough, they do cry when they are heartbroken. Just like how a rainbow appears after the rain, allowing yourself to accept the fact that your relationship is over, crying will as well help you to easily let go to that heartbroken burden you are currently into and move on. G

6、et Yourself Out Although locking yourself in your room at some point after your break up is good, deciding to go out after a few days of crying will easily help you to welcome a new phase in your life that wants you to stand up again and keep moving. Night out with your buddies is a very helpful ide

7、a while it also allows you to meet new friends, new people, and open a new door for someone who is willing to stay. Who knows? Enjoy Your Space Believe me, it is NOT good to be friend with your EX after the break up. Well, you can, but not at the point after the painful break up scenario regardless

8、if he/she the one who dumped you, or if you are the one who has done the dumping. Space will easily help you both heal. Meaning, no calling, no emails, no Facebook or twitter check out. If you can, delete his/her contact, avoid sending emails, or delete him/her on your Facebook and twitter accounts

9、to avoid from stressing out with whom is he/she talking or communicating in these social media sites. Think What You Deserve Its not just you whos been cheated, hurt, or maybe think that such relationship doesnt work out for you and your partner. You can easily survive a break up if you know how to

10、encourage yourself to stand up every time you fall. Always think what you truly deserve. If he dumped you or if things dont just work out well for both of you - then you know YOU deserve more than better. Keep in mind that one of the best tips on how to survive a break up is learning how to love you

11、rself more and believe that you deserve more than what your past relationship had given to you. You might have lost someone whom you planned to live forever, but you will also surely meet someone who has better plans of living with you like how you always wanted. Remember, it takes two to tango. You

12、 cant stay in a relationship if the other side doesnt have the same ideas and plans like you do. Cheer up and learn from your every break up stories. 篇2:我从暴躁中走出来 我完成了老师交给我的所有的任务,闲来无事,就捧着一本“百年难得一见”的书如饥似渴地读呀,读呀,连眼睛都舍不得眨一下,那样子就像饥肠噜噜的人年到面包上,狼吞虎咽。天公不作美,正当我细细地品尝得津津有味时,吕伟伟拿着一张卷向我虚心请教,我可不想放下书,就一手拿着书,探过头去瞅那道

13、题。我大眼一观,就不假思索地胡编乱造,夸夸夸其谈。我的无稽之谈发表完了,吕伟伟听得晕头转向,拿着卷子又来诚心诚意地请教了,我早已就已经不耐烦了,暴燥的话脱口而出:“这么简单的题你都不会,趁早还是退班吧!”我这突如其来的话受到了重创,于是我和他之间的友谊告一段落。 唉!都是暴燥惹的祸。我决定改掉这一陋习。可是“江山易改,秉性难移”我又重蹈覆辙了。直到那一课: “今天这节课,我们要进行对你的评价。”老师严肃地向我们说:“米靖威,0分” 盼星星,盼月亮。终于轮到我了,我自以为是自己能够得满分的十分,可是老师偏偏不如我的愿望,给了我一个九分,我心中当然有一百二十个不痛快。老师把我为什么只得九分的原因向

14、大家公布:“吕帅君脾气暴燥。”我心里暗想:“老师对我这么好,平时总是教育我对人要心平气和!” 终于,我学会了一个对人生有着重大影响的字:“忍”,我从暴燥走向了温和! 我会永远铭记这一个字,让它时时刻刻激厉和鞭策我。我按捺不住激动的心情,对天高呼:“我终于从暴燥中走出来了!” 篇3:我从胆小中走出来作文 我从胆小中走出来作文 时间过得飞快,转眼间那个阴影已消失在我的眼前。 朗读是我最怕的一项,我十分担心我读不好,害怕被同学们笑话,而不敢放开,变得十分紧张,导致读的磕磕绊绊十分差。然而,自身经历了那件事后,我终于走出了胆小的阴影,找回了自信。 那天下午,陈老师在班级举行演讲活动,要每一位同学都参加

15、,这下我可着急了,老师怎么专挑我的弱势,我要是读不好怎么办?同学们笑话我怎么办?紧张怎么办?这一连串问题伴随着紧张像一个炸弹一样袭向我忐忑不安的心房,心里仿佛住着一只活蹦乱跳的小鹿,狂跳不止。 看着台上每一位同学的演讲十分出色,演讲的语气,时而平静如水,时而铿锵有力,同学们伴随着掌声,欢呼声,响成一片。 演讲比赛就要接近尾声,陈老师说道,“接下来的选手,自己举手,要是没有人上台演讲,活动就结束了。”此时,我的大脑不知发生了什么变故,一直在告诉我,“去演讲吧!你能行的。“而我却还在犹豫不决,双眼看着演讲稿,一瞬间,我做出了一个决定,我果断地举起手,生怕自己回国改变主意,举起手,拿着演讲稿伴随着掌声走上讲台,我的心胸突然放开了,仿佛看到了五星红旗在香港的上空冉冉升起,全国人民为申奥成功欢欣鼓舞,那一瞬间,我战胜了胆小,在那儿从容不迫地演讲着。 从此,胆小就像黑板上的粉笔字,说擦就被擦的一点痕迹也没有。这件事也让我明白了一件事:只要我们的意念越过恐惧,就能够战胜自己,成为一位勇者。如今的我已经从胆小中走了出来。 篇4:我从暴燥中走出来作文 我从暴燥中走出来作文 XX年04月12日 星期二 天气:晴 人生总有一个转折点:从无知走向成熟,从愚昧走向聪明,从失望走向希望,从失败走向成功这把一切的一切都是人生不可缺少的里程



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