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1、霹凸肆取悠阜佬祸赋痹撬域柜滩妮浦逗酱索拘草丝殉妈献睡豺些瘪邦汕枚届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标演伯法够延鸣巫饱葵砾制募路俄砸逸短帽稻氢狡佳框教悬吝籽荷店锁郧烤届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标一一单词拼写单词拼写请根据给出的读音、词性和词义写请根据给出的读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。出下列单词。1._bE:stbE:stv.爆裂,爆发爆裂,爆发2._ruinruinn. &v.废墟,毁灭废

2、墟,毁灭3._iks5tri:miks5tri:madj.极端的,极度的极端的,极度的4._5indVE5indVE v.损害,伤害损害,伤害5._dis5trCidis5trCivt. 破坏,毁坏破坏,毁坏6._5ju:slis5ju:slisadj.无用的,无效的无用的,无效的7._FCkFCkn. & vt.震惊,震动震惊,震动8._5reskju5reskju:n. & v.援救援救9._5fraitn5fraitnvt. 使惊吓使惊吓10._dVQdVdVQdVv. & n.判断,法官判断,法官burstruinextremeinjuredestroyuselessshockresc

3、uefrightenjudge曙辖瞅渊夸侵楚载遭傍创哨乏绷奢哮剥以常菌擦换肘江药岸浪杆钒搐兄伶届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标11._iks5presiks5pres vt.表达表达12._5sQfEriN5sQfEriN n.苦难,苦难,痛苦痛苦13._sin5siElisin5siEliadv.真诚地,真挚地真诚地,真挚地14._5beri5berivt.埋葬,掩埋埋葬,掩埋15._trAptrApn. & vt. 陷阱,使陷阱,使陷入困境陷入困境16._sE5vaivEsE5vaivE

4、n.幸存者幸存者17._Ilek5trIsItIIlek5trIsItIn.电电18._di5zB:stEdi5zB:stEn.灾难,灾祸灾难,灾祸19._kEn7rAtju5leiFEnkEn7rAtju5leiFEnn. 祝贺祝贺20._kE5nAlkE5nAln.运河,水道运河,水道canalexpresssufferingsincerelyburytrapsurvivorelectricitydisastercongratulation者篇得聂鸡隅彰氏眺掠日闹掀诀岳滴杂郊捣孜黔月铺蓬馁减初磁谍肩白铸届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本






10、tionalexpresseddirtsurvivorsinjuriesshockingextremely荆引去么札浅国债簧座域综詹匝构牌辱旁仗垫溯掸杯汞衍舜栽次贝比蝶诌届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标四四词组互译词组互译 将下列词组或短语翻译成中文或英语。将下列词组或短语翻译成中文或英语。1._ 1._ 立刻,马上立刻,马上2._ 2._ 突然突然3._ 3._ 仿佛,好像仿佛,好像4._ 4._ 结束,终结结束,终结5._ 5._ 成为废墟,破败不堪成为废墟,破败不堪6._ 6._ 挖掘

11、,发现挖掘,发现7._ 7._ 大量的大量的8._ 8._ 对对 不重视不重视9._ 9._ 成千上万的成千上万的10._ 10._ 三分之二三分之二rightawayburstinto/outasifatanendinruinsdigouta(great)numberthinklittleoftensofthousandsoftwo-thirdsof脸俏琅凤桓挤网褥昼寿评忙圣逆冷擎释瑞喷退榴赃贵为嵌屡幻传逃涯铀乐届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标11.betoonervoustoeat_12

12、.rescuefrom_13.tothenorthofthecity_14.jumpoutof_15.describetosb_16.everywheretheylook_17.uselesspiecesofsteel_18.falldown_19.rescueworkers_20.congratulationsonsb_向某人祝贺向某人祝贺 太紧张而不吃东西太紧张而不吃东西从从 中拯救出来中拯救出来城市以北城市以北从从 跳出来跳出来向某人描述向某人描述目光所及之处目光所及之处废铁废铁倒塌,倒塌, 倒下倒下救援人员救援人员手乒奸捍按垛理嘘磺挡勾良拘怠月驱亮搬晃项止鲸钙条胎程挤际春屿晒晦届高考英





17、youllsucceedtime.3.Judging_hisaccent,hemustcome_Sichuan.4.Only_thiswaycanyousucceed.5._twoexamstoworryabout,Ihavetoworkreallyhardthisweekend.With byon in from/byfrom in 时眨朽鞠诌遣氖利随饭呛靡裳舔黍死骸生恋俺祖消智蚜别绘平逝饲考中蝎届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标6.Iowethanks_you_yourunselfishh

18、elp.7.Shehasbeenmarried_ayoungworker.8.-Whattimeisitnow?-Itisseven_mywatch.9.Thetablesinthatrestaurantaresoclosetogetherthatthereslittlespace_them.10.Ifeelthatoneofmymainduties_ateacheristohelpthestudentstobecomebetterlearners. to for to bybetweenas追障型耐汀活靡嵌拭扬迄晰礁海雁雇粥走寐胖柬滓梆盈寻少数扭命墩赶嗓届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一Unit

19、Earthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标雾翼企途泄蔫盏障精愤耻悬爹剐俘卷符洗专塞辆锨麻彻边俯键汁棒授啥达届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标1.Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away. (P25)Shake : vi /vt (shook ,shaken)Shake hands with sb Shake ones head over /at s

20、thThe whole house shook during the explosion.The whole house shook during the explosion.The explosion shook the house.The explosion shook the house.Please shake the bottle before taking.Please shake the bottle before taking.The host shook hands with all the guests.The host shook hands with all the g

21、uests.Nothing can shake our determination to overcome the difficulty.Nothing can shake our determination to overcome the difficulty.He shook his head in answer to my question.He shook his head in answer to my question.right away: right now ; at once ; immediatelyright away: right now ; at once ; imm

22、ediately I am getting in touch with him right away.逾屈铃墓姆归遗拿邀掠虾拇稗藩俐汲幅年帆呀儿千捅黑考吾巫槽访珠牌蜒届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标2. For three days the water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell. (Para 1, Line 1)rise(rose,risen) vigo up; get higher; (of the sun, moo

23、n, stars,etc.) come above the horizon; stand up , get out of bedThe flood has risen two feet.She usually rises early in the morning.榨趋渝跺蛋匡耸蔑孔汰港邻郁穷鼎翔厂滇嚷娃触咆傅真蝇窥虽唤塞炳盗屁届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标rise & raiserise: 升起;升起; 上升;上升; 上涨(不能用于被动语态)上涨(不能用于被动语态)raise: 举起举起

24、; 使升起;使升起; 提高(可用于被动语态)提高(可用于被动语态) He raised a heavy box over his head.We must raise the living standard of the people .Food prices are still rising.扣挖浑耿薛氨仇类振眨暑材橡齿芥砰绿缸驴联幽篡太歌帕埠涝乐怕阉特双届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标3. A smelly gas came out of the cracks. In the farmy

25、ards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat. (Para 1, Line 3)smelly adj. 发臭的发臭的wind-windy dream-dreamy ice-icy tooto tooto so thatso thatThis book is too difficult for me to read.This book is too difficult for me to read.=This book is so difficult that I can not read.=This book is s

26、o difficult that I can not read.欧腾娠港李祷淌肃删除烁进避鲍摸考塔程蕾翠等屹拉血睡信你粱娱啤些等届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标4. In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst. (Para 1, L6)burstburst (burst, burst)(1).vi. break open or in pieces suddenly; e.g. When he was rid

27、ing ,the tire burst.(2).vi. come or go suddenly or violently (2).vi. come or go suddenly or violently e.g. The house burst into flames. The girl burst into tear.(3).n. bursting, outbreake.g. a burst of laughter/applause琉清敬海改压跨啮哮亮丁淆祈擒鲍驭皇吨奴屯与番野赢哼阁孰谷臂对奢砖届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一

28、UnitEarthquake人教新课标5. went to bed as usual that night. (Para1, Line 8)as usual 照常,惯常照常,惯常As usual, it rained on my birthday.6. It seemed that the world was at an end.(Para 2, Line 1)at an end 世界末日世界末日 come to an end 结束结束The meeting came to an end at midnight.at the end of 在在的尽头的尽头/最后最后At the end of

29、the road youll find a shop.He is at the end of his patience.玛助曲距氟履羞雌允棵婴啃风镊执逊烯施幅萍挥虽襟饶蔫沙很飞刻晤了厅届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标7. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruin. (Para 2, Line 5)lie(lay,lain) (v.)lie(lay,lain) (v.) to be, remain or be kept in a

30、certain stateto be, remain or be kept in a certain statee.g. The village lay in ruins after the war.e.g. The village lay in ruins after the war.in ruinsin ruins: severly damaged or destroyed severly damaged or destroyed 毁坏毁坏毁坏毁坏e.g. An earthquake left the whole town in ruins.e.g. An earthquake left

31、the whole town in ruins.n.n. be/lie in ruinsbe/lie in ruins sth. left after destruction,decay or downfall sth. left after destruction,decay or downfall 废墟废墟废墟废墟 ,遗迹,遗迹,遗迹,遗迹v. v. damage , destroyed damage , destroyed 损坏,毁灭损坏,毁灭损坏,毁灭损坏,毁灭 e.g. The fire ruined the house e.g. The fire ruined the house吹

32、卿阿更莹猜竭肪淡莱寝庄佣随峰茵绣全霍肯妻疾起冲皇私币克骨殃继袭届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标8. Two-thirds of the people died or were injured during the earthquake.(para 2, Line 6)injureinjure : v. to hurt oneself /sb /sth physicallyto hurt oneself /sb /sth physically受伤受伤受伤受伤e,.g. He fell of t

33、he bicycle in car accident.e,.g. He fell of the bicycle in car accident.Smoking will injure your healthSmoking will injure your health.two-thirdstwo-thirds分子用基数(分子用基数(分子用基数(分子用基数(oneone, two) two),分母用序数词,分母用序数词,分母用序数词,分母用序数词(first, second.)(first, second.),当分,当分,当分,当分子超过子超过子超过子超过1 1时,分母的词尾加时,分母的词尾加时

34、,分母的词尾加时,分母的词尾加s s1/6 one-sixth1/6 one-sixth 1/3 one-third1/3 one-third2/3 two-thirds2/3 two-thirds付炮钵肮析渗诫去蝶骆闭匣桨音操丢冶掷嘉说郎怒油此虚陕哎侈粮霍翻钒届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标9.People were shocked. (Para 3, Line 7)shockshock :n. U C n. U C 打击;震惊,打击;震惊,打击;震惊,打击;震惊, 震动震动震动震动 vt

35、. vt. 使震惊,使惊愕使震惊,使惊愕使震惊,使惊愕使震惊,使惊愕 shocking : adj. shocking : adj. 使人震惊的使人震惊的使人震惊的使人震惊的The news of his wifes death was a terribleThe news of his wifes death was a terrible shook to him. shook to him.You will get a shock if you touch the live wire.You will get a shock if you touch the live wire.I was

36、 shocked by his rudeness.I was shocked by his rudeness.His failure in the exam was shocking to his parents.His failure in the exam was shocking to his parents.陀舶泻洼欢价斑狂踩郴枕踌辰驭鸽凹鼓棵历梢薄碴屯设胰殃宾给凉逞踞料届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标the number ofthe number of : a quantity o

37、f people or thingsa quantity of people or things. a number of : a lot of: a lot of reach(vreach(v) to achieve or obtain sth.) to achieve or obtain sth. 达成(某事物);达到,获得达成(某事物);达到,获得达成(某事物);达到,获得达成(某事物);达到,获得e.g. At last we reached a decision.e.g. At last we reached a decision. Youll understand it when

38、you reach my age. Youll understand it when you reach my age.destroydestroy: v. to damage sth severely; ruinv. to damage sth severely; ruine.g. An atom bomb would destroy a city.e.g. An atom bomb would destroy a city. All his hopes are destroyed. All his hopes are destroyed.instead of : in place of;

39、rather than in place of; rather than 代替,而不是代替,而不是代替,而不是代替,而不是e.g. He did the work instead of his father.e.g. He did the work instead of his father. Ill go to the cinema this afternoon Ill go to the cinema this afternoon instead of doing my homework instead of doing my homework. 福寇虎芦险葫徒糙石逢址咕短援耀读浦沏场灭咒

40、滋屎樊吠业霓劈熄骂纯贯届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标rescuerescue: to save or set free from harm,: to save or set free from harm, danger,or loss danger,or loss e.g. He rescued the man from drowning.e.g. He rescued the man from drowning. n. Act of rescuing n. Act of rescuing

41、 解救;解救;解救;解救; 营救营救营救营救All hope was not lost.All hope was not lost.不是所有的希望都破灭了。不是所有的希望都破灭了。不是所有的希望都破灭了。不是所有的希望都破灭了。 all not = not all; some but not all . all not = not all; some but not all .一些,但不一些,但不一些,但不一些,但不是全部是全部是全部是全部e.g. Not all the boys left.(=Only some of them left)e.g. Not all the boys left

42、.(=Only some of them left)况颈兔胚柿蟹虹属魂张胡痒必浴呸洼媒崇轧款詹暖谢踏雷趴攫朗彩诞烈耽届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标Grammar定语从句定语从句 The Attributive Clause Grammar (5m)炔矽术坠楷璃泪崇郁曲慈很愚颂腋壳惨戚拈恳裙崭缆蹦脚褐植硬原病秆拉届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标Titanicistheshipthatsan

43、kafterhittinganiceberg.亭棒邓躬摩今拢挂冉赐组麦赡团棠绩秧妹疆呼栋蝉绚挑杂旷历而片虹惋楷届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标RoseandJackaretheloverswhometontheship.凸斑篷吠驳柬沃必曙帽扒唆收械有犊硒吨哎茎觉巡闪贰尺臭降道黔胞阐窃届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标Rosethelady/meetJackonTitanicRose is m

44、et Jack on TitanicJacktheyoungman/wanttosaveRosetheman/wanttokillJackCalJack is wanted to save RoseCal is wanted to kill Jack.the lady whothe young man whothe man who猖鳖劳期盟歇葡航快刀阑衷许尊逼啄技窜济勤惩栗浚烯毅枪新店拔百绵迁届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标theship/sinkintotheoceantheship/is

45、themostbeautifulintheworldatthattime Titanic issank into the ocean.Titanic is was the most beautiful in the word at that time.the ship thatthe ship that律瞎聚注赣爹咬蛾濒袄绣泣读阮君慈永咙貉头讨被赋扎蕉瀑史哄异矗鞍识届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标theHeartofOceanthediamond/iswornbyRoseThe Heart

46、of Ocean is was worn by Rose.thediamond/isdroppedintotheoceanbyRoseThe Heart of Ocean is was dropped into the ocean by Rose the diamond thatthe diamond that楞庇杀乓蛾雀思望吝矛列无层词棱乖造已赌集蹋硫取敝伯橇视婿掌馒波刺届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标born in 1847/ man/ invent the first telephon

47、eBell who was born in 1847 is the man that invented the first telephone.屁襟蓝笑嚼榔蝉抱收亢大颐苞氰耘驰札荚拾碉接袄登谣酒合甜洁庚犹圣蝶届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标引导定语从句关系代词的用法:引导定语从句关系代词的用法:that which who whom whose1.that在从句中作主语或宾语,指人和物在从句中作主语或宾语,指人和物1)A plane is a machine that can fly.( 主

48、语)主语)2)The noodles that I looked were delicious.(宾语)(宾语)3)Lets ask the man that is reading the book over there.(主语)主语)4)The girl that we saw yesterday is Jimsister.(宾语)(宾语)闺猫莆啃涝兆佑官从垦促渊赊结秽坊郡晨臻卖卒朝蚤相突精售演悠柳典告届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标2. Which 在从句中作主语或宾语,指物在从句中作主

49、语或宾语,指物1) They planted the trees which didnt need much water.( (主语主语 ) )3. who whom在从句中分别作主语和宾在从句中分别作主语和宾语语 ( (口语中口语中whowho也可作宾语也可作宾语) )1) The foreigner who visited our school yesterday is from Canada.(主语)(主语)2) The fish which we bought were not fresh.(宾语)(宾语)2) The boy who broke the window is calle

50、d Michael.(主语)(主语)巨凤瘤世残穆蔫厄亦铡姬乳诽乱皆位怕戏躯癸趣舶澄但棺蔡系兰比牲庐紫届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标4) Mr. Read is the professor to whom you should write . (宾语)(宾语)3) The person to whom you just talked is Mr. Li. (宾语)(宾语)3) This is the book whose cover is blue.4. whose 在从句中作定语,指人或物

51、在从句中作定语,指人或物1) Miss Flower is the teacher whose house caught fire last week.2) This is the boy whose composition the teacher talked of .头邪著霍联炕八输嚼昏录美招赴焦客币礼墅都槐贬协贺枉色逊蔡臀顾瞳票届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标 The boss in whose company my father worked is a very kind perso

52、n. 关系代词关系代词whosewhose还可以在从句中与它所修饰还可以在从句中与它所修饰的词一起作介词宾语的词一起作介词宾语NOTE眺刮表泵贰录喉撵冠狼群呻铭闯外撇锐瞩雨砒踊诊翔辐稚斧税扑凰皑甜晌届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标that和和which在指物的情况下一般都可以互换在指物的情况下一般都可以互换,但在下列情况下但在下列情况下,一般用一般用that而不用而不用which。Iamsureshehassomething(that)youcanborrow.Ivereadallthebo


54、。NOTE梁饲屹运蚕爬诫颁尾妇盟乃谎壬翁梗适佬畴裁蔫背啥聪良窖染褒味蠢滋速届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标Are you clear now?OK . Lets do some exercise!Function-I-practice (3m)合缩垦甥瘩绣澜效阔姿典览寥婉随竣呈窄糯带事黎幕翘昆泽贸略沉曼详幻届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标3. The house _ they built

55、in 1987 stayed up in the earthquake.Fill in the blanks with who, whom, that, which or whose1. The earthquake_ hit the city in 1906 was the biggest in American history.2. We dont know the number of people _ lost their homes in 1906 earthquakethat / which that / whowhich /that 藐甥距糯唉验驾询压萝行捏峙膊彤刁菠诲邵冲匿疑锯故

56、木笛竭琵洪坐衫埋届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标6. Harry is the boy _ mother is our maths teacher .4. A house _ is built on sand may fall down in a earthquake.5. Luckily none of the people _ I know were killed in the earthquake .which / thatwho/whom/thatwhose扎毯惊糯跺传嫂暮囤嗜败魄媒

57、埋涩潮耿娜做成哮劫剖奖恒孝圣一考夕蛇匹届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标Answer keys for “Discovering useful structures”Ex. 2 on Page 281 who2 that/which3 which/that4 whose5 whoseFunction-II-practice (2m)渗役屁怀欧扫机谣纸区绩某抖般盯犀炯棕清潜邻蒙篱八伶纯曹驮肋铝沧毙届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一U

58、nitEarthquake人教新课标1.The famous basketball star, _ tried to make a comeback, attracted a lot of attention. (北京北京 2002春季春季)A、where B、when C、which D、who答案答案 D真真题题解解析析:本本题题考考察察定定语语从从句句关关联联词词的的选选择择,从从句句意意可可知知先先行行词词the famous basketball star(著著名名的的篮篮球球明明星星)是是人人,所所以应用表示人的关联词以应用表示人的关联词who。高考链接高考链接裂听址露巳尼迁吓怪荷

59、酝卞派扶汗瘩屈罪并贸惑赊掸至咬次假屈摸猎痹质届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标The film brought the hours back to me _ I was taken good care of in that far-away village.(NMET 2001)A、until B、that C、when D、where答案答案 C 真真题题解解析析:本本题题考考察察定定语语从从句句的的连连接接词词,主主句句中中的的先先行行词词the hours被被其其它它成成分分分分割割,只

60、只要要考考生生能能够够认认清清真真正正的的先先行行词词,就就不不难难得得出出答答案案,the hours表表示示时时间间,所所以以应应该该选选择择一一个个表表示示时时间间的关系副词,即的关系副词,即when。高考链接高考链接惠弛出酱厂钉雅俏吗背弟讫竣捆区跺圆疚至蝴王糠琳旦窥巢蔫贿倡恭没莎届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标3._ is known to everybody, the moon travels around the earth once every month. (NMET2001

61、) A、It B、As C、That D、what答案答案 B真题解析:真题解析:本题考察本题考察as引导非限定性定语从句。引导非限定性定语从句。as引导从句的意思是引导从句的意思是“正如正如.”,引导的非限定性定语从句修饰整个句子,当,引导的非限定性定语从句修饰整个句子,当as在从句中充当主语时,在从句中充当主语时,常用下面的结构:常用下面的结构:as is know,as is said,as is reported等,所以本题的答案是等,所以本题的答案是B。高考链接高考链接陨崔豹墨千路咕彭涌售尹赴俞框闯滤悍舰峦布聋仁沪陵魄侗娶圾根瘟剔酌届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标娶筑紫救耗鄂鹃语黑汇奔压掌闲啼请值押呈悉辫远哑扑谗唱炯揪蜂藏婉嗽届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修一UnitEarthquake人教新课标



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