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1、SECTIONI Listening Comprehension(25minutes)Directions:This section is designed to test yourability to understand spoken EnglishYou will hear aselection of recorded materials and you must answer thequestions that accompany themThere are two parts in this section,Part A and Part BRemember,while you ar

2、e doingthe test,you should first put down your answers in your test book letAt the end of thelistening comprehension sectionyou will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1If you have any questionsyou mayraise your hand now you will not be allowed to speak on

3、ce the test has started Now look at Part A in your test bookletPartADirections: You will hear lo short dialoguesFor eachdialogue,there is one question and four possible answersChoose the correctanswerA,B,C or D,and mark it in your test bookletYOu will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you w

4、illhear each dialogue only once1What willthe man buy for his fathers birthday?AA tie BA shirtCA book DA wallet2What do weknow about Ted?AHe isa history teacher BHe is a geography teacherCHe isthe womans neighbor DHe is the womans colleague3What doesthe woman suggest the man should do?AHavea healthy

5、diet BGet rid of his angerCStopasking questions DKeep his feelings back4What do weknow about the cheese?AIt ison the shelf BIt is too expensiveCIt isin short supply DIt is no longer flesh5What doesthe man ask the woman to do?AAnswerthe phone for him BAskMrMiller to phone laterCAskMrMiller to hold on

6、 a momentDTellMrMiller he will phone back later6Why is thewoman in London?ASheis on holiday BShe is on a business tripCSheis working for a company thereDShe wants to establish a company there7What do welearn about the womans sister from the dialogue?AShelikes watching football gamesBSheis a fan of a

7、 local football teamCSheis a keen football player herselfDShelikes the local women football players8Whathappened to the woman yesterday?AShewas almost cheated by a telephone callBShegot a phone call from a special numberCShewas overcharged by the phone companyDSheprepared for her vacation with her f

8、riend9Why does theman recommend rowing?AItrequires few professional skills BIt exercises many parts of the bodyCIt isa new item of fitness programs DIt is popular with most club members10What do weknow about the company?AItneeds new employees badly BIt gives quick responses routinelyCIt isa newly es

9、tablished business DIt is very cautious in decision。makingPart BDirections:You willhear fourdialogues or monologuesBefore listening to each one,you will have 5secondsto readeach of the questions which accompany itWhile listening,answer eachquestion by choosing A,B,C or DAfter listening,you will have

10、 10 seconds to check your answer to each questionYou will hear therecording only onceQuestions1113 are based on a conversation between a woman and her neighbor11What doesthe woman want the man to do for her?ADeliverher package BSign for her packageCFindthe property manager DTalk to the property mana

11、ger12How long hasthe man lived in the apartment?ATwodays BOne weekCSixmonths DOne year13What problemdoes the woman have?AShehas run out of flour for baking cakesBSheis ignorant of how to operate the stoveCSomethingis going wrong with her stoveDSomethingis going wrong with her timerQuestions1417 are

12、based on the following conversation between a man and woman abouttaking a vacation14What doesthe man think of Curacao?AIt isdifficult to reach BIt is a tourist paradiseCIt isa perfect place for sports DIt is an ordinary tropical island15Why does thewoman hesitate to make her decision to go to Curaca

13、o?AShethinks it is too far BShe thinks it is too crowdedCIt isnot safe to go there DIt is not the right time to go there16What is thewoman probably going to do?APackup for the trip BMake her reservationsCBookher airline ticket DContact her travel agent17Who is thewoman talking to?AHerfriend BHer husbandCHertravel agent DHer health advisorQuestions1821 are based on the following conversation about renting handba918Why does thewoman want to buy a handbag?ATocelebrate her birthday BTo carry it on her weddingCTogive it to Mary as a gift DTo attend Marys wedding with it19What



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