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1、Composed upon westerminster bridge1Earth has not anything to show more fair.Earth: here the author used earth to replace the world, which expressed the authors expectation to the society and his misery to the reality.2Dull would he be of soul who could pass byDull: here the author seems to express t

2、hose who are not touched by the scene, while he emphasized how “dull” the scenery of London.Dull would he be of soul: here the author used inverted structure to emphasize the feeling he has -dull and miserable.3This city now doth, like a garment, wear the beauty of the morning;Now: “now” indicates a

3、 great contrast between the past and the present.“now” expressed the authors criticism to the past and his great expectation towards the present of London.“now” emphasizes a very short period, which suggests the scene of industrial civilization is short.4Silent, bare, ships, towers, domes, theaters,

4、 and temples lie open unto the fields, and to the sky;Silent, bare; here the author use irony to say the London is noisy and filled with industries.ships, towers, domes, theaters, and temples: all these are the production of industrial civilization. In other words, these things destroyed the natural

5、 beauty. And it express the authors expectation to the nature.5All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.Smokeless: it indicates the time and background of this poem-industrial period.it also says the great pollution of heavy industrial production ironically.6Never did sun more beautifully stee

6、p in his first splendour valley, rock, or hill;neer saw I, never felt, a calm so deep!Three “never”s: here, the author use three “never” to express the natural beauty of London would never come back, and it also suggests authors misery to such a reality.7And all that mighty heart is lying still!Stil

7、l: the word implies that although industrialization destroys the natural beauty, all people are still and havent realized it.8The author depicted a beautiful scene which makes a comparison. The beauty of the city is compared to that of the natural splendor of sun-rising which is familiar to us. The similarity between the two is the deep stillness and calmness far from the noisy and bustling world. Obviously, Wordsworth eulogized the natural, pure, and noble face of the city before it has been destroyed at daytime.9Thank you!10



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