(江苏版)高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 1 Getting along with others知能演练轻松闯关 牛津译林版必修5-牛津版高三必修5英语试题

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(江苏版)高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 1 Getting along with others知能演练轻松闯关 牛津译林版必修5-牛津版高三必修5英语试题_第1页
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(江苏版)高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 1 Getting along with others知能演练轻松闯关 牛津译林版必修5-牛津版高三必修5英语试题_第2页
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(江苏版)高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 1 Getting along with others知能演练轻松闯关 牛津译林版必修5-牛津版高三必修5英语试题_第3页
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(江苏版)高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 1 Getting along with others知能演练轻松闯关 牛津译林版必修5-牛津版高三必修5英语试题_第4页
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(江苏版)高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 1 Getting along with others知能演练轻松闯关 牛津译林版必修5-牛津版高三必修5英语试题_第5页
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《(江苏版)高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 1 Getting along with others知能演练轻松闯关 牛津译林版必修5-牛津版高三必修5英语试题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(江苏版)高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 1 Getting along with others知能演练轻松闯关 牛津译林版必修5-牛津版高三必修5英语试题(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Getting along with othersA卷 单项填空1(2018无锡辅仁中学检测)Despite such a big difference in _ towards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special.ApointBideaCattitude DsightC解析:句意:尽管一个人的饮食态度有着很大的不同, 但是毫无疑问西方人把中国的饮食看作是某种特殊的东西。 point“点; 意义”; idea“主意

2、, 念头”; attitude“态度, 看法”; sight“视力” 。 2(2018南京高三调研)A lot of the waste thrown away in the US._ being shipped overseas to China, India, and other developing countries.Abreaks up Bclears upCsums up Dends upD解析:句意:美国扔掉的废物, 许多都被运往海外, 运送到中国、 印度和其他发展中国家。 break up“结束; 解散, 驱散; 关系破裂, 离异”; clear up“打扫; 清理; (天气)

3、放晴; 澄清”; sum up“总结, 概括”; end up“结束; 告终; 最终处于” 。 end up doing“结果” 。 3I think you should phone Jenny and _her for what you did.No way.It is her fault.Ill never _her for what she has done wrong to my parents.Aapologize; forgive Bapologize to; forgiveCforgive; apologize Dapologize to; teaseB解析:根据语境可判断,

4、第一空要表达的是“apologize to sb.for sth.因某事向某人道歉”, apologize为不及物动词。 根据No way.It is her fault.以及never可判断第二空应填forgive。 4Workers approaching retirement should be saving more, not less, _ low rate of interest.Ain terms of Bregardless ofCas a result of Din spite of C解析:句意:由于低利率, 临近退休的职工应该存更多而不是更少的钱。in terms of“

5、就而言”; regardless of“不顾, 不管”; as a result of“因为, 由于”; in spite of“尽管” 。5The singer is always very_ to the reaction of the audience when she gives a performance.Asentimental BpositiveCsensible DsensitiveD解析:句意:这位歌手在演出时总是对观众的反应非常敏感。 be sensitive to“对敏感”; sentimental“多愁善感的”; positive“积极的, 肯定的”; sensible

6、“明智的, 可感知的” 。 6_ electronic mail, today you can send a letter halfway around the world in seconds simply by pressing a button.AThanks to BApart fromCRegardless of DAccording toA解析:句意:幸亏有了电子邮件, 现在你只要按一下按钮就能在几秒内把一封信寄出半个世界了。 根据句意可知应选A项。 apart from表示“除以外”; regardless of表示“不管, 不论”; according to表示“依据, 根据”

7、。 7After looking over my plan, the manager hoped I could _ a better and more practical one.Aend up with Bcatch up withCcome up with Dget along withC解析:句意:浏览了我的计划后, 经理希望我能想出一个更好更实用的计划。 end up with“以告终/结束”; catch up with“追上, 赶上”; come up with“想出, 提出”; get along with“与相处, 取得进展”。 8Jack must have got ver

8、y excited when he picked up three awards in total in the music awards ceremony on Thursday night, _ he?Amustnt BneedntCdidnt DhasntC解析:must have done结构的反意疑问句有didnt.和havent.两种构成方式, 如果句中有过去的时间状语, 就用前者didnt.构成。 所以答案是C项。 9We are lucky to be among the generation of people who have _ and experienced the g

9、reat social changes in our country.Aconflicted BrespondedCwitnessed DassociatedC解析:句意:我们是幸运的一代人,因为我们见证了国家巨大的变化。 conflict“冲突”; respond“回应”; associate“相关”; witness“见证”, 故选C。 10(2018苏北五市模拟)_to too much sunlight, as is generally considered, will add to the potential of catching skin cancer.ABeing expose

10、d BExposedCExposing DTo exposeA解析:此处为非谓语动词作主语, 所以用动名词或动词不定式, 但根据句意“人们都认为, 皮肤过多地暴露在太阳下, 会增加患皮肤癌的可能性” 可知需用被动形式, 所以选A。 11Can you help me with the maths homework, Mom?You cant always _ others help for your homework.Do it by yourself this time, dear.Await on Brely onCinsist on Dturn onB解析:rely on“依赖, 依靠”

11、, 符合句意。 wait on“服侍, 焦急地等待”; insist on“坚持”; turn on“打开” 。 12Im always _ about what I say because some careless remarks are likely to hurt others feelings.Aenthusiastic BcuriousCdoubtful DcautiousD解析:句意:我说话总是很谨慎, 因为一些无心的话可能会伤害到别人的感情。 enthusiastic“狂热的”; curious“好奇的”; doubtful“感到怀疑的”; cautious“谨慎的” 。 13

12、(2018盐城中学高三综合测试)Henry rather than Tom and James _ for the loss.Aare to blamed Bis to blamedCare to blame Dis to blameD解析:be to blame“该受责备, 应负责任”, 是固定结构, A rather than B 作主语时, 谓语动词和A一致。 14The thief admitted _ over 10 motorbikes and now he has been arrested.Ato steal Bto have stolenCstealing Dhaving s

13、tolenD解析:admit后面需跟动名词作宾语, 再根据句意“这个小偷承认偷了10辆摩托车, 现在已经被抓了” 可知, 最佳答案为动名词的完成时态。 15 Do you mind if I open the window? _ I feel a bit cold.AOf course not. BId rather you didnt.CGo ahead. DWhy not?B解析:Id rather you didnt.表示 “我倒宁愿你不这样”, 委婉地拒绝对方。 阅读理解A new study by the British government has discovered the m

14、ental health of the countrys teenage girls has become worse.The survey, which included 30,000 14yearold students in 2005 and 2014, showed 37 percent of girls with psychological stress, up from 34 percent in 2005.British boys stress level was actually seen to fall over the same time period,from 17 pe

15、rcent to 15 percent.The reports authors pointed out the “advent of the social media age” could be a major contributing factor for increased stress among teenage British girls.“The adolescent years are a time of rapid physical,cognitive(认知的) and emotional development,” Pam Ramsden, a lecturer in psychology at the University of Bradford



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