(湖北专用)【优化方案】高中英语 Unit 1 Section Ⅱ 速效提能演练 新人教版选修10

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1、(湖北专用)【优化方案】高中英语 Unit 1 Section 速效提能演练 新人教版选修10.词汇知识1._(v.)冒险,敢于去_(n.)冒险_(n.)冒险家2._(n.)忍耐,持久_(v.)忍耐,忍受_(adj.)可忍受的3._(adj.)舒适的,安逸的4._(adj.)腐烂的,变质的_(v.)腐烂5._(v.)使变黑_(adj.)黑的,(n.)黑色6._(n.)一阵(风);一股(气流)7._(adj.)嘶哑的8._(v.)祝福,保佑_(n.)祝福,幸运_(adj.)神圣的9._(n.& v)钩,钩住;迷上10._(v.)碾碎;粉碎 (n.)果汁,粉碎11._(adj.)急迫的,紧急的_(

2、v.)紧急_(n.)紧急12._(adj.)高兴的,愉快的_(v.& n)高兴,干杯_(adv.)高兴地13._(v.)坚持_(n.)坚持,毅力14._(n.)士气,精神状态15._(v.)发誓,宣誓答案:1.venture;adventure;adventurer2.endurance;endure;endurable3.cosy4.rotten;rot5.blacken;black6.blast7.hoarse8.bless;blessing;blessed9.hook10.crush11.urgent;urge;urgency12.cheerful;cheer;cheerfully13.

3、persevere;perseverance14.morale15.swear.重点短语1. remind sb. _sth.提醒某人某事2.block_ 封闭3._usual 像往常一样4.hold_ 坚持5.give way_ 让路;让步6.set_ 动身,着手做7._ sb.a steward 使某人成为一名膳务员答案:1.of2.out3.as4.on5.to6.out7.make.必背句型1.A spider was making its web_Robert the Bruce was watching it in a cave.答案:while2.“Hold on now,Per

4、ce._ _,”comes the reply.答案:Dont you go turning into another Tom3.So_was with great excitement one morning in July 1914_I read this advertisement.答案:it;that.完成句子1.I believe he _ what he had done,because tears came into his eyes.(regret)我相信他一定对自己所做的事情后悔了,因为他流泪了。答案:must have regretted2._,Father threw a

5、way his pipe into the dustbin.(determination)为了表明他的决心,父亲把他的烟斗扔进了垃圾箱。答案:To show his determination3.It was in the morning _ to keep the secret from our teacher.(swear)是在早上我们许诺要对老师保守这个秘密。答案:that we swore4._,he decided to go abroad to make his fortune.(discourage)对自己的生意失去了信心,他决定到国外去赚钱。答案:Discouraged in

6、his business/Because he was discouraged in his business5.Her child was missing. _ she was upset.(wonder)她孩子不见了,难怪她心神不宁。答案:(It was)No wonder.多项选择1.It may rain,but _,I shall go out;I dont mind the rain.AwheneverBhoweverCanyhow Dtherefore解析:选C。anyhow(somehow)不管怎样,无论如何。2.Bill was doing a lot of physical

7、 exercise to build up his _Aability BforceCstrength Dmind解析:选C。build up ones strength增强力气。3.We thought of selling this old furniture,but weve decided to _it,it might be valuable. Ahold on to Bkeep up withCturn to Dlook after解析:选A。hold on to sth.保留某物;不卖掉某物。句意:我们本想卖掉这件旧家具,但已经决定留着它,这家具可能很值钱。keep up wit

8、h跟上;turn to向求助;look after照看,照顾,均不合题意。4.You must _the building before this weekend.Ablock at Bblock onCblock of Dblock in解析:选D。block sth.in画出的草图,符合题意。5.I _ the main point of the speech and wrote a summary of it.Agrasped BmisunderstoodCmastered Drecognized解析:选A。grasp抓住(要点);master掌握(技能);控制(局面);recogniz

9、e认出;承认。6.If Tim carries on working like that,hell_sooner or later.Agive out Bkeep outChold out Dwear out解析:选A。考查动词词组辨析。give out精疲力竭,符合题意。keep out把挡在外面;hold out伸出;wear out穿破;wear sb.out使某人精疲力竭,此处应为be worn out才对。7.Under our vigorous offensive,the enemy had to _Agive away Bgive wayCgive off Dgive out解析

10、:选B。give way让路,让步,是固定搭配,其后无宾语,故不用to。8.Very few people _ to go out on that stormy night.Arisked BventuredCtake risk Dtake venture解析:选B。考查venture的用法。venture(sth.)to do sth.相当于risk doing sth.敢于(冒险)做某事;C、D项应加a。9.She received an _telegram which said her mother was suffering serious illness.Aurgent Btight

11、lyCheavy Dlatest解析:选A。urgent紧急的,an urgent telegram加急电报。10.All the traffic had to_the ambulance because it ran so fast. Afind a way to Bgive way toCget way for Dmake way解析:选B。give way to给让路。make way加for才可以跟宾语。.阅读理解AWe all have ups and downs,and usually its just best to accept them.But perhaps you are

12、 concerned about someone who seems to be depressed(低沉,忧郁)Maybe he or she never feels like doing anything and never even wants to talk.Is it best for you not to interfere? Should you just sit tight and wait for him or her to get out of it themselves?There are ways you can help.Here are a few.1.Get th

13、e person to talk.Try to get him or her to tell you not only about the depression itself,but about the fears,wishes,or losses that underlie it.This is often difficult,of course,but it can be very useful.If nothing else,it will reassure the person that someone cares.2.Dont tell a depressed person that things are“not the bad”To him or her,they are.3.Keep the person active.Depression causes tiredness,which leads to



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