(湖北专用)高考英语二轮复习 专题限时检测(七)三大从句

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1、专题限时检测(七)三大从句(共三组,每组限时6分钟)1(2014黄冈高三2月质检)Does it make sense _ what they are not interested in by their parents or teachers? (force)孩子们被家长和老师逼迫着去做他们不感兴趣的事情有意义吗?2(2014湖北八市第一次联考)Nowadays parents are willing to do _ their children grow healthily and happily. (whatever)如今父母愿意做他们能做的一切来帮助他们的孩子们健康快乐地成长。3(20

2、14宜昌高三第一次调研)_ that you can succeed in persuading him to take part in the charity activity of this weekend. (occur)我从未想到你能成功地说服他参加这周末的慈善活动。4(2014华师一附中第一次模拟)Would you please tell me _after I havent got any news about him for almost ten years? (touch)你能告诉我在十年没有他的消息后如何和他取得联系?5(2014湖北七市州第一次联考)Titanic is

3、such a wonderful and touching film _ for many times. (see)“泰坦尼克号”是如此精彩且感人的一部电影以至于我看了很多遍。6(2014襄阳四中高考冲刺一)It is required that you should leave the book you read _ it in this reading room. (take)在这个阅览室里,要求把你读的书放到你拿的地方去。7(2014鄂州调研测试一)You can have a look at everything here, but please leave things _ when

4、 you leave. (as)你可以观看这里的一切,但离开时请让一切保持原样。8(2014荆门第一次质检)He never talked about the reason _ my birthday party. (absent)他从未谈到过他为什么缺席我的生日聚会的原因。9(2014宜昌第一次调研)_, my little brother was finally admitted by the university that he had been dreamt of. (expect)就像我们所期待的那样,我弟弟最终被他梦寐以求的大学所录取。10(2014咸宁第一次调研)Captain

5、American the First Avenger is one of the most exciting films _ so far. (see)美国队长是我至今所看过的最令人兴奋的电影之一。1(2014湖北三校5月联考)_ you, we will meet at the school gate at 9 oclock tomorrow morning. (convenient)如果你方便的话,我们明天上午九点在校门口见面。2(2014武汉高三5月模拟)_ that he won the first prize of the competition, he jumped with jo

6、y. (immediately)他一听到他获得了比赛的一等奖的消息就高兴得跳起了。3(2014湖北重点中学第二次联考)_, he never lost heart to life, instead, he tried his best to help many people who met with kinds of difficulties in life. (as)尽管他是个残疾人,他从未对生活失去信心,相反他尽力帮助了许多在生活中遇到了困难的人。4(2014襄阳高三调研)Nobody can never fail in his life. What matters is that you

7、 can recover your confidence _. (time)没有人从不失败。重要的是每次失败后你都能重拾信心。5(2014十堰5月调研)_ is that they both enjoy cooking, which brought them together. (common)他们的共同之处是他们都喜欢烹饪,这使他们走到了一起。6(2014宜昌5月模拟)You can _ he will keep his word as he has never broken his promise. (depend)你可以相信他会信守承诺,因为他从不食言。7(2014武汉5月调研)To g

8、et a full appreciation of _ we must turn first to some recent human inventions. (mean)要透彻理解这句话的意义,我们应先回顾一下人类最近的几项发明。8(2014华师一附中适应性测试)It is the very museum _ ten years ago and she is longing to go there again. (visit)这正是我妈妈十年前参观过的博物馆,她盼望再一次去那儿。9(2014荆州高三质检二)When we someday in the future call back the

9、 three years highschool life _, we will have very different feelings about it. (spend)未来某一天当我们回忆起我们一起度过的三年高中生活的时候,那将是一种十分不同的感觉。10(2014黄冈高三5月模拟)I will never forget the day _ Rose, for I fell in love with her at the very moment. (acquaintance)我永远也不会忘记我认识罗斯的那一天,因为就在那一刻我爱上了她。1Then another big earthquake

10、 _ as the first shook Tangshan. (strong)然后又一次几乎和第一次地震一样强烈的地震震撼着唐山。2He felt terribly sorry for he had lost the painting _ 30,000 yuan.(pay)他感到非常惋惜,因为他丢失了他花了三万元买的那幅画。3I live in a beautiful red house _ south and in front of it there is a small pond. (face)我住在一所美丽的红房子里,它窗户朝南,在其前面有一个小池塘。4The picture remi

11、nds me of the university _ four years youth, crying and laughing, failing and succeeding. (spend)这幅画使我想起我度过了四年的青青的大学,在那儿我哭过笑过,失败过,成功过。5The suggestion _ more free time is worth considering. (give)学生应该有更多的自由时间的建议值得考虑。6You can never imagine _ to find the lost girl and how excited his parents are when t

12、hey saw their daughter again. (difficult)你无法想象找到这个丢失的女孩有多么困难,当他的父母再次见到他们的女儿时是多么激动。7The famous film star Liu Xiaoqing is 59 now, but she looks _ only more than thirty. (as)著名电影演员刘晓庆现在59岁了,可她看起来似乎只有三十多岁。8Misunderstandings arising from lack of social communication, unless _, may lead to serious problem

13、s. (handle)因缺少社会沟通而产生的误解,如果不妥善处理,很可能会导致严重的问题。9Although _, the driver still did not take it seriously, resulting in the serious accident. (remind)尽管被提醒要小心驾驶,这位司机还是没有认真对待, 结果导致了这次严重的交通事故。10_ in the future, it is essential that you should obey the regulations and rules of the company. (work)无论你将来在哪里工作,你都应该遵守该公司的规章制度,这是必要的。答 案一模题组1that children are forced to do2.whatever/anything (that) they can to help3.It never occurred to me4.how I can get in



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