(河南专用)高考英语一轮复习方案 作业手册(15)模块5 Unit 15 Learning(含解析) 北师大版

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《(河南专用)高考英语一轮复习方案 作业手册(15)模块5 Unit 15 Learning(含解析) 北师大版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(河南专用)高考英语一轮复习方案 作业手册(15)模块5 Unit 15 Learning(含解析) 北师大版(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课时作业(十五)模块5Unit 15 Learning(限时:40分钟).单项填空1Safety regulations are being_by company managers in the drive to increase profits. Thats why the accident happened.Aleft BthrownCignored Demphasized2The system has been designed to give students quick and easy_to the digital resources of the library.Aaccess

2、BpassageCway Dapproach3I plan to go back home to visit my family during the Spring Festival, but if I cant get the train ticket, I still have an_plan: to visit the museums.Aalternate BalternativeCabsolute Dappreciable4. Hardly _ seen anybody who can play tennis as well as Thomson.Ahad she Bshe had C

3、has she Dshe has5I dont know what will become_the boy if he keeps failing his examinations.Awith BinCof Don6Keep on! Youll soon get accustomed_walking long distance.Ain BwithCto Dfor7Many schools in the USA did not approve of students_jeans to school.Ato wear BwearingCwear Dhaving worn8She_that he w

4、rite a letter explaining why he didnt turn up at her birthday party.Ahoped BsupposedCexpected Durged9I dont think these issues are_discussing with the ministers.Aworthy BworthCworthy of Dworth to10The store had to_a number of clerks because sales were down.Alay out Blay offClay aside Dlay down.完形填空C

5、ompared with the children of a few decades back, todays children seem to be luckier: they enjoy better health owing to recent advances in medicine and in public health care. They also enjoy all the _11_ of modern life physically and materially. Todays children seem to be much _12_ off than their pre

6、decessors. Nevertheless, _13_ the improved standards of _14_, many children nowadays seem to be emotionally _15_ since most parents are spending less time with their children, so little, in _16_, that many could _17_ be called “weekend parents”. An increasing number of mothers are taking fulltime jo

7、bs, _18_ their children in the care of babysitters or nurseries. Time has become a luxury few parents can _19_ because of the pressures of their work and the very brisk pace of life in our _20_ society. On the _21_ hand, these working parents can often well afford to _22_ their children with the bes

8、t food, clothes, toys and other _23_ desires. But _24_ to say, they fail to _25_ the emotional requirements of their growing children. As a noted pediatrician(儿科医生) of the Medical and Health Department _26_, children need love, security, praise, recognition and responsibility. If these needs are not

9、 _27_, their development might be stunted(抑制). Child psychologists all _28_ that some illness and emotional disturbances _29_ to children are because of a lack of parental care. In the light of this, parents who really _30_ their children should be sure that there are good lines of communication bet

10、ween themselves and their children, despite their heavy work loads.11. Acomforts BfacilitiesCpleasure Dappliances12. Abetter BbiggerCsmaller Dworse13. Adue to BregardingCfor Din spite of14. Ahousing BlivingCcaring Dearning15. Aprovided BdeprivedCdisappeared Dhollowed16. Ageneral BfactCtotal Dtruth17

11、. Awrongly BrightlyCtotally Dnamely18. Aentrusting BleavingClending Dmaking19. Aafford BspendCwaste Ddo20. Apassive BactiveCcompetitive Ddangerous21. Aother BothersCanother Dmore22. Abuy BofferCgive Dprovide23. Aemotional BphysicalCmaterial Dintellectual24. Asad BhappyClucky Dunfortunate25. Ashow Bf

12、eelCsatisfy Dcreate26. Atalks BexplainsCspeaks Dasks27. Amade BtakenCmet Ddone28. Aargue Badmit Ctell Ddisagree29. Acommon BpopularCordinary Dpublic30. Alook after Bbring upCcare about Dagree with.阅读理解A2012山东卷改编 One of the greatest contributors to the first Oxford English Dictionary was also one of

13、its most unusual. In 1879, Oxford University in England asked Prof. James Murray to serve as editor for what was to be the most ambitious dictionary in the history of the English language. It would include every English word possible and would give not only the definition but also the history of the

14、 word and quotations(引文)showing how it was used. This was a huge task, so Murray had to find volunteers from Britain, the United States, and the British colonies to search every newspaper, magazine, and book ever written in English. Hundreds of volunteers responded, including William Chester Minor. Dr. Minor was



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