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1、Chapter 4Charles Dickens(1812-1870)By QinYuhua and Song XiaoqingEnglish Department in Hetao UniversityEnglish LiteratureCharles Dickens(1812-1870) Charles Charles Dickens is one of Dickens is one of the greatest the greatest critical realist critical realist writer of the writer of the Victorian Age

2、. Victorian Age. Charles Dickens Charles Dickens is a master is a master story-teller. story-teller. English LiteratureWith his first With his first sentence, he sentence, he engages the engages the readers attention readers attention and holds it to the and holds it to the end. He is also a end. He

3、 is also a humorist that he is humorist that he is sure to produce sure to produce roaring laughter or roaring laughter or under-standing under-standing smiles.smiles.English LiteratureIHis Personal Lifen nCharles Dickens Charles Dickens (1812-18701812-1870) was was born at Portsmouth. His fatherbor

4、n at Portsmouth. His father, a a poor clerk in the Navy Pay officepoor clerk in the Navy Pay office, was put into the was put into the MarsalseaMarsalsea Prison for Prison for debt when young Charles was only 12 debt when young Charles was only 12 years old. The son had to give up years old. The son

5、 had to give up schooling to work in an underground schooling to work in an underground cellar at a shoe-blacking factory - a cellar at a shoe-blacking factory - a position he considered most position he considered most humiliating. We find the bitter humiliating. We find the bitter experiences of t

6、hat suffering child experiences of that suffering child reflected in many of Dickenss novels. reflected in many of Dickenss novels. English LiteratureThe Birthplace of Charles Dickens: Portsmouth, Hampshire, England English LiteratureThe 12-year-old Dickens began working ten hour days in a Warrens b

7、oot-blacking factory, located near the present Charing Cross railway station. He earned six shillings a week pasting labels on the jars of thick polish. English LiteratureThis money paid for his lodgings in Camden Town and helped him to support his family. The shocking conditions of the factory made

8、 an ingrained impression on Dickens.English Literaturen nIn 1827In 1827, Charles entered a lawyers Charles entered a lawyers officeoffice, and two years later he and two years later he became a Parliamentary reporter for became a Parliamentary reporter for newspapers. From 1833 Dickens newspapers. F

9、rom 1833 Dickens began to write occasional sketches of began to write occasional sketches of London lifeLondon life, which were later which were later collected and published under the collected and published under the title Sketches by title Sketches by BozBoz (18361836). Soon . Soon The Posthumous

10、 Papers of the The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club Pickwick Club (1836-18371836-1837) appeared in monthly installments. appeared in monthly installments. English Literaturen nAnd since then, his life became one of endless hard work. In his later years, he gave himself to public readings of hi

11、s works, which brought plaudits and comfort but also exhausted him. In 1870, this man of great heart and vitality died of overwork, leaving his last novel unfinished.English LiteratureHe wrote the final chapter of the unfinished novel the mystery of edwin drood in the chalet before he diedCharles Di

12、ckens chaletEnglish LiteratureII. His Major Worksn nUpon his deathUpon his death, Dickens left to the Dickens left to the world a rich legacy of 15 novels and a world a rich legacy of 15 novels and a number of short stories. They offer a number of short stories. They offer a most complete and realis

13、tic picture of most complete and realistic picture of English society of his age and remain English society of his age and remain the highest achievement in the 19th-the highest achievement in the 19th-century English novel. In nearly all his century English novel. In nearly all his novelsnovels, be

14、hind the gloomy pictures of behind the gloomy pictures of oppression and povertyoppression and poverty, behind the behind the loud humor and buffooneryloud humor and buffoonery, is his is his gentlenessgentleness, his genial mirthhis genial mirth, and his and his simple faith in mankind.simple faith

15、 in mankind.English Literature The following is a list of his novels and The following is a list of his novels and other collections in three periodsother collections in three periods:(1 1) Period of youthful optimistPeriod of youthful optimistn nSketches by Sketches by BozBoz 新手之笔新手之笔新手之笔新手之笔(18361

16、836););););n n The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club Club 皮克威克外传皮克威克外传皮克威克外传皮克威克外传(1836-18371836-1837););););n n Oliver Twist Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿雾都孤儿雾都孤儿雾都孤儿(1837-18381837-1838););););n n Nicholas Nicholas NicklebyNickleby 尼古拉斯尼克尔比尼古拉斯尼克尔比尼古拉斯尼克尔比尼古拉斯尼克尔比(183

17、8-18391838-1839););););n n The Old Curiosity ShopThe Old Curiosity Shop老古玩店老古玩店老古玩店老古玩店(1840-1840-18411841););););English Literaturen n(2 2) Period of excitement and Period of excitement and irritationirritation American Notes American Notes (18421842););););n n Martin Martin ChuzzlewitChuzzlewit 马丁

18、马丁马丁马丁. .朱述尔维特朱述尔维特朱述尔维特朱述尔维特(1843-18451843-1845););););n n A Christmas Carol A Christmas Carol (18431843););););n n DombeyDombey and Son and Son董贝父子董贝父子董贝父子董贝父子 (1846-1846-18481848);););); n nDavid Copperfield David Copperfield 大卫大卫大卫大卫. .科波菲尔科波菲尔科波菲尔科波菲尔(1849-18501849-1850)English Literature(3 3)

19、Period of steadily intensifying Period of steadily intensifying pessimismpessimismn nBleak House Bleak House 荒凉山庄荒凉山庄荒凉山庄荒凉山庄(1852-18531852-1853);););); n nHard Times Hard Times 艰难时世艰难时世艰难时世艰难时世(18541854););););n n Little Little DorritDorrit 小杜丽小杜丽小杜丽小杜丽(1855-18571855-1857););););n n A Tale of Two C

20、ities A Tale of Two Cities 双城记双城记双城记双城记(18591859););););n n Great Expectations Great Expectations 远大前程远大前程远大前程远大前程(1860-1860-18611861);););); n nOur Mutual Friend Our Mutual Friend 我们共同的朋友我们共同的朋友我们共同的朋友我们共同的朋友(1864-1864-18651865);););); English Literature English LiteratureIII. his works views:n nDi

21、ckens expose and criticize in his Dickens expose and criticize in his works all the poverty, injustice, works all the poverty, injustice, hypocrisy and corruptness he sees all hypocrisy and corruptness he sees all around him. He hates the state around him. He hates the state apparatus, especially th

22、e Parliament, apparatus, especially the Parliament, but as a bourgeois writer, he can in but as a bourgeois writer, he can in no way supply any fundamental no way supply any fundamental solution to the social plights. solution to the social plights. English Literaturen nThe best he can do seems to t

23、ry to retain an optimism with wishful thinking, as in his early works, or to express a helpless indignant protest. At the same time, he hopes to call peoples attention to the existing social problems, thus affecting some reform or amelioration.(改良,改良,改良,改良, 革新革新革新革新)English LiteratureIV. Distinct Fe

24、atures of His Literary Creationn nDickens is adept with the vernacular Dickens is adept with the vernacular and large vocabulary. He is and large vocabulary. He is humorous and witty. Character- humorous and witty. Character- portrayal is the most distinguishing portrayal is the most distinguishing

25、feature of his works. Among a vast feature of his works. Among a vast range of various characters, marked range of various characters, marked out by some peculiarity in physical out by some peculiarity in physical traits, speech or manner, are both traits, speech or manner, are both types and indivi

26、duals. types and individuals. English Literaturen nAnd he is also famous for the depiction of those horrible and grotesque characters and those broadly humorous or comical ones Dickens works are also characterized by a mingling of humor and pathos.English LiteratureV. the features of the Charles Dic

27、kens novelsn na. Dickenss novels offer a most a. Dickenss novels offer a most complete and realistic picture of the complete and realistic picture of the English bourgeois society of his age.English bourgeois society of his age.n nb. Dickens is a petty bourgeois b. Dickens is a petty bourgeois intel

28、lectualintellectualn nc. Almost all his novels have happy c. Almost all his novels have happy endings.endings.n nd. His novels tell much of the d. His novels tell much of the experiences of his childhood.experiences of his childhood.n ne. Dickens is a great humorist.e. Dickens is a great humorist.En

29、glish LiteratureOliver Twistn n The novel is famous for its vivid The novel is famous for its vivid descriptions of the workhouse & life descriptions of the workhouse & life of the underworld in the 19th-century of the underworld in the 19th-century London. The authors intimate London. The authors i

30、ntimate knowledge of people of the lowest knowledge of people of the lowest order & of the city itself apparently order & of the city itself apparently comes from his journalistic years. comes from his journalistic years. Here the novel also presents Oliver Here the novel also presents Oliver Twist

31、as Dickenss first child hero & Twist as Dickenss first child hero & Fagin the first grotesque figure.Fagin the first grotesque figure.English LiteratureEnglish Literaturen nThis sectionThis section, Chapter III of the Chapter III of the novelnovel, is a detailed account of how is a detailed account

32、of how he is punished for that impious and he is punished for that impious and profane offence of asking for more & profane offence of asking for more & how he is to be sold. At three pound how he is to be sold. At three pound tenten, to Mr. to Mr. GamfieldGamfield, the notorious the notorious chimn

33、eysweeper. Though we can chimneysweeper. Though we can afford a smile now & thenafford a smile now & then, we feel we feel more the pitiable state of the orphan more the pitiable state of the orphan boy and the cruelty and hypocrisy of boy and the cruelty and hypocrisy of the workhouse board.the wor

34、khouse board.English LiteratureVII. Dombey and Son attacked the Capitalist DombeyDombey regards his wife chiefly as a regards his wife chiefly as a woman whose duty is to give birth, and woman whose duty is to give birth, and regards his son as someone who carries his regards his son as someone who

35、carries his name and inherit his property. He thinks name and inherit his property. He thinks that his daughter is useless, can be that his daughter is useless, can be neglected. He teaches his son that money neglected. He teaches his son that money can buy everything. His son died young. can buy ev

36、erything. His son died young. After his wife died, he marries a young After his wife died, he marries a young beauty. He thinks that he buys her and she beauty. He thinks that he buys her and she gets social status and money. gets social status and money. DombeyDombey thinks the marriage is a good b

37、usiness. thinks the marriage is a good business. English Literaturen nDombeyDombey is very inhumane to his is very inhumane to his daughter. When his second wife daughter. When his second wife shows her concern to the daughter. shows her concern to the daughter. DombeyDombey is annoyed. He thinks th

38、at is annoyed. He thinks that he buys the second wife to love him he buys the second wife to love him only. She cant love another person. only. She cant love another person. The second wife finally elopes with The second wife finally elopes with DombeysDombeys manager who later cheats manager who la

39、ter cheats away his money. In his late life, away his money. In his late life, DombeyDombey lives in poverty and lives in poverty and solitude. Only his daughter stays solitude. Only his daughter stays with him and takes care of him. with him and takes care of him. English LiteratureVIII.Bleak House

40、 attacked the law court n nIts about a family lawsuit. Almost all family members are involved in the lawsuit for many years. The result is that the long legal procedure makes everybody poor and miserable.English LiteratureEnglish LiteratureIX. Hard Time attacked Utilitarianismn nUtlitiarianistsUtlit

41、iarianists show their concern over show their concern over facts. The novel exposed the influence facts. The novel exposed the influence of Utilitarianism in education. An of Utilitarianism in education. An educated man teaches his son and educated man teaches his son and daughter by facts. The chil

42、dren have daughter by facts. The children have no time to play and to learn beautiful no time to play and to learn beautiful natural things. They only learn natural things. They only learn abstract, logical things. The son abstract, logical things. The son finally becomes a thief and is almost final

43、ly becomes a thief and is almost killed by others. The daughter killed by others. The daughter becomes moral degenerated. becomes moral degenerated. English Literaturen nCharles Dickens means that Utilitarianism is a failure of education. Its also an attack on social Darwinism, which drugs people mind you are poor and incapable so you have to work for me. English LiteratureEnglish LiteratureThe END



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