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1、医学英语大全1、 抗生素医嘱Antibiotic orderProphylaxis 预防性用药 Duration of oder用药时间 24hrProcedure操作,手术Empiric theraphy 经验性治疗Suspected site and organism怀疑感染的部位和致病菌 72hrCultures ordered是否做培养Documented infection明确感染Site and organism部位和致病菌 5daysOther其他Explanation required 解释理由 24hrAntibiotic allergies何种抗生素过敏No known a

2、llergy 无已知的过敏Drug+dose+Route+frequency药名+剂量+途径+次数2、医嘱首页Admission / transferAdmit / transfer to 收入或转入Resident 住院医师 Attending主治医师Condition 病情Diagnosis诊断Diet 饮食Acitivity 活动Vital signs测生命体征I / O 记进出量Allergies过敏3、住院病历case historyIdentification 病人一般情况Name性名Sex性别Age 年龄Marriage婚姻Person to notify and phone N

3、o.联系人及电话Race民族I.D.No.身份证Admission date入院日期Source of history病史提供者Reliability of history可靠程度Medical record No病历号Business phone No.工作单位电话Home address and phone No.家庭住地及电话Chief complaint主诉History of present illness现病史Past History过去史Surgical外科Medical内科Medications用药Allergies过敏史Social History社会史Habits个人习惯S

4、moking吸烟Family History家族史Ob/Gyn History 婚姻/生育史Alcohol use喝酒Review of Aystems系统回顾General概况Eyes,Ears,Nose and throat五官Pulmonary呼吸Cardiovascular心血管GI消化GU生殖、泌尿系统Musculoskeletal肌肉骨骼Neurology神经系统Endocrinology内分泌系统Lymphatic/Hematologic淋巴系统/血液系统Physical Exam体检Vital Signs生命体征P脉博Bp血压R呼吸T温度Height身高Weight体重Gene

5、ral概况HEENT五官Neck颈部Back/Chest背部/胸部Breast乳房Heart心脏Heart rate心率Heart rhythm心律Heart Border心界Murmur杂音Abdomen腹部Liver肝Spleen脾Rectal直肠Genitalia生殖系统Extremities四肢Neurology神经系统cranial nerves颅神经sensation感觉Motor运动*Special P.E. on diseased organ system专科情况*Radiographic Findings放射*Laboratory Findings化验*Assessment初

6、步诊断与诊断依据*Summary病史小结*Treatment Plan治疗计划4、输血申请单Blood bank requisition form(1)reason for infusion输血原因红细胞packed red cells, wshed RBCs:*Hb8.5 血色素20% blood volume lost 20%血容量丢失*cardio-pulmonary bypass with anticipated Hb 8心肺分流术伴预计血色素8*chemotherapy or surgery with Hb 10血色素10 units输血 10 单位以上者*platelet coun

7、t 50103/l with active bleeding or surgery血小板5 万伴活动性出血或手术者*Cardio-pulmonary bypass uith pl100103/l with octive bleeding心肺分流术伴血小板10 万,活动性出血者*Platelet count 20103/l血板15units输血15 个单位*warfarin or antifibrinolytic therapy with bleeding华法令或溶栓治疗后出血*DIC血管内弥漫性凝血*Antithrombin III dficiency凝血酶 III 缺乏(2)输血要求requ

8、est for blood components*patient blood group血型*Has the patient had transfusion or pregnancy in the past 3 months? 近 3 个月,病人是否输过血或怀孕过?*Type and crossmatch血型和血交叉*Units or ml单位或毫升5、出院小结discharge summaryPatient Name病人姓名Medical Record No.病历号Attending Physician主治医生Date of Admission入院日期Date of Discharge出院日

9、期Pirncipal Diagnosis主要诊断Secondary Diagnosis次要诊断Complications并发症Operation手术名称Reason for Admission入院理由Physical Findings阳性体征Lab/X-ray Findings化验及放射报告Hospital Course住院诊治经过Condition出院状况Disposition出院去向Medications出院用药Prognosis预后Special Instruction to the Patient(diet, physical activity)出院指导(饮食,活动量)Follow-u

10、p Care随随访6、住院/出院病历首页Admission/discharge recordPatient name病人姓名race种族address地址religion宗教medical service科别admit (discharge) date入院(出院)日期Length of stay 住院天数guarantor name 担保人姓名next of kin or person to notify需通知的亲属姓名relation to patient与病人关系previous admit date上次住院日期admitting physician 入院医生attending phgsi

11、cian主治医生admitting diagnosis入院诊断final (principal) diagnosis最终(主要)诊断secondary diagnosis次要诊断adverse reactions (complications)副作用(合并症)incision type切口类型healing course愈合等级operative (non-operative) procedures手术(非手术)操作nosocomial infection院内感染consutants会诊Critical-No. of times抢救次数recovered-No. of times成功次数Dia

12、gnosis qualitative analysis诊断质量OP.adm.and discharge Dx concur 门诊入院与出院诊断符合率Clinical and pathological Dx concur临床与病理诊断符合率Pre- and post-operative Dx concur 术前术后诊断符合率Dx determined with in 24 hours (3 days) after admission入院后 24 小时(3天)内确诊Discharge status出院状况recovered治愈improved好转not improved未愈died 死亡Dispo

13、siton去向home家against medical ad自动出院autosy尸检transferred to转院到医学英语常用前后缀医学英语常用前后缀 a-无,缺 anemia贫血 atonia无张力 asymptomatic无症状的 amenorrhea闭经 ab-分离 abduct 外展 abscision切除 acou (acu)-听觉 acumeter 听力计 acouophone助听器 acro-肢端 acromegaly肢端肥大症acromastitis乳头炎 ad (af, an)-邻近,向上 adrenal 肾上腺 adaxial近轴的annexa附件 -ad侧 ventr

14、ad向腹侧 cephalad向头侧 adeno-腺adenocyte腺细胞 adenoidism腺体病 adipo-脂肪 adiposis肥胖症adiponecrosis脂肪坏死 adreno-肾上腺 adrenocorticoid肾上腺皮质激素adrenalin肾上腺素 adrenal肾上腺 -aemia(emia)血症 bacteremia菌血症leukemia白血病 -albi (albino)-白色 albumin白蛋白 albinism白化病 -algesia痛觉 hypoalgesia痛觉减退 -algia痛 arthralgia关节痛cephalgia头痛 neuralgia神经

15、痛 alkali-碱 alkalosis碱中毒 alveo-牙槽,小沟 alveolitis牙槽炎 alveobronchiolitis支气管肺泡炎 ambi-复,双ambiopia复视 ambivert双重性格 ambly-弱 amblyopia弱视amblyaphia触觉迟钝 amylo-淀粉 amyloidosis淀粉酶 amylase淀粉酶 angio-血管 angiography血管造影术 angioedema血管性水肿angeitis脉管炎 angiofibroma血管纤维瘤 ante-前 antenatal出生前的anteflexion前屈 antero-前 anterolate

16、ral前侧壁 anteroventral前腹侧 anti-抗,反 antibiotics抗生素 antihypertensives降压药anticoagulant抗凝剂 rarchno-蛛网膜 arachnoiditis蛛网膜炎 archo-肛门,直肠 archorrhagia肛门出血 archosyrinx直肠灌注器 arterio-动脉arteriospasm动脉痉挛 arteriosclerosis动脉硬化 arthro-关节arthrocentesis关节穿刺 arthrotomy关节切开术 arthritis关节炎 -ase酶oxidase氧化酶 proteinase蛋白酶 -ast

17、henia无力 myasthenia肌无力neurasthenia神经衰弱 audio(audito)-听力 audiology听觉学audiometer听力计 auto-自己 autoimmune自身免疫 autohemotherapy自体血疗法 bacilli-杆菌 bacillosis杆菌病 bacilluria杆菌尿 bacterio-细菌 bacteriology细菌学 bactericide杀菌剂 baro-压力barometer 压力计 baroreceptor压力感受器 bary-迟钝 barylalia言语不清 baryacusia听觉迟钝 bi-双 bicuspid二尖瓣

18、bilateral两侧的 bili-胆汁 bilirubin胆红素 bio-生命 biology生物学 biopsy活检 -blast母细胞 spermatoblast精子细胞 melanoblast成黑色素细胞osteoblast成骨细胞 brachy-短 brachypnea气短 brachydactylia短指畸形 brady-迟缓 bradycardia心动过缓 bradypsychia精神不振 broncho-支气管 bronchoscopy支气管镜检查 bronchiostenosis支气管痉挛bronchitis支气管炎 bronchiolo-细支气管 bronchiolecta

19、sis细支气管扩张 calci-钙 calcification钙化 calcicosilicosis钙沉着症 carbo-碳carbohydrate碳水化合物 carbohaemia碳酸血症 carcino-癌carcinogen致癌物 cardio-心,贲门 cardiotonics强心剂 cardioplasty贲门成形术 -cele疝,肿物 omphalocele脐疝 hysterocele子宫脱垂ophthalmocele眼球突出 celio-腹 celialgia腹痛 celioscopy腹腔镜检查 -centesis穿刺 arthrocentesis关节穿刺术 abdominoce

20、ntesis腹穿 3 回复: 医学英语常用前后缀 cephalo-头 cephaloxia斜颈 cephalopathy头部疾病 cephalotomy穿颅术 cerebello-小脑 cerebellitis小脑炎cerebellum小脑 cerebro-大脑 cerebritis大脑炎 cerebrology脑学 chemo-化学 chemotherapy化疗 chloro-绿,氯 chloroform氯仿chloromycetin氯霉素 chlorophyll叶绿素 cholangio-胆道 cholangitis胆管炎 cholangiectasis胆管扩张 cholo-胆 chola

21、gogue利胆剂cholelithiasis胆石症 cholecystitis胆囊炎 cholesterol胆固醇 chondro-软骨 chondrosarcoma软骨肉瘤 chondrification骨软化 chromo-色素 cytochrome细胞色素 chromosome染色体 -cide杀剂 germicide杀菌剂 aborticide堕胎药 circum-周围 circumoral口周的circumcision包皮环切术 coagulo-凝固 coagulant凝血剂 colo-结肠colotomy结肠切开术 coloptosis结肠下垂 colpo (coleo)-阴道co

22、leospastia阴道痉挛 colposcope阴道镜 contra-反,逆contraindication禁忌证 contraceptive避孕药 counter-反,逆counteragent拮抗剂 conuterpoison解毒剂 cranio-颅 craniomalacia颅骨软化 cranioclasis碎颅术 -cyst-囊 cystomy膀胱切开术dacryocyst泪囊 -cyte-细胞 lymphocyte淋巴细胞 cytolysis细胞溶解 de-除去 detoxication解毒 dento牙 dentistry牙科学 dentalgia牙痛 -derm-皮肤 epid

23、erm表皮 dermatology皮肤病学 dermoplasty皮肤成形术 dextro-右 dextrocardia右位心 dexiotropic右旋的 dis-分离discission分离术 disinfection消毒法 duodeno-十二指肠 duodenitis十二指肠炎 duodenostomy十二指肠造口术 -dynia痛 acrodynia肢体痛urethrodynia尿道痛 dys-异常 dysfunction功能不良 dyshormonism内分泌障碍 dysuria排尿困难 -ectasis扩张 gastroectasis胃扩张aerenterectasia肠胀气 b

24、ronchiectasia支气管扩张 -ectomy切除术appendectomy阑尾切除术 lipectomy脂肪切除术 -edema水肿encephaledema脑水肿 myxedema粘液性水肿 -emesia呕hematemesia呕血 helminthemesia吐虫 encephalo-脑 encephaloma脑瘤encephaledema脑水肿 endo-内 endocarditis心内膜炎 endoscope内窥镜 entero-肠 enteritis肠炎 enterovirus肠病毒 epi-上,外epigastrium上腹部 erythro-红 erythromycin红

25、霉素 erythroderma红皮病 esophago-食管 esophagoscope食管镜 esophagitis食管炎 extra-外 extracellular细胞外的 extrasystole额外收缩 facio-面 facioplegia面瘫 facioplasty面部成形术 -fast耐 acid-fast抗酸的 uviofast耐紫外线 febri-热 febricula低热 febrifacient致热的 feti-胎儿 feticulture妊娠期卫生 fetometry胎儿测量法 fibro-纤维 fibroblast成纤维细胞fibrosis纤维化 fore-前 for

26、ebrain前脑 forehead前额 -form形状oviform卵形的 granuliform颗粒状的 fungi-真菌,霉菌 fungicide杀真菌剂 fungistasis制霉菌作用 gastro-胃 gastroptosis胃下垂gastroenteritis胃肠炎 gastroscopy胃镜检查 gastratrophy胃萎缩 -gen原,剂 glycogen糖原 pathogen病原体 androgen雄激素 Estrogen雌激素 -genic性 cardiogenic心源性的 allergenic变应反应 giganto-巨大 gigantocyte巨红细胞 giganti

27、sm巨大症 gingivo-牙龈gingivitis牙龈炎 gingivostomatitis牙龈口腔炎 glosso-舌glossoplegia舌瘫痪 gluco-糖 glucoprotein糖蛋白 glucocorticoid糖皮质激素 glyco-糖 glycogen糖原 glycouria糖尿 -grade级,度centigrade摄氏温度计 retrograde逆行性 -gram克,图 microgram微克electroencephalogram脑电图 -graph(y)仪(法) electrocardiogram心电图 bronchography支气管造影术 gyneco-妇女

28、gynecology妇科学gynecopathy妇科病 hemo(hemato)-血 hemoglobin血红蛋白 4 回复:医学英语常用前后缀 hematoma血肿 hemi-半 hemiplegia偏瘫hemicrania偏头病 hepato-肝 hepatitis肝炎 hepatocirrhosis肝硬化hepatosplenomegaly肝脾肿大 hidro-汗 hyperhidrosis多汗症anhidrosis无汗症 histo-组织 histology组织学 histomorphology组织形态学 holo-全 holonarcosis全麻 holoenzyme全酶 homo-

29、同homotype同型 homologue同系物 homoplasty同种移植术 hydro-水hydropericardium心包积水 hydrolysis 水解 hypr-高 hypercalcemia高钙血症 hyperthyroidism甲亢 hypno-睡眼 hypnotics安眠药hypnotherapy催眠疗法 hypo-低 hypotension低血压 hypoglycemia低血糖 hystero-子宫 hysterospasm子宫痉挛 hysteroptosis子宫下垂 -ia病melancholia忧郁症 pyrexia发热 -iatrics医学 pediatrics儿科

30、学geriatrics老年病学 -iatry医学 psychiatry精神病学 pediatry儿科学 immuno-免疫 immunoglobulin免疫球蛋白 immunotherapy免疫疗法 infra-下 infraorbital眶下的 infrared红外线 inter-间intervertebral椎间的 intercellular细胞间的 intra-内 intravenous静脉内的 intracranial颅内的 intramuscular肌肉内的 -ist家 pathologist病理学家 anatomist解剖学家 -itis炎症 cellulitis蜂窝织炎 myoc

31、arditis心肌炎 leuco (leuko)-白 leucorrhea白带 leukocytosis白细胞增多leukemia白血病 lipo-(脂) lipotrophy脂肪增多 lipase脂酶 -lith结石cholelith胆结石 cholelithiasis胆石症 -logy学 terminology术语学Cardiology心脏病学 lumbo-腰 lumbosacral腰骶部的 lumbago腰背痛lumbodynia腰痛 lympho-淋巴 lymphedema淋巴水肿lymphocytopenia淋巴细胞减少 -lysis(lytic)松解,分解了 aythrolysis

32、关节松解术 spasmolytic解痉的 macro-大 macrophage巨噬细胞macromolecule大分子 mal-不良 malnutrition营养不良 malfunction功能不全 -megaly巨大 cardiomegaly心扩大 cephalomegaly巨头畸形 meningo-脑膜 meningitis脑膜炎 meningocephalitis脑膜脑炎 meno-月经 dysmenorrhea痛经 menopause停经 -meter表,计spirometer肺活量计 pyrometer高温表 -metry测量法 iodometry碘定量法 micro-小 micro

33、pump微泵 microliter微升 mono-单-mononucleosis单核细胞增多 monomer单体 multi-多 multinuclear多核的 multipara经产妇 myelo-髓 myelocele脊髓膨出 myelocyte髓细胞 myo-肌 myocarditis心肌炎 myofibroma肌纤维瘤 naso-鼻nasoscope鼻镜 nasitis鼻炎 neo-新 neoplasm瘤 neomycin新霉素 nephro-肾 nephropathy肾病 nephrosclerosis肾硬变 neuro-神经neuroma神经瘤 neurodermatitis神经性

34、皮炎 non-非 non-electrolyte非电解质 nonfetal非致命的 nulli-无 nullipara未产妇 nulligravida未孕妇 nutri-营养 nutrition营养 nutrology营养学 oculo-眼 oculist眼科医生 oculus dexter右眼 oculus sinister左眼 5 回复:医学英语常用前后缀 oligo-少 oligophrenia智力发育不全 oliguria少尿 -oma肿瘤adenoma腺瘤 osteoma骨瘤 onco-肿瘤 oncology肿瘤学oncogene癌基因 ophthalmo-眼 ophthalmoce

35、le眼球突出ophthalmoplegia眼肌麻痹 -osis病 cirrhosis肝硬化 mycosis霉菌病 osteo-骨 osteomalacia骨软化 osteoarthritis骨关节炎 oto-耳otolith耳石 otoplasty耳成形术 otopyosis耳化脓 pan-全panimmunity多种免疫 pantalgia全身痛 pantatrophia全身营养不良 -para产妇 primipara初产妇 nullipara未产妇 -pathy病dermatopathy皮肤病 Cardiomyopathy心肌病 pedia-儿童pediatrician儿科医师 pedia

36、trics儿科学 -penia减少 leucopenia白细胞减少 thrombopenia血小板减少 per-经 percutaneous经皮肤的 peri-周围 pericarditis心包炎 perianal肛周的 pharmaco-药pharmacokinetics药代动力学 physicochemistry药典 physio-物理physiotheraphy理疗 physicochemistry物理化学 -plasty成形术angioplasty血管成形术 homoplasty同种移植 gastroplasty胃成形术 -plegia瘫 paraplegia截瘫 hemiplegia

37、偏瘫 pleuro-胸膜pleuritis胸膜炎 pleurocentesis胸腔穿刺术 -pnea呼吸 orthopnea端坐呼吸 tachypnea呼吸急促 pneumo-气,肺 pneumothorax气胸pneumococcus肺炎球菌 poly-多 polyuria多尿 polycholia胆汗过多 post-后 postpartum产后 postoperation术后 pre-前premenopause绝经前期 premature早搏 preload前负荷 pseudo-假psudohypertrophy假性肥大 psudomembranous假膜的 psycho-精神,心理psy

38、chology心理学 psychiatry精神病学 -ptosis下垂 nephroptosis肾下垂 hysteroptosis子宫下垂 -ptysis咯 pyoptysis咯脓 hemoptysis咯血 pyo-脓 pyorrhea溢脓 pyosis化脓 radio-放射 radiotherapy放疗radiology放射学 recto-直肠 rectitis直肠炎 rectectomy直肠切除术 retino-视网膜 retinitis视网膜炎 retinodialysis视网膜分离 rhino-鼻rhinitis鼻炎 rhinorrhea鼻漏 -rrhagia出血 gastorrhag

39、ia胃出血hemorrhage出血 pneumorrhagia肺出血 -rrhaphy缝合术neurorrhaphy神经缝合术 Vasorrhaphy输卵管缝合术 -rrhea流出diarrhea腹泻 menorrhea月经 schisto-裂 schistosomiasis血吸虫病schistoglossia舌裂 scirrho-硬 scirrhosarca硬皮病 scirrhoma硬癌 sclero-硬 scleroderma硬皮病 sclerometer硬度计 -scope(y)镜,检查stethoscope听诊器 otoscope耳镜 proctoscopy直肠镜检查法 semi-半s

40、emicoma半昏迷 semiliquid半流汁 spondylo-脊椎 spondylopathy脊椎病 spondylitis脊椎炎 -stomy造口术 colostomy结肠造口术ilecolostomy回结肠吻合术 sub-下,亚 subacute亚急性subabdominal下腹部的 super-在上 superficial浅的 superoxide超氧化物 supra-上 supraventricular室上性的 suprarenalism肾上腺机能亢进 tachy-快 tachycardia心动过速 tachypnea呼吸急促 -therapy治疗massotherapy按摩治疗

41、 pharmacotherapy药物治疗 thermo-热thermometer温度计 thermatology热疗学 thrombo-血栓,血小板thrombolysis溶栓 thrombocytopenia血小板减少症thrombosis血 -tomy切开术 tracheotomy气管切开术 ovariotomy卵巢切开术 tracheo-气管 tracheoscope气管镜 tracheorrhagia气管出血 trans-经,转移 transurethral经尿道 transfusion输血 -trophy营养dystrophy营养不良 atrophy萎缩 ultra-超过 ultra

42、violet紫外线ultrasound超声 utero-子宫 uteroscope子宫镜 uterotonic宫缩剂 vaso-血管 vasomotion血管舒缩 Vasodilator血管扩张剂 6 回复: 医学英语常用前后缀 cephalo-头 cephaloxia斜颈 cephalopathy头部疾病cephalotomy穿颅术 cerebello-小脑 cerebellitis小脑炎 cerebellum小脑 cerebro-大脑 cerebritis大脑炎 cerebrology脑学 chemo-化学chemotherapy化疗 chloro-绿,氯 chloroform氯仿 chl

43、oromycetin氯霉素 chlorophyll叶绿素 cholangio-胆道 cholangitis胆管炎cholangiectasis胆管扩张 cholo-胆 cholagogue利胆剂 cholelithiasis胆石症 cholecystitis胆囊炎 cholesterol胆固醇 chondro-软骨chondrosarcoma软骨肉瘤 chondrification骨软化 chromo-色素cytochrome细胞色素 chromosome染色体 -cide杀剂 germicide杀菌剂 aborticide堕胎药 circum-周围 circumoral口周的 circumc

44、ision包皮环切术 coagulo-凝固 coagulant凝血剂 colo-结肠 colotomy结肠切开术 coloptosis结肠下垂 colpo (coleo)-阴道 coleospastia阴道痉挛colposcope阴道镜 contra-反,逆 contraindication禁忌证contraceptive避孕药 counter-反,逆 counteragent拮抗剂conuterpoison解毒剂 cranio-颅 craniomalacia颅骨软化 cranioclasis碎颅术 -cyst-囊 cystomy膀胱切开术 dacryocyst泪囊 -cyte-细胞lymph

45、ocyte淋巴细胞 cytolysis细胞溶解 de-除去 detoxication解毒 dento牙 dentistry牙科学 dentalgia牙痛 -derm-皮肤 epiderm表皮dermatology皮肤病学 dermoplasty皮肤成形术 dextro-右dextrocardia右位心 dexiotropic右旋的 dis-分离 discission分离术disinfection消毒法 duodeno-十二指肠 duodenitis十二指肠炎duodenostomy十二指肠造口术 -dynia痛 acrodynia肢体痛urethrodynia尿道痛 dys-异常 dysfun

46、ction功能不良 dyshormonism内分泌障碍 dysuria排尿困难 -ectasis扩张 gastroectasis胃扩张aerenterectasia肠胀气 bronchiectasia支气管扩张 -ectomy切除术appendectomy阑尾切除术 lipectomy脂肪切除术 -edema水肿encephaledema脑水肿 myxedema粘液性水肿 -emesia呕hematemesia呕血 helminthemesia吐虫 encephalo-脑 encephaloma脑瘤encephaledema脑水肿 endo-内 endocarditis心内膜炎 endosco

47、pe内窥镜 entero-肠 enteritis肠炎 enterovirus肠病毒 epi-上,外epigastrium上腹部 erythro-红 erythromycin红霉素 erythroderma红皮病 esophago-食管 esophagoscope食管镜 esophagitis食管炎 extra-外 extracellular细胞外的 extrasystole额外收缩 facio-面 facioplegia面瘫 facioplasty面部成形术 -fast耐 acid-fast抗酸的 uviofast耐紫外线 febri-热 febricula低热 febrifacient致热的

48、 feti-胎儿 feticulture妊娠期卫生 fetometry胎儿测量法 fibro-纤维 fibroblast成纤维细胞 7 回复:医学英语常用前后缀 fibrosis纤维化 fore-前 forebrain前脑forehead前额 -form形状 oviform卵形的 granuliform颗粒状的 fungi-真菌,霉菌 fungicide杀真菌剂 fungistasis制霉菌作用 gastro-胃 gastroptosis胃下垂 gastroenteritis胃肠炎 gastroscopy胃镜检查 gastratrophy胃萎缩 -gen 原,剂 glycogen糖原 path

49、ogen病原体 androgen雄激素 Estrogen雌激素 -genic性 cardiogenic心源性的 allergenic变应反应 giganto-巨大 gigantocyte巨红细胞gigantism巨大症 gingivo-牙龈 gingivitis牙龈炎 gingivostomatitis牙龈口腔炎 glosso-舌 glossoplegia舌瘫痪 gluco-糖 glucoprotein糖蛋白glucocorticoid糖皮质激素 glyco-糖 glycogen糖原 glycouria糖尿 -grade级,度 centigrade摄氏温度计 retrograde逆行性 -gr

50、am克,图microgram微克 electroencephalogram脑电图 -graph(y)仪(法)electrocardiogram心电图 bronchography支气管造影术 gyneco-妇女gynecology妇科学 gynecopathy妇科病 hemo(hemato)-血hemoglobin血红蛋白 hematoma血肿 hemi-半 hemiplegia偏瘫hemicrania偏头病 hepato-肝 hepatitis肝炎 hepatocirrhosis肝硬化hepatosplenomegaly肝脾肿大 hidro-汗 hyperhidrosis多汗症anhidros

51、is无汗症 histo-组织 histology组织学 histomorphology组织形态学 holo-全 holonarcosis全麻 holoenzyme全酶 homo-同homotype同型 homologue同系物 homoplasty同种移植术 hydro-水hydropericardium心包积水 hydrolysis 水解 hypr-高 hypercalcemia高钙血症 hyperthyroidism甲亢 hypno-睡眼 hypnotics安眠药hypnotherapy催眠疗法 hypo-低 hypotension低血压 hypoglycemia低血糖 hystero-子

52、宫 hysterospasm子宫痉挛 hysteroptosis子宫下垂 -ia病melancholia忧郁症 pyrexia发热 -iatrics医学 pediatrics儿科学geriatrics老年病学 -iatry医学 psychiatry精神病学 pediatry儿科学 immuno-免疫 immunoglobulin免疫球蛋白 immunotherapy免疫疗法 infra-下 infraorbital眶下的 infrared红外线 inter-间intervertebral椎间的 intercellular细胞间的 intra-内 intravenous静脉内的 intracra

53、nial颅内的 intramuscular肌肉内的 -ist家 pathologist病理学家 anatomist解剖学家 -itis炎症 cellulitis蜂窝织炎 myocarditis心肌炎 leuco (leuko)-白 leucorrhea白带 leukocytosis白细胞增多leukemia白血病 lipo-(脂) lipotrophy脂肪增多 lipase脂酶 -lith结石cholelith胆结石 cholelithiasis胆石症 -logy学 terminology术语学Cardiology心脏病学 lumbo-腰 lumbosacral腰骶部的 lumbago腰背痛l

54、umbodynia腰痛 lympho-淋巴 lymphedema淋巴水肿lymphocytopenia淋巴细胞减少 -lysis(lytic)松解,分解了 aythrolysis关节松解术 spasmolytic解痉的 macro-大 macrophage巨噬细胞macromolecule大分子 mal-不良 malnutrition营养不良 malfunction功能不全 -megaly巨大 cardiomegaly心扩大 cephalomegaly巨头畸形 meningo-脑膜 meningitis脑膜炎 meningocephalitis脑膜脑炎 meno-月经 dysmenorrhea

55、痛经 menopause停经 -meter表,计spirometer肺活量计 pyrometer高温表 -metry测量法 iodometry碘定量法 micro-小 micropump微泵 microliter微升 mono-单-mononucleosis单核细胞增多 monomer单体 multi-多 multinuclear多核的 multipara经产妇 myelo-髓 myelocele脊髓膨出 myelocyte髓细胞 myo-肌 myocarditis心肌炎 myofibroma肌纤维瘤 naso-鼻nasoscope鼻镜 nasitis鼻炎 neo-新 neoplasm瘤 ne

56、omycin新霉素 nephro-肾 nephropathy肾病 nephrosclerosis肾硬变 neuro-神经neuroma神经瘤 neurodermatitis神经性皮炎 non-非 non-electrolyte非电解质 nonfetal非致命的 nulli-无 nullipara未产妇 nulligravida未孕妇 nutri-营养 nutrition营养 nutrology营养学 oculo-眼 oculist眼科医生 oculus dexter右眼 oculus sinister左眼医学英语缩写一览表医学英语缩写一览表 aa.-of each各 Ab.-antibody抗

57、体 abd.-abdomen腹部 ABG-arterial blood gas动脉血气 abn.-abnormal异常 ABp-arterial bloodpressure动脉压 Abs.-absent无 abstr.-abstract摘要 a.c.-before meals饭前 Ach.-actylcholine乙酰胆碱 ACH.-adrenal cortical hormone肾上腺皮质激素 ACT.-active coagulative time活化凝血时间 ACTH.-adrenocorticotripic促肾上腺皮质激素 ad.(add.)-adde加 ad effect.-ad e

58、ffectum 直到有效 ADH.-antidiuretic hormone抗利尿激素 ad lib-at liesure随意 adm.(admin)-adminstration给药 ad us est.-for external use外用 af.-atrialfibrillation房颤 aF.-atrial flutter房扑 A/G ratio.-albumin-globulin ratio白-球蛋白比 AIDS.-acquired immune deficiency syndrome爱滋病 al.-left ear左耳 alb.-albumin白蛋白 AM.-before noon上

59、午 amb.-ambulance救护车 amp.(ampul)-ampoule安瓿 ANA.-anesthesia麻醉 anal.-analgesic镇痛药 ap.-before dinner饭前 appr.(approx.)-approximately 大约 AR.-aorticregurgitation主闭 AS.-aortic stenosis主狭 ASA.-aspirin阿斯匹林 ASD.-atrialseptal defect房缺 AST.-aspartate transaminase谷草转氨酶 atm.(atmos.)-atomsphere大气压 ATS.-antitetanic

60、serum抗破伤风血清 av.-average平均 Ba.-Barium钡 BBT.-basal body temperature基础体温 BCG.-bacille Calmette- Guerin卡介苗 biblio.-biliography参考文献 bid.-twice a day每日二次 b.m.-basal metabolism基础代谢 Bp.-bloodpressure血压 bpm-baets per minute次/分 BS.-blood sugar血糖 BW.-bodyweight体重 C.- centigrade摄氏温度计 CA.-carcinoma癌 Cal.-cancer癌

61、 Cal. calorie卡 Cap. capsule囊 C.B.C-complete blood count血常规 CC.-chiefcomplaint主诉 CC. list.-critical condition list病危通知单 CCU.- Coronary careunit冠心病监护室 CD.-caesarean delivered剖腹产 CDC.-calculated date ofconfinement预产期 CEA.-carcinoembryonic antigen癌胚抗原 CG.-controlgroup对照组 CK.-creatine kinase肌酸激酶 Cl.-cent

62、ilitre毫开 cm.-centimetre毫米 CNS.-central nervous system中枢神经系统 Co.-compound复方 contra.-contraindicated禁忌 CT.- computerizedtomography计算机断层扫描 C.V-curriculum vitae简历 DBp-diastolic bloodpressure舒张压 DD.- differential diagnosis鉴别诊断 dept.-department科 diag.-diagonsis诊断 DIC-disseminate intravascularcoagulation弥漫

63、性血管内凝血 dl.-deciliter分升 DM.-diabetic mellitus糖尿病 DM.-diastolic murmur舒张期杂音 D.O.A-dead on arrival到达时已死亡 DOB.-date of birth出生日期 Dr.-doctor医生 DIW.-dextrose in water葡萄糖液 D-5-W,-5% dextrose in water5%葡萄糖液 DU-duodenal ulcer十二指肠溃疡 ECG.(EKG .)- electrocardiograph心电图 ECHO .-echogram超声 EDD.(EDC)-expected date

64、of delivery (confinement)预产期 ENT. ears, noseand throat五官科 EMG. electromyogram肌电图 ER. emergency room急诊室 et al.-and elsewhere等等 etc. and so forth等等 F.(Fahr.)-Fahrenheit 华氏 F- Female女性 F.B.S.- fasting blood sugar空腹血糖 FDP.-fibrinogendegradation products纤维蛋白原降解产物 FFA. free fatty acid游离脂肪酸 FUO. fever of u

65、nknown origin不明原因发热 FX. fracture 骨折 GH. growth hormone生长素 GI.- gastrointestinal消化 GITS. gastrointestinaltherapy system胃肠治疗系统 gtt. drops滴 GU.- gastric ulcer胃溃疡 Hb. hemoglobin血红蛋白 HBp.-high blood pressure高血压 HCG. humanchoroionic gonadotropic hormone人绒毛膜促性腺激素 HDL.- high densitylipoprotein高密度脂蛋白 HR.-hea

66、rt rate心率 ht.-height身高 HTN.-hypertension高血压 Hx.-history 病历 Hypo.-hypodermicinjection皮下注射 IABP.-intra aortic balloon pacing主动脉内囊反搏 I/O.-intake and output 进出量 ICU. intensive care unit重症监护病房 ie. that is 即 Ig. immunoglobulin免疫球蛋白 Im. iutramuscular肌内的 INH.-inhalation吸入 INH.- isoniazid异烟肼 Inj.- injection注

67、射 Int.- intern实习生 IP.- in-patient住院病入 Iu.- international unit国防单位 IV.-intravenously静脉内 J.- joule焦耳 K.U.B- Kidney,ureter andbladder肾、输尿管和膀胱 LBp.-low blood pressure 低血压 LC. laparoscopiccholecystectomy腹腔镜胆囊切除术 LDL.-Low density lipoprotein低密度脂蛋白 Liq. liquid液体 LMP.- last menstrual period未次月经 LP.lumbarpun

68、cture腰穿 M. male男性 MCD.-mean corpuscular diameter平均红细胞直径 MCH.-mean corpuscular hemoglobin平均红细胞血红蛋白量 MCHC.-meancorpuscular hemoglobin concentration平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度 MCV.-meancorpuscular volume平均红细胞体积 MI.-myocardial infarction心梗 min.-minute分 mixt。 mixture合剂 mmHg.- millimeters of mercury毫米汞柱 MRI.- magnetic re

69、sonance image核磁共振 MS.- mitral stenosis二尖瓣狭窄 N/V.-nausea and vomiting恶心呕吐 N.B note bene 注意 NE.-norepinephrine 去甲肾上腺炎 neg.- negative阴性的 NIDDM.-non-insulin-dependent diabetis mellitusII 型糖尿病 norm.- normal正常的 NPN.-non-protein nitrogen非蛋白氮 NPO.- non-peros禁食 NS. normalsaline生理盐水 OB.- obstetrics 产科学 OGTT.-

70、 oral glucose tolerance test口服糖耐量试验 OP.- out-patient门诊病人 OPC.- out-patient clinic门诊 OR.-operating room手术室 OT. old tuberculin旧结核菌素 P-pulse脉搏 P.C.-post cibum 饭后 PE. (Px.)- physical examination体检 PG. prostaglandin前列腺素 PH. past history 过去史 PHI. present history illness现病史 PM.- postmeridiem下午 Post-op.- po

71、stoperation术后 pre-op.- preoperation术前 priv.private私人的 prn.-pro re nata必要时 prog.- prognosis预后 P.S.postscript附言 Psy.- psychiatry精神病学 psychol. psychology心理学 PT.physical therapy物理疗法 PT.- prothrombin time凝血酶原时间 qd.- quaque die每日一次 qid.-quater in die 每日四次 qn.-quaque nocte每晚 RBC.-red bloodcount红细胞计数 ref.-r

72、eference参考文献 RHD.-Rheumatic heart disease风心病 RI.-regular insulin正规胰岛素 rout.-routin常规 RT.-radiotherapy放射治疗 SBE subacute bacterial endocarditis亚急性细菌性心内膜炎 Seq.-sequela后遗症 sex.-sexual性别的 sig.-signa标明用法 SK.-streptokinase链激酶 SLE.-sgstemic lupus erythematosus系统性红斑狼疮 SM.-systolic murmur收缩期杂音 SR.-sinus rhyth

73、m窦性节律 SSS.-sick sinus syndrome病窦综合征 ST.- skin test皮试 stat.- at once立即 Sx.- symptom or sign症状或体征 Syr.- syrup糖浆 Tab.- stablet片剂 TAT.- toxin-antitoxin 毒素抗毒素 TB.-tuberculosis结核 tid.- three times daily每日三次 TSH.-thyroid-stimulating hormone促甲状腺激素 us.- ultrasound超声 VIP.- veryimportant person贵宾 Vit.- vitamin

74、e维生素 VSD.- ventricular septal defect室缺 VMA.- hydroxymandelic acid香草杏仁酸 WBC.- white blood cell白细胞 Wt.- weight体重 Y/O.- years old 岁住院文书格式1、 抗生素医嘱Antibiotic order Prophylaxis 预防性用药 Duration of oder用药时间 24hr Procedure操作,手术 Empiric theraphy 经验性治疗 Suspected site andorganism怀疑感染的部位和致病菌 72hr Cultures ordered

75、是否做培养 Documented infection明确感染 Site and organism部位和致病菌5days Other其他 Explanation required 解释理由 24hr Antibiotic allergies何种抗生素过敏 No known allergy 无已知的过敏 Drug+dose+Route+frequency药名+剂量+途径+次数 2、医嘱首页Admission / transfer Admit / transfer to 收入或转入 Resident 住院医师 Attending主治医师 Condition 病情 Diagnosis诊断 Diet 饮

76、食 Acitivity 活动 Vital signs测生命体征 I / O 记进出量 Allergies过敏 3、住院病历case history Identification 病人一般情况Name性名 Sex性别 Age 年龄 Marriage婚姻 Person to notify and phoneNo.联系人及电话 Race民族 I.D.No.身份证 Admission date入院日期 Sourceof history病史提供者 Reliability of history可靠程度 Medical record No病历号Business phone No.工作单位电话 Home ad

77、dress and phone No.家庭住地及电话 Chief complaint主诉 History of present illness现病史 Past History过去史Surgical外科 Medical内科 Medications用药 Allergies过敏史 SocialHistory社会史 Habits个人习惯 Smoking吸烟 Family History家族史 Ob/GynHistory 婚姻/生育史 Alcohol use喝酒 Review of Aystems系统回顾General概况 Eyes,Ears,Nose and throat五官 Pulmonary呼吸

78、Cardiovascular心血管 GI消化 GU生殖、 泌尿系统 Musculoskeletal肌肉骨骼 Neurology神经系统 Endocrinology内分泌系统 Lymphatic/Hematologic淋巴系统/血液系统 Physical Exam体检 Vital Signs生命体征 P脉博 Bp血压 R呼吸 T温度Height身高 Weight体重 General概况 HEENT五官 Neck颈部Back/Chest背部/胸部 Breast乳房 Heart心脏 Heart rate心率 Heart rhythm心律 Heart Border心界 Murmur杂音 Abdomen

79、腹部 Liver肝 Spleen脾Rectal直肠 Genitalia生殖系统 Extremities四肢 Neurology神经系统 cranialnerves颅神经 sensation感觉 Motor运动 *Special P.E. on diseased organsystem专科情况 *Radiographic Findings放射 *Laboratory Findings化验*Assessment初步诊断与诊断依据 *Summary病史小结 *Treatment Plan治疗计划 4、 输血申请单Blood bank requisition form (1)reason for in

80、fusion输血原因 红细胞packed red cells, wshed RBCs: *Hb8.5 血色素20% blood volumelost 20%血容量丢失 *cardio-pulmonary bypass with anticipated Hb 8心肺分流术伴预计血色素 8 *chemotherapy or surgery with Hb 10血色素10 units输血10单位以上者 *platelet count50103/l with active bleeding or surgery血小板5 万伴活 动性出血或手术者*Cardio-pulmonary bypass uith

81、 pl100103/l with octive bleeding心肺分流 术伴血小板10 万,活动性出血者 *Platelet count 20103/l血板15units输血15 个单位 *warfarin or antifibrinolytic therapy withbleeding华法令或溶栓治疗后出血 *DIC血管内弥漫性凝血 *Antithrombin IIIdficiency凝血酶 III 缺乏 (2)输血要求request for blood components *patientblood group血型 *Has the patient had transfusion or

82、 pregnancy in the past 3 months?近 3 个月, 病人是否输过血或怀孕过? *Type and crossmatch血型和血交叉*Units or ml单位或毫升 5、 出院小结discharge summary Patient Name病人姓名Medical Record No.病历号 Attending Physician主治医生 Date of Admission入院日期 Date of Discharge出院日期 Pirncipal Diagnosis主要诊断 SecondaryDiagnosis次要诊断 Complications并发症 Operatio

83、n手术名称 Reason forAdmission入院理由 Physical Findings阳性体征 Lab/X-ray Findings化验及放射报告 Hospital Course住院诊治经过 Condition出院状况 Disposition出院去向Medications出院用药 Prognosis预后 Special Instruction to the Patient(diet,physical activity)出院指导(饮食,活 动量) Follow-up Care随随访 6、住院/出院病历首页Admission/discharge record Patient name病人姓

84、名 race种族 address地址 religion宗教 medical service科别 admit (discharge) date入院(出院)日期 Length of stay 住院天数 guarantor name 担保人姓名 next ofkin or person to notify需通知的亲属姓名 relation to patient与病人关系 previous admit date上次住院日期 admitting physician 入院医生 attendingphgsician主治医生 admitting diagnosis入院诊断 final (principal)

85、diagnosis最终(主要)诊断 secondary diagnosis次要诊断 adverse reactions(complications)副作用 (合并症) incision type切口类型 healing course愈合等级 operative (non-operative) procedures手术(非手术)操作 nosocomialinfection院内感染 consutants会诊 Critical-No. of times抢救次数 recovered-No. of times成功次数 Diagnosis qualitative analysis诊断质量OP.adm.an

86、d discharge Dx concur 门诊入院与出院诊断符合率 Clinical andpathological Dx concur临床与病理诊断符合率 Pre- and post-operative Dx concur术前术后诊断符合率 Dx determined with in 24 hours (3 days) after admission入院后 24 小时(3 天)内确诊 Discharge status出院状况 recovered治愈improved好转 not improved未愈 died 死亡 Dispositon去向 home家 againstmedical ad自动

87、出院 autosy尸检 transferred to转院到医学英语的特征 特殊的单复数(单数复数) aae aortae-aortae主动脉 pleura-pleurae胸膜 usi coccus-cocci球菌 bacillus-bacilli杆菌 uma serum-sera血清bacterium-bactera细菌 ona phenomenon-phenomena现象criterion-criteria标准 xces cortex-cortices皮质 appendix-appendices阑尾 thorax-thoraces胸廓 xges pharynx-pharynges咽laryn

88、x-larynges喉 ises crisis-crises危象 analysis-analyses分析 mamata trauma-traumata创伤 hemotoma-hemotomata血肿 menmina lumen-lumina腔 abdomen-abdomina腹 2、字母可互通使用 ae-e haemorrhage-hemorrhage出血 aetiology-etiology病因 oe-eoedema-edema水肿 oesophagus-esophagus食管 ou-u oulitis-ulitis牙龈炎ouroscopy-uroscopy尿检 ph-f sulphate-

89、sulfate硫酸盐sulphonamide-sulfonamide磺胺 k-c EKG-ECG心电图leukocyte-leucocyte白细胞 Katabolism-catabolism分解代谢 y-isyrup-sirup糖浆 3、英美的不同拼写形式(英-美) our(英)-or(美)colour-color颜色 tumour-tumor肿瘤 re-er centre-center中心metre-meter米 yes-yze analyse-analyze分析 paralyse-paralyze瘫痪 xion-ction connexion-connection连接 reflexion-

90、reflection反射 mme-mgramme-gram克 ogue-og dialogue-dialog对话 catalogue-catalog目录 c-k disc-disk软盘 sceptic-skeptic怀疑论者 4、词根交替现象 mouth口-oral口的 tooth牙齿-dental牙齿的 tongue舌-lingual舌的 ear耳-aural耳的 nose鼻-nasal鼻的 eye眼-ophthalmic眼的 skin皮肤-dermal皮肤的 heart 心-cardiac心脏的 liver肝-hepatic肝的 stomach胃-gastric胃的 lung肺-pulmo

91、nary肺的 kideny肾-renal肾的 neck颈-cervical颈的 chest胸-thoracic胸的 brain脑-cerebral脑的 nerve神经-neural神经的 rib肋骨-costal肋骨的 mother母-maternal母亲的 heat热-thermal热的 bone骨-bony骨的 virus病毒-viral病毒的 saliva唾液-salivary唾液的 respiration呼吸-respiratory呼吸的 joint关节-arthritis关节炎 kidney肾-nephritis肾炎 nerve神经-neuritis神经炎 lioer肝-hepati

92、tis肝炎 brain脑-encephalitis脑炎 stomache胃-gastritis胃炎 artery动脉-arteritis动脉炎 bronchus支气管-bronchitis支气管炎 heart心-cardiology心脏病学 eye眼-ophthalmology眼科学 cell细胞-cytology细胞学 tumor肿瘤-oncology肿瘤学 disease病-pathology病理学 drug药-pharmocology药理学 parasite寄生虫-parasitology寄生虫学 bacterium细菌-bacteriology细菌学 cell细胸-cyto-细胞 bl

93、ood血-hemo-血 5、 常用拉丁短语 ad arbitrium随意地 ad decubitum临睡时 ad effectum直至有效 ad interim暂时 ad libitum(ad lib) 随意 ad usum externum外用 ad usum internum内服 ante caenam晚饭前 ante cibum饭前 ante horam decubitus睡前 ante jentaculum早饭前 ante meridiem(A.M)上午 bis in die(B.i.d)每天二次 curriculum vitae(C.V)简历 et al (et alia)等等 ex

94、mpli gratia (e.g)例如 id est (i.e)即 inbrevi简言之 in situ原位 in vitro体外 in vivo体内 locus in quo现象 notebene(N.B)注意 per annum每年 per centum (percent)百分之 per diem每日 per mensem每月 per os (p.o)经口 per rectum经直肠 post meridiem(P.M) 下午 post mortem死后 post partum产后 post scriptum(P.S)附言 prodosi一次量 pro et contra (pro et

95、con)赞成和反对 pro re nata (p.r.n)必要时 quaque die (q.d)每天一次 quaque nocte (q.n)每晚一次 quaque quartahora(q.4h)每 4 小时 1 次 quaque secundo die(q.o.d)每二天一次 ter in die(t.i.d)每天三次 ut infra如下所述 ut supra如上所述 vice versa反之亦然 vide infra参见下文 vide supra参见前文医学英语常用短语1、常用医学短语 a bit of 少量 a chain of 一串的 a couple of 两个 a goodf

96、ew of 很多 a particle of 少量 a series of 一系列的 a set of 一套 a varietyof 种种的 abound in 富于 above all首先是 access to 接近 account for 说明 accustomed to习惯于 act as 充当 act on作用于 adaptto使适应于 add up to 总数为 addiction to对成瘾 adhere to附着于 adjacentto接近 advantage over优于 adverse to不利于 advisable for对适宜 affinity for 对的亲和力 ahe

97、ad of 优于 ahead of schedule(time)提前 all but除以外都 all over全身 all through从头到尾 amount to合计 abundance of 充裕的 and so on(forth)等等 apply to 适用于 arisefrom起因于 as a consequence of 由于的结果 as a result of 因为 as arule(general)通常 as a whole总体来说 as above如上 as follows如下 as it isknown众所周知 as long as只要 as regards (respec

98、t)至于 as usual照常 aswell同样 as well as 象一样 aside from除外 at all costs无论代价如何 at all events无论如何 at all times无论什么时候 at hand在手边 atlength详细地 at random随机地 at the expense of 以为代价 at the risk of冒的危险 beware of 注意 beyond all hope没有希望 break down分解 bring about引起 bring forward提出 bringto light阐明 but for要不是 by itself独

99、自 by mouth口服 by no means决不 by the way顺便 call for要求 cannot but不得不 catch sight of 看见 catch the point of 领会的要点 center in以为中心 characterized by以为特征 classified as被分类为 classifiedinto把分类为 coincide with与一致 come intoforce (effect)生效 come into fashion流行 come into play开始起应用 comeinto use开始应用 come to a conclusion

100、得出结论 come to a decision作出决定 complain of主诉 comply with遵照 concerned about关心 concernedwith与有关 conferon把给予 confineto将限制于 conform to (with)与相符 confronted with面临 consist in 存在于 consist of由组成 consist with与一致 contrary to与相反 contrastto(with)将与比较 cope with 对付 date from起始于 deal with讨论(处理) decompose into分解为 dep

101、end on取决于 depriveof 剥夺 despite of不管 differentiatfrom将与区别开 dispose of 处理 divisible into可分成 do away with除去 doharm对有害 do ones best尽力 drain away流出 drain of(away)排除 draw a conclusion作结论 draw forth引出 drop away下降 eachother互相 eat up 消耗 elicitfrom从中引出 engaged in从事于 employ in (on)从事于 equal to等于 equivalent to相

102、当于 even though虽然 every other每隔一个 every second(other) day每隔一天 except for除了 exist in存在于 exposed to暴露于 faced with面临 fade away消失 fallinto分为 far from远离 figure out (up)想出 find out 找出 first of all首先 fixto把固定于 focuson集焦 follow the example of 以为榜样 follow up追踪 fond of喜欢 for an instant片刻 for ever (and ever)永远

103、for example例如 for long长久 for short简称 for the good of 为利益 for the moment暂时 for the present目前 for the sake of为了起见 forthe worse恶化 for this reason由于这个缘故 for want of 因缺乏 free from(of )无的 free of charge免费 from now on今后 from the point of viewof据观点 from then on 从那时起 from time to time经常 gain anadvantage over

104、(of)胜过 gain in在方面有进展 get rid of (from)摆脱 givefull play to充分发挥 give light on使明白 give off放出 give rise to导致 give up放弃 go abroad出国 go after跟随 go in for从事 go intooperation开始运转 go no进行 go over检查 go through通过 go without没有也行 go wrong with发生故障 good at 善于 good for适于 gorwup成长 guard against提防 hand downto把分发给 ha

105、nds off请勿动手 have a high opinion of对评价高 have a low opinion of 对评价低 have an advantage over比优越 have much to do with与有很大关系 have nothing to do with与完全无关 headed by 以为首 hold back退缩 hundreds of数以百计的 if only只要就好了 in a broad sense在广义上 in a narrow sense在狭义上 in a sense在某种意义上 in a word总而言之 in accord (accordance)

106、 with与一致 in addition另外 in addition to除外 in advance事先 in all 总计 in all respects (ways)在各方面 in brief简单说来 in case假如 in case of如果 in charge of主管 in conclusion最后(总之) in consequence因此 (结果) in consequence of由于的结果 in detail详细地 in dispute争议中 in due time在适当时候 in essence实质上 in favourof有利于 in general通常 in good

107、order有条不紊 in honour of为纪念 ininverse proportion of与成反比 in large 大规模的 in nature 本质上 in nocase决不 in no time立刻 in one word总之 in operation在运转中 inorder有条理 in other words换言之 in place在场 in principle原则上 inprogress在进展中 in proper (definite,right) proportion按适当(一定,适宜)的比例 in prospect在期望中 in pubilc公开地 in question

108、议论中的 in ratioofto按和的比例 in (with) reference to关于 in (with) regard to关于 in respect to (of)关于 in reverse相反 in review在检查中 in search of寻求 in short简单地 in situ就位 in so far asgoes就所及的范围 in spiteof尽管 in stock备有 in succession连续 in substance实质上 in summary总之 in terms of根据(用话来说) in the absence of缺少时 in the caseo

109、f在情况下 in the end最后 in the event of万一 in the first place首先 in the following在下文中 in the long run从长远来看 in the nameof以名义(代表) in the original用原文 in (good) time及时 in truth实际上 in turn依次 in vain无益 in virtue of由于 inferior to次于 insteadof代替 inversely proportional to与成反比 involved with涉及 irrespective of不顾 it(so)

110、 happened that偶然 it is out of the question这是不可能的 it makes no matter that无关紧要 it matters little无关紧要 it mattersmuch事关紧要 it occurred to() that想到 judging from由推测 just as itis照原样 just now刚才 just so正是如此 just then正在那时 keep arecord记录 keep an eye on注意 keep from (+ing)使不 keep inmind记住 keep in good order保持正常运转

111、 keep off 防止接近 keep on (+ing) 继续() keep pace with跟上 keep to the point抓住要点 keep up with跟上 known as 被称为 lack of缺乏 lag behind落后 lay abasis for为打基础 lay down放下(制订) lay emphasis on(upon) 强调 layhold of (on)抓住(利用) lead to导致 leave room for留下的余地 letalone更不用说了 lie down躺下 lie in在于 live on (by )以为生(为食) long for

112、(after)渴望 look after照管 look back to回顾 look for寻找 look into调查 look like看来象 look out 当心 look uponas把看作 lose sight of忽略(看不见) lots of许多 made after摹仿 made from由制成 make a compromise折衷 make application for应用于 makecertain弄明白 make contributions to对作出贡献 make light of轻视 make little of不重视 make much of重视 make no

113、tes (a note) of作笔记 make progress取得进步 make sure弄清楚 make up组成(捏造) make upfor补偿 make up ones mind下定决心 make use of利用 meet the needs of满足的需要 mistakefor 把误认为 more than once不止一次 mostof all首先 name after以命名 named in honour of为纪念而命名 needless to say用不着说的 never mind没关系 next to次于 noatall一点也没有 no doubt无疑 no longe

114、r不再 no matter不要紧 notatall毫不 not to mention (say)不用说(更不必说) nothing but仅是(不过是) nulland void无效 object to反对 of no effect无效 on account of因为 on behalfof以名义 on duty值日 on purpose故意 on sale出售 on schedule准时(按预定计划) on the contrary反之 on the ground that基于 on the one hand一方面 on the other hand另一方面 on the spot就地 on

115、 the subject of关于问题 on the whole大体上 on time准时 on trial试用中 one another相互 one by one逐一 or so 大约 out of balance不平衡 out of control失去控制 out of danger脱险 out of date不合时宜的 out of proportion to与不成比例 out of question无疑地 owing to由于(因为) participate in参与 passaway去世 pass over渡过 pay attention to重视(注意) penetrate int

116、o贯穿 persist in坚持 pick out 挑选 place an order for订购 place emphasis(stress) on强调 place reliance (confidence) on信赖 play a part(role) in 在中起作用 point of view观点 pour out 倒出 preventfrom (+ing)阻止 prior to在以前 project on(into)把投射到 put down放下(记下) put emphasis on(upon)强调 put forward 提出(促进) putintooperation(produ

117、ction)把投入生产 putinto effect实现 putintopractice使付诸实践 putinto service使交付使用 put off拖延(推迟) put on穿上 put on trial对进行试验 put ones faith in相信 putthrough 实行 put to use利用 put up 提出(贴出) put up with忍住 quite a few(a little)好几个 rank with与并列 react on (upon) 对起反应 react to对有反应 ready for准备好 reason out解释清 reckonon(upon)

118、期望 reckon up合计 recoverfrom从中回收 refer to 涉及 refer to as 把称作 regardless of不顾 relevant to与有关 relievefrom(of )使解除 rely on (upon)依靠(信赖) remind of使想起 removefrom从移走 research into调查 resistant to耐的 responsible for对负责 rest on (upon) 依靠 result from起因于 result in导致 rich in富于 right away立即 roundabout各方面 rule out消除

119、(排除) run after追寻 run into流入 run out用完 run short快用完 seal off (up )密封(封闭) search after (for)寻找(探求) search into调查 second to次于 see to 留心 send for派人取 (请) sendout 发出(放射出) sensitive to对灵敏 serve as (for)但任 set about开始(着手) set aside撇开 set down记下(制订) set forward提出 set free被释放 set in 来临,开始 set up 建立 settle dow

120、n安定下来 settle up解决 sharewith和分享 shed light on (upon)照亮(阐明) short of缺少 show interest in 对表示关切 show up 显露出来 similar to类似 sketch out拟订 slow down减慢 so far至今 so far as 就来说 solong as 只要 something wrong with有毛病 sooner or later迟早 sortout分类 speak ofas把说成 stand for 代表 stand out突出,出色 stand still站着不动 stand up to

121、经受住 stem from基于 step by step逐步地 stick to粘住,坚持 strictly speaking严格地说 strive for为而努力 struggle against (with)同斗争 struggle for为而斗争 subject to易受 suffice for满足的需要 sum up总结(总计) superior to优于 susceptible to对敏感 take (the) advantage of利用 takeas把看做 take care of照看 take charge of负责 take down记下 take effect见效 take

122、for把当做 takefor granted认为理所当然的 take in吸收 takeinto account(consideration)考虑到 take part in 参加 takeplace发生 take precaution against预防 take shape 成形 take steps 采取措施 take medicine服药 take the place of代替 take turns轮流(换班) ten toone很有可能 tend to(towards)倾向于 thanks to幸亏 that is to say就是说(即) the formerthe latter前

123、者后者 think light(little)of认为不重要 think much of重视 to and fro往复,来回 to be short简言之 to date至今 to our knowledge据我们所知 to the contrary相反 to the disaldvantageof对不利 to the end (last) 到底 to the point中肯 turn back折回 turninto变成 under consideration在考虑之中的 under development正在研制 under discussion在讨论中 under observation在

124、观察中 used to习惯于 void of没有的 warm up 兴奋 wash well耐洗 watch out注意 wearand tear耗损 wear out用坏(变旧) wipe out擦去 with the purpose that为的是(为了) without avail无益 without doubt毫无疑问 without effct无效 withoutreserve无保留地 work in with和协调 work on (away)继续工作 work on(upon)影响 work out制订(做出) year after(by) year一年一年地 year in a

125、ndyear out 一年到头 yield to听从于(让步于) zealous for热望 zealous in热心于 2、 双词医学术语 abdominal delivery剖腹产 active stage 活动期 advancedstage晚期 air tube 呼吸道 alarm reaction紧急反应 alimentary anemia营养性贫血 alimentary toxicosis食物中毒 angina pectoris心绞痛 ardent fever高热 artificial labor引产 attending physician主治医师 bad breath口臭 birt

126、hinjury产伤 blood group血型 bottle feeding人工喂养 breast pump吸乳器 bronchic cell肺泡 bypass technique分流术 cesarean section剖腹产术 clinical jaundice显性黄疸 closed (open) fracture闭合性(开放性)骨折 coated tablet包衣片 cold injury冻伤 coutrast medium造影剂 culturemedium培养基 dead time失效期 differential diagnosis鉴别诊断 dominantheredity显性遗传 em

127、ergency tracheotomy紧急气管切开术 emergency room急诊室 emergency theory 应急学说 equivalent weight当量 exertion dyspnea活动性呼吸困难 family planning计划生育 first finger拇指 first-aid station急救站 focal lesion局灶性损损害 full diet普通饮食 general immunity全身免疫 gross lesion肉眼损害 heart failure心衰 horizontal position平卧位 hungeredema营养不良性水肿 indi

128、rect hernia斜疝 internal organs内脏 lifeinsurance人寿保险 life span寿命 lung field肺野 pigeon chest鸡胸 plainfilm平片 primary anesthesia基础麻醉 primary cancer原发癌 primary(second)sex characters第一(二)性特征 preclinical medicine基础医学 prolongedlabor滞产 remote infarct陈旧性心梗 sensible (insensible) perspiration显性(隐性) 出汗 specific grav

129、ity比重 still birth死产 subtotal gastrectomy胃大部切除术 surgical abdomen急腹症 table salt食盐 theatre nurse手术室护士 threatened abortion先兆流产 vital sign生命体征 wet brain脑水肿 wetlung肺水肿英语问诊常用句子Hello.may (can) I help you?您好,我可以帮您吗? What seems to be botheringyou?您觉得哪儿不舒服? Do you have a record?您有病历吗? Ill transferyou to the su

130、rgery department.我给您转到外科去 whats wrong with you?您怎么了? Sit down, please.请坐 When did the symptom begin ?症状是什么时候开始的? Are you bring anything up when you cough?咳嗽时有痰吗? Have youhad any chills (chest pain)?您有发冷(胸痛)吗? Have you ever coughed upblood您咳血过吗? All right. Let me examine you. Would you mind taking of

131、fyour coat?好吧。我给您检查一下,您不介意脱掉外衣吧? Take a deep breath,please请深呼吸 Ill take a white blood count and give you a x-ray examination.我将给您做白细胞计数和胸片检查 Im sure its pneumonia. You should be admittedto the hospital.我可以确定您得了肺炎,应当住院。 How long have you been likethis?这种症状有多久了? When did you begin to notice these symp

132、toms?您什么时候发现这些症状的? Whats the trouble?怎么啦? Whats your trouble?你怎么啦? Whats the trouble with you?你哪儿不舒服 Whats troubling you?你哪儿不舒服 Whats your complaint?你哪儿不舒服 Whats bothering you?你哪儿不舒服 What can I do for you?你哪儿不舒服吗? Whats up with you?你生什么病了? Whats the matter with you?你哪儿不舒服? Is there a sense ofdistens

133、ion and numbness?你有胀和麻木的感觉吗? When did the troublestart?什么时候开始不舒服? When did the pain start?什么时候开始痛的? When did it happen?什么时候发生的? When did your diarrhea start?你什么时候开始腹泻的? What kind of pain do you feel?你觉得怎么个痛法? What kind of stool did you notce, watery or mucous?你注意大便的样子了吗?是水样的还是粘液样? What did you vomit

134、, food or blood?你吐的是什么?食物还是血? What kind of treatment have you had?你过去用什么方法治疗过? What about your heart?你的心脏怎么样? Whats your stool like?大便是什么样子? Where is your pain?你觉得哪儿痛? Where does it hurt?哪儿痛? Whats your appetite?你的胃口怎么样? Hows your appetite thosedays?近来食欲怎么样? How long have you been feeling like this?

135、你有这样感觉多长时间了? Have you been coughing and sneezing?你是不是一直咳嗽和打喷嚏? Have you got a high fever?你发烧吗? Any fever?发烧吗? Have yougot any chronic disease before?你以前有过慢性病吗? Does it bleed often?常出血吗? Do you feel short of breath?你觉得气急吗? Do you feel pain aftermeals?是饭后痛吗? Do you feel abdominal pain when you go to t

136、he toilet?你去厕所时感到腹痛吗? Do you have a pain in your stomach?你肚子痛吗? Doyou have a cough?你咳嗽吗? Do you remember how many times you went to thetoilet?你记得去过多少次厕所吗? Did you receive any treatment before youcame to the hospital?来医院前你接受过治疗吗? Id like to listen to yourchest.我想听听你的胸部。 Id like to run a few tests.我想给

137、你做些检查。 Youmust have a blood (sputum) test.你需要验验血(痰) 。 You have the flu.你得了流行感冒。 You have got enteritis.你得了肠炎。 You have caught a chill.你着凉了。 You seem to have picked up some sort of infection.你好象染上什么传染病了。 When did you first notice it?你什么时候感觉到的? What kind of pain isit?怎样疼? Did you run any temperature?你

138、发过烧吗? Have you seenanybody about it?你找医生看过吗? I think you need some examinations first.我想您首先需要做一些检查。 Youd better take an X-ray picture to see if there is afracture.你最好拍张 X 片子,看看有没有骨折。 Id like to give you an X-ray.我想给你透视一下。 The X-ray reveals a dislocation of your elbow.X光片显示你的肘关节脱位。 Ill give your some

139、 medicine.我给您开点药。 Im afraid you haveto receive an amputation.恐怕你需要截肢。 It is the only way to save your life.这是挽救您生命的唯一办法。 My diagnosis is that you have a malignant tumorosteogenic sarcoma.我的诊断是您得了恶性骨肉瘤。 The fractured leg must bekept in plaster.必须把骨折的腿打上石膏。 Open your mouth, please.请张开嘴。 Its too worn o

140、ut to be filled.这颗牙坏得太历害了,无法补了。 Have youever had an injection of procaine(pencillin) before?你以前打过普鲁卡因(青霉素)吗? Does it hurt when you eat anything sweet or sour?你吃甜的或酸的东西时疼吗? Ill be cleaning them now. let me know if it hurts.我现在给你洗牙, 疼就说一声。 The wound hasnt healed enough yet.伤口还没完全愈合。 Youll have towait

141、for one more month, or they wont fit properly.你得再等一个月,要不然装上也不会合适。 What kind of material do you prefer?你想要什么材料的? Wouldyou like to have a look at some of the samples?你要看一看样品吗? You can trythe gold-alloy ones.你可以试一下合金的。 Youve got to come five times beforethe work can be finished.你得来五次才能做好。 Shall I fix y

142、ou a plasticcrown?我给你装一个塑料牙套好吗? Well give you an X-ray to find out thecondition of the root.我们要给你拍一张 X 光片, 看看牙根的情况。 Youll have toleave your old denture here.你得把原先的假牙留下。 You should leave yourdenture in your mouth all day.你应该整天戴着你的假牙。 How are your periods?Are they heavy?你的月经怎么样?量多吗? Have you had any p

143、ain in this areaduring your menstruation?你来月经时间时这一部位疼吗? How about yourmenstruation cycles?你的经期准吗? Have you had any discomfort?有什么不舒服吗? When was your last menstruation?你上一次月经是什么时候? Howlong is your period usually?通常你的月经周期多长? Have you had any bleeding,watery discharge or pain in your lower abdomen?你有过阴

144、道出血、水性分泌物以及下腹部疼痛的情况吗? How long has this been bothering you?这种不适感有多久了? Did you feel contractions regularly?你感觉到过有规律的宫缩吗? Whats the amount of beeding? Is it profuse?出血量多少?很多吗? Doyou mind if I examine you briefly?我简单地给你检查一下,你介意吗? Pleasetake off your shoes and panties and lie on the examining table.请你脱去

145、鞋和裤子,躺到检查床上。 Ill run some tests on you.我要给你做些化验。 Thats due toyour heavy period.这是因为你月经过多造成的。 I think its carcinoma of thebreasts.我认为是乳腺癌。 Well send her to the delivery room for furtherobservation.我们想把她送到产房进一步观察。 Do you see dimly from distance orclose by?您看远不清还是看近不清? Do you see objects dimly?您看东西模糊吗?

146、 What kind of pain do you have?怎么痛法? Is there much secretion fromyour eyes?眼里的分泌物多吗? Does light affect your eyes?您的眼睛怕光吗? Do you see an object as if there were two that overlap?您看东西有重影吗? Do you see my hand moving?您看见我的手在动吗? Try not to blink.不要眨眼。 Are you near-sighted or far-sighted?您是近视眼还是远视眼? Comeb

147、ack in a week for a re-examination of your eyes.一周以后来复查您的眼睛。 Illsend you some medicine (pill, ointment).给你开些内服药 (丸药, 膏药) 。 Ill giveyou some tablets.我给你一些药片。 Ill make up a prescription for you.我给你开一张药方 Ill write out a prescription for you right now.我马上给你开张药方。 Ill give you a prescription. Take it to t

148、he chemists 我给你一张处方,到药房去配药。 I think youd better take Chinese traditional medicine.我认为你最好服用中药。 Take the medicine according to the instruction.请按医嘱用药。 Id like toput you on some medicine and have you come back in several days.给我开点药,几天以后你再来。 One tablet each time, three times a day after meals.每日 3 次,每次

149、1 片, 饭后服。 Take one capsule every four hours.每 4 小时服用一胶囊。 Takea dose three times a day.每天服 3 次, 每次一剂。 Put the ointment on the sore oncea day.把软膏涂在患处,每日 1 次。 Shake well before using it.使用之前要摇匀。 The medicine will relieve your pain.这种药会给你止痛。 This medicine cankeep your fever down.这种药可给你退烧。 This is for or

150、al administration.这是口服药物。 This lotion is for external use only.这种洗剂只可外用。 Youresuffering from acute appendicitis and must have an operaton.你得的是急性阑尾炎,要动手术。 Im sorry to say youll have an immediate operation.很遗憾,你得快动手术。 Your meals should be frequent but small in quantity.应该少吃多餐。 Your meals should be lig

151、ht and digestible.吃的东西要清淡容易消化。 Youshould take some more vitamines你应该多吃些维生素。 You should go on adiet.你应该节食。 You cant touch anything sweet.你一点甜食也吃不得 Fattyfood will do you harm.高脂肪食物对你有害处。 Avoid eating greasy food.不要吃油腻食物。 Drink plenty of water.要喝大量的水。 You are scheduled to have a GIand a GB test tomorro

152、w morning.您预定明天早上作胃肠检查和胆囊检查。 Please dont eat or drink anything until the test is over. Im sorry but you haveto have an absolute empty stomach.要检查结束之前请不要吃喝任何东西。我很抱歉,您得完全空着胃。 This test is done on a 24 hour basis from 6 in the morninguntil 6 in the following morning.这个检查是以早晨六点到第二天早上六点的二十四个小时为单位进行的。 You

153、 may have something to drink whenever you wish.你可以随意喝你想喝的东西。 Please use this container for your urine.请将尿放进这个容器内。 Breathe in deeply. Thatll do.深呼吸,好了。 Now take a breath.现在吸气。 Now take a deep breath with your mouth open.现在嘴张开作深呼吸。 Now turn around, please.现在请转过去。 Take it easy and dont move.放松点, 别动。 Sh

154、ow me exactly where it is.请告诉我准确的地方。 Show me yourtongue, please.请把舌头伸出来。 Show me which one it is?告诉我是哪个? Show me where it hurts the most.告诉我哪儿最疼。 Youd better have achest X-ray.你最好透视一下胸部。 Your tongue is rather coated.你的舌苔比较厚。 Dull tongue with whitish and greasy coating.舌质暗,苔白腻。 How do youfeel now?现在你

155、觉得怎么样? Where does it hurt?哪儿痛? Which of yourarms is sore?你哪个胳膊痛? Do you feel weak?你感到身体虚弱吗? Do youhave any pain in your belly?你腹部痛吗? Does it hurt here?这儿痛吗? Youare scheduled to have an operation.您要预定动手术。 First of all, we will prepareyou by shaving.首先, 我们要给你备皮, 做手术前的准备工作。 I will give you anNG tube ri

156、ght now.我马上给你插鼻胃管。 Urinating after an operation is veryhard.手术后排尿很困难。 Did you pass any wind by rectum?有气从肛门排出吗? You can lie on your side more often.您可以经常翻身。 You look a littlebetter today.今天看来你精神好一些。 You can get out of bed today.你今天可以下床了。 Shall we limit the amount of visitors?要不要限制访客的人数呢?医院日常用品和设备Ste

157、thoscope听诊器 Sphygmomanometer (Blood pressure gauge)血压计 Thermometer体温表 Tongue depressor (spatula)压舌板 Needle针头 Syringe注射器 Cotton stick (ball)棉签(球) Bandage绷带 Elasticbandage弹力绷带 Esmarchs bandage橡皮绷带 Tourniquet止血带 Gauze纱布 Adhesive plaster橡皮膏 Dressing敷料 Splint夹板 Rubber glove橡皮手套 Sand bag沙袋 Ice bag冰袋 Hot w

158、ater bottle热水瓶 Bedpan便盒 Urinal尿壶 Catheter导尿管 Rectal tube肛管 Dilator扩张器 Gastrictube胃管 Lavage tube洗胃管 Oxygen tube (cylinder)吸氧管 Sengstaken-Blakemore tube三腔二囊管 Visual testing chart视力表 Incubator保温箱 Plaster bed石膏床 Sheet被单 Bedding被褥 Blanket毛毯 Diaper尿布 Pillow case枕套 Bedside table床头柜 Towel毛巾 Basin脸盒 Comb梳子 T

159、ooth-paste牙膏 Tooth-brush牙刷 Rubber cushion橡皮圈 Air cushion bed气垫床 Scale台秤 Flashlight电筒 Scissors剪刀 Tray托盘 Sputum cup痰杯 Test tube试管 Infusionsupport输液架 Infusion drip monitor输液滴速监护仪 Micropump微泵 Operating table手术台 Shadowless lamp无影灯 Slit lamp裂隙灯 Scalpel手术刀 Silk sutures丝线 Rubber drainage引流管 Operatinggown手术衣

160、 Overalls工作服 Operating sheet手术床单 Mask口罩 Hemostatic forceps止血钳 Needle forceps (holder)持针钳 Dressingforceps敷料钳 Smooth forceps无齿镊 Tissue forceps组织镊 Anesthesiamachine麻醉机 Electrocardiograph心电图机 X-ray machineX 线机 Ventilator呼吸机 Suction吸引器 Tractor牵引器 Rescue carrigae抢救车 Stretcher担架 Bedside monitor床边监护仪 Defibr

161、illator除颤仪 Ambulance救护车 Pacemaker起搏器 Hyperbaric oxygen chamber高压氧仓 Otoscope耳镜 Rhinoscope鼻镜 Ophthalmoscope眼底镜 Esophagoscope食道镜 Bronchofiberscope纤支镜 Gastrofiberscope纤维胃镜 Proctoscope直肠镜 Peritoneoscope腹腔镜 Sigmoidoscope结肠镜 Cystoscope膀胱镜 Microscope显微镜 Thoracentesis set胸穿包 Lumbarpuncture set腰穿包 Bone marrow

162、 puncture set骨穿包 Abdominocentesisset 腹穿包 Venosection set静切包 Transfusion set输血包 Refrigerator冰箱 Microwave oven微波炉 Blood pressure monitor血压监护仪 Automaticblood pressure meter( ABPM)自动血压机医学院和医院相关名称Medical university医科大学 Medical collega医学院 Collega of pharmacy药学院 Teatch school卫生学校 Nurses (training) school护士

163、学校 Academicadviser学术顾问 Chancellor (president)校长 Dean院长 Director主任 Department chairman (head)系主任 Assistant助教 Coach辅导员 Tutor(Counselor)导师 Faculty全体教员 Founder创办人 Lecturer讲师 Monitor班长 Professor教授 Research fellow研究员 School physician校医 Graduate student研究生 Anesthetist麻醉医生 Dentist牙科医生 Dermatologist皮肤科医生 Die

164、tician营养师 Family doctor家庭医生 Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine中医师 Gynecologist妇科医生 Obstetrician产科医生 Oculist眼科医生 Oncologist肿瘤科医生 Pediatrician儿科医生 ENT doctor五官科医生 Internist (Physician)内科医生 Surgeon外科医生 Cardiologist心血管病医生 Urologist泌尿科医生 Radiographer放射科技师 Radiologist放射科医生 Cardiac surgeon胸外科医生 Plastic

165、 surgeon整形外科医生 Midwife接生员 Resident住院医生 Chief resident总住院医师 Attending (physician in charge)主治医生 Specialist专家 Pharmacist药剂师 Technician技师 Intern实习生 Headnurse护士长 Nurse护士 Bechelor学士 Master硕士 Doctor博士 Auditorium大礼堂 Meeting room (Reference hall)会议室 Parking Lot(shed)停车处(棚) Broadcasting station广播站 Administra

166、tion building行政大楼 Office building办公大楼 Classroom (Teaching) building教学大楼 Bulletin board布告栏 Campus校园 Canteen (Dining room)食堂 Classroom教室 Dormitory宿舍 English corner英语角 Gymnasium体操房 Infirmary医务室 Central laboratory中心实验室 Lavatory(Toilet,Water-closet)厕所 Lecture theatre阶梯教室 Library图书馆 Newsstall报亭 Accounting

167、 office财务室 Deans office教务处 Foreign affairsoffice外事处 General affairs office总务处 Medical education office医教处 Personnel office人事处 President office校长办公室 Reception office接待室 Registration office报到处 Teaching and research office教研室 Platform讲台 Playground运动场 Boiler room锅炉房 Janitors room传达室 Mailroom收发室 Referenc

168、e room资料室 Projection room放映室 Readingroom阅览室 Swimming pool游泳池 Snack bar小吃部 Graduate school研究生院 School-run workshop校办厂 Company公司 Institute研究所 Pharmaceutical factory制药厂 Affiliated hospital附属医院 Teachinghospital教学医院 Blood bank血库 Anesthesiology dept.麻醉科 Cardiologydept.心脏科 Dermatology dept.皮肤科 Emergency ro

169、om急诊室 Dentaldept.牙科 ENT dept.五官科 General surgery dept.普外科 Infectious dept.传染科 Neurosurgery dept.神经外科 Neurology dept.神经科 Obstetrics andgynecology dept.妇产科 Oncology dept.肿瘤科 Ophthalmology dept.眼科 Nuclear medicine dept.核医学科 Orthopedics dept.骨科 Pediatrics dept.小儿科 Pathology dept.病理科 Skin (Dermatology) d

170、ept.皮肤科 Plastic surgerydept整形外科 Thoracic surgery dept.胸外科 Traditional chinese medicinedept.中医科 Traumatology dept.创伤外科 Urology dept.泌尿科 X-rayroom放射科 Laboratory dept.检验科 Gastroenterology dept.消化科 Nephrology dept.肾内科 Hematology dept.血液科 Endocrinology dept.内分泌科 Stomatological dept.口腔科 Dispensary (pharma

171、cy)药房 Internalmedicine dept.内科 Surgical dept. 外科 In-patient dept. 住院部 Out-patientdept.门诊部 Nursing dept.护理部 B-mode ultrasonic roomB 超室 EKGroom心电图室 Endoscope room内镜室 Gastroscope room胃镜室 Bronchoscope room支气管镜室 Operation room(OR)手术室 Nutritionroom营养室 Fluoroscopy透视室 Dark room暗室 Developing room冲洗室 Heart fu

172、nction examination room心功能室 Injection room注射室 Dressingroom换药室 Pulmonary function test room肺功能室 Physiotherapy room理疗室 Laser room激光室 Echo room心超室 DSA room心导管室 Vector-cardiography room心向量室 Phono-cardiography room心音图室 Vision fuuction examination room视功能室 Medical abministration dept.医务部 Personnel dept.人事部 Security section保卫科 Supply room供应室 Mortuty太平间 Health information dept. 病案室 Registration office挂号处 Waiting room侯诊室 Observation room观察室



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