八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents Section A(2d3c)导学课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents Section A(2d3c)导学课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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《八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents Section A(2d3c)导学课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents Section A(2d3c)导学课件 (新版)人教新目标版(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 你有以下哪些家庭问题呢你有以下哪些家庭问题呢? ?请在括号内打勾。请在括号内打勾。 a. I fight with my brother.(a. I fight with my brother.() )b. My sister looks through(b. My sister looks through(翻看翻看) my things.() my things.() )c. My parents fight a lot.(c. My parents fight a lot.() )d. My brother doesnd. My brother doesnt allow me to wa

2、tch TV. (t allow me to watch TV. () )e. My mother doesne. My mother doesnt allow me to hang out with my t allow me to hang out with my friends.(friends.() )Question: What should you do? Question: What should you do? 任务一任务一1. 1. 听听2d2d的录音的录音, ,全班跟读对话全班跟读对话, ,注意模仿语调。然后回答问题注意模仿语调。然后回答问题: :( ( )Whats Ki

3、ms problem?)Whats Kims problem?A. His brother doesnt allow him to watch TV.A. His brother doesnt allow him to watch TV.B. His sister looked through his things.B. His sister looked through his things.C. His sister took his computer.C. His sister took his computer.2. 2. 两人一组两人一组, ,分角色朗读分角色朗读2d,2d,并在班上

4、展示。并在班上展示。B B探究二探究二1. 1. 看图片看图片, ,猜一猜猜一猜:Whats the boys problem?:Whats the boys problem?想一想想一想:Whats your advice?:Whats your advice?2.阅读阅读3a第一封信的首句及第二封信的第二句第一封信的首句及第二封信的第二句,回答回答:第一封信的中的问题是第一封信的中的问题是。A.Idontgetenoughsleep.B.Icantgetonwithmyfamily.第二封信的中的建议是第二封信的中的建议是。A.Talktoyourfamily.B.Talktoyourfr

5、iends.B BA A3. 3. 细读细读3a3a中的两封信中的两封信, ,完成下表的信息。完成下表的信息。ProblemsAdvice1.Myparentsalot.2.Mybrotheralwaystoletme myfavoriteTVshow.3.Ifeeland.1.Maybeyoucoulddomorearoundthehouse.2.Whydontyoudownand1.1.withyourbrother?3.Youllfeelifyoutalktoothers.fightfightrefusesrefuseswatchwatchlonelylonelynervousnervo

6、usjobsjobssitsitcommunicatecommunicatebetterbetter探究三探究三 读读3a的的4个句子个句子,斜体部分与方框中哪个词汇同义呢斜体部分与方框中哪个词汇同义呢?请写在横线上。请写在横线上。talkdoesntallowworriedgetalongwith(1)MyproblemisIcantgetonwithmyfamily.(2)MybrotheralwaysrefusestoletmewatchmyfavoriteTVshow.(3)AthomeIalwaysfeellonelyandnervous.(4)Whydontyousitdownan

7、dcommunicatewithyourbrother?get along withget along withdoesndoesnt allowt allowworriedworriedtalktalk 谈论本课时个人在家庭中的问题小结谈论本课时个人在家庭中的问题小结Mysisterlooksthroughmythings.我姐姐翻看我的东西。我姐姐翻看我的东西。Mysistertakessomeofmymagazines.我姐姐拿走了我的一些杂我姐姐拿走了我的一些杂志。志。Icantgetonwithmyfamily.我与我的家人相处得不好。我与我的家人相处得不好。Myparentsfightalot.我父母经常吵架。我父母经常吵架。 MybrotherrefusestoletmewatchmyfavoriteTVshow.我哥哥不我哥哥不准我看我最喜欢的电视节目。准我看我最喜欢的电视节目。



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