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1、Self-introductionMs.Huang The summer holiday when we can sitaround and do what we enjoy is gone.The tough school life is coming.From now on, we have no alternativebut to focus all attention on study in order to achieve our goals and dreams.Goals in this termGoals in this term 目标:夯实目标:夯实(consolidate)

2、(consolidate)基础基础 , 提高能力提高能力, , 取得巨大进步取得巨大进步. . How to make our goals come true?How to make our goals come true?1. Memorize as many English words as you can.(memorizewords-usethewordsreviewthewords . about10-20wordsaday.)2.GraspbasicEnglishgrammar.(Bymemorizinggrammarrulesanddoingexercisestoconsolid


4、h.Weareboundtomeetwithavarietyofdifficulties. confidence persistence (坚持不懈;毅力) hard work If you think you can ,you can.Nothing can take the place of persistence.No pains, no gainsTask 1: Suppose A to Z stand for 1 to 26, can you sum up the following letters?lHARDWORK lKNOWLEDGElATTITUDESelf-learning

5、 contents:Discussion:What do you think of the results?ATTITUDE A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%It is OUR ATTITUDE towards Life and Work that makes OUR Life 100% ! ! !Its your attitude!lLife is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. So how can we change a bad attitude? Change

6、Your Attitude And You Change Your Life ! ! !And You Change Your Life ! ! !n今天我背单词了吗?今天我背单词了吗?n今天我朗读(课文)了吗?今天我朗读(课文)了吗?n今天我复习了吗?今天我复习了吗?n今天我完成作业了吗?今天我完成作业了吗?n今天我阅读了吗?今天我阅读了吗?n今天我听录音了吗?今天我听录音了吗?目标:目标: 一本一本 130130分分,二本二本 110 110 分,分, 大专大专 9090分分措施措施: 第一卷集中于第一卷集中于阅读理解阅读理解 第二卷集中第二卷集中于书面表达于书面表达 得阅读者得天下!得阅

7、读者得天下!全年复习时间安排全年复习时间安排l一轮一轮:2015年年8月月-2016年年2月月基础知识的巩固和疏理,基础词汇基础知识的巩固和疏理,基础词汇的记忆和运用,阅读技巧的掌握。的记忆和运用,阅读技巧的掌握。l二轮二轮 2月月- 4月底月底专项训练和提高,词汇二轮复习专项训练和提高,词汇二轮复习l三轮三轮 4月底月底- 5月底月底模拟训练模拟训练 ,拔高提升,拔高提升具体要求具体要求:l1.做好课前准备(随堂练习本,做好课前准备(随堂练习本,课本,资料,词典等准备齐全)课本,资料,词典等准备齐全)l2.准备听写本,课堂笔记本,积准备听写本,课堂笔记本,积累本累本(自己再添加要求)自己再添

8、加要求)l3.红笔(自己再添加要求)红笔(自己再添加要求)各项能力要求各项能力要求l词汇量:识记词汇量:识记3500词汇和短语词汇和短语 熟练掌握运用(写作):熟练掌握运用(写作):1000词汇和短语词汇和短语2017届高三英语备考策略:届高三英语备考策略:八多八少:八多八少:一、一、 多听老师的,少自作主张多听老师的,少自作主张 二、二、 多用碎时间,少搞大突击多用碎时间,少搞大突击 三、三、 多接触英语,少钻研语法多接触英语,少钻研语法 四、四、 多做高考题,少抠模拟题多做高考题,少抠模拟题 五、五、 多攻多攻词汇表词汇表,少记课外词,少记课外词 六、六、 多做一般题,少钻研难题多做一般题

9、,少钻研难题 七、七、 多阅读完形,少做单选题多阅读完形,少做单选题 八、八、 多背好用法,少问为什么多背好用法,少问为什么 l英语的所有问题英语的所有问题-单词单词问题:问题: 10天天任务:任务: (1) 背诵背诵 242个单词个单词 (2) 五大基本句型五大基本句型 (3) 阅读训练阅读训练Learning requirements or tipsLearning requirements or tips:1.MemorizeasmanyEnglishwordsasyoucan.(memorize words -use the wordsreview the words :go over

10、 the words as many times as possible in a certain time.)2.GraspbasicEnglishgrammar.(By memorizing grammar rules and doing exercises to consolidate it.) 3.Betteryourears.(by listening more and training more.)4.Improve your reading comprehension.(You should read two or three short (You should read two

11、 or three short articles every day.)articles every day.)5. Writing Prepare a note book . Write one or two sentences a day. You can also sort your articles.confidence hard work persistenceIfyouthinkyoucan,youcan.Nothingcantaketheplaceofpersistence.Nopains,nogainsA Better University is waiting for A B

12、etter University is waiting for us!us!LetLets gather there by working s gather there by working hard!hard!Lets work hard together, I believe we can achieve the goals we set. 师师生生协协作作,实实现现梦梦想想DreamsHoldfasttodreamsForifdreamsdieLifeisabroken-wingedbirdThatcanneverflyHoldfasttodreamsForwhendreamsgoLifeisabarrenfieldFrozenonlywithsnow梦想梦想紧紧抓住梦想紧紧抓住梦想梦想若是消亡梦想若是消亡生命就象鸟儿折了翅膀生命就象鸟儿折了翅膀再也不能飞翔再也不能飞翔紧紧抓住梦想紧紧抓住梦想梦想若是消丧梦想若是消丧生命就象贫瘠的荒野生命就象贫瘠的荒野雪覆冰封,万物不再生长雪覆冰封,万物不再生长



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