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1、 重点短语 1 1以后;随后以后;随后_ _2 2害怕害怕/ /不敢去做某事不敢去做某事_ _3 3嘲笑嘲笑_ _4 4做笔记;做记录做笔记;做记录_ _5 5查阅;查找查阅;查找_ _6 6编造;组成;拼凑成编造;组成;拼凑成_ _7 7处理;应付处理;应付_ _8 8对对感到生气感到生气_ _9 9( (指时间指时间) )过去;消逝过去;消逝_later on be afraid to do laugh at take notes look up make up deal with be angry with go by 1010尽力做尽力做_ _ _ 1111突然中止;中断突然中止;中断

2、_ _1212参加小组学习参加小组学习_ _ _ 1313因因很兴奋很兴奋( (很激动很激动)_)_ _ 1414以以而告终而告终_ _ _ 1515做关于做关于的调查的调查_ _ _ 1616犯错误犯错误_ _1717在在方面有困难方面有困难_ _1818写下;记下写下;记下_ _1919把把看作看作 _2020在在的帮助下的帮助下_ _try ones best break off study with a group be/get excited about sth. end updo/make a survey Make mistakeshave difficulty in doing

3、 sth Write down regardas with the help of .单项填空( )1. Will you please show me how to do the roleplay exercise? Sure. Now let me tell you _ first. Awhich to do Bhow to do Cwhen to do Dwhat to do DA( )2. _do you tell him about the event? By_email. AHow; sending BHow; send CWhat; sending DWhat; send( )3

4、. She has a good singing_. It_very beautiful Asound; sounds Bvoice; voices Csound; voices Dvoice; sounds( )4. If you dont know the word, you can _ in the dictionary. Alook it after Blook it up Clook for it Dlook at it ( )5. _ is really hard _ them to climb Mount Tai. AThis; to BIt; for CThis; for DI

5、t; to DBB ( )6. She had trouble _ the foreigner. AUnderstand Bunderstood Cto understand Dunderstanding ( )7. Last year my sister tried to lose weight(减减肥肥), but _ putting weight back on. Acut up Blooked up Cended up Dmade up ( )8. Why _ join an English language club to practice speaking English? Ano

6、t to Bnot you Cdont Ddont youDCD ( )9. Tom finds watching English movies_ because the people speak too fast. Afrustrated BfrustratingCfrustrate Dfrustration 10. What about _ to practice English?Aread loudly Breading aloudCread loud Dreading lou11. Did you find _very interesting to play soccer? Athis

7、 Bits Cthat DitBBD( )12. I hope you dont mind my pointing out your mistakes. _ AThats all right. BYoure welcome. COf course not. DIts a pleasure.( )13. Paul is talented at piano. He _ to play it well when he was four years old. Acan B. could Cis able D. was ableCD( )14. No matter what happens, the d

8、octors will do _ best _ the sick person. Athey; help Bthey; to help Ctheir; help Dtheir; to help( )15. Dont _; try again, Maybe you will be successful soon. Aget up Bgive up Cpick up Dlook upBD( )1. We have to_ourselves when we are away from home. A. look at B. look for C. look up D. look after易错点针对

9、训练 解析解析 考查词语辨析。考查词语辨析。 look atlook at意为意为“看看”; look forlook for意为意为“寻找寻找”; look uplook up意为意为“向上看,查阅向上看,查阅”; look afterlook after意为意为“照料,照看照料,照看”。句意为:当我们离开家的。句意为:当我们离开家的时候我们必须照顾好自己。时候我们必须照顾好自己。D ( )2. 1 think _ very important for students to study by themselves in the school or at home. A. it B. thi

10、s C. thatA 解析解析 it it 做的是形式宾语,做的是形式宾语,“to to studystudy”不定式为真正的宾语,故选不定式为真正的宾语,故选A A。 重点短语 1 1过去常常;以前常常过去常常;以前常常_2 2非常害怕的;极度恐惧的非常害怕的;极度恐惧的_3 3入睡入睡_4 4最后;终于最后;终于_5 5做决定;下决心做决定;下决心_6 6令某人惊奇的是令某人惊奇的是_把下面的短语译成英语used tobe terrified ofgo to sleepin the endmake a decisionto ones surprise7 7即使;纵然;尽管即使;纵然;尽管_

11、8 8不再;已不不再;已不_9 9对对感到自豪感到自豪_1010对对注意;留心注意;留心_1111放弃放弃_1212陷入困境陷入困境_even thoughno longertake pride inpay attention togive upget into trouble能力提升训练.单项填空单项填空( )1. Would you like to play computer games with me? Sorry. I have _playing them. Amade up Bgiven up Cpicked up Dgot up( )2. The old man lives_but

12、 he never feels_. Aalone;alone Blonely;lonely Clonely;alone Dalone;lonelyBD( )3.Lucy and her brother are from Australia,arent they? _.Theyre from Canada. ANo,they arent BYes,they are CYes,they do DNo,they dont( )4. What can Bill and Cindy do? Bill can play _ soccer and Cindy can play _piano. Athe; t

13、he B/; / Cthe; / D/; theD A ( )5. Are you afraid of the dark Yes,I often sleep_my bedroom light_. Awith; on Bof; in Cfor; at Dto; on ( )6. Do you often help your cousin with his English? No,he learns English by_. Ahimself ByourselfCherself Dmyself ( )7. Is Alex a_boy? Yes,you are rightAthirteen year

14、s old Bthirteenyearsol Cthirteen year old DthirteenyearoldAAD ( ) 8. Does your sister do her homework every day? She_three hours doing it every day. Acosts Bspends Ctakes Dpays( )9. How do you often go to school? I_take a bus,but now I_walking. Aused to; used to Bwas used to; am used to Cused to; am

15、 used to Dam used to; used toBC( )10. Whats Davids job? He is a professional player. Hes_ a football team. Aon Bby Cat Dwith( )11. It was my _ birthday yesterday, I am an adult now. Atwenty Btwentieth Cthe twenty Dthe twentieth( )12. The mountain is too tall. _ people can reach the top of it. AFew B

16、A few CLittle DA littleABA( )1. I dont have any close friends here. I feel _ from time to time. A. alone B. happy C. lonely D. proud易错点针对训练 解析解析 本题考查词义辨析。本题考查词义辨析。 alonealone意为意为“独自的独自的”, 侧侧重说明独自一人,没有感情色彩,只表示客观的状态;重说明独自一人,没有感情色彩,只表示客观的状态;happyhappy意意为为“高兴的;幸福的高兴的;幸福的”;lonely lonely 意为意为“寂寞的寂寞的” 表示主观

17、上表示主观上感到孤独、寂寞,指因缺少朋友、同情、友谊等产生的一种悲感到孤独、寂寞,指因缺少朋友、同情、友谊等产生的一种悲伤和忧郁的感情;伤和忧郁的感情;proudproud意为意为“自豪的自豪的”。句意为:我这儿没有。句意为:我这儿没有任何亲密的朋友。我有时感觉很任何亲密的朋友。我有时感觉很。由语境可知选。由语境可知选C C。C ( )2. You come from England, dont you? _. How do you know that? A. No, I do B. No, I dont C. Yes, I am D. Yes, I doD 解析解析 考查反意疑问句的用法。这

18、是考查反意疑问句的用法。这是“前肯后否前肯后否”的的反意疑问句,由答语句意反意疑问句,由答语句意“你怎么知道的?你怎么知道的?”可推断答语可推断答语为肯定回答,排除为肯定回答,排除A A和和B B;又因为答语的时态和助动词要与;又因为答语的时态和助动词要与上述疑问句相一致,故选上述疑问句相一致,故选D D。( )3. Mr Wangs never been to Canada, has he? _. He went there on business last week.A. No, he hasn B. Yes, he has C. No, he has D. Yes, he hasntB

19、解析解析 考查反意疑问句。这是考查反意疑问句。这是“前否后肯前否后肯”的反意疑问句,的反意疑问句,反意疑问句的答语要根据事实来回答。由答语反意疑问句的答语要根据事实来回答。由答语“He went there He went there on business last week.on business last week.”可知他去过,故可知他去过,故选选B B。( )4. You like listening to Sallys songs, dont you? _. She has a sweet voice. A. Yes. I do B. Yes, she does C. No, 1

20、dont D. No, she doesntA 解析解析 考查反意疑问句。这是个考查反意疑问句。这是个“前肯后否前肯后否”的反意的反意疑问句,根据疑问句,根据“她的声音很甜美。她的声音很甜美。”可知,喜欢听可知,喜欢听SallySally的歌,与上文事实相符,故选的歌,与上文事实相符,故选A A。 重点短语 1 1代替;而不是代替;而不是_2 2打耳孔打耳孔_3 3不睡觉;熬夜不睡觉;熬夜_4 4前几天前几天_5 5全神贯注;专心于全神贯注;专心于_6 6目前;现在目前;现在_7 7对对有好处有好处_8 8养老院养老院_把下面的短语译成英语instead ofget ones ears pie

21、rcedstay upthe other dayconcentrate onat presentbe good forold peoples home9 9挡道的;妨碍人的挡道的;妨碍人的_1010担心;关心担心;关心_1111参加考试参加考试_1212考试不及格考试不及格_1313通过考试通过考试_1414对某人严格要求对某人严格要求_1515彻底打扫彻底打扫_1616认真对待认真对待_in the waycare abouttake a testfail a testpass a testbe strict with sbclean upbe serious about.单项填空单项填空(

22、 )1. Sixteenyearolds shouldnt _ to go to an Internet bar. Abe allowed Bbe allow Callow Dare allowed ( )2. Many students will be _ if the class is boring. Asleep Bsleepy Csleeping DsleptBA( )3. I think teenagers shouldnt be allowed to smoke. I agree _ you. Awith Bon Cabout Dfor( )4. All the boys succ

23、eeded_ the English examination. Apass Bto pass Cpassing Don passing( )5. He has been sixteen years old already, so you_worry about him. Acant Bneednt C. mustnt C AB ( )6. He is not _ when he drives. Its dangerous. Aserious enough Bcarefully enough Cenough serious Denough careful( )7. After he got ho

24、me,he had a good rest _ his homework. Ainstead do Binstead to do Cinstead of do Dinstead of doing( )8. You shouldnt _ until 12:00 pm. Its bad for your health. Acome up Bstay up Cstand up Dput upA DB( )9. The others are sleeping ( )9. The others are sleeping now.Couldnow.Could you you please turn you

25、r radio _a little?please turn your radio _a little? A Aon Bon Boffoff C Cup Dup Ddowndown( )10.My father is very strict _us, and he ( )10.My father is very strict _us, and he is also strict _his work.is also strict _his work. A Ato; in Bto; in Bon; withon; with C Cwith; in Dwith; in Din; onin; onD C

26、( )1. I have changed my job. _. A. So do I B. So have I C. So I do D. So I have易错点针对训练 解析解析 考查倒装句。答句意为:我也换了工作,上句考查倒装句。答句意为:我也换了工作,上句是由是由havehave构成的完成时态,因此答句由构成的完成时态,因此答句由have/ hashave/ has构成完全构成完全倒装句,故选倒装句,故选B B。B ( )2. I havent seen the film Pirates of the Caribbean: On stranger Tides. _ A. Neither

27、 have I B. So have I C. Neither I have D. So I haveA 解析解析 考查倒装句。考查倒装句。 “NeitherNeither系动词系动词( (助动词或情态动词助动词或情态动词) )主语主语”表达否定的意思,意为表达否定的意思,意为“另一者也不另一者也不”。SoSo系动词系动词( (助动词或情态动词助动词或情态动词) )主语,表示主语,表示 “另一者也另一者也”。根据句意。根据句意“我从没看过电影我从没看过电影加勒比海盗:惊涛怪浪加勒比海盗:惊涛怪浪”可知,答语为可知,答语为“我也没我也没看过看过”,故选,故选A A。( )3. If you wa

28、nt to go to see the movie this evening, so _ I. A. do B. am C. will D. shouldC 解析解析 考查以考查以soso开头的倒装句。表示开头的倒装句。表示“前者前者,后者也,后者也”。要用。要用“soso系动词系动词be/be/助动词助动词/ /情态动词主语情态动词主语”结构。连词结构。连词ifif引导从句表示引导从句表示“如果如果”时,主语要用将来时,故此处要用时,主语要用将来时,故此处要用willwill。故。故选选C C。( )4. My brother and I will go to the library tomorrow. _. Shall we go together? A. So I do B. So do I C. So will I D. So I willC 解析解析 考查倒装句。考查倒装句。“soso助动助动词主语词主语”表示表示“某人也是某人也是”。答语。答语时态要与问句保持一致,故选时态要与问句保持一致,故选C C。



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